How to use GDI Libraries in C++ - c++

I am a student of programming, and have programmed in many different languages.
However, I have used c++ only once and in a very non-professional way.
I have had no formal training in c++, and yes I am doing something about that, as it causes tons of confusion when things look very different from say Java, which I have had formal training in.
A lot of help I try to find recently has been so non-concrete I have gotten no where with almost all my questions, and here is a very specific one:
I wish to make a very simple game. I have never been shown concretely how to render graphics. I want to use the most basic library I can to render them, which from what I can tell (in Windows that is) is GDI. I found this page:
When I try to #include or use the namespace the classes say they are a part of, errors pop up like crazy.
Why is that? How to I import these classes so I can use them?

The link you have is for GDI+, not GDI. Despite almost identical names, they are not the same thing. GDI provides the most basic access to the display, via C calls only (no classes or any other OO stuff) and dates back to Windows 2.0.
GDI+ is more modern and has some improved capabilities, but it's still a bit outdated. As mentioned in the comments to your question, that link is for the .net API, if you're writing a native C++ application you won't be able to use it.
There is a native interface for GDI+, via COM. Take a look at this link.


Best general cross-platform solution for drawing (primitives, lines, etc) in C++?

I've had much experience writing in Java, python, C#, and C, mostly for hobby. In all of the applications I've coded that involve displays (simulations, graphers, etc.), I've always just used the stock "Canvas" class of whatever framework I'm using (Swing Canvas, .NET Canvas, pygame once for python).
The downside of this is that all of these have slightly different paradigms in drawing.
I'm starting a project in C++ and was wondering what the best solution is for cross-platform drawing. OpenGL is obviously very low level, but some sort of library on top of OpenGL would be good. I've heard of/read about things like Cairo, SDL, etc., but don't yet know what to go with. I'm already using wxWidgets for interface, but would prefer to use something more standard instead of just a wxWidgets canvas. Obviously, the ability to draw lines and shapes is important, not just display pictures or whatnot.
Thanks for any direction!
I would consider using Qt, and notably its Graphics View framework. (Qt works on Linux, Windows, MacOSX).
SDL is SimpleMedia Direct Layer, which is basically a common interface to interface with the framebuffer and audio devices. If you wanted to create windows and such, it doesn't have general purpose constructs that work cross-platform.
Cairo is for drawing graphics, but still operates at a level that's lower than what WxWidgets provides.
C++ doesn't provide anything standard, so either you go with some platform specific, or you use a cross platform library like Qt (already mentioned by Basile) or stick with wxWidgets. Both are popular and widely used, though Qt is probably much more well-known and used (though that is just opinion). I've used Qt for work and it is very much cross platform and pretty easy to use (but very extensive, so prepare to read a lot of documentation). Luckily it also has a lot of documentation and many examples available.
Plus, both wxWidgets and Qt have bindings in many languages, so you could take the knowledge with either and use it with many other languages.
Open Frameworks is very easy to use and comes with a lot of examples...
it's platform independent and somehow reminds me of processing

C++ Analogue for WPF

So I've fooled around with WPF a bit recently, and I must say that I really like the idea. I love the framework as a whole, from the GUI to the plumbing.
However, as much as I love managed land, I love my native code just as much. So I'm wondering what sort of libraries exists for C++ which capture the essence of various parts of WPF. I'm not looking for interop solution, nor do I want Managed C++ or C++/CLI solutions, but pure C++ solutions.
Now, I'm not expecting to find a "copy" of WPF for C++ - I wouldn't expect that to exist, nor would I need it to. Instead, I would expect that different libraries might capture a subset of the desired concepts. My particular interests are
Hardware accelerated graphics for widget based GUI's (via DirectX or OpenGL, preferably the latter)
Declarative language for GUI design (preferably an XML dialect)
Data binding
Resolution independence (less important)
To say a little about my reasoning, I would like to implement such a library myself, which captures a specific model that I have begun working out. I am in the process of finding some more inspiration and helpful resources before locking down my design. The library is intended to be cross-platform, so references to cross-platform ideas would be great, but not strictly necessary as I am usually capable of translating things into cross-platform solutions.
Lastly, although I am writing a C++ library, and C++ ideas would be great, I am open to ideas from any native language.
Thanks in advance for any help.
There isn't really anything like this. Not cross-platform at any rate. Direct2D works reasonably well, but is obviously Windows-only. And NVIDIA recently dropped this "path" extension of OpenGL that is similar in basic functionality, but it is NVIDIA-only (and not available on Mac OSX). Cairo has an OpenGL backend, but I have no idea how good it is. It can't be that good if Mozilla dumped Cairo in favor of D2D on Windows.
Many GUI toolkits have some form of language for making a GUI. Qt has one that is pre-compiled into C++.
Not that I know of. Data binding requires some form of reflection (WPF-style data binding does), and C++ has no native support for reflection. So you would need to implement reflection of some sort before you can even begin to make WPF-style data binding work.
That comes with #1. More or less, as any GPU-based renderer will be able to operate at arbitrary resolutions.
I love C++, but honestly, this sort of thing is best implemented for a higher level language. The lack of language-based reflection support will make implementing data binding a huge pain. Whereas, you could just implement the low-level "render stuff to area" and basic window/event management in C++, then expose it to a scripting language where data binding and such work. That way, you have native code speed where you need it, but the versatility and reflection of a scripting language for dealing with the GUI and its associated data.
I'm several years late, but for the benefit of anybody else reading this question: you're looking for Qt Quick / QML:

what after the basic c++?

i studied basics of c++ in college, we used the book object oriented programming in c++ by robert lafore.
i studied till pointers (almost half the book) and i still feel outdated using the console and not doing something other than that (forgive me for my ignorance) i want to do windows simple apps and knowing how to employ the little i learned.
the problem is when i open a win32 project in Visual studio for example it opens a lot of stuffs and many .cpp's and .h's .
is there a way to comprehend that and walking on the right path?
the code is complicated to me and mind teasing is it suppose to be like this ?intended to be like this for beginners ? is there a reliable tutorial to introduce me to that or do i need to learn the advanced concepts of c++ like templates and virtual functions and file i\o or they are not necessery ?
thank you.
There are simpler languages to learn programming in then C++, and less complicated concepts to be mastered in simple CLI applications. In fact, using C++ to write GUI software is probably one of the hardest things to learn to do well. If you are intent on learning only visual programming, and only in C++, then I suggest trying the programming toolkit QT ( as you will have a window on the screen faster and more logically then nearly anything else.
Otherwise, pick nearly any interpreted (VB, Python, Ruby) or quasi-compiled (Perl, Java, C#) language and work through a command line tutorial first, as your progress will be much more likely.
Create an empty project in Visual Studio, then it won't create a bunch of .cpp and .h files that you don't care about.
After that, to learn how to write a windows application from scratch, read Programming Windows by Charles Petzold, or google a windows programming tutorial on the web.
Later, get books by Jeff Richter (Windows via C/C++) to learn more advanced windows programming concepts.
win32/Visual Studio is not a good way to learn GUI programming --Visual Studio generates too many mysterious and unreadable pieces of code and the win32 API is a C API which carries a lot baggage from from the early versions of windows.
It would be much better to use a more organised and conceptualy cleaner framework like Qt or WxWidgets to learn GUI programming.
I would actually recommend you use wxPython to learn the basics of wX and switch to the c++ interface when you have a good understanding of the widgets etc.
Most of the c++ code you need for a GUI is just boiler plate property setting and exception handling which wont teach you much and is pretty tedious.
My tip on getting a hang of windows programming:
Read The Forgers tutorial.
Instead of choosing a project with stuff in it, just choose a blank project and start from scratch, it's actually not that hard once you get the hang of it. However, a basic Win32 program consists of approximately 70-100 lines, because:
You have to set up a unique window (this includes registering your window in Windows and creating it correctly)
You have to handle all the messages that are sent to your window
You have to react to the messages that are sent to your window
Especially check out the Simple Window that TheForger created, then start fideling with the flags (dwExStyle and dwStyle) in CreateWindowEx, check out the wndProc function and see what the messages are (I think the most interesting you should focus on is WM_CREATE, WM_PAINT and WM_SIZE). Hopefully, after some time you will get a feel for what everything is and how it interacts.
It takes some time but I guess most stuff in programming does if you want to learn it. When you have your basic knowledge of a window, you should probably see how you should move on, if you should start with 3D (DirectX or OpenGL) or stay with 2D (GDI+). Or take up Qt like suggested by James Anderson, it really depends on what you want to do. But I do think that you should take that decision then and not now. StackOverflow will most likely assist if you ask what direction you should take if you know what kind of a project you want to do.
You need to start somewhere. So yes, you need to learn all those things you mentioned and then some. The then some includes writing console apps until you really understand whats going on. The only reason I can speak is because I am in a similar boat. I would say, from the sound of it, that I am probably more "advanced" than you and I still find doing some assignments/projects in the console challenging.
The problem is: Windows and stuff is complicated, you have all these events (clicks, keys, mouse stuff etc) and you are interacting heavily with the operating system. It is good that you start with console apps, because there you can focus on the actual programming, i.e., learning how to use loops, functions, classes etc.
To learn how to make windows, you should absolutely understand what classes are and how to use them, because in my opinion, all window toolkits worth learning make use of classes.
So, how does this windows stuff work? The good news: A lot of work has already been done. No need for you to re-program a "print file"-dialogue, no need to hand-draw windows with their symbols and menus etc. This is all readily available in so-called frameworks, and there is a bunch of them out there. You can use the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), or Nokia's Qt or wxWidgets etc.
Google for tutorials on these, and this should get you on the way. First look around which framework looks best to you and then do the Hello World examples.
Once you gain some experience, you'll see that it isn't THAT scary. The only scary thing is the unknown that is yet to be conquered.
(A more gentle introduction would be to first do Java/Swing as I find this VERY easy, but the C++ alternatives aren't too hard, really)
Just play around visual studio if you want to get familiar with Visual studio or any IDE. VS does lots of things on behalf of you. Its interactive, select one option, look into auto generated files .h or .cpp, compile it. If you get any error google it. I myself learned this way.
For learning C++ lafore is good book to start with. The most important way of learning any language is writing lots of code. Dont get tempted to look solution in book. The best way is:
a) Read the problem properly
b) Write your logic on paper first
c) Identify interfaces
d) Convert your logic into programme
e) Compile it
f) remove the errors
g) remove all the warnings

Is the .NET ImageAnimator available for C++ as well?

On codeproject there is an example of extending the GDI+ Image class to support animated gif under C++
However, under .Net there is ImageAnimator. While looking at ImageAnimator I noticed that
they show support under 4 languages including C++. Does that mean ImageAnimator is actually
available under C++ as well?
The reason I ask is, that I don't like reinventing the wheel. Also, the codeproject version is dependant on MFC so if I use that I'll have to strip out the mfc bits. Thought I'd just ask this question before I begin.
Yes, that is exactly what it means. The MSDN page you linked to even has a C++ example of how to use it.
.Net is just another wrapper of GDI+ flat API. The C++ wrapper of GDI+ flat API is here. You get pretty much the same object model, except .Net has some higher classes that do not exist in low level wrappers. For example, to rewrite the ImageAnimator class in native code you need to create your own wrapper around Image::SelectActiveFrame or GdipImageSelectActiveFrame.

Looking for C++ implementation of OpenGL gears example

I have often seen the spinning gears OpenGL example ( I think originally done by SGI) but I today I have only been able to find C and Ruby implementations, can anyone point me to a c++ implementation?
What, in particular, would you be looking for in a C++ implementation that the C one doesn't provide? OpenGL is a C API, and thus a C demonstration is practical. A C++ implementation would call all the same functions in the same order and to the same effect, it would likely just wrap the implementation in an object. This doesn't really further one's understanding of the core API, and can possibly add a layer of obfuscation to those not familiar with some C++ styles and patterns.
If what you are really looking for is an example of initiating OpenGL wrapped in a C++ framework, I made a few of those a while back. You can find them here. Please note that I'm no longer actively maintaining the code or page, though.
If you want to mess around with OpenGL i strongly reccomend using OpenSceneGraph (OSG) since you can focus better on computer graphics aspects instead. It's using all the C++ magic and design patterns.