Create subdomain for each user that signs up - coldfusion

I am developing a project in Coldfusion with CFWheels MVC Framework with URL Rewriting enabled. It involves user registration and each user should be presented as instead of Moreover once I am on all child pages should work as:
... etc
which I am unable to achieve.
I have updated my DNS settings of the particular domain so that * all point to the same host. What am I still doing? I found this configuration , but I have not figured out how to implement it.

Sorry this is more of an extended comment than an answer
The code has a name of coldfusion-subdomains.cfm but it looks like something that would go into application.cfc. If you look at , it states
CF-Subdomains is a snippet of code (best used in your OnRequest Method of Application.cfc) to detect and include files from a subdirectory on your server and let it act like a subdomain.
So from here, I would go to the cfwheels documentation so see if it does anything special with OnRequest()
I don't see anything that wraps around OnRequest(), so maybe it can be used as is
You may also want to consider url re-writing instead


CFInclude vs Custom Tag vs CFC for Presentation and Security

I'm just starting out with ColdFusion OOP and I am wanting to make a DIV which shows different links to users depending on what page they are on and what login rights (role) they have. Basically a 'context' menu.
Should I put this toolbar/navigation DIV in a .cfm or .cfc file?
To reiterate; The cfm or cfc file needs to know what page the user is on and will also check what role they have. Depending on these two pieces of information it will display a set of links to the user. The role information comes from the database and stored in a SESSION variable, and to find out what page they are on I guess it could use #GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())#.
My first thought was to have a normal .cfm file, put all the presentation and logic in that file (the HTML and lots of <cfif> statements) to ensure the correct information is displayed in the DIV, and then use <cfinclude> to display it on the page. Then I started thinking maybe I should make a Custom Tag and ask the calling page to pass in the user's credentials and the #GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())# as arguments and then have that Custom Tag return all the presentational data.
Finally I guess a CFC could do the above as well, but I'd be breaking the 'rule' of having presentational and logic data in a CFC.
Any suggestions on the best practice to achieve what I'm trying to do? It will eventually serve thousands of customers so I need to make sure my solution is easy to scale.
Anything that outputs HTML to the screen should be in a .cfm file.
That being said, depending on your need, you could have methods in a CFC that generate HTML, but the method simply returns the HTML as a string.
In programming, there are very few absolutes, but here is one: You should NEVER directly output anything inside of a function or method by using output="true". Instead, whatever content is generated, it should be returned from the method.
If you will have a need to use this display element more than once, a custom tag might be the best way to go rather than an include.
I see security as being a combination of what menu items I can see and what pages can be ran.
The main security function is inside of the main session object
On the menus
I call a function called
if (session.objState.checkSecurity(Section, Item) == 1)
then ...
For page security
function setupRequest() {
if (session.objState.checkSecurity(getSection(), getItem()) == 0) {
location("#request.self#?message=LoginExpired", "no");
The particulars of what checkSecurity can do varies from application to application, but it is tied into how FW/1 works. The following security variations exist:
session.objState.checkSecurity(getSection(), getItem())
session.objState.checkSecurity(getSection(), getItem(), Identifier)
None of the presentation files know anything about security.
Rules by which I live:) :
No CF business logic in CFM files. Just use some service which will serve template and provide needed data.
navService =, url);
and later output #navService.GetNavConent()#
No direct output from CFC files, functions should always return content. For example, make one function which makes one link based on some logic, second which wraps that and returns to cfm template.
Also one more hint, avoid using application and session scopes in your services.
This makes refactoring, testing and debugging too difficult.
For session you can make session.currentUser , CurrentUser.cfc which provides all things you need. e.g. session.currentUser.isAuthorized("backend/administration") and if true, show link to backend/administration.
Same for application, if you need locale, applicaiton wide setting or some singleton, make application.applicationSettings, ApplicationSettings.cfc and use that to retrieve all info you need in cfc's.
These rules will make your application to be easier to test and debug, and really easy to migrate tomorrow on some javascript based UI like Angular or backbone.js since all th edata you need is already in CFC and theoretically you just need to put remote in CFC or make some remote facade in the middle and you're done.

making permanent changes to the path of cookies

Where can I make changes if I want to make permanent changes in cookie-path value for my website. will that be in context.xml or web.xml or will that be using newCookie.setPath() method only? The server is Tomcat 6.0. I did look online but have not found anything, to the point.
Its just that there is some problem with the session tracking and admin thinks that this requires changing path of my session cookies from /site-folder to /. Is he wrong?
It might not be something considered good programming trick, but to change the sessioncookiepath value, web-app>METAINF>context.xml file is the place. For perticulary my problem, putting following code helped: Context sessionCookiePath="" This might be due to my website structure.

How can I write a regex to match everything but a char?

I've switched in my wordpress blog from urls like this:
To shorter urls like this
Wordpress has a search engine who works like this
/blog/search/?s=how to build a website
And search for the s params.
I'm trying to use .htaccess Redirectmatch to redirect all the old urls to the search url with the title of the post as the s params.
So if the user serf to
should be redirect to
/blog/search/?s=how to build a website
I've coded this
Redirectmatch blog/\d+/\d+/\d+/(.+)$1
But this regex grap the whole string after the last / within the - symbol inside it.
In this way if a user serf to
Will be redirected to
while I want the user redireced to
/blog/search/?s=how to build a website
How can I write the regex to do this?
Yes guys, I know that this kind of urls are ugly :) But I just would know how to do it, because behind this there are some technical issues I'm trying to solve..
Please don't do this. I know it can seem tempting to go for short URLs; after all, you get things like TinyURL and such. Isn't it better to have /blog/?p=123 than /blog/2012/01/01/how-to-build-a-website?
No. It's not.
The reason is because when someone posts a link to your blog article, the longer URL means something. It tells the person how old the article is. It gives the title. It helps people find your article; after all, the URL is given a lot of weight by Google when indexing your site.
URLs used to be built for computers. Something like /blog/?p=123 is perfect for computers; it's easy to parse, it doesn't require any extra database lookups. You can write two articles named "How to Build a Website" and the blog engine doesn't have to make sure it adds a -2 on the second one. It maps easily to the actual structure of files on the server, without making up structure in the URL.
But we've realized since that URLs can be built for humans, too. The URL /blog/2012/01/01/how-to-build-a-website has a form that can be easily understood by humans. Sure, it's a bit longer to type, but all the bits you're typing are easier, and most URLs are copy'n'pasted anyway or just clicked on. It's more work for the computer, sure, but it's worth it. It makes the Internet friendlier.
So I'm sorry, but I won't help you. :)

Ember.js routing with parameters

I just played with ember routing example. It looks quite interesting. Especially if you are going to build all your application on Ember framework.
But parameters in url follows after '#'. That means you can't copy and send a link to someone if client has to login with postback (if only to set a cookie with login parameters). Is there a better option - maybe use '?' instead of '#'?
You may also have a look at Ember.Router.
There are two good start points # and
A lot of fixes have been made the last couple of days.
A brand new guide is now available #
Here is a full example courtesy of

URL Rewrite in DotNetNuke remove chunk of address (and read cookie?)

I am working on a DotNetNuke application using the iFinity URL Master module. (that may be irrelevant, as a solution may be platform independent)
What I have is a site with addresses based on language.
is the english version and
is the german version.
What I need to do is allow a user (who has already visited the site and set a cookie with their language) to be able to go to and get to if their cookie is set to english, and /de/products/towels/redtowel if it is set to german.
How would I do this?
if it was me and i didnt want to spend a lot of time programming I would look at something like this
then it could do a redirect based on the cookie - otherwise with iFinity I think you can do that sort of but not exactly. (I may be wrong on that - not a fan of iFinity url rewriter)