Any disadvantages of using Qt visual studio addon [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am just starting to learn how to use Qt in C++. They have a option to use a standalone Qt creator as well as an addon for Visual Studio. I have Visual Studio Community 2015.
The question is, is there any disadvantages of using the addon for Visual Studio over just coding in Qt creator?

UPDATE: How do i use Qt in my Visual Studio 2015 projects?
It seems the below is a bit outdated already considering using Qt extension for VS2015. But I have not personally tried myself yet and suspect Qt Creator still have its advantage as below.
The advantages of Qt Visual Studio Add-In:
It lets us to use better debugger from Visual Studio while working with Qt project
It lets us to easily do the remote debugging by running the executable on other system or VM
Many developers used to Visual Studio
The disadvantages of Qt Visual Studio Add-In:
Very unreliable project import, makes us to fix things manually. And not all add-in versions are good: we still use 1.2.3 because of that
Not convenient with adding file to the project etc. We usually add to and then re-import the project from Qt .pro file
Visual Studio builds the code much slower than Qt Creator does (roughly the proportion between nmake and jom tools, jom parallelizes the build)
Visual Studio must be higher than Express (e.g. Ultimate)
The Qt Visual Studio Add-in allows programmers to create, build, debug
and run Qt applications from within non-Express versions of Microsoft
Visual Studio 2008, 2010, and 2012 (*newer versions also covered).
The rest of advantages and disadvantages can be considered individual developer preferences. I like Qt Creator for its ability to quickly find any definition under the cursor (press Ctrl and hover the mouse cursor and select) while MS Visual Studio does that but not as easy and surprisingly too frequently fails to find the definition (they fix it for years and maintain huge index files for the source code while Qt Creator does not build such files).
And for me the main disadvantage of Qt Creator is CDB from Windows SDK or maybe another external one vs. way better debugger in Visual Studio including remote. So I debug complex issues with Visual Studio but I write the code and quickly test it with Qt Creator.


how to setup Visual Studio Code for c++ for windows? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I set up Visual Studio Code to compile C++ code?
(14 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
So my teacher is wants the class to install C++, and I don't know how to do it. Please help me set it up in Visual Studio Code because it's the IDE I'm most familiar with. Please explain it in the simplest way possible.
I tried installing vscode and c++ extension but library files are missing
If you are going to edit and execute on Windows, you have to install either Visual Studio regardless or g++ under MinGW. These instructions are very detailed:
To configure VSCode with MS compiler:
To configure VSCode with gcc on Windows:
Another alternative that I recommend is to use Windows WSL which is like a Linux inside Windows.
Then install the C++ extensions for VSCode.
Then I recommend you install cmake for Windows. Although the tutorials will teach you how to build a single file, you will need more for large projects.
Create a CMakeLists.txt and then use the cmake-gui to create the Visual Studio project files. All this is outside Visual Studio Code.
To build from inside VSCode I found it particularly cumbersome. I'd rather Alt-Tab and build the project manually by either calling 'make' or building inside Visual Studio. But it's your preference.
But if you are editing on Windows and running on Windows, I'd strongly suggest to run inside Visual Studio itself. Not only you will have way more support for your questions but also the Visual Studio debugger is arguably the best in the market.

Can I use Qt visual studio tools for comercial projects?

I understand that I can work on closed source projects using Qt as long as I link dynamically the Qt libraries and don't include them in the release version of my app.
My question is, if I use Qt visual studio tools, would it compile it including the Qt libraries on my release? if so, how could I make use of Qt libraries in visual studio?
Also I guess another question would be, if I use the Qt IDE's like Qt Design studio can I compile my app so that it links the Qt framework dynamically?
This dialog in the installer has the answers to all your questions. So, with these limitations in this wizard, you can use the open source version of Qt in your project.
And yes, you can of course link against Qt dynamically either in qmake or cmake.
All these common and popular IDEs support cmake, like Visual Studio or QtCreator, so you should not worry about using Qt in these IDEs.

C++ Setup For VS Code [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I set up Visual Studio Code to compile C++ code?
(14 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
So my teacher is wants the class to install C++, and I don't know how to do it. Please help me set it up in Visual Studio Code because it's the IDE I'm most familiar with. Please explain it in the simplest way possible.
If you are going to edit and execute on Windows, you have to install either Visual Studio regardless or g++ under MinGW. These instructions are very detailed:
To configure VSCode with MS compiler:
To configure VSCode with gcc on Windows:
Another alternative that I recommend is to use Windows WSL which is like a Linux inside Windows.
Then install the C++ extensions for VSCode.
Then I recommend you install cmake for Windows. Although the tutorials will teach you how to build a single file, you will need more for large projects.
Create a CMakeLists.txt and then use the cmake-gui to create the Visual Studio project files. All this is outside Visual Studio Code.
To build from inside VSCode I found it particularly cumbersome. I'd rather Alt-Tab and build the project manually by either calling 'make' or building inside Visual Studio. But it's your preference.
But if you are editing on Windows and running on Windows, I'd strongly suggest to run inside Visual Studio itself. Not only you will have way more support for your questions but also the Visual Studio debugger is arguably the best in the market.

Building QT with Visual Studio

I know there have been a few questions before regarding this, but not too much up to date.
I am developing a project with Visual Studio 2015 express edition and I wish to add a GUI to my project via QT.
The latest version of QT (5.8.0) has a VS 2015 version, so I assume it is compiled using Visual Studio instead of MinGw.
Sorry if this is a very noob question. I have no experience with QT, but how do I then integrate my QT project into my VS project, do I build the GUI code first in QT?
If I will create a GUI using the .ui file in QT and then generate the source code for this, can I just copy the source code to my VS Project. I assume I have to configure the project file in VS as how will VS know where to find the dlls and header files for QT? Thanks in advance
You need the VS Tools for Qt. They work with >= Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition.
You can get them here and all information about how to use them.
Qt VS Tools integrate the Qt development tools into Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, and later. This enables developers to use the standard Windows development environment without having to worry about Qt-related build steps or tools.
The main features of Qt VS Tools are:
Wizards for creating new Qt projects and classes.
Automated build setup for the Meta-Object Compiler (moc), User Interface Compiler (uic), and Resource Compiler (rcc).
Import and export of Qt project files (.pro) and project include files (.pri).
*Automated conversion of a Qt VS Tools project to a qmake project, or the other way around.
Integrated Qt resource management.
Integrated Qt documentation.
Debugging extensions for Qt data types.

Is Qt Visual Studio add-in a subset of Qt Visual Studio integration? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the difference in the Visual Studio integration tools for Qt?
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Qt software recently released Qt Visual Studio Add-in. Does anybody know, is it a subset of Visual Studio Integration, or is there included something new? Anyone tried both?
It is a full replacement.
There is no need to use the (commercial) Visual Studio Integration.
I highly recommend switching to the new Qt Visual Studio Add-in, which finally is available as version 1.0.
Full replacement.
The only difference I noticed was that the Qt Designer opens in a new Window for the Open Source (LGPL/GPL) version. In a commercial license version the Qt Designer should be completely integrated.
It's a replacement, but a bit different. (It knows about precompiled headers! Finally!)