I am designing a contact relationship application that needs to store contacts in groups. Basically I have 7 "group types" (simplified it to 3 for my image), each group type shares the same fields so I thought that it would make sense to use an abstract "group", and let all group types inherit the methods from this abstract group.
So this is basically the idea:
However, this approach results in a couple of unexpected difficulties. For example:
I am not able to use a foreignkey of an abstract class, so if I would want to model a relationship between a group and a contact, I have to use the following approach:
limit = (models.Q(app_label='groups', model="Group type A") |
models.Q(app_label='groups', model="Group type B") |
models.Q(app_label='groups', model="Group type C")
group_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, limit_choices_to=limit)
group_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
group = GenericForeignKey('group_type', 'group_id')
This seems quite hacky, and with this approach I am forced to do some hard coding as well. I am not able to call all groups with a simple query, maybe a new group will be added in the future.
Is there a better approach to model a relationship like this? Am I using the abstract class completely wrong?
Edit: some extra explanation in response to the questions.
A user is connected to a group with another object called "WorkRelation", because there is some extra data that is relevant when assigning a user to a group (for example his function).
I initially went for an abstract class because I thought that this would give me the flexibility to get all Group types be just calling Group.objects.all(). If I would use a base model, the groups aren't connected and I will also have to hard-code all group names.
Since your child models do not have additional fields, you can make them proxy models of the base group model. Proxy models do not create new database tables, they just allow having different programmatic interfaces over the same table.
You could then define your ForeignKey to the base group model:
group = ForeignKey(BaseGroup)
Use django-polymodels or a similar app to have the groups casted to the right type when queried.
More on model inheritance in the doc.
Why don't use solid base model instead of abstract model? Then you just put contacts as either ForeignKey or ManyToMany to the base model.
For example:
class Contact(models.Model):
contacts = models.ManyToManyField('self', through='ContactRelationship', symmetrical=False)
What does the symmetrical=False parameter do?
When should it be left as True, and when should it be set as False?
How does this settings affect the database (does it create extra columns etc)?
Let's say you have two instances of Contact, John and Judy. You may decide to make John a contact of Judy. Should this action also make Judy a contact of John? If so, symmetrical=True. If not, symmetrical=False
Here is what is says in the documentation:
Only used in the definition of ManyToManyFields on self. Consider the following model:
from django.db import models
class Person(models.Model):
friends = models.ManyToManyField("self")
When Django processes this model, it identifies that it has a ManyToManyField on itself, and as a result, it doesn’t add a person_set attribute to the Person class. Instead, the ManyToManyField is assumed to be symmetrical – that is, if I am your friend, then you are my friend.
By default, the value of symmetrical is True for Many to Many Field which is a bi-directional relationship.
Using a through table (symmetrical=False):
But you can also imagine a situation where you don't need this type of relationship so you can add symmetrical=False. And, this can be achieved by using a through table because by default symmetrical is False if you use a through table:
Recursive relationships using an intermediary model are always defined as non-symmetrical – that is, with symmetrical=False – therefore, there is the concept of a “source” and a “target”. In that case 'field1' will be treated as the “source” of the relationship and 'field2' as the “target”.
So you can imagine a situation where you do need the direction i.e. let's say there is a Node model and it has a relationship with itself using a through table. If we didn't have the requirement of direction here we could go with the example shown earlier. But now we also need a direction from one node to another where one being source and another one being target and due to nature of this relationship it cannot be symmetrical.
I have a scenario where a user need to enter a type of contribution. It can be cash or material. Based on his contribution type, I need to store the cash in IntegerField or material in CharField. How can I do it without making two fields in the model and leaving one always as empty field.
class Contribution(models.Model):
contributor = models.ForeignKey(Contributor, related_name="donor", verbose_name=_("contributor"))
type = models.CharField(max_length=20, choices=CONTRIBUTION_TYPE_CHOICES, verbose_name=_("contribution type"))
First variant, keep a single CharField and make sure you properly validate input depending on type. You will have to deal with strings all the time, even if the actual value is a number.
Second variant, use model inheritance and define two different models, one for material contributions and another for cash contributions. You can use an abstract parent in which case you'd have to manually merge the two querysets for getting a global contribution list. Or you could use a concrete parent and use a third party package such as django_polymorphic to seamlessly deal with inherited instances. Either way you'd have to create the apropriate model instance in your backend, even if you use the same dynamic form in your frontend.
I'm currently creating a structure where I have employees which belong to a company.
Within this company I need to be able to create several groups. Ranks if you will. You could assign less permissions to lower ranks and more permissions to higher ranks.
I want to go for object level permissions and I noticed the django-guardian project gave me exactly what I needed. It works with the native User and Group objects so I'm now trying to find a way to implement the native group object in a company object.
Problems I face is that name in group is unique. So if 2 companies add the same group, errors will occur.
I found an implementation that works in a way but seems quite 'hacky' to me. In my company I declared a group variable that references Group:
class Company(models.Model):
groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group, through='CompanyRole')
CompanyRole basically houses the group name and a reference to company and group
class CompanyRole(models.Model):
group = models.ForeignKey(Group)
company = models.ForeignKey(Company)
real_name = models.CharField(max_length=60, verbose_name=_('Real name'))
objects = CompanyGroupManager()
I created a custom manager with a convenient method to add a new 'company group'
class CompanyGroupManager(models.Manager):
def create_group(self, company, group_name):
un_group_name = str(company.id) + '#' + group_name
group = Group.objects.create(name=un_group_name)
company_group = self.model(
return company_group
Here's the part I don't really feel confortable about. In order to change the problem with the unique name on the Group model I used a combination of the company id, a hash sign and the actual group name to avoid clashes.
Now my question is: are there better methods in my scenario, am I missing something or is this a good way of accomplishing what I need?
Unfortunately there is no way of getting around the unique requirement, that is because this field is used as the id:
Your options are the following:
1) Mocking the model.
You would basically just create a new Group model that doesn't have the unique requirement. The downside here is that you'd need to use it everywhere, so if this requires updating 3rd party apps, it might not be worth it.
2) make the name you unique. (As you did)
Make sure that you document your convention well, so that all future coders will know what they are looking at.Something like "company name"#"group name" could make more intuitive sense than an id. If the a hash might appear in either then use a more certain delimiter ("__" is a relatively common way of connecting related concepts in django, I might go for this).
I would recommend that you add the following to make it easy for you to access the name.
def get_name(self):
# Explain how you get the group name from your uniqueified name
return self.name.split('#')[1]
Group.add_to_class('get_name', get_name)
When you access your group's name in your app, just do:
You might also want to put the generating the uniqueified name into an overridden version of the save(). This would give you nicer split between model and view...
Is it correct, that in Web2Py you are not able to create custom methods within "models", so that they could contain business logic you want models to implement?
In case of Django you can just do something like:
class Aircraft(models.Model):
'''I am an aircraft. I can fly, if I am created in Django.
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
def fly(self):
# ... some advanced logic here ...
return 'I am flying'
But is it possible to do something like that (create custom methods) in Web2Py without the need to write the whole ORM system from the beginning or to share single method between instances of all the tables? Is there any established way to do that? For example:
Field("name", type="string", length=20)
aircraft = db(db.aircrafts).select().first()
# I am an aircraft too, please make me fly
Yes, you can define virtual fields:
db.aircrafts.fly = Field.Virtual(lambda row: 'I am flying')
aircraft = db(db.aircrafts).select().first()
print aircraft.fly
db.aircrafts.fly = Field.Lazy(lambda row: 'I am flying')
aircraft = db(db.aircrafts).select().first()
print aircraft.fly()
In the first example above, the "fly" value is automatically calculated for all records when they are selected. In the second example, the calculation is lazy and only executed when .fly() is actually called on a specific record.
You can also do this with old style virtual fields, which may be better for complex functions.
Note, this is handled differently from Django because web2py uses a database abstraction layer (DAL) rather than an ORM. Tables are not modeled as custom classes but as instances of the DAL Table class.
In a nutshell: my models are B --> A <-- C, I want to filter Bs where at least one C exists, satisfying some arbitrary conditions and related to the same A as that B. Help with some complicating factors (see below) is also appreciated.
I'm trying to create a generic model to limit user access to rows in other models. Here's a (simplified) example:
class CanRead(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
class Direct(models.Model):
class Indirect(models.Model):
direct = models.ForeignKey(Direct)
class Indirect2(models.Model):
indirect = models.ForeignKey(Indirect)
It's not feasible to associate a CanRead to every row in every model (too costly in space), so only some models are expected to have that association (like Direct above). In this case, here's how I'd see if a Direct is accessible to a user or not:
Direct.objects.filter(Q(canread__user=current_user), rest_of_query)
(Unfortunately, this query won't work - in 1.2.5 at least - because of the generic fk; any help with this would be appreciated, but there are workarounds, the real issue is what follows next)
The others' accessibility will be dictated by their relations with other models. So, Indirect will be accessible to an user if direct is accessible, and Indirect2 will be if indirect__direct is, etc.
My problem is, how can I do this query? I'm tempted to write something like:
Indirect.objects.filter(Q(canread__content_object=F('direct'), canread__user=current_user), rest_of_query)
Indirect2.objects.filter(Q(canread__content_object=F('indirect__direct'), canread__user=current_user), rest_of_query)
but that doesn't work (Django expects a relation between CanRead and Indirect - which doesn't exist - for the reverse query to work). If I were writing it directy in SQL, I would do something like:
FROM indirect i
JOIN direct d ON i.direct = d.id
JOIN canread c ON c.object_id = d.id
c.content_type = <<content type for Direct>> AND
c.user = <<current user>> AND
but I can't translate that query to Django. Is it possible? If not, what would be the least instrusive way of doing it (using as little raw SQL as possible)?
Thanks for your time!
Note: The workaround mentioned would be not to use generic fk... :( I could discard the CanRead model and have many CanReadDirect, CanReadDirect2, CanReadDirect3, etc. It's a minor hassle, but wouldn't hinder my project too much.
For the simple case you've given, the solution is simple:
For the actual query, here's my try:
But this way is very slow: you extract IDs from one queryset, then do a query with
where id in (1, 2, 3, ... 10000)
Which is VERY SLOW. We had a similar issue with joins on generic foreign keys in our project and decided to resort to raw queries in the model manager.
class DirectManager(Manager):
def can_edit(self, user):
return self.raw(...)
I'd also recommend checking out the per-row permissions framework in Django 1.3.
access control models are not that simple...
use a well-known access control model such as:
also there is a project called django-rbac.