Cloudfoundry (Bosh-lite) app push is timeout - cloud-foundry

I trying CF on day 1. Deployed local cloud foundry on Mac with Bosh lite. No issues in doing so. Also added mysql build pack without any issue. But when i try to push the app it is taking forever and fails. After few tries it succeeded once, but the app is failing to start with time out. So to increate timeout i did re-push the app with command;
cf push pong_matcher_spring -t 180 -p /DEV/github/cloudfoundry-samples/pong_matcher_spring/target/pong-matcher-spring-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 256M -i 1 -n app1
The app never getting pushed. Pleas see below log;
cf push pong_matcher_spring -t 180 -p /DEV/github/cloudfoundry-samples/pong_matcher_spring/target/pong-matcher-spring-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar -m 256M -i 1 -n app1
Using manifest file /DEV/github/cloudfoundry-samples/pong_matcher_spring/manifest.yml
Creating app pong_matcher_spring in org scientia / space development as admin...
Creating route
Binding to pong_matcher_spring...
Uploading pong_matcher_spring...
Uploading app files from: /DEV/github/cloudfoundry-samples/pong_matcher_spring/target/pong-matcher-spring-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
Uploading 798.3K, 116 files
Done uploading
Binding service mysql to app pong_matcher_spring in org scientia / space development as admin...
Starting app pong_matcher_spring in org scientia / space development as admin...
-----> Downloaded app package (23M)
TIP: use 'cf logs pong_matcher_spring --recent' for more information
I could not find anything in job logs apart from these messages.
I suspect there is something with the network. Any help is appreciated.

Restart the Vagrant VM solved the issue.


Cloud Run /Cloud Code deployment error in intellij

trying to follow the Getting Started instructions for Deploying a Cloud Run service with Cloud Code in Intellij (deploying HelloWorld Flask app container with Cloud Run: Deploy) but getting the following error, any idea why this might be happening
it worked initially i.e. deployed the app on Cloud Run service using the same steps, and then started throwing this error after a week or so when trying to redeploy, there was no change in project settings.
intellij and docker versions are the latest.
authenticated to google cloud project with gcloud auth login --update-adc
The local run works fine (Cloud Run: Run Locally),
but running the Cloud Run: Deploy throws this "code 89" error
Preparing Google Cloud SDK (this may take several minutes for first time setup)...
Creating skaffold file: /var/.../skaffold8013155926954225609.tmp
Configuring image push settings in /var/.../skaffold8013155926954225609.tmp
../Library/Application Support/cloud-code/bin/versions/../
skaffold build --filename /var/.../skaffold8013155926954225609.tmp --tag latest --skip-tests=true
invalid skaffold config: getting minikube env:
running [/Users/USER/Library/Application Support/google-cloud-tools-java/managed-cloud-sdk/LATEST/google-cloud-sdk/bin/
minikube docker-env --shell none -p minikube --user=skaffold]
- stdout: "false exit code 89"
- stderr: ""
- cause: exit status 89
Failed to build and push Cloud Run container image.
Please ensure your builder settings are correct, network is available, you are logged in to a valid GCP project, and try again.
Edit: I see minikube error code 89: ExGuestUnavailable and it's an error code specific to the guest host, still unclear what might be causing this
Looks like an issue with skaffold attempting to communicate with minikube (which could be used for building images as well). Please try cleaning minikube
minikube stop
minikube delete --all --purge
and try again.
ok, i still don't know why it fails to deploy to cloud run from intellij but i got it to deploy from command line
cd my-flask-app
#step 1: build container image from Dockerfile and submit to container registry
gcloud builds submit --tag
#step 2: deploy the image on cloud run (reference)
gcloud run deploy --image
Edit: the answer above did the trick : minikube delete --all --purge

Where does dockerized jetty store its logs?

I'm packaging a project into a docker jetty image and I'm trying to access the logs, but no logs.
FROM jetty:9.2.10
ADD ./target/abc-1.0.0 /var/lib/jetty/webapps/ROOT
Bash script to start docker image:
docker pull me/abc
docker stop abc
docker rm abc
docker run --name='abc' -d -p 10908:8080 -v /var/log/abc:/var/log/jetty me/abc:latest
The image is running, but I'm not seeing any jetty logs in /var/log.
I've tried a docker run -it jetty bash, but not seeing any jetty logs in /var/log either.
Am I missing a parameter to make jetty output logs or does it output it somewhere other than /var/log/jetty?
Why you aren't seeing logs
2 things to note:
Running docker run -it jetty bash will start a new container instead of connecting you to your existing daemonized container.
And it would invoke bash instead of starting jetty in that container, so it won't help you to get logs from either container.
So this interactive container won't help you in any case.
But also...
JettyLogs are disabled anyways
Also, you won't see the logs in the standard location (say, if you tried to use docker exec to read the logs, or to get them in a volume), quite simply because the Jetty Docker file is aptly disabling logging entirely.
If you look at the jetty:9.2.10 Dockerfile, you will see this line:
&& sed -i '/jetty-logging/d' etc/jetty.conf \
Which nicely removes the entire line referencing the jetty-logging.xml default logging configuration.
What to do then?
Reading logs with docker logs
Docker gives you access to the container's standard output.
After you did this:
docker run --name='abc' -d -p 10908:8080 -v /var/log/abc:/var/log/jetty me/abc:latest
You can simply do this:
docker logs abc
And be greeted with somethig similar to this:
Running Jetty:
2015-05-15 13:33:00.729:INFO::main: Logging initialized #2295ms
2015-05-15 13:33:02.035:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Setting umask=02
2015-05-15 13:33:02.102:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Opened ServerConnector#73ec519{HTTP/1.1}{}
2015-05-15 13:33:02.102:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Setting GID=999
2015-05-15 13:33:02.106:INFO:oejs.SetUIDListener:main: Setting UID=999
2015-05-15 13:33:02.133:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.10.v20150310
2015-05-15 13:33:02.170:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:/var/lib/jetty/webapps/] at interval 1
2015-05-15 13:33:02.218:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector#73ec519{HTTP/1.1}{}
2015-05-15 13:33:02.219:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started #3785ms
Use docker help logs for more details.
Obviously your other option is to revert what the default Dockerfile for jetty is doing, or to create your own dockerized Jetty.

How to Push crontab to Production Server (Nginx)

Django Project: I have a crontab task which sends email notification to all users. Here are the set of procedures which I would like to deploy it to production server using fabfile.
$ sudo crontab -e
1 * * * * pathtovirtualenv/python pathto/ run_notifications
$ sudo service cron restart
I would like to deploy the above steps to production server which sends weekly email notifications to all users. but sad thing I'm unable to test it on my working machine which is sending constant postfix/sendmail errors. I'm hoping if I could deploy it to production server which doesn't raise any issues like my working machine.
This isn't exactly what you asked about, but it's not difficult to set up a mail server for development/debugging:
python -m smtpd -c DebuggingServer -n
Connect to that on 8025 and it will print email to stdout. You can also run this programmatically from your test suite if you prefer:
Ultimately, the answer to a testing problem is to figure out the testing, not to push to production and hope for the best. :)

How do I upload a webpage to Bluemix using the cf CLI?

I'm trying to upload an index.html page to Bluemix using the cf CLI. I'm not sure if I'm approaching this with the right mentality. I'm thinking of uploading this HTML file as we usually do with normal hosting services, through FTP. With Bluemix I assume I should be using the push command in cf and treat this index.html as an app. Is this right?
If this is right, I'm not getting how to use this command. Can you give me an example of full command to push/upload this page?
The cf push command would be the one to use to 'upload' your application to the Bluemix server. However, it does more than just upload. In Bluemix there is a concept of a runtime or buildpack, the idea being this will be the runtime to run your application. So if you uploaded a Java application you would pair it with the Java Liberty Buildpack/runtime. If you uploaded a PHP application then you would pair it with the PHP buildpack.
If you pushed just a HTML file with no buildpack then you would likely get an error indicating the buildpack could not be determined. Bluemix tries to guess the type of buildpack you want based on the type of files uploaded, and then pull the buildpack from an internal cache. The cf push command allows you to explicitly state the buildpack to use -b so there is no guess work and no need to rely on only the buildpack that Bluemix currently knows about.
In your case, for a static HTML file you would need some type of http server like nginx as the 'runtime'. Notice that Bluemix currently does not have a built-in buildpack for this, so you'd have to get it from somewhere else. There are a few buildpacks available already, but the best one to use would be this one: . To use it simply supply that url with the -b option on the cf push command from the root directory of your application i.e.
cf push yourappname -b
Be sure you are issuing this command from your app directory.
The yourappname will be part of the URL for your website/app
For an actual example, we will upload your index.html which exist in folder C:\Users\XYZ\Documents\projects\ProjectHelloWorld and we will call this app HelloWorld. Here is what we would do:
C:\> cd C:\Users\XYZ\Documents\projects\ProjectHelloWorld
C:\Users\XYZ\Documents\projects\ProjectHelloWorld> cf push HelloWorld -b https://git
Bluemix will then upload everything in that local directory to the server and also grab the buildpack from the URL location and stage your application code with the buildpack, Bluemix will then attempt to start the application. This is an example Bluemix output when the push command succeed:
Creating app HelloWorld in org / space test as
Creating route
Binding to HelloWorld...
Uploading HelloWorld...
Uploading app files from: C:\Users\XYZ\Documents\projects\ProjectHelloWorld
Uploading 1M, 21 files
Done uploading
Starting app HelloWorld in org / space test as
-----> Downloaded app package (960K)
Cloning into '/tmp/buildpacks/staticfile-buildpack'...
grep: Staticfile: No such file or directory
-----> Using root folder
-----> Copying project files into public/
-----> Setting up nginx
grep: Staticfile: No such file or directory
-----> Uploading droplet (3.4M)
1 of 1 instances running
App started
Showing health and status for app HelloWorld in org / space
test as
requested state: started
instances: 1/1
usage: 1G x 1 instances
last uploaded: Tue Nov 25 14:50:44 +0000 2014
For more details:
See the github page for the buildpack on how to structure your application (public folder etc)
See Bluemix Docs website. It has a lot of demos and examples.
See Takehiko Amano's Bluemix demo. Is a good and easy to understand demo.
you can either deploy your app directly using "cf push ..." or via creating a manifest.yml file.if you create manifest.yml file inside you app code path,only cf push is sufficient.
below is the reference link for this:
Hope it clears your doubt!!
Yeah as whitfiea mentioned its pretty simple. You need to use the cf push command. For example if you had a static website with an index.html file.
For example the following.
[02:30 PM] jsloyer#jeffs-mbp [friendme]>ls
To push that app to Bluemix run the following.
cf push yourappname -b
In this browse Creating Web Apps->Building a web app-> Uploading an app
It says;-
You can use a sample Java™ web application to get started. This sample application displays the list of environment variables that are available. You can download the sample Java web application from the community sample site. The sample application contains a single JSP and the WEB-INF/web.xml file.
Extract the downloaded file, and a new directory that contains the application is created. From the newly created application directory, issue the cf push command. In the following example, you can use a unique name testEnv for the application and 512M for memory allocation. The name must be unique in the whole Bluemix environment.
$ cf push testEnv -m 512m
->So as per your requirement, you can add your html file along with the JSP file before uploading the application.
Hopefully this help...

how to read vmc push log

when i use vmc push project to micro cloudfoundry,start application error,
smart tips is below. but i can't find log is my project path.
Uploading Application:
Checking for available resources: OK
Processing resources: OK
Packing application: OK
Uploading (206K): OK
Push Status: OK
Stopping Application: OK
Staging Application: OK
Starting Application: ..........................Error 306: Error retrieving file 'logs/startup.log'
where can found the log?
You can also manually look at files (such as logs) by using vmc files <myapp> path/to/file. For example:
vmc files myapp logs/stderr.log
You ran vmc push to deploy the app. You should be able to run vmc logs myapp to see the logs.
But I have never seen a 306 error like that. I fear that vmc logs myapp might fail for the same underlying reason you got during push.
You should be able to ssh to the Micro Cloud Foundry instance and then track down the logs. They'll be here: