Call to method ends up in completely different one - c++

I have a strange problem which appears in wxWidgets libraries and which can be reproduced easily in debugger. It does not seem to be wxWidgets-specific, so I'm asking this here.
I perform some kind of non-standard initialisation. During this initialisation a method wxAppBase::Initialize() is called. wxAppBase is the base class of my own App-class. Within wxAppBase::Initialize() an other method OnInitGui() is called, this method exists in wxAppBase as well as in my derived class.
And here is the problem: In Debug Build, everthing works well, OnInitGui() is executed as expected. But in Release-build I never reach OnInitGui() method but end up in a completely different one which does not have anything to do with OnInitGui(). So it seems an illegal jump is performed.
All pointers seem to be valid and this happens in wxWidgets library completely.
Anybody an idea what could cause such a behaviour and how one could fix this?
Every hint/idea/suggestion is welcome.

This looks like a bad build. Clean everything and rebuild both the library and your application using exactly the same compiler and compiler options and the problem will probably just disappear.


C++ What could cause a line of code in one place to change behavior in an unrelated function?

Consider this mock-up of my situation.
in an external header:
class ThirdPartyObject
my code: (spread among a few headers and source files)
class ThirdPartyObjectWrapper
ThirdPartyObject myObject;
class Owner
Owner() {}
void initialize();
ThirdPartyObjectWrapper myWrappedObject;
void Owner::initialize()
//not weird:
//ThirdPartyObjectWrapper testWrappedObject;
//ThirdPartyObject testObject;
ThirdPartyObject is, naturally, an object defined by a third party (static precompiled) library I'm using. ThirdPartyObjectWrapper is a convenience class that eliminates a lot of boiler-plating for working with ThirdPartyObject. Owner::initialize() is called shortly after an instance of Owner is created.
Notice the two lines I have labeled as "weird" and "not weird" in Owner::initialize(). All I'm doing here is creating a couple of objects on the stack with their default constructors. I don't do anything with those objects and they get destroyed when they leave scope. There are no build or linker errors involved, I can uncomment either or both lines and the code will build.
However, if I uncomment "weird" then I get a segmentation fault, and (here's why I say it's weird) it's in a completely unrelated location. Not in the constructor of testObject, like you might expect, but in the constructor of Owner::myObjectWrapper::myObject. The weird line never even gets called, but somehow its presence or absence consistently changes the behavior of an unrelated function in a static library.
And consider that if I only uncomment "not weird" then it runs fine, executing the ThirdPartyObject constructor twice with no problems.
I've been working with C++ for a year so it's not really a surprise to me that something like this would be able happen, but I've about reached the limit of my ability to figure out how this gotcha is happening. I need the input of people with significantly more C++ experience than me.
What are some possibilities that could cause this to happen? What might be going on here?
Also, note, I'm not asking for advice on how to get rid of the segfault. Segfaults I understand, I suspect it's a simple race condition. What I don't understand is the behavior gotcha so that's the only thing I'm trying to get answers for.
My best lead is that it has to do with headers and macros. The third party library actually already has a couple of gotchas having to do with its headers and macros, for example the code won't build if you put your #include's in the wrong order. I'm not changing any #include's so strictly this still wouldn't make sense, but perhaps the compiler is optimizing includes based on the presence of a symbol here? (it would be the only mention of ThirdPartyObject in the file)
It also occurs to me that because I am using Qt, it could be that the Meta-Object Compiler (which generates supplementary code between compilations) might be involved in this. Very unlikely, as Qt has no knowledge of the third party library where the segfault is happening and this is not actually relevant to the functionality of the MOC (since at no point ThirdPartyObject is being passed as an argument), but it's worth investigating at least.
Related questions have suggested that it could be a relatively small buffer overflow or race condition that gets tripped up by compiler optimizations. Continuing to investigate but all leads are welcome.
Typical culprits:
Some build products are stale and not binary-compatible.
You have a memory bug that has corrupted the state of your process, and are seeing a manifestation of that in a completely unrelated location.
Fixing #1 is trivial: delete the build folder and build again. If you're not building in a shadow build folder, you've set yourself up for failure, hopefully you now know enough to stop :)
Fixing #2 is not trivial. View manual memory management and possible buffer overflows with suspicion. Use modern C++ programming techniques to leverage the compiler to help you out: store things by value, use containers, use smart pointers, and use iterators and range-for instead of pointers. Don't use C-style arrays. Abhor C-style APIs of the (Type * array, int count) kind - they don't belong in C++.
What fun. I've boiled this down to the bottom.
//#include <otherthirdpartyheader.h>
#include <thirdpartyobject.h>
int main(...)
ThirdPartyObject test;
return 0;
This code runs. If I uncomment the first include, delete all build artifacts, and build again, then it breaks. There's obviously a header/macro component, and probably some kind of compiler-optimization component. But, get this, according to the library documentation it should give me a segfault every time because I haven't been doing a required initialization step. So the fact that it runs at all indicates unexpected behavior.
I'm chalking this up to library-specific issues rather than broad spectrum C++ issues. I'll be contacting the vendor going forward from here, but thanks everyone for the help.

How to catch up specific method calls in a kind of logging mechanism

I'm implementing a logger for an OpenGL application ( the only reason I'm mentioning it is that it runs in a loop ). I'd like to somehow log every method call or some group of method calls of some classes, every time they are called.
My initial approach was to place the required logger function call in all the methods ( which actually kind of works like comments :) ) but I got really tired of it really fast, so I started looking for a more effective way. I searched google for some time, but since I don't really know what I'm looking for, I ran out of ideas.
The best thing for my case would be some kind of magical method, that would be called every time I invoked any other class method, idealy with name and params string as a parameter for this method. ( kind of PHP - like magic method __call() - but that one works only if method is not defined ). I don't know what I am looking for, if something like that even exists, and if it does, what do we call it?
my logging works on macros, so no worries for performance there :)
#define log_init() logInit()
#define log_write(a,b) writeToLog(to_str(a), to_str(b))
#define log_init()
#define log_write(a,b)
( And if there's a nicer way to do this, let me know, please :) )
Thank you!
1st I have to re-cite my co-answerer Filip here
C++ doesn't have this kind of "magical method", so you are stuck with explicitly stating a function call inside every member-function, if you'd like one to be made.
Such stuff is implemented as compiler specific features like the GCC profiling. There will be code generated to track for function calls, their parameters, and where these actually were called from and how often.
The general usage is to compile and link your code with special compiler flags that will generate this code. When your code is run, this information will be stored along specific kind of databases, that can be analyzed with a separate tool after running (as e.g. gprof for the GCC toolchain).
A similar tooling suite is used for retrieving code coverage of certain program runs (e.g. testsuites for your code): gcov A Test Coverage Program
C++ doesn't have this kind of "magical method", so you are stuck with explicitly stating a function call inside every member-function, if you'd like one to be made.
You could instead use a debugger to track the calls made, the program you've written shouldn't have to be responsible for questions such as "what code is called, when and with what?"; that's the exact question a profiler, or a debugger, was made to answer.

Crash on fp-assignment in constructor [C++]

I have a pretty weird 'crash' at a customer's computer. Using logs I was able to track it to this line of code:
myvar = 1; //This 'crashes'. myvar is declared as 'double'
The code is obviously okay. But myvar is a member variable of a class. And there is a global instance of this variable and line of code is in the constructor. So it's executed before main(). Not good style, I know...
My questions:
- Is it allowed to use float/double before main()?
- Is there some kind of "InitFloatSystem()" function that I could call?
Some more info:
- It's a Win32 / C++
- There's no crash message, the program just closes
- try/catch doesn't help
I'm really out of ideas...
Finally, finally found the problem. It's an issue of Visual Studio 2012. I found at the Microsoft website, even though they reported different side effects:
My guess is that the compiler now uses by default processor features that aren't available on some old processors. Using this compiler option magically fixed it:
Unless your binary is corrupted there is no way a simple assignment should be causing a crash - unless you've overloaded the assignment operator?
What's more than likely is that you've corrupted the heap, or invoked undefined behaviour some where and what you've tracked down is just a side effect of this.
Application Verifier is quite handy on windows for helping track down these sorts of things:
But.. its by no means simple to track down the real cause of these sorts of bugs, highest warning levels, warnings as errors and static code checkers help to keep majority of these issues at bay.

Segmentation fault when adding a vector. (C++)

So I've got a pretty basic class that has a few methods and some class variables. Everythings working great up until I add a vector to the member variables in the header file:
std::vector <std::string> vectorofstuff;
If all I do is add this line then my program run perfectly but at the end, after all the output is there, I get a message about a seg fault.
My first guess is that I need to call the destructor on the vector, but that didn't seem to work. Plus my understanding is I don't need to call the destructor unless I use the word 'new'.
Any pushes in the right direction? Thanks bunches!
I guess the following either happened to you, or it was something similar involving unrealised dependencies/headers. Either way, I hope this answer might show up on Google and help some later, extremely confused programmer figure out why they're suddenly observing arbitrary crashes.
So, from experience, this can happen if you compile a new version of SomeObject.o but accidentally have another object file #include an old version of SomeObject.hpp. This leads to corruption, which'll be caused by the compiler referring to outdated member offsets, etc. Sometimes this mostly works and only produces segfaults when destructing objects - either related or seemingly distant ones - and other times the program segfaults right away or somewhere in-between; I've seen several permutations (regrettably!).
For anyone wondering why this can happen, maybe this is just a reflection of how little sleep I get while programming, but I've encountered this pattern in the context of Git submodules, e.g.:
/ GuiSubmodule
/ HelperSubmodule
/ / GuiSubmodule
If (A) you have a new commit in GuiSubmodule, which has not yet been pulled into HelperSubmodule's copy, (B) your makefile compiles MyRepo/uiSubmodule/SomeObject.o, and (C) another translation unit - either in a submodule or in the main repo via the perils of #include - links against an older version of SomeObject.hpp that has a different class layout... You're in for a fun time, and a lot of chasing red herrings until you finally realise the simple mistake.
Since I had cobbled together my build process from scratch, I might've just not been using Git/make properly - or strictly enough (forgetting to push/pull all submodules). Probably the latter! I see fewer odd bugs nowadays at least :)
You are probably corrupting the memory of the vectorofstuff member somewhere within your class. When the class destructor is called the destructor of the vector is called as well, which would try to point and/or delete to invalid memory.
I was fooling around with it and decided to, just to be sure, do an rm on everything and recompile. And guess what? That fixed it. I have no idea why, in the makefile I do this anyway, but whatever, I'm just glad I can move on and continue working on it. Thanks so much for all the help!

Virtual methods chaos, how can I find what causes that?

A colleague of mine had a problem with some C++ code today. He was debugging the weird behaviour of an object's virtual method. Whenever the method executed ( under debug, Visual Studio 2005 ), everything went wrong, and the debugger wouldn't step in that method, but in the object's destructor! Also, the virtual table of the object, only listed it's destructor, no other methods.
I haven't seen this behaviour before, and a runtime error was printed, saying something about the ESP register. I wish I could give you the right error message, but I don't remember it correctly now.
Anyway, have any of you guys ever encountered that? What could cause such behaviour? How would that be fixed? We tried to rebuild the project many times, restarted the IDE, nothing helped. We also used the _CrtCheckMemory function before that method call to make sure the memory was in a good state, and it returned true ( which means ok ) . I have no more ideas. Do you?
I've seen that before. Generally it occurs because I'm using a class from a Release built .LIB file while I'm in Debug mode. Someone else probably has seen a better example and I'd yield my answer to their answer.
Maybe you use C-style casts where a static_cast<> is required? This may result in the kind of error you report, whenever multiple inheritance is involved, e.g.:
class Base1 {};
class Base2 {};
class Derived : public Base1, public Base2 {};
Derived *d = new Derived;
Base2* b2_1 = (Base2*)d; // wrong!
Base2* b2_2 = static_cast<Base2*>(d); // correct
assert( b2_1 == b2_2 ); // assertion may fail, because b2_1 != b2_2
Note, this may not always be the case, this depends on the compiler and on declarations of all the classes involved (it probably happens when all classes have virtual methods, but I do not have exact rules at hand).
OR: A completely different part of your code is going wild and is overwriting memory. Try to isolate the error and check if it still occurs. CrtCheckMemory will find only a few cases where you overwrite memory (e.g. when you write into specially marked heap management locations).
If you ever call a function with the wrong number of parameters, this can easily end up trashing your stack and producing undefined behaviour. I seem to recall that certain errors when using MFC could easily cause this, for example if you use the dispatch macros to point a message at a method that doesn't have the right number or type of parameters (I seem to recall that those function pointers aren't strongly checked for type). It's been probably a decade since I last encountered that particular problem, so my memory is hazy.
The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call.
This sort of behaviour is usually indicative of the calling code having been compiled with a different definition of a class or function than the code that created the particular class in question.
Is it possible that there is an different version of a component dll that is being loaded instead of the freshly built one? This can happen if you copy things as part of a post-build step or if the process is run from a different directory or changes its dll search path before doing a LoadLibrary or equivalent.
I've encountered it most often in complex projects where a class definition is changed to add, remove or change the signature of a virtual function and then an incremental build is done and not all the code that needs to be recompiled is actually recompiled. Theoretically, it could happen if some part of the program is overwriting the vptr or vtables of some polymorhpic objects but I've always found that a bad partial build is a much more likely cause.
This may 'user error', a developer deliberately tells the compiler to only build one project when others should be rebuilt, or it can be having multiple solutions or multiple projects in a solution where the dependencies are not correctly setup.
Very occasionally, Visual Studio can slip up and not get the generated dependencies correct even when the projects in a solution are correctly linked. This happens less often than Visual Studios is blamed for it.
Expunging all intermediate build files and rebuilding everything from source usually fixes the problem. Obviously for very large projects this can be a severe penalty.
Since it's guess-fest anyway, here's one from me:
You stack is messed up and _CrtCheckMemory doesn't check for that. As to why the stack is corrupted:
good old stack overflow
calling convention mismatches, which was already mentioned (I don't know, like passing a callback in the wrong calling convention to a WinAPI function; what static or dynamic libraries are you linking with?)
a line like printf("%d");