Poppler win32: missing include - c++

I downloaded pre-built win32 poppler binaries from this page. But saw only the bin folder and not include/bin folders. I need a include folder (which must contains my poppler-qt5 folder) to put in my .pro file (i'm using qt5 to test).
My .pro:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:\\test_folder\\poppler-0.24.5-win32\\include\\poppler-qt5"
LIBS += -L/"C:\\test_folder\\poppler-0.24.5-win32\\lib"
My questions is:
Where should I put the bin folder, is the include folder provided by the release? Or should I put the include folder from this release inside poppler-win32 folder?


Bind Qt with QtGStreamer

I am trying to make a simple qt c++ VoIP application, when I searched I found the QtGStreamer Lib and wanted to make it work. I download the latest version 1.2 from here.When I went to the example folder and tried to compile the VoIP example I got this error:
Qt5GStreamer-1.0 development package not found
What I try is comment this line CONFIG += link_pkgconfig in .pro file and add the src folder that came with the folder of QtGstreamer to folder project. I also added this to .pro file INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/src this the path of the Libs folder
Now I get an error that i need to add boost Lib so I add it by adding this to .pro file
INCLUDEPATH += C:/boost_1_61_0
LIBS += "-LC:/boost_1_61_0/stage/lib"
Now I get many errors that say (undefined reference to ..) 130 error. Not sure what to try.
the file comes with containing Readme file I download the dependency but the same error I think the problem that I don't link it correctly I'm still a beginner in 3rd party and link libs in c++,
my os is windows
Thanks in advance

Qt iOS build does not find headers with path

I am building a working application (Mac and Linux) for iOS emulator in Qt 5.4 but when compiling the sources, compiler shows issues about header files not found. These files definitely are where they should be and the same code/pro builds without issues for desktop versions.
For example, in my code I have included:
#include <sndfile.h>
and in my .pro file I have:
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib/ -lsndfile.1
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/
and the header file for libsndfile is definitely in /usr/local/include
I have tried adding this to .pro file
But no use, still all headers that are not directly in the same folder
as the .pro file cannot be found when compiling... What am I missing?
Is there some different way to define paths to iOS build sources?
I am able to build Qt iOS tutorial projects and run them on the emulator.
Perhaps your Makefile is outdated.
Run qmake again, after changing something in .pro file.

Why does Qt add 'PWD' to libraries that are NOT referenced relatively?

Whenever I add a library in the .pro file of a Qt project (in Qt 5.2) it adds a $$PWD before the path of the libraries and include path. For example
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/C:/opencv/opencv-msvc2013/install/include
win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/C:/opencv/opencv-msvc2013/install/x64/vc12/lib/
My question is
why does Qt start the path with the PWD (Present Working Directory) keyword if its providing an absolute path to the libraries? What logic/good programming practice is this convention following?
And most importantly why it does not result in an error? How does Qt know when to search relative to a working directory and when not to? (Since both cases start with the PWD keyword)
PS : I removed the $$PWD keywords and my code worked just fine as well.
In case both the project and the library are in the same drive, that would not happen and the relative path is generated automatically. But on Windows if you add a library which is in another drive, it would add $$PWD followed by an absolute path.
This sounds like a bug and it has been reported here but it's still unresolved.

qmake with INCLUDEPATH ignores dependencies

I use qmake to build a project. The project contains several static libs and a executable. The executable links to the static libraries and therefore has the path of the library added to the INCLUDEPATH variable.
When I change something in the header files of the executable everything is rebuild as expected. When changing a header file of the library it just rebuilds the library and relinks the executable. Source files in the executable that include header files from the library are not rebuild correctly.
After investigating the problem I saw that the generated makefiles do not track the dependencies correctly. Only files included with a relative path are tracked. Any header included via INCLUDEPATH is not tracked. Is there something I can do to make it work as expected?
You should add the paths you added to INCLUDEPATH to DEPENDPATH as well.

How to add a folder with multiple libs and a folder with multiple headers into your project with Qt?

So my problem is next: I need to connect to my project Boost, FFMpeg, OpenCV and OpenAL. I have putted all .lib files for tham into some C://libs/ and headers and additional source into C://headers/ and C://src/ so I have this 3 folders I will need to cnnect to my project... I am so very new to qt and I am starting to read books on it and stuff but by now I have not found info on connectimg additional libs and source folders for projects...
And If you happen to know how to do what I am asking fore I have one more question - I have a folder called C://dlls/ with dlls I need to be placed into folder with .exe file how to add such to .pro file?
I found something like
unix:LIBS += -L/usr/lib -lboost_regex
win32:LIBS +=C:/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/lib/libboost_regex.lib
but here they connect a file - not folder and only a lib - no headers=(
For the header files, add the path to the folders to the INCLUDEPATH variable:
INCLUDEPATH += C:/headers/
For the libraries, add them to your LIBs as in your example. You may need to do this one-by-one, or you could set something up for qmake to process the directory and add the given files.
LIBS +=C:/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/lib/libboost_regex.lib
For the source files, if the libraries are properly compiled, you shouldn't need to reference them in your code project. If you do, add them to the sources list like your other code to be compiled.
For the dlls, that is more of an installation problem than a compile problem. However, you might be able to give qmake a post-link command to run to copy the dlls into the same folder as the target executable.