WebStorm run all dart unit tests - unit-testing

In WebStorm 11 I want to create a run configuration which runs all dart tests in my project.
However there is no option to do this in the "Dart Test" configuration template. The only options are:
Test Kind: All in file, Test group, single test
Test file: must point to a .dart file, otherwise I get "Dart file is not found"
VM Options (text input)
If I point WebStorm to a single test file this command gets executed in the test window:
C:\path\to\dart\bin\dart.exe --ignore-unrecognized-flags --checked --trace_service_pause_events file:\\\C:\path\to\dart\bin\snapshots\pub.dart.snapshot run test:test -r json C:/path/to/project/test/someclass_test.dart
I don't want to create a run configuration for every unit test class I write, there must be a better way.
Currently I prefer to navigate to the project directory and just run
pub run test:test
This runs all tests which live in files ending with _test.dart which is perfectly what I want. More info here: https://github.com/dart-lang/test#running-tests
Is there no such option in WebStorm for dart developers?

Accordingly to WEB-14747 ticket this functionality is already implemented for the next major version.
You can try latest EAP build of WebStorm v12 here.

I guess that's currently not supported.
The feature to run tests this way is quite new anyway.
If you think this feature is important, lease create a feature request in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/WEB


Visual Studio Code's "Run Test | Debug Test" option missing from unit tests

I used to see "Run Test | Debug Test" links top of every test function in VS Code for Go. But they are missing now. How can I re-enable them?
This picture shows what I am talking about:
Check your options to confirm that the Go test explorer is enabled:
Preferences > Settings > User Settings > find "go test enable code lens"
Taken directly from the go.dev doc for the testing package
To write a new test suite, create a file whose name ends _test.go that contains the TestXxx functions as described here. Put the file in the same package as the one being tested.
Please ensure that your test file name ends in _test.go, and that the function you're trying to test starts with Test (like it does in your snippet).
Had the same issue today. In my case opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and running "OmniSharp: Restart OmniSharp" fixed it.
Same thing here - simply closed down VS Code and opened it back up again... they all appeared once more.
This happened to me, though I was writing Javascript (not Go).
To fix that, I need to make sure the Es6 import & export statements are correct (-- correctly importing the correct item from the correct file path),, -- for this current test js file & relevant imported js files (or even all files in current project).
(Then you must save the test js file to refresh it.)
The Test Explorer's Output panel may(?<) throw an Error to indicate that.
I have this situation when there are many folders in the project I opened in VScode. But these options appear only when I open the folder containing the script I want to run the test in in a new window in VSCode. I don't know why, it's weird.

How to set path at test discovery in visual studio?

How can I set the path to my external binaries during test discovery in visual studio's Test Explorer? After that how to make sure, it uses the correct paths?
I use windows 10 and VS 2019. I have a solution that builds some binaries and some tests into different folders. Also, I have some 3rd party dependencies, each in its own folder.
Something like:
I'd like to use the Test Explorer to run my tests. For this purpose, I use a .runsettings file. I installed Google Test adapter via NuGet (later it will run on CI, so this is the only option). The automatic runsetting discovery is disabled, and this file is selected as the runsettings file. It overrides the workingDir to my ownBinaries folder, and extend the PATH enviroment variable with the externalBinaries. The relevant parts are:
This is works fine, after my tests are discovered, but I have problems when it tries to discover my tests.
I use google test and c++, so the test discovery tries to run those tests with the --gtest-list-tests argument, then populate the view with the test name, case, etc. The binaries are just fine, builds without error, I can run them from the debugger, and they produce the output I want.
But the test explorer won't show them, because it doesn't set the externalBinaries path.
This is what lead me to this situation.
First I copied every binaries next to my test exe, namely into the testBinaries folder. Then, I could run it in the cmd with the --gtest-list-tests argument. Everything was fine, all my test names showed up. Started VS, and Test Explorer discovered all my tests, it was able to run them.
Then I done a clean build, so the external stuff deleted from the testBin folder. The Test Explorer cached the test names, so it was able to run them.
Restart VS. Test Explorer tries to discover my tests. but it fails whit this helping message: (removed date+time)
Google Test Adapter: Test discovery starting...
Failed to run test executable 'D:\MySolution\testBinaries\SBCUnitTest.exe': One or more errors occurred.
Check out Google Test Adapter's trouble shooting section at https://github.com/csoltenborn/GoogleTestAdapter#trouble_shooting
In particular: launch command prompt, change into directory '..\ownBinaries', and execute the following command to make sure your tests can be run in general.
D:\MySolution\testBinaries\SBCUnitTest.exe --gtest_list_tests -testdirectory=
Found 0 tests in executable D:\MySolution\testBinaries\SBCUnitTest.exe
Test discovery completed, overall duration: 00:00:00.3022924
Have you noticed that -testDirectory= is empty despite it is set in the runsettings file?
I'm completely lost how I can proceed with it. This workaround is quite heavy to copy all files, then delete all but the test binaries each time when I start VS.
Here is the link for the Troubleshooting section mentioned in the error message.
I've read through the readme file on github, also the runsetting docs on Microsoft's website.
I made progress with the VsTest.console.exe, I can successfully run all my tests with the proper arguments as below:
& "VSTest.console.exe" *_uTest.exe /Settings:..\MySolution.gta.runsettings /TestAdapterPath:"..\packages\GoogleTestAdapter.0.18.0\build\_common\"
I use the same *.runsettings and *.gta_settings_helper files. Those files are used to get absolute paths for the dependencies. I could run this from different folders, but then I had to adjust the arguments (test discovery pattern, relative path to runsettings, and relative path to GTA).
Great news, that it successfully runs on Azure (it uses vstest.console).
Edit 2
Tried to merge the workingDir and pathExtension nodes, so only one needed (the pathExtension). No success.
Tried to install Test adapter for google test in the VS installer, delete the runsetting file, and set the properties in VS->Tools->Options then Test adapter for google test. Even the example pathExtension didn't worked for me.
Found the extended logs under %AppData%/Local/Temp/TestAdapter/someNumber/*.txt and in that log I've found one line as the runsettings file. I paste here the formatted version of the log
Does anybody know why is there an empty google test adapter setting? Where does it comes from? I think this is overwrites my settings.
It turned out, before first run the relative paths are not known.
Trivial solution
Add the full path to the PATH Extension under Visual Studio -> Options -> Test Adapter for Google Test settings. Meanwhile the custom *.runsetting file is not selected.
Using this method all my tests are discoverable, but it is a manual setting for each repo cloned.

How Do I Setup SonarQube cfamil.gcov Correctly?

I cannot get coverage reporting to work within SonarQube. I have a C++ project for which I am using the build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 along with the sonar-scanner. The basic static analysis for the source code seems to work but there is nothing about test code coverage reported within SonarQube.
As part of the same workflow I am using lcov and genhtml to make a unit test coverage report, so I am confident that most of the code coverage steps are being correctly executed. When I manually view the .gcov files I can see run counts in the first column, so there is data there.
I have my code organised into modules. The sonar-project.properties file includes the following:
# List of the module identifiers
# Path is relative to the sonar-project.properties file. Replace "\" by "/" on Windows.
# This property is optional if sonar.modules is set.
# Existing reports
I would also like to get the unit test results displayed under the Sonar tools. As I am using the CppUTest framework I do not have an xunit or junit test output at present though. This can be dealt with as a separate issue but as I am unable to found much documentation of how to use the cfamily scanner online I do not know if the tests not being listed is relevant.
I had forgotten to setup my CI system correctly. The .gcov files did not exist for the job that was running the sonar-scanner. They only existed in the testing job that generated the coverage report. No files in the scanner job mean it cannot make a coverage report.
When I set the GitLab CI system I am using to keep the .gcov files as artefacts the coverage reporting suddenly started working.
The .gcov files were generated by a test job and need to be transferred to the sonar-scanner job via the artefact store. This is because GitLab CI does not share a work area between dependent jobs and you have to explicitly say what files must be copied.

Generate test results using xunit in VSO build task for asp.net core app

I have this build :
It works fine. The only issue is that the Test Results are overridden. So I actually end up with the test results for the last test project executed.
This is executed by build engine;
C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe test C:/agent/_work/4/s/test/Services.UnitTests/project.json --configuration release -xml ./TEST-tle.xml
C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe test C:/agent/_work/4/s/test/Web.UnitTests/project.json --configuration release -xml ./TEST-tle.xml
What could help:
1) having "dotnet test" generate XML output file - did not find a way how to do that
2) Use a variable for -xml output file in Build Task. That variable could be a random string/number or just a project name being tested - like what Build engine feeds to "dotnet.exe test". No way how to do that.
Any ideas? Thanks.
I think that, although you're running the task against all of the projects in one go, as the .Net Core (Preview) task doesn't have a working directory, that the test results are being generated at solution root (or similar) and done for each project in turn.
I set mine up using simple command line tasks...
Tool: dotnet
Arguments: test -xml testresults.xml
Working folder: {insert the folder for the project to test here}
These work fine but I have one set up for each project. You could try creating a task for each library and adding the full path to the test results argument (or name them appropriately as starain suggested).
This feels like a minor bug to me.
Based on my test, it doesn’t recognize the date variable as Build Number.
To deal with this issue, you can add another .Net Core (Test) step to run xunit test with different result file.
For example:

Publishing unit test results from TFS2013 Build to SonarQube

I have created a TFS2013 Build Definition using the template TfvcTemplate.12.xaml
I have specified a test run using VSTestRunner and enabled code coverage.
I am integrating this build with sonar analysis by specifying pre-build and post-test execution script.
Prebuild script arguments: begin /name:PrjName /key:PrjKey /version:1.0 /d:sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths="tst*.trx"
I have the "Unit Test Coverage" widget on my sonar dashboard.
It shows Unit Test Coverage %
However, it does not show the unit tests (ie how many tests were run, how many failed ,etc).
I looked in the build output. There is a "tst" folder, however it is empty.
I cannot find the trx files.
I believe that either the trx files are not properly generated or
I am not setting the "sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths" correctly.
Please help !!
Relative paths are not well supported: Specify an absolute path wildcard to your *.trx reports. See https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SONARMSBRU-100 for details on the bug.
Note that you probably can use the TFS 2013 environment variables to construct this absolute path wildcard: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh850448.aspx#env_vars