How to cross-compile Boost libraries - c++

I'm trying to cross-compile the Boost library for an ARM platform (poky toolchain) and I'm new to cross compilation. I'm having issues at the first step -- running I see many posts regarding boost cross-compilation, but not so many helping at the bootstrap level.
A few questions:
1) What should I put exactly in 'user-config.jam'? I tried:
using gcc : arm : arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-g++ ;
I see many ones specifying an exact path to the compiler.
2) Where's the best place to put the user-config.jam file? I tried my home (~) folder and the current folder.
3) The toolchain has a file named "environment-setup-cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi", should I "source it" before running bootstrap?
Any help appreciated, thanks.

Common tasks - 1.64.0
Boost.Build supports cross compilation with the gcc and msvc toolsets.
When using gcc, you first need to specify your cross compiler in user-config.jam (see the section called “Configuration”), for example:
using gcc : arm : arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++ ;
After that, if the host and target os are the same, for example Linux, you can just request that this compiler version be used:
b2 toolset=gcc-arm
If you want to target a different operating system from the host, you need to additionally specify the value for the target-os feature, for example:
# On windows box
b2 toolset=gcc-arm target-os=linux
# On Linux box
b2 toolset=gcc-mingw target-os=windows
For the complete list of allowed opeating system names, please see the documentation for target-os feature.
When using the msvc compiler, it's only possible to cross-compile to a 64-bit system on a 32-bit host. Please see the section called “64-bit support” for details.


Cross Compile a automake project?

I am developing an application for enocean. I am able to compile it for my Host system. I want to cross compile it for beaglebone black running openwrt. I have cross compiler and all other libraries. I am not sure how to change the existing configure, Makefiles to cross-compile it.
Please help!
you don't have to change anything. autotools comes with full cross-compilation support.
Just pass the proper --host= flag for your target architecture, e.g.:
./configure --host arm-linux-gnueabihf
This will look for toolchain programs with the given prefix (in the above case, it would look e.g. for a compiler arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc) in your current $PATH. Most cross-compiling toolchains should automatically adhere to this convention.
See also the official documentation

How to use Clang kit with Qt Creator on Windows?

(this question similar to this one but is not the same)
I'm using QtCreator on Windows platform, usually with vc toolchain.
sometimes with MinGW-W64, so for now, I'd like to try clang for some reasons.
unlike the post above - I don't use Qt library , just qtcreator as IDE, so I suppose I don't need to re-build it and QtCreator for a using clang kit, is it correct?
there are a few questions about that:
CLang distribution doesn't contain platform or even c/c++ runtime library, should i use it from vc kit? or/and MinGW runtime? how to switch between?
Correct my understanding please if it's wrong - for Win platform, clang has two options to use: 1) normal use - clang.exe ,as on any other platform 2) clang-cl.exe - additional layer which "looks like" cl.exe, and just parses cl command line keys and calls normal clang.
as I understand there is no LLDB for Windows platform , can I use GDB or CDB depends of the used runtime lib and binary format of the executable?
and finally - how to configure all this in qtcreator?
The following steps apply only to MSYS2 64-bit installation of QT Creator 4.5.1 (install instructions here), where you also have MinGW-w64 and mingw32-make installed on MSYS2; and you are building a non-QT C or C++ application.
These instructions use QMake, because QBS doesn't support MSYS2 clang. Well, QMake doesn't support it either, but I did figure out how to add support to QMake and I didn't figure out QBS.
There is QMake support for MSVC-clang but it outputs MSVC makefiles, so you can't build it with MSYS2 make. So that does not apply to us.
Install clang with pacman. I used pacman -Ss mingw-w64-x86_64-clang, your flavour may vary.
Add support for clang to QMake:
In the MSYS2 shell, go into /msys64/mingw64/share/qt5/mkspecs/
Do cp -a win32-g++ win32-clang-msys
Edit win32-clang-msys/qmake.conf and change gcc to clang, and g++ to clang++ (2 places each)
In the same file, take out -fno-keep-inline-dllexport -mthreads which are not supported by clang.
In QT Creator, set up a new Kit:
Go to Manage Kits.
Add a Custom Compiler for C and browse to the installed path (/mingw64/bin/clang.exe under your MSYS2 install).
Add a Custom Compiler for C++ as clang++.exe in the same place)
Add a manual Kit called Clang and set those two compilers as its compilers.
In the manual kit config set "Qt mkspec" as win32-clang-msys
Set "QT Version" to something. Even though I am using a non-QT project, the IDE doesn't like using the kit if "Qt version" is set to None.
Now you can attempt to build your project with the Clang kit and QMake.
I initially tried with QBS and the build failed due to this bug . But the build commands do succeed if I copy-paste them and cut out the bogus -target switch. So for QBS users I guess you have to switch to QMake in the meantime until they fix that bug.
Troubleshooting: I sometimes got an error Project ERROR: failed to parse default search paths from compiler output. This is a problem with QMake's lack of support for clang. The error tended to not occur if I built in a subdirectory of the .pro file, but did occur if I built in a sibling directory.
As a workaround: go back into win32-clang-msys/qmake.conf. Change the first clang back to g++. Then "Run Qmake" (from QT creator or commandline), then change it back. The first time you run QMake it writes the file .qmake.stash and then does not need to generate it again. The contents of this file were bogus for me but building seemed to work anyway.
Undefined references: I found that linking with -static produced a bunch of undefined references to __imp__cxa_ names. Not sure what the problem is here but maybe related to the bug with generating .qmake.stash. I guess the Qt developers would need to officially add non-MSVC Clang support to QMake.
Multiple definitions: The CLang linker gave multiple definitions for inline DLLexport functions. I found no workaround yet for this; g++ has -fno-keep-inline-dllexport to avoid this problem but CLang 5 does not support that flag.

How can I conditionally include two differently named libraries of the same version for a cross-compile project in Eclipse?

I have an Eclipse project that I want to compile on both Ubuntu and Windows.
I am using boost libraries (specifically asio) which require including the libboost_system...* library. I have compiled boost on both Windows and Ubuntu and ended up with libboost_system_mgw48-mt-1_55.a on Windows and libboost_system.a,, on Ubuntu.
I'm not sure which Ubuntu library I need to include but the bigger issue is how to include both the Windows and Ubuntu library but only on the right OS.
I am using the MinGW toolchain on Windows which by my understanding is more or less GCC? I am then assuming that I should simply use GCC on Ubuntu to have the same compile process.
Windows boost build commands:
bootstrap.bat mingw
b2 toolset=gcc
Ubuntu boost build commands:
Can Eclipse get the OS in use on a per install basis that I can access via a globally recognizable variable?
How can I then, assuming yes, use that information to conditionally include only the right libraries?
The solution I came up with was to use two configurations: Debug-Win32 and Debug-Unix in the project properties. This keeps track of independent library & path configurations as well as different tool chains while still pulling from the same code base.

How to compile C++ programs in codeblocks for 32bit computers with the dual targets MinGw compiler [duplicate]

I've downloaded MinGW with mingw-get-inst, and now I've noticed that it cannot compile for x64.
So is there any 32-bit binary version of the MinGW compiler that can both compile for 32-bit Windows and also for 64-bit Windows?
I don't want a 64-bit version that can generate 32-bit code, since I want the compiler to also run on 32-bit Windows, and I'm only looking for precompiled binaries here, not source files, since I've spent countless hours compiling GCC and failing, and I've given up for a while. :(
AFAIK mingw targets either 32 bit windows or 64 bit windows, but not both, so you would need two installs. And the latter is still considered beta.
For you what you want is either mingw-w64-bin_i686-mingw or mingw-w64-bin_i686-cygwin if you want to compile for windows 64. For win32, just use what you get with mingw-get-inst.
See for an explanation of file names.
I realize this is an old question. However it's linked to the many times the question has been repeated.
I have found, after lots of research that, by now, years later, both compilers are commonly installed by default when installing mingw from your repository (i.e. synaptic).
You can check and verify by running Linux's locate command:
$ locate -r "mingw32.*[cg]++$"
On my Ubuntu (13.10) install I have by default the following compilers to choose from... found by issuing the locate command.
Finally, the least you'd have to do on many systems is run:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw32
I hope the many links to this page can spare a lot of programmers some search time.
for you situation, you can download multilib (include lib32 and lib64) version for Mingw64:
Multilib Toolchains(Targetting Win32 and Win64)
By default it is compiled for 64bit.You can add -m32 flag to compile for 32bit program.
But sadly,no gdb provided,you ought to add it manually.
Because according to mingw-64's todo list, gcc multilib version is done,but gdb
multilib version is still in progress,you could use it maybe in the future.
Support of multilib build in configure and in gcc. Parts are already present in gcc's 4.5 version by using target triplet -w64-mingw32.
gdb -- Native support is present, but some features like multi-arch support (debugging 32-bit and 64-bit by one gdb) are still missing features.

Compiling my C++ code for ARM Architecture

I am a java developer. I have some C++ code to make some system realted calls. This code is compiled on Intel 32-bit platform using GCC (I have make files) and it works fine on regular Intel based 32-bit linux machine. Now I need to run this on a linux OS running on Marvell ARM processor. When I load the shared objects in java I get the following error.
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Possible cause: can't load IA 32-bit .so on a ARM-bit platform)
Please tell me how to resolve this issue. I looked at the GCC options and I found one option to specify the architecture (-march=armv5) and I can't compile with that option.
Thanks in advance.
You need more than just a switch, you need a cross-compiler. You can make your own, but probably the easiest way is :
Find the development tools for your board. It probably comes with a development kit that includes a cross-compilation toolchain
If you don't have these, you can try to install a precompiled cross-compilation like the ones provided freely by CodeSourcery
Then you have to make the location of your toolchain (look for something like arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc) available in your path.
Cross compiling simple project is then easy, just override the CC variable in your Makefile :
CROSS = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
CC = $(CROSS)gcc
LD = $(CROSS)ld
Try using the -mcpu=armv5 switch for gcc.
Here is what's written on
-Ofast -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard -march=armv6zk -mtune=arm1176jzf-s