How many listeners are too many observer pattern? - c++

My class were inheriting from two Listeners already. And I need to add one more listener. It became something like below:
class DatabaseManager : public DatabaseChangeListener,
public PropertyChangeListener,
public RenumberListener
Should I avoid too many observers? Even though listeners are abstract classes it bothers me a bit that I am using multiple inheritance. I am curious has any one had experienced something like; because too many observers code became complex and buggy ?

The major signs of smell here are the fact that your class is called DatabaseManager (sounds like a god-object), and also the specialized tone that the interfaces have to them (e.g.RenumberListener).
There's nothing inherently wrong with supporting several event hooks, nor with multiple inheritance in and of itself. You might just need to group some interfaces into one clear one that describes what your class does, its basic right to exist, who uses it, and for what purpose.
Also note, implementing an interface is a type of functionality directed at the consumers of the class. If there's no need for generic interfaces, it's better not to have them, for otherwise you might find yourself with an interface per member function in the system at one extreme, and at the other, no clear guideline on what makes an interface and what doesn't.

If you want to reduce the number of classes, you can try to abstract away the different type of messages your listening to by creating a basic listener interface, e.g.,
virtual void onEvent(Subject * subject, Message * message) = 0;
Then you register your DatabaseManager for different type of events? This way you can still use single inheritance. I know that system like Qt etc use this for dispatching events.
But as far as I know, if your base classes (DatabaseChangeListener, PropertyChangeListener and RenumberListener) are pure abstract, you will not encounter problems with multiple inheritance.

Don't use inheritance. Implement one listener interface and use onEvent method to handle it passing event to different handlers. Subscribe your object on different event types. This way you can easily change any events and handlers without changing your DatabaseManager. Even new events doesn't require much from DatabaseManager.
Consider using something like Chain of Responsibility to make your manager class fully undependable of event types. It could use just a chain of IHandler objects, which can be injected in constructor


c++ what design will help avoid multiple inheritance when using listeners

I have larger project where many smaller classes listen to some data and in certain instances notify other classes. So i have classes like
class Calc {}
class Spotter {}
class Updater {}
and some other classes that listen to them
class Listener_1 {}
class Listener_2 {}
And the project ended up with many interfaces
class ICalcListener {
virtual void onCalcCall( ... ) {}
class ISpotterListener {
virtual void on SpotterCall( ... ) {}
And the listeners are not inheriting all the listeners and overwrite the callback where they need to react.
class Listener_1 : public ICalcListener, public ISpotterListener, ... {
virtual void onCalcCall( ... ) { doThis(); }
The design is functioning, but I am wondering if there is a better way to deal with this than Interfacing and inheriting myself to the maximum here. Mostly all I need is to register a callback.
I was poking round more and and it seems like the alternative to using interfaces is using ( I am using c11 )
1.) delegate
2.) std::function
3.) lambda function
If performance matters, but simplicity is also appreciated, what is the best way to go?
Multiple inheritance from several abstract classes with methods only is not that bad, and it works. I agree it produces a lot of "junky" code to support all the types of notifications you have.
Basically, having IXXXNotify abstract class for every event is more Java style.
I don't know exactly what your project is and how it does things, but you could try looking for these alternatives:
Stick to INotify abstract classes, but make it more generic, so they will have only one argument like Event which will carry on all required information including event type. This will reduce amount of interface classes but will introduce additional headache with switch statements on event types. This approach breaks "OOPness" of your code a bit.
Make a generic event/message bus, where again you'll have generic Event parameters and objects which interested in particular events can subscribe to them. Take a look at visitor or observer pattern and think of them in more generic way.
Use std::function as your "event handler". Drawback here is that you can only assign one handler to any given event. You can overcome this by adding a layer on top of std::function.
Take a look at existing libraries which already handle this, like Qt or boost.

Is there any way to avoid declaring virtual methods when storing (children) pointers?

I have run into an annoying problem lately, and I am not satisfied with my own workaround: I have a program that maintains a vector of pointers to a base class, and I am storing there all kind of children object-pointers. Now, each child class has methods of their own, and the main program may or not may call these methods, depending on the type of object (note though that they all heavily use common methods of the base class, so this justify inheritance).
I have found useful to have an "object identifier" to check the class type (and then either call the method or not), which is already not very beautiful, but this is not the main inconvenience. The main inconvenience is that, if I want to actually be able to call a derived class method using the base class pointer (or even just store the pointer in the pointer array), then one need to declare the derived methods as virtual in the base class.
Make sense from the C++ coding point of view.. but this is not practical in my case (from the development point of view), because I am planning to create many different children classes in different files, perhaps made by different people, and I don't want to tweak/maintain the base class each time, to add virtual methods!
How to do this? Essentially, what I am asking (I guess) is how to implement something like Objective-C NSArrays - if you send a message to an object that does not implement the method, well, nothing happens.
Instead of this:
// variant A: declare everything in the base class
void DoStuff_A(Base* b) {
if (b->TypeId() == DERIVED_1)
else if if (b->TypeId() == DERIVED_2)
or this:
// variant B: declare nothing in the base class
void DoStuff_B(Base* b) {
if (b->TypeId() == DERIVED_1)
else if if (b->TypeId() == DERIVED_2)
do this:
// variant C: declare the right thing in the base class
Note there's a single virtual function in the base per stuff that has to be done.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are more comfortable with variants A or B then with variant C, stop and rethink your design. You are coupling components too tightly and in the end it will backfire.
I am planning to create many different children classes in different
files, perhaps made by different people, and I don't want to
tweak/maintain the base class each time, to add virtual methods!
You are OK with tweaking DoStuff each time a derived class is added, but tweaking Base is a no-no. May I ask why?
If your design does not fit in either A, B or C pattern, show what you have, for clairvoyance is a rare feat these days.
You can do what you describe in C++, but not using functions. It is, by the way, kind of horrible but I suppose there might be cases in which it's a legitimate approach.
First way of doing this:
Define a function with a signature something like boost::variant parseMessage(std::string, std::vector<boost::variant>); and perhaps a string of convenience functions with common signatures on the base class and include a message lookup table on the base class which takes functors. In each class constructor add its messages to the message table and the parseMessage function then parcels off each message to the right function on the class.
It's ugly and slow but it should work.
Second way of doing this:
Define the virtual functions further down the hierarchy so if you want to add int foo(bar*); you first add a class that defines it as virtual and then ensure every class that wants to define int foo(bar*); inherit from it. You can then use dynamic_cast to ensure that the pointer you are looking at inherits from this class before trying to call int foo(bar*);. Possible these interface adding classes could be pure virtual so they can be mixed in to various points using multiple inheritance, but that may have its own problems.
This is less flexible than the first way and requires the classes that implement a function to be linked to each other. Oh, and it's still ugly.
But mostly I suggest you try and write C++ code like C++ code not Objective-C code.
This can be solved by adding some sort of introspection capabilities and meta object system. This talk Metadata and reflection in C++ — Jeff Tucker demonstrates how to do this using c++'s template meta programming.
If you don't want to go to the trouble of implementing one yourself, then it would be easier to use an existing one such as Qt's meta object system. Note that this solution does not work with multiple inheritance due to limitations in the meta object compiler: QObject Multiple Inheritance.
With that installed, you can query for the presence of methods and call them. This is quite tedious to do by hand, so the easiest way to call such a methods is using the signal and slot mechanism.
There is also GObject which is quite simmilar and there are others.
If you are planning to create many different children classes in different files, perhaps made by different people, and also I would guess you don't want to change your main code for every child class. Then I think what you need to do in your base class is to define several (not to many) virtual functions (with empty implementation) BUT those functions should be used to mark a time in the logic where they are called like "AfterInseart" or "BeforeSorting", Etc.
Usually there are not to many places in the logic you wish a derived classes to perform there own logic.

Virtual event handlers from several classes: multiple inheritance or composition?

My team has written several C++ classes which implement event handling via pure virtual callbacks - for example, when a message is received from another process, the base class which handles IPC messaging calls its own pure virtual function, and a derived class handles the event in an override of that function. The base class knows the event has occurred; the derived class knows what to do with it.
I now want to combine the features provided by these base classes in a higher-level class, so for example when a message arrives from another process, my new class can then forward it on over its network connection using a similar event-driven networking class. It looks like I have two options:
(1) composition: derive classes from each of the event-handling base classes and add objects of those derived classes to my new class as members, or:
(2) multiple inheritance: make my new class a derived class of all of the event-handling base classes.
I've tried both (1) and (2), and I'm not satisfied with my implementation of either.
There's an extra complication: some of the base classes have been written using initialisation and shutdown methods instead of using constructors and destructors, and of course these methods have the same names in each class. So multiple inheritance causes function name ambiguity. Solvable with using declarations and/or explicit scoping, but not the most maintainable-looking thing I've ever seen.
Even without that problem, using multiple inheritance and overriding every pure virtual function from each of several base classes is going to make my new class very big, bordering on "God Object"-ness. As requirements change (read: "as requirements are added") this isn't going to scale well.
On the other hand, using separate derived classes and adding them as members of my new class means I have to write lots of methods on each derived class to exchange information between them. This feels very much like "getters and setters" - not quite as bad, but there's a lot of "get this information from that class and hand it to this one", which has an inefficient feel to it - lots of extra methods, lots of extra reads and writes, and the classes have to know a lot about each other's logic, which feels wrong. I think a full-blown publish-and-subscribe model would be overkill, but I haven't yet found a simple alternative.
There's also a lot of duplication of data if I use composition. For example, if my class's state depends on whether its network connection is up and running, I have to either have a state flag in every class affected by this, or have every class query the networking class for its state every time a decision needs to be made. If I had just one multiply-inherited class, I could just use a flag which any code in my class could access.
So, multiple inheritance, composition, or perhaps something else entirely? Is there a general rule-of-thumb on how best to approach this kind of thing?
From your description I think you've gone for a "template method" style approach where the base does work and then calls a pure virtual that the derived class implements rather than a "callback interface" approach which is pretty much the same except that the pure virtual method is on a completely separate interface that's passed in to the "base" as a parameter to the constructor. I personally prefer the later as I find it considerably more flexible when the time comes to plug objects together and build higher level objects.
I tend to go for composition with the composing class implementing the callback interfaces that the composed objects require and then potentially composing again in a similar style at a higher level.
You can then decide if it's appropriate to compose by having the composing object implement the callback interfaces and pass them in to the "composed" objects in their constructors OR you can implement the callback interface in its own object possibly with a simpler and more precise callback interface that your composing object implements, and compose both the "base object" and the "callback implementation object"...
Personally I wouldn't go with an "abstract event handling" interface as I prefer my code to be explicit and clear even if that leads to it being slightly less generic.
I'm not totally clear on what your new class is trying to achieve, but it sounds like you're effectively having to provide a new implementation somewhere for all of these abstract event classes.
Personally I would plump for composition. Multiple inheritance quickly becomes a nightmare, especially when things have to change, and composition keeps the existing separation of concerns.
You state that each derived object will have to communicate with the network class, but can you try and reduce this to the minimum. For instance, each derived event object is purely responsible for packaging up the event info into some kind of generic packet, and then that packet is passed to the network class to do the guts of sending?
Without knowing exactly what your new class is doing it's hard to comment, or suggest better patterns, but the more I code, the more I am learning to agree with the old adage "favour composition over inheritance"

Which is better: Function overriding or passing a function pointer for event handling

So, I'm writing code for a class that will go into a library that will be used by others. This class will intercept and process incoming messages (details are not important but it's using the activemq-cpp library). The outline of this consumer class is
class MessageConsumer {
void runConsumer();
virtual void onMessage(const Message* message);
where runConsumer() sets up the connection and starts listening and onMessage() is called when a message is received.
My questions is this: People who'll use this code will each have their own way of processing the different messages. How can I keep MessageConsumer generic but offer this flexibility, while keeping their code simple?
Two options:
Should they inherit a new class from MessageConsumer and write their own onMessage()?
Should they pass a pointer to a message handling function to MessageConsumer?
What do you think, which option is better and why?
In one approach, clients are allowed to register a callback and then the MessageConsumer invokes the registered callback. This is something like an observer/broadcast design pattern.
The second approach, where clients have to inherit and override MessageConsumer would be something like Strategy design pattern.
Basic design goals suggest to use the weakest relationship to promote loose coupling. Since inhertiance is a stronger relationship as compared to a simple association, everything else being the same Approach 1 is preferred.
From Herb's article
"Inheritance is often overused, even
by experienced developers. Always
minimize coupling: If a class
relationship can be expressed in more
than one way, use the weakest
relationship that's practical. Given
that inheritance is nearly the
strongest relationship you can express
in C++ (second only to friendship),
it's only really appropriate when
there is no equivalent weaker
But as James points out, it is tough to comment unless the overall design constraints are known clearly.
Inheritance will make your library more OO-friendly and may improve readability. But really, the choices are about the same since the compiler will check that the user has supplied the function (assuming you declare a pure virtual handler in the base class), and the underlying mechanism will be accomplished via a pointer anyway (virtual table in the case of inheritance).
Pure virtual functions allow the compiler to check that the client code implements the handler. Virtual dispatch is active immediately after an object is constructed, and someone looking at the derived class can reason accurately about its handling. Data needed for the handling can be conveniently and clearly grouped into the derived class. Factories can still select a particular derived class to instantiate.
Function pointers are run-time state, so there's a little more care needed to initialise them in a timely fashion, for optional run-time checks on their being set and error handling, and to reason about which set is in effect during program execution. With that comes more freedom to vary them within the lifetime of the object.
A third alternative is a template policy class, or the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, to lock in the behaviours at compile time. This potentially allows inlining of callbacks, dead-code elimination and other optimisations.
virtual function or tepmlated functor are the way to go. These approaches give greater flexibility ad looser coupling than function pointer one.
To illustrate that - function pointer approach can be wrapped with first two, but not vice-versa.
void cbFunction();
class Interface {
virtual void act() =0 ;
class CbFuctionWrapper:public Interface {
virtual void act() {cbFunction()};
class AnotherImpl: public Interface {
Context _c; // You can't pass additional context with usual function without downcasting, but OO is all about that.
virtual void act() {...}

Should I use nested classes in this case?

I am working on a collection of classes used for video playback and recording. I have one main class which acts like the public interface, with methods like play(), stop(), pause(), record() etc... Then I have workhorse classes which do the video decoding and video encoding.
I just learned about the existence of nested classes in C++, and I'm curious to know what programmers think about using them. I am a little wary and not really sure what the benefits/drawbacks are, but they seem (according to the book I'm reading) to be used in cases such as mine.
The book suggests that in a scenario like mine, a good solution would be to nest the workhorse classes inside the interface class, so there are no separate files for classes the client is not meant to use, and to avoid any possible naming conflicts? I don't know about these justifications. Nested classes are a new concept to me. Just want to see what programmers think about the issue.
I would be a bit reluctant to use nested classes here. What if you created an abstract base class for a "multimedia driver" to handle the back-end stuff (workhorse), and a separate class for the front-end work? The front-end class could take a pointer/reference to an implemented driver class (for the appropriate media type and situation) and perform the abstract operations on the workhorse structure.
My philosophy would be to go ahead and make both structures accessible to the client in a polished way, just under the assumption they would be used in tandem.
I would reference something like a QTextDocument in Qt. You provide a direct interface to the bare metal data handling, but pass the authority along to an object like a QTextEdit to do the manipulation.
You would use a nested class to create a (small) helper class that's required to implement the main class. Or for example, to define an interface (a class with abstract methods).
In this case, the main disadvantage of nested classes is that this makes it harder to re-use them. Perhaps you'd like to use your VideoDecoder class in another project. If you make it a nested class of VideoPlayer, you can't do this in an elegant way.
Instead, put the other classes in separate .h/.cpp files, which you can then use in your VideoPlayer class. The client of VideoPlayer now only needs to include the file that declares VideoPlayer, and still doesn't need to know about how you implemented it.
One way of deciding whether or not to use nested classes is to think whether or not this class plays a supporting role or it's own part.
If it exists solely for the purpose of helping another class then I generally make it a nested class. There are a whole load of caveats to that, some of which seem contradictory but it all comes down to experience and gut-feeling.
sounds like a case where you could use the strategy pattern
Sometimes it's appropriate to hide the implementation classes from the user -- in these cases it's better to put them in an foo_internal.h than inside the public class definition. That way, readers of your foo.h will not see what you'd prefer they not be troubled with, but you can still write tests against each of the concrete implementations of your interface.
We hit an issue with a semi-old Sun C++ compiler and visibility of nested classes which behavior changed in the standard. This is not a reason to not do your nested class, of course, just something to be aware of if you plan on compiling your software on lots of platforms including old compilers.
Well, if you use pointers to your workhorse classes in your Interface class and don't expose them as parameters or return types in your interface methods, you will not need to include the definitions for those work horses in your interface header file (you just forward declare them instead). That way, users of your interface will not need to know about the classes in the background.
You definitely don't need to nest classes for this. In fact, separate class files will actually make your code a lot more readable and easier to manage as your project grows. it will also help you later on if you need to subclass (say for different content/codec types).
Here's more information on the PIMPL pattern (section 3.1.1).
You should use an inner class only when you cannot implement it as a separate class using the would-be outer class' public interface. Inner classes increase the size, complexity, and responsibility of a class so they should be used sparingly.
Your encoder/decoder class sounds like it better fits the Strategy Pattern
One reason to avoid nested classes is if you ever intend to wrap the code with swig ( for use with other languages. Swig currently has problems with nested classes, so interfacing with libraries that expose any nested classes becomes a real pain.
Another thing to keep in mind is whether you ever envision different implementations of your work functions (such as decoding and encoding). In that case, you would definitely want an abstract base class with different concrete classes which implement the functions. It would not really be appropriate to nest a separate subclass for each type of implementation.