Changing default base URL of Sitecore ServiceApiController, Is it possible? - sitecore

when we implement SitecoreApiController, for each action method we make using Sitecore.Services.Core.ServicesController("namespace") attribute, we get a url like this:
I wonder if we could change this default pattern, somehow in config files. I particularly interested in /sitecore/api/ part, because sometimes in the sense of security concerns, certain clients don't like to reveal that much about CMS platform behind the scene. Sometimes they even ask us to hide anything in HTTP header that tells about Microsoft ASP.NET explicitly.
Is this possible here?
this link shows a way to customize it using pipelines but I wonder if we could change the base url just through config files without needing a custom pipeline

I had a look at it, and I think I found out how - although I haven't tested it.
It looks for a setting named Sitecore.Services.RouteBase and if it can't find it, it uses sitecore/api/ssc/ as the default value.
You should be able to change it with a config patch like this in the App_Config/Include folder:
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<setting name="Sitecore.Services.RouteBase" value="custom/api/" />


How can I prevent Sitecore content from being accessed under any language identifer?

How do you remove the ability to find content under language identifiers in Sitecore?
Content here:
Is also available at:
Weirder yet, any attempt to find content under a different language identifier results in an error about not being able to find Views.
/aa/about (this is invented..)
I don't want content available under any language identifier -- the URLs above should simply be 404s.
I can't find where this language identifier is isolated and processed. I removed the LanguageResolver from the httpRequestBegin pipeline, but this didn't change the behavior.
There are many blog posts about turning off language embedding in the LinkManager, which I've done, but that's not enough -- I do not want content being produced under any language code. The firs segment of the URL should be treated like any other segment. Requests for /en/[whatever] should 404.
As well as setting the LinkManager to never embed, you also need to set the Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage setting to false.
Assuming you already have a custom 404 resolver in place, you just need to change the Sitecore setting Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage from true to false like so:
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<setting name="Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage" value="false" />

Extending <redirect:write> in xalan

In my project, I have used the function which xaln provided. Now I need to write another function to fix the meta data of the file which is generated by . So the code just like below:
<redirect:write file="file.html">
<xsl:variable name="meta_fix" select="MetaFix:fix(string,string('file.html'))" /> //call the fix function which is an external java function.
However, what i really want is to extend the xalan redirect function and make a customize tag which will be processed just like the
<customize:write file="file.html" fixMeta="t" />
<redirect:customize-write file="file.html" fixMeta="t" />
How can I extend the xalan write function and make the xalan understand my customize tag?
I believe it's possible to plug an Entity Resolver into Xalan which will be able to review and rewrite URIs, which might let you put your hint into the URI rather than a separate flag variable or attribute. Check the documentation on Apache.
Or I suppose you could try copying the logic of redirect: out of the guts of xalan and adapting apprpriately, then plugging it in as an extension element. I don't remember whether extensions would be able to access enough of xalan's guts to make that work, though, and persionally I wouldn't try it since you'd be making your stylesheets extremely nonportable.

How do I prevent sitecore from adding a ~ to an image path?

I have a clean install of Sitecore 6.5, DMS 2.0, and the E-Commerce Module and Sample Site (v1.2). When I have the sample site installed, most of the images appear to be broken. The HTML that is rendered includes img src attributes that contain a path that start with /~/. Example:
Now, I'm assuming this is either because the sample site hasn't been updated in a while to stay current with Sitecore changes, or there is a configuration for media paths that get returned from it. Here's an example of the XSLT rendering used to write the image:
<img id="product_shot" class="fix" alt="{sc:fld('alt',.)}" title="{sc:fld('alt',.)}" src="/{sc:GetMediaUrl(.)}?w={$ImageWidth}&as=1" />
Does anyone know of a way to prevent the image url from being rendered with a ~ when using XSLT? Did I do something wrong with my initial setup and configuration?
John West gives a great breakdown here:
The important info being a configuration of "Media.MediaLinkPrefix". You can create a patch file, or modify your Web.config to change it to something else. The places I've read have people changing it to a single dash "-/media"
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<setting name="Media.RequestExtension">
<patch:attribute name="value"></patch:attribute>
<setting name="Media.MediaLinkPrefix">
<patch:attribute name="value">-/media</patch:attribute>
<handler trigger="-/media/" handler="sitecore_media.ashx"/>
Another solution which I can think of is to change your web.config like this:
InvalidItemNameChars: Add “~“
But this will work not only for images but for any content items out there in your Sitecore content tree.
This is more of a workaround than a solution. Since I'm setting this up for demo purposes, it'll do just fine.
In web.config, I changed the value of Media.MediaLinkPrefix to include the hostname and media prefix. Since the Sitecore E-Commerce Example Site XSLT renderings start all calls to sc:GetMediaUrl(.) with a / character and sc:GetMediaUrl(.) itself returns its first character as a /, this causes the src attribute value to be written with the full host name and then correctly resolves:
<img src="//sitecore.local/~/media/Images/Ecommerce/Examples/Products/Digital%20SLR/D200.jpg />
Far from ideal, but for these purposes, this workaround did the trick.

Magento - catalog.xml not using correct template

Noob developing a Magento theme and I can't seem to figure out why Magento is not using the path I specify in the setTemplate action on catalog.xml.
I've got my own theme in /app/design/frontend/default/mycustomtheme and I've been patching files over from the base and making changes.
I've copied over /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/catalog.xml to my custom theme at /app/design/frontend/default/mycustomtheme/layout/catalog.xml. I've set the template to be a specific phtml file...
<catalog_product_view translate="label">
<label>Catalog Product View (Any)</label>
<!-- Mage_Catalog -->
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2column.phtml</template></action>
Yet it's not working. Can someone spot what the problem might be? I've got all cache disabled and other changes I make I can see immediately, just not this one.
edit: I should note, if I change something else in the catalog_product_view xml node I see those changes are reflected. For instance if I remove <action method="addJs"><script>varien/product.js</script></action> then I see the reference is removed in the rendered html file.
edit2: Adding images to address questions ...
did you setup-up / configured the theme from your store backend?
Yes, and it's actually loading the correct header and footer, and it's properly styled.
Are you sure you have such template under /app/design/frontend/default/mycustomtheme/template/page/ directory?
Yes, I can confirm the file is there
OMG. The (one and only) product I was testing on had a specific layout set under the "Design" section. So I guess that was overriding anything I had set in catalog.xml
I'd like to have the 3 hours of my life back.

How to use interceptor on the default page?

Here's my situation : in the webapp, I use an interceptor to set the language(Locale).
If a user is logged, I used the language property of this user.
Else if a cookie is set, I use the value of this cookie.
Else, I use the setting of the browser.
It works well when I navigate into the app and when I am logged.
The problem is at the welcome page, since it calls, it don't go through the interceptors so the language isn't set(it's always using the browser setting).
Is there a way to go through the interceptors on the index page or to set the Locale value in the index.jsp page ?
Thank you!
The solution :
I removed the .jsp from the index.jsp in the web.xml file :
I added the index action to my struts.xml file :
<default-action-ref name="index" />
<action name="index">
<interceptor-ref name="appStack" />
<result name="success">index.jsp</result>
The language interceptor is part of the appStack.
Thank you guys for your helps!
I recommend that you do one of two things: (your choice)
(1) Implement your logic in a web filter and have your container configured with this filter so you can set the language (if not already set). This is easy to do, just look at any example of a HelloWorld filter.
(2) Make sure that your home page is only reachable as a Struts2 action (you can define a default action in your Struts2 config file) and ensure that your interceptor is part of the default stack.
Hope that helps!
I would just add the conventions plugin (struts2-conventions-plugin-x.x.x.jar) where x.x.x is the version you are using.
Then I would move all the public jsp's under /WEB-INF/content and be done.
In your web.xml I don't mention any welcome files... but if you would like to be explicit:
If using Struts 2.2.1 your web.xml should minimally look like...
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
If you want to do it the struts.xml way then just move the index.jsp under /WEB-INF and create an action mapping for it... something like:
<action name="index">
which would be in a package with namespace "/" or "".
On the other hand I haven't looked at the Local stuff in a while but are you sure you're not reinventing the wheel... the i18n interceptor is already in the default stack.
Look into it's use. Long story short there are language property files defined for each language. If Struts2 has determined such properties are in use then then the struts tags will search the value in its name attribute for a matching string in the property file and return the value of that map entry.
It all works pretty slick. Sorry if this is what you are already doing but on the chance you didn't know it should save you a lot of time.