ResumeThread sometimes doesn't wake threads - c++

I have two functions in my C++: one to suspend, one to resume threads.
In some situations I need to stop all thread but current and it's ok, but when I must resume the threads, sometimes it doesn't work and I don't no why.
See the method:
void CDatabaseMonitor::ResumeAllThreads()
DWORD dwCurProc = GetCurrentProcessId();
HANDLE hCurProc = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0);
THREADENTRY32 te = {0};
te.dwSize = sizeof(te);
if (Thread32First(hCurProc, &te))
if (te.dwSize >= FIELD_OFFSET(THREADENTRY32, th32OwnerProcessID) + sizeof(te.th32OwnerProcessID))
if (te.th32ThreadID != m_currentThreadId && te.th32OwnerProcessID == dwCurProc)
HANDLE thread = ::OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, te.th32ThreadID);
if (thread != NULL)
te.dwSize = sizeof(te);
while (Thread32Next(hCurProc, &te));
Is there something worng with the code above?
Is there any way to force a thread to wake?
Thanks in advance.

You can't use SuspendThread/ResumeThread this way. As the docs say:
This function is primarily designed for use by debuggers. It is not intended to be used for thread synchronization. Calling SuspendThread on a thread that owns a synchronization object, such as a mutex or critical section, can lead to a deadlock if the calling thread tries to obtain a synchronization object owned by a suspended thread. To avoid this situation, a thread within an application that is not a debugger should signal the other thread to suspend itself. The target thread must be designed to watch for this signal and respond appropriately.
The main problem is this -- there is basically nothing you can do while the thread is suspended. If the thread was holding a lock you require, you will deadlock waiting for it to release it. And you have no way to know what locks that thread might have because threads can be hijacked at arbitrary points to do arbitrary work by a number of mechanisms used by libraries.
You will never get this to work, and whatever problem you're trying to solve by suspending threads you should instead solve some other, sensible way.
The canonical answer to the question, "How do I safely suspend/resume a thread from another thread in the same process?" is "With that thread's cooperation, use whatever mechanism that thread supports. Without that thread's cooperation, it cannot be done safely."
Any time you feel like you need to "reach in" from the outside to make a thread do the right thing, you should step back and rethink your design. The thread should already be coded to do what, and only what, you want it to do. If the thread needs to suspend, it should be coded to suspend itself. If you have to reach in to make it do what you want or not do what you don't want, you coded it wrong in the first place and should fix it. All the threads in a process must cooperate.


Is there a reliable way to force a thread to stop in C++? (especially detached ones)

I am recently working with threads in C++11. now I am thinking about how to force stop a thread. I couldn't find it on stackoverflow, and also tried these.
One variable each thread : not so reliable
return in the main thread : I have to force quit only one not all
and I have no more ideas. I have heard about WinAPI, but I want a portable solution. (that also means I wont use fork())
Can you please give me a solution of this? I really want to do it.
One of the biggest problems with force closing a thread in C++ is the RAII violation.
When a function (and subsequently, a thread), gracefully finishes, everything it held is gracefully cleaned up by the destructors of the objects the functions/threads created.
Memory gets freed,
OS resources (handles, file descriptors etc.) are closed and returned to the OS
Locks are getting unlocked so other threads can use the shared resources they protect.
other important tasks are preformed (such as updating counters, logging, etc.).
If you brutally kill a thread (aka by TerminateThread on Windows, for example), non of these actually happen, and the program is left in a very dangerous state.
A (not-so) common pattern that can be used is to register a "cancellation token" on which you can monitor and gracefully shut the thread if other thread asks so (a la TPL/PPL). something like
auto cancellationToken = std::make_shared<std::atomic_bool>();
class ThreadTerminator : public std::exception{/*...*/};
std::thread thread([cancellationToken]{
//... do things
if (cancellationToken->load()){
//somone asked the thred to close
throw ThreadTerminator ();
//do other things...
if (cancellationToken->load()){
//somone asked the thred to close
throw ThreadTerminator ();
Usually, one doesn't even open a new thread for a small task, it's better to think of a multi threaded application as a collection of concurrent tasks and parallel algorithms. one opens a new thread for some long ongoing background task which is usually performed in some sort of a loop (such as, accepting incoming connections).
So, anyway, the cases for asking a small task to be cancelled are rare anyway.
Is there a reliable way to force a thread to stop in C++?
Here is my approach for most of my designs:
Think of 2 kinds of Threads:
1) primary - I call main.
2) subsequent - any thread launched by main or any subsequent thread
When I launch std::thread's in C++ (or posix threads in C++):
a) I provide all subsequent threads access to a boolean "done", initialized to false. This bool can be directly passed from main (or indirectly through other mechanisms).
b) All my threads have a regular 'heartbeat', typically with a posix semaphore or std::mutex, sometimes with just a timer, and sometimes simply during normal thread operation.
Note that a 'heartbeat' is not polling.
Also note that checking a boolean is really cheap.
Thus, whenever main wants to shut down, it merely sets done to true and 'join's with the subsequent threads.
On occasion main will also signal any semaphore (prior to join) that a subsequent thread might be waiting on.
And sometimes, a subsequent thread has to let its own subsequent thread know it is time to end.
Here is an example -
main launching a subsequent thread:
std::thread* thrd =
new std::thread(&MyClass_t::threadStart, this, id);
assert(nullptr != thrd);
Note that I pass the this pointer to this launch ... within this class instance is a boolean m_done.
Main Commanding shutdown:
In main thread, of course, all I do is
m_done = true;
In a subsequent thread (and in this design, all are using the same critical section):
void threadStart(uint id) {
std::cout << id << " " << std::flush; // thread announce
do {
doOnce(id); // the critical section is in this method
}while(!m_done); // exit when done
And finally, at an outer scope, main invokes the join.
Perhaps the take away is - when designing a threaded system, you should also design the system shut down, not just add it on.

How to safely close a THREAD which has a infinite loop in it

I am creating a thread using _beginthreadex function. The function address I am passing in it has an infinite while loop (while(1)) . I have the threadid and threadhandle.
I can use TerminateThread(threadhandle,1); But it is dangerous.
The safe way is to kill thread using _endthreadex but it can only be used from inside the thread, and I wanted to kill the thread from outside.
So please suggest if there is a safe way to close,end or kill the thread safely from outside using threadid or threadhandle.
You should - literally - never use TerminateThread(). And I'm not even joking. If you are terminating a thread from the outside, all resources reserved in it will be leaked, all state variables accessed inside will have an undetermined state and so on.
The solution for your problem might be signaling your thread to finish itself. It can be done by a volatile variable changed by thread-safe means (see InterlockedIncrement() on that), a Windows event, or something like that. If your thread has a message loop you can even do it by sending a message to ask it to stop.
The proper way is to create an event "kill me", by using CreateEvent, then flag this event when you wish to kill the thread. Instead of having your thread wait while(1), have it wait while(WaitForSingleObject(hevent_killme, 0)). And then you can simply let the thread callback finish and return, no need to call _endthreadex or such.
Example of callback function:
static DWORD WINAPI thread_callback (LPVOID param)
while(WaitForSingleObject(hevent_killme, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// do stuff
return 0;
HANDLE hevent_killme = CreateEvent(...);
void killthread (void)
WaitForSingleObject(hthread_the_thread, INFINITE);
Never use TerminateThread.
Instead of while(1), you can use while(continue_running), where continue_running is True when the thread loop should run. When you want to stop the thread, make the controlling thread set continue_running to False. Of course make sure that you properly guard continue_running with mutexes as it is a variable whose value can be modified from two threads.

Thread coordination with WaitForSingleObject and CEvent in MFC

In one of my MFC applications there are several worker threads. Nature of these threads are as below:
Most of the threads execute their tasks once and wait for a condition to be true for further execution.
In few cases thread waits infinitely until the condition becomes true and in other cases it waits for certain time periods and based on the condition becomes true or expiry of the time period whichever is earlier, it takes some action and again starts waiting.
Threads have to run throughout the life cycle of the application but not necessarily working every moment.
Currently each thread is having an infinite loop, where it executes it's task; as each thread has to work throughout the application's life cycle, I don't want to close these threads every time and recreate. Inside the loop I have used WaitForSingleObject with an auto-reset CEvent for such thread coordination. CEvent objects are signaled from any thread or from UI thread.
In this context I have following queries:
i. Is the approach well justified for my requirement?
ii. Is there any significant overhead of using so many CEvent objects for the purpose.
Is there any better alternative?
iii. In some cases a thread waits infinitely for a CEvent object to be signalled and the object is only signalled from windows message handler after it receives a Message from another thread.The message is received through PostMessage. Here I'm concerned about loosing a message sent from a thread. If Message handler skips a message, it cannot state of the CEvent object and the waiting thread has to wait infinitely. What precautions have to be taken to avoid such situation ? Is there any better way to reconstruct the scheme ?
Please suggest me some better alternatives.
Your approach is fine. Don't worry about multiple CEvent objects. In your case you must have at least one event per thread.
I am not sure what method you use to exit the thread. But you may need additional CEvent object to detect whether you have to exit the thread gracefully.
So in this case you would use WaitForMultipleObjects in each thread (1 event would be to run or not, another event would be to exit the thread or not).
If there are too many threads, that I would suggest that you spawn child threads when ever required. The child thread would simply run once and exit. In the parent thread you would again wait to see which child thread must be run. You can detect which thread to spawn based on array of event objects. This approach will take up less system resources.
Use WaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForSingleObject. The first event in each event array should be a global CEvent that is set to shutdown the app. Each thread detects this event and exits cleanly by returning from the thread function.
After setting the shutdown event (typically in OnClose) use WaitForMultipleObjects on the thread handles to wait for all the secondary threads to close. This makes sure that any global data that the threads may be accessing remains allocated until the threads are gone.
In my application I'm using 10 to 12 worker threads only. I read somewhere that
when a thread calls a wait function, it enters into kernel mode from the user mode. It is bit costly because to enter the kernel mode, approximately 1000 processor cycles are required which may be too expensive in a concrete situation.
However, as goths and ScottMcP suggested, I'm using WaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForSingleObject in the following way to ensure graceful thread closure before cleaning up any resources used by the thread.
CEvent doWork,exitThread; //Auto reset events
CWinThread* MyThread;
UINT MyThreadFunction(LPVOID param);
BOOL CMyDlg::OnInitDialog()
//Other initialization code
MyThread=AfxBeginThread(MyThreadFunction, CMyDlg::GetSafeHwnd());
//Any other initialization code
return TRUE;
UINT MyThreadFunction(LPVOID param)
HANDLE waitEvents[2];
DWORD stat=::WaitForMultipleObjects(2, waitEvents, FALSE, INFINITE);
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0:
// doWork CEvent is signalled; proceed to do some work
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
//exitThread is signalled; so exit from this thread handler function
return 0;
// failure may be related to wrong handles passed for lpHandles
// not applicable here because dwMilliseconds parameter is set to INFINITE
return 0;
DWORD Stat=WaitForSingleObject(MyThread->m_hThread, INFINITE);
//Thread supposed to be Exited
//Cleanup allocated resources here
else if(Stat==WAIT_TIMEOUT)
//not applicable here
else if(Stat==WAIT_FAILED)
//Invalid thred handle passed or something else
Please, do comment on my answer if anything wrong is detected or there is any scope of improvement.

C++ pthreads multi-tasking [windows]

For a solution to an earlier problem, I was kindly pointed to multi-threading (via pthreads).
The original problem is thus:
I have two functions, one of which is the main body, which is real-time; the other is a continually running function that blocks. The real-time, when attempting to run the blocking function, obvious blocks, making it unresponsive to the user which is unacceptable as a real-time process.
The original aim was to make the blocking function independent of the real-time solution (or at least, pseudo-independent), which I attempted with pthreads.
Here's a simplified version of the code:
void * RenderImages(void * Data)
while(1); //Simulating a permanently blocking process
return NULL;
int main(int ArgC, char *ArgVar[])
pthread_t threads[PTHREAD_NUMBER];
void *Ptr = NULL;
int I = 0;
I = pthread_create(&threads[0], NULL, RenderImages, Ptr);
if(I != 0)
printf("pthread_create Error!\n");
return -1;
I = pthread_join(threads[0],NULL);
//Doesn't reach here as pthread_join is blocking
return 0;
The code above, however, blocks on calling pthread_join (which makes pthread nothing more than an unnecessarily complicated way of calling the function directly - which defeats the point).
My question is thus:
What functions would I have to use, to make it so I can run a pthread for a few milliseconds, suspend the process, then run another function, then go back and run the process for a few more milli-seconds etc?
If the above isn't possible, what solution is there to the original problem?
Assuming that the "main" thread only cares when the "blocking" thread has completed its work, I think you want condition variables. Look into pthread_cond_wait and pthread_cond_signal.
pthread_join is the function you use to wait for a thread to end.
Use pthread_sigmask to manage suspend states:
You can always use 3 threads, one for each function plus the main thread.
What you need is a queuing mechanism. Your main thread will create 'Jobs'. You then place these 'Jobs' onto your backlog queue where your Worker Thread will pick them up and process then. When the job is done. The worker thread places the now completed 'Jobs' onto the completed queue. You main thread can intermittently check the completed queue and if there is a completed job,it will pick up the 'Job' and do whatever it needs to with it. Your worker thread then goes into a wait state until the next job comes along.
There are numerous ways to roll out the queues. The queue can be a unix pipe. A windows IO Completion Port or you can roll out your own with a linked list/arrays, conditional variables and mutexes.

Correct way of checking if threads are done?

I'm using multithreading in my application with _beginthread and right now to wait until all threads are done I have global bools that get set to true as each thread completes so I'm in a while loop until then. There must be a cleaner way of doing this?
You can use WaitForMultipleObjects to wait for the threads to finish in primary thread.
What you want to have a look at is thread synchronization techniques - luckily there is quite a bit of information on MSDN which can probably help you out. It's likely you'll want to use Events and WaitHandles here's the main stuff on MSDN: there are a number of examples.
There's also some info on synchronization in MFC (which may or may not prove helpful, added for reference purposes):
I've done a bit of searching, but I've had a hard time trying to track down some helpful info for you which doesn't use the MFC implementation. There's a good tutorial here ( ) but, again, using MFC. You could take a look at the MFC implementation of mutexes though as a start.
So, you'd need to get familiar with synchronization functions and structures - all covered here on MSDN:
Use _beginthreadex instead. Both _beginthread and _beginthreadex return a thread handle, but the thread started with _beginthread automatically closes its handle when it finishes, so using it for synchronization is not reliable.
Thread handle can be used with one of the synchronization functions of Win32, such as WaitForSingleObject or WaitForMultipleObjects.
When done, handles returned by _beginthreadex must be closed with CloseHandle().
The usual method is to keep all of the thread handles and then wait on each handle. When the handle is signaled, the thread has finished so it is removed from the set of threads. I use std::set<HANDLE> to keep track of the thread handles. There are two different methods for waiting on multiple objects in Windows:
Iterate over the set and call WaitForSingleObject with a timeout on each one
Convert the set into an array or vector and call WaitForMultipleObjects
The first sounds inefficient, but it is actually the most direct and least error prone of the two. If you need to wait for all of the threads, then use the following loop:
std::set<HANDLE> thread_handles; // contains the handle of each worker thread
while (!thread_handles.empty()) {
std::set<HANDLE> threads_left;
for (std::set<HANDLE>::iterator cur_thread=thread_handles.begin(),
cur_thread != last; ++cur_thread)
DWORD rc = ::WaitForSingleObject(*cur_thread, some_timeout);
if (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
::CloseHandle(*cur_thread); // necessary with _beginthreadex
} else if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
threads_left.add(cur_thread); // wait again
} else {
// this shouldn't happen... try to close the handle and hope
// for the best!
::CloseHandle(*cur_thread); // necessary with _beginthreadex
std::swap(threads_left, thread_handles);
Using WaitForMultipleObjects to wait for the threads to finish is a bit more difficult than it sounds. The following will wait for all of the threads; however, it only waits for WAIT_MAXIMUM_OBJECTS threads at a time. Another options is to loop over each page of threads. I'll leave that exercise to the reader ;)
DWORD large_timeout = (5 * 60 * 1000); // five minutes
std::set<HANDLE> thread_handles; // contains the handle of each worker thread
std::vector<HANDLE> ary; // WaitForMultipleObjects wants an array...
while (!thread_handles.empty()) {
ary.assign(thread_handles.begin(), thread_handles.end());
DWORD rc = ::WaitForMultipleObjects(std::min(ary.size(), WAIT_MAXIMUM_OBJECTS),
&ary[0], FALSE, large_timeout);
if (rc == WAIT_FAILED) {
// handle a failure case... this is usually something pretty bad
} else if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
// no thread exited in five minutes... this can be tricky since one of
// the threads beyond the first WAIT_MAXIMUM_OBJECTS may have terminated
} else {
long idx = (rc - WAIT_OBJECT_0);
if (idx > 0 && idx < ary.size()) {
// the object at `idx` was signaled, this means that the
// thread has terminated.
::CloseHandle(ary[idx]); // necessary with _beginthreadex
This isn't exactly pretty but it should work. If you trust that all of your threads will exit and don't mind waiting for them, then you can use WaitForMultipleObjects(ary.size(), &ary[0], TRUE, INFINITE). This usually isn't very safe though since a runaway thread will cause your application to block indefinitely and it will only work if ary.size() is less than MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS.
Of course the other option is to find a thread pool implementation and use it instead. Writing threading code is not really a lot of fun especially once you have to support it in the wild. Consider using something like boost::thread_group instead.
You can use boost::thread objects. Call join on the object and it will wait for the thread to finish.
Windows provides events for one thread to notify another. Out of the box Visual C++ provides support for events only inside MFC. For a portable, non-MFC version, check the thread management classes of the Boost library. They make launching and waiting for threads a lot easier, although they don't provide direct access to all of Windows API's functionality.