Determining which overload was selected - c++

Let's say I have some arbitrary complicated overloaded function:
template <class T> void foo(T&& );
template <class T> void foo(T* );
void foo(int );
I want to know, for a given expression, which foo() gets called. For example, given some macro WHICH_OVERLOAD:
using T = WHICH_OVERLOAD(foo, 0); // T is void(*)(int);
using U = WHICH_OVERLOAD(foo, "hello"); // U is void(*)(const char*);
// etc.
I don't know where I would use such a thing - I'm just curious if it's possible.

Barry, sorry for the misunderstanding in my first answer. In the beginning I understood your question in a wrong way. 'T.C.' is right, that it is not possible except in some rare cases when your functions have different result types depending on the given arguments. In such cases you can even get the pointers of the functions.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
//template <class T> T foo(T ) { std::cout << "template" << std::endl; return {}; };
std::string foo(std::string) { std::cout << "string" << std::endl; return {}; };
std::vector<int> foo(std::vector<int>) { std::cout << "vector<int>" << std::endl; return {}; };
char foo(char) { std::cout << "char" << std::endl; return {}; };
template<typename T>
struct Temp
using type = T (*) (T);
#define GET_OVERLOAD(func,param) static_cast<Temp<decltype(foo(param))>::type>(func);
int main(void)
auto fPtr1 = GET_OVERLOAD(foo, 0);
auto fPtr2 = GET_OVERLOAD(foo, std::string{"hello"});
auto fPtr3 = GET_OVERLOAD(foo, std::initializer_list<char>{});
auto fPtr4 = GET_OVERLOAD(foo, std::vector<int>{});
auto fPtr5 = GET_OVERLOAD(foo, std::initializer_list<int>{});
return 0;
The output is:

I'm probably far from what you have in mind, but I've spent my time on that and it's worth to add an answer (maybe a completely wrong one, indeed):
template <class T> void foo(T&&);
template <class T> void foo(T*);
void foo(int);
template<int N>
struct choice: choice<N+1> { };
struct choice<3> { };
struct find {
template<typename A>
static constexpr
auto which(A &&a) {
return which(choice<0>{}, std::forward<A>(a));
template<typename A>
static constexpr
auto which(choice<2>, A &&) {
// do whatever you want
// here you know what's the invoked function
// it's template<typename T> void foo(T &&)
// I'm returning its type to static_assert it
return &static_cast<void(&)(A&&)>(foo);
template<typename A>
static constexpr
auto which(choice<1>, A *) {
// do whatever you want
// here you know what's the invoked function
// it's template<typename T> void foo(T *)
// I'm returning its type to static_assert it
return &static_cast<void(&)(A*)>(foo);
template<typename A>
static constexpr
which(choice<0>, A a)
-> std::enable_if_t<not std::is_same<decltype(&static_cast<void(&)(A)>(foo)), decltype(which(choice<1>{}, std::forward<A>(a)))>::value, decltype(&static_cast<void(&)(A)>(foo))>
// do whatever you want
// here you know what's the invoked function
// it's void foo(int)
// I'm returning its type to static_assert it
return &foo;
int main() {
float f = .42;
static_assert(find::which(0) == &static_cast<void(&)(int)>(foo), "!");
static_assert(find::which("hello") == &static_cast<void(&)(const char *)>(foo), "!");
static_assert(find::which(f) == &static_cast<void(&)(float&)>(foo), "!");
static_assert(find::which(.42) == &static_cast<void(&)(double&&)>(foo), "!");
I'll delete this answer after a short period during the which I expect experts to curse me. :-)


Template function deduction fail on std::conditional argument

Please, before marking this as a duplicate of This question read the entirety of the post
This piece of code fails to compile, with a template deduction error:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T = float, int N>
class MyClass
template<typename DATA_TYPE>
using MyType = std::conditional_t<(N>0), DATA_TYPE, double>;
MyType<T> Var;
void Foo()
template<typename TYPE>
void Bar(MyType<TYPE> Input)
std::cout << typeid(Input).name() << std::endl;
int main()
MyClass<float, 1> c;
return 0;
I understand the point that was made in the question i linked above, which is that "the condition which allows to choose the type to be deduced depends on the type itself", however, why would the compiler fail in the specific case i provided as the condition here seems to be fully independent from the type, or is there something i'm missing?
I would be more than happy if someone could refer to a section of the c++ standard that would allow me to fully understand this behaviour.
As the linked question, TYPE is non deducible. MyType<TYPE> is actually XXX<TYPE>::type.
You have several alternatives, from your code, I would say one of
Bar no longer template:
template<typename T = float, int N>
class MyClass
template<typename DATA_TYPE>
using MyType = std::conditional_t<(N>0), DATA_TYPE, double>;
MyType<T> Var;
void Foo()
void Bar(MyType<T> Input)
std::cout << typeid(Input).name() << std::endl;
requires (or SFINAE/specialization for pre-c++20):
template<typename T = float, int N>
class MyClass
template<typename DATA_TYPE>
using MyType = std::conditional_t<(N>0), DATA_TYPE, double>;
MyType<T> Var;
void Foo()
template<typename TYPE>
void Bar(TYPE Input) requires(N > 0)
std::cout << typeid(Input).name() << std::endl;
void Bar(double Input) requires(N <= 0)
std::cout << typeid(Input).name() << std::endl;

How can I overload a function with a callable object as a parameter based on the object's call signature?

For example, given the following code
class A {
double operator()(double foo) {
return foo;
class B {
double operator()(double foo, int bar) {
return foo + bar;
I want to write two versions of fun, one that works with objects with A's signature and another one that works with objects with B's signature:
template <typename F, typename T>
T fun(F f, T t) {
return f(t);
template <typename F, typename T>
T fun(F f, T t) {
return f(t, 2);
And I expect this behavior
A a();
B b();
fun(a, 4.0); // I want this to be 4.0
fun(b, 4.0); // I want this to be 6.0
Of course the previous example throws a template redefinition error at compile time.
If B is a function instead, I can rewrite fun to be something like this:
template <typename T>
T fun(T (f)(T, int), T t) {
return f(t, 2);
But I want fun to work with both, functions and callable objects. Using std::bind or std::function maybe would solve the problem, but I'm using C++98 and those were introduced in C++11.
Here's a solution modified from this question to accommodate void-returning functions. The solution is simply to use sizeof(possibly-void-expression, 1).
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
// like std::declval in c++11
template <typename T>
T& decl_val();
// just use the type and ignore the value.
template <std::size_t, typename T = void>
struct ignore_value {typedef T type;};
// This is basic expression-based SFINAE.
// If the expression inside sizeof() is invalid, substitution fails.
// The expression, when valid, is always of type int,
// thanks to the comma operator.
// The expression is valid if an F is callable with specified parameters.
template <class F>
typename ignore_value<sizeof(decl_val<F>()(1),1), void>::type
call(F f)
// Same, with different parameters passed to an F.
template <class F>
typename ignore_value<sizeof(decl_val<F>()(1,1),1), void>::type
call(F f)
f(1, 2);
void func1(int) { std::cout << "func1\n"; }
void func2(int,int) { std::cout << "func2\n"; }
struct A
void operator()(int){ std::cout << "A\n"; }
struct B
void operator()(int, int){ std::cout << "B\n"; }
struct C
void operator()(int){ std::cout << "C1\n"; }
void operator()(int, int){ std::cout << "C2\n"; }
int main()
// call(C()); // ambiguous
Checked with gcc and clang in c++98 mode.

Replacing switch statements when interfacing between templated and non-templated code

The X:
A common pattern I'm seeing is that the underlying code for a function is templates, but for "reasons" the template code is not available at the upper layer (pick from aversion to templates in interface, the need for a shared library and not to expose implementation to customer, reading type settings at run time instead of compile time, etc.).
This often makes the following:
struct foo { virtual void foo() = 0;}
template <typename T> struct bar : public foo
bar( /* Could be lots here */);
virtual void foo() { /* Something complicated, but type specific */}
And then an initialize call:
foo* make_foo(int typed_param, /* More parameters */)
case 1: return new bar<int>(/* More parameters */);
case 2: return new bar<float>(/* More parameters */);
case 3: return new bar<double>(/* More parameters */);
case 4: return new bar<uint8_t>(/* More parameters */);
default: return NULL;
This is annoying, repetitive, and error prone code.
So I says to myself, self says I, there has GOT to be a better way.
The Y:
I made this. Do you all have a better way?
//////Code to reuse all over the place
template <typename T, T VAL>
struct value_container
static constexpr T value() {return VAL;}
template <typename J, J VAL, typename... Ts>
struct type_value_pair
static constexpr J value() {return VAL;}
template <class FOO>
static auto do_things(const FOO& foo)->decltype(foo.template do_things<Ts...>()) const
foo.template do_things<Ts...>();
template <typename T>
struct error_select
T operator()() const { throw std::out_of_range("no match");}
template <typename T>
struct default_select
T operator()() const { return T();}
template <typename S, typename... selectors>
struct type_selector
template <typename K, class FOO, typename NOMATCH, typename J=decltype(S::do_things(FOO()))>
static constexpr J select(const K& val, const FOO& foo=FOO(), const NOMATCH& op=NOMATCH())
return S::value()==val ? S::do_things(foo) : type_selector<selectors...>::template select<K, FOO, NOMATCH, J>(val, foo, op);
template <typename S>
struct type_selector<S>
template <typename K, class FOO, typename NOMATCH, typename J>
static constexpr J select(const K& val, const FOO& foo=FOO(), const NOMATCH& op=NOMATCH())
return S::value()==val ? S::do_things(foo) : op();
////// Specific implementation code
class base{public: virtual void foo() = 0;};
template <typename x>
struct derived : public base
virtual void foo() {std::cout << "Ima " << typeid(x).name() << std::endl;}
struct my_op
template<typename T>
base* do_things() const
base* ret = new derived<T>();
return ret;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
while (true)
std::cout << "Press a,b, or c" << std::endl;
char key;
std::cin >> key;
base* value = type_selector<
type_value_pair<char, 'a', int>,
type_value_pair<char, 'b', long int>,
type_value_pair<char, 'c', double> >::select(key, my_op(), default_select<base*>());
std::cout << (void*)value << std::endl;
/* I am putting this in here for reference. It does the same
thing, but the old way: */
case 'a':
base* ret = new derived<int>();
value = ret;
case 'b':
base* ret = new derived<char>();
value = ret;
case 'c':
base* ret = new derived<double>();
value = ret;
return NULL;
Problems I see with my implementation:
It is clear and readable as mud
Template parameters MUST be types, have to wrap values in types (template <typename T, T VAL> struct value_container { static constexpr T value() {return VAL;} };)
Currently no checking/forcing that the selectors are all type-value pairs.
And the only pros:
Removes code duplication.
If the case statement gets high/the contents of do_things gets high, then we can be a little shorter.
Has anyone do something similar or have a better way?
You can always walk a type list indexed by type_param, as in:
struct foo
virtual ~foo() = default;
/* ... */
template<typename T>
struct bar : foo
{ /* ... */ };
template<typename TL>
struct foo_maker;
template<template<typename...> class TL, typename T, typename... Ts>
struct foo_maker<TL<T, Ts...>>
template<typename... Us>
std::unique_ptr<foo> operator()(int i, Us&&... us) const
return i == 1 ?
std::unique_ptr<foo>(new bar<T>(std::forward<Us>(us)...)) :
foo_maker<TL<Ts...>>()(i - 1, std::forward<Us>(us)...); }
template<template<typename...> class TL>
struct foo_maker<TL<>>
template<typename... Us>
std::unique_ptr<foo> operator()(int, Us&&...) const
{ return nullptr; }
struct types;
template<typename... Us>
std::unique_ptr<foo> make_foo(int typed_param, Us&& us...)
{ return foo_maker<types<int, float, double, uint8_t>>()(typed_param, std::forward<Us>(us)...); };
Note: this factory function is O(n) (although a clever compiler could make it O(1)), while the switch statement version is O(1).
Just to expand YoungJohn's comment, it looks like this (I've included a single initialization of the operator, and it could be made simpler if there was no parameters, but if there are no parameters there is little reason to do this anyway :-P).
#include <functional>
#include <map>
//////specific impmenetation code
class base{public: virtual void foo() = 0;};
template <typename x>
struct derived : public base
virtual void foo() {std::cout << "Ima " << typeid(x).name() << std::endl;}
struct my_op
int some_param_; /// <shared parameter
my_op(int some_param) : some_param_(some_param){} /// <constructor
template<typename T>
base* do_stuff() const
std::cout << "Use some parameter: " << some_param_ << std::endl;
base* ret = new derived<T>();
return ret;
base* init_from_params(int some_param, char key)
my_op op(some_param);
using factoryFunction = std::function<base*()>;
std::map<char, factoryFunction> mp
{ 'a', std::bind(&my_op::do_stuff<int>, &op)},
{ 'b', std::bind(&my_op::do_stuff<long int>, &op)},
{ 'c', std::bind(&my_op::do_stuff<double>, &op)}
} ;
factoryFunction& f = mp[key];
if (f)
return f();
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
volatile int parameters = 10;
while (true)
std::cout << "Press a, b, or c" << std::endl;
char key;
std::cin >> key;
base* value = init_from_params(parameters, key);
std::cout << (void*)value << std::endl;
Pros: so much shorter, so much more standard, so much less weird template stuff. It also doesn't require the templated arguments to all be types, we can select whatever we want to initialize the function.
Cons: In theory, it could have more overhead. In practice, I totally doubt that the overhead would ever matter.
I like it!
template<class T>
foo* make_foo(int typed_param,/*more params*/)
return new bar<T>(/*more params*/);

c++ template specialization for all subclasses

I need to create a template function like this:
template<typename T>
void foo(T a)
if (T is a subclass of class Bar)
do this
do something else
I can also imagine doing it using template specialization ... but I have never seen a template specialization for all subclasses of a superclass. I don't want to repeat specialization code for each subclass
You can do what you want but not how you are trying to do it! You can use std::enable_if together with std::is_base_of:
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
struct Bar { virtual ~Bar() {} };
struct Foo: Bar {};
struct Faz {};
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Bar, T>::value>::type
foo(char const* type, T) {
std::cout << type << " is derived from Bar\n";
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of<Bar, T>::value>::type
foo(char const* type, T) {
std::cout << type << " is NOT derived from Bar\n";
int main()
foo("Foo", Foo());
foo("Faz", Faz());
Since this stuff gets more wide-spread, people have discussed having some sort of static if but so far it hasn't come into existance.
Both std::enable_if and std::is_base_of (declared in <type_traits>) are new in C++2011. If you need to compile with a C++2003 compiler you can either use their implementation from Boost (you need to change the namespace to boost and include "boost/utility.hpp" and "boost/enable_if.hpp" instead of the respective standard headers). Alternatively, if you can't use Boost, both of these class template can be implemented quite easily.
I would use std::is_base_of along with local class as :
#include <type_traits> //you must include this: C++11 solution!
template<typename T>
void foo(T a)
struct local
static void do_work(T & a, std::true_type const &)
//T is derived from Bar
static void do_work(T & a, std::false_type const &)
//T is not derived from Bar
local::do_work(a, std::is_base_of<Bar,T>());
Please note that std::is_base_of derives from std::integral_constant, so an object of former type can implicitly be converted into an object of latter type, which means std::is_base_of<Bar,T>() will convert into std::true_type or std::false_type depending upon the value of T. Also note that std::true_type and std::false_type are nothing but just typedefs, defined as:
typedef integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;
I know this question has been answered but nobody mentioned that std::enable_if can be used as a second template parameter like this:
#include <type_traits>
class A {};
class B: public A {};
template<class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<A, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
int foo(T t)
return 1;
I like this clear style:
void foo_detail(T a, const std::true_type&)
//do sub-class thing
void foo_detail(T a, const std::false_type&)
//do else
void foo(T a)
foo_detail(a, std::is_base_of<Bar, T>::value);
The problem is that indeed you cannot do something like this in C++17:
struct convert_t {
static auto convert(T t) { /* err: no specialization */ }
struct convert_t<T> {
// T should be subject to the constraint that it's a subclass of X
There are, however, two options to have the compiler select the correct method based on the class hierarchy involving tag dispatching and SFINAE.
Let's start with tag dispatching. The key here is that tag chosen is a pointer type. If B inherits from A, an overload with A* is selected for a value of type B*:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
struct type_to_convert {
type_to_convert(int i) : i(i) {};
type_to_convert(const type_to_convert&) = delete;
type_to_convert(type_to_convert&&) = delete;
int i;
struct X {
X(int i) : i(i) {};
X(const X &) = delete;
X(X &&) = delete;
int i;
struct Y : X {
Y(int i) : X{i + 1} {}
struct A {};
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t, int *) {
return t.i;
template<typename U>
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t, X *) {
return U{t.i}; // will instantiate either X or a subtype
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t, A *) {
return 42;
template<typename T /* requested type, though not necessarily gotten */>
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t) {
return convert<T>(t, static_cast<T*>(nullptr));
int main() {
std::cout << convert<int>(type_to_convert{5}) << std::endl;
std::cout << convert<X>(type_to_convert{6}).i << std::endl;
std::cout << convert<Y>(type_to_convert{6}).i << std::endl;
std::cout << convert<A>(type_to_convert{-1}) << std::endl;
return 0;
Another option is to use SFINAE with enable_if. The key here is that while the snippet in the beginning of the question is invalid, this specialization isn't:
template<T, typename = void>
struct convert_t {
static auto convert(T t) { /* err: no specialization */ }
struct convert_t<T, void> {
So our specializations can keep a fully generic first parameter as long we make sure only one of them is valid at any given point. For this, we need to fashion mutually exclusive conditions. Example:
template<typename T /* requested type, though not necessarily gotten */,
typename = void>
struct convert_t {
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t) {
static_assert(!sizeof(T), "no conversion");
struct convert_t<int> {
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t) {
return t.i;
template<typename T>
struct convert_t<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<X, T>>> {
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t) {
return T{t.i}; // will instantiate either X or a subtype
template<typename T>
struct convert_t<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<A, T>>> {
static auto convert(const type_to_convert &t) {
return 42; // will instantiate either X or a subtype
template<typename T>
auto convert(const type_to_convert& t) {
return convert_t<T>::convert(t);
Note: the specific example in the text of the question can be solved with constexpr, though:
template<typename T>
void foo(T a) {
if constexpr(std::is_base_of_v<Bar, T>)
// do this
// do something else
If you are allowed to use C++20 concepts, all this becomes almost trivial:
template<typename T> concept IsChildOfX = std::is_base_of<X, T>::value;
// then...
template<IsChildOfX X>
void somefunc( X& x ) {...}

c++0x: overloading on lambda arity

I'm trying to create a function which can be called with a lambda that takes either 0, 1 or 2 arguments. Since I need the code to work on both g++ 4.5 and vs2010(which doesn't support variadic templates or lambda conversions to function pointers) the only idea I've come up with is to choose which implementation to call based on arity. The below is my non working guess at how this should look. Is there any way to fix my code or is there a better way to do this in general?
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
template <class Func> struct arity;
template <class Func>
struct arity<Func()>{ static const int val = 0; };
template <class Func, class Arg1>
struct arity<Func(Arg1)>{ static const int val = 1; };
template <class Func, class Arg1, class Arg2>
struct arity<Func(Arg1,Arg2)>{ static const int val = 2; };
template<class F>
void bar(F f)
cout << arity<F>::val << endl;
int main()
bar([]{cout << "test" << endl;});
A lambda function is a class type with a single function call operator. You can thus detect the arity of that function call operator by taking its address and using overload resolution to select which function to call:
#include <iostream>
template<typename F,typename R>
void do_stuff(F& f,R (F::*mf)() const)
template<typename F,typename R,typename A1>
void do_stuff(F& f,R (F::*mf)(A1) const)
template<typename F,typename R,typename A1,typename A2>
void do_stuff(F& f,R (F::*mf)(A1,A2) const)
template<typename F>
void do_stuff(F f)
int main()
do_stuff([]{std::cout<<"no args"<<std::endl;});
do_stuff([](int a1){std::cout<<"1 args="<<a1<<std::endl;});
do_stuff([](int a1,int a2){std::cout<<"2 args="<<a1<<","<<a2<<std::endl;});
Be careful though: this won't work with function types, or class types that have more than one function call operator, or non-const function call operators.
I thought the following would work but it doesn't, I'm posting it for two reasons.
To save people the time if they had the same idea
If someone knows why this doesn't work, I'm not 100% sure I understand (although I have my suspicions)
Code follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
template <typename Ret>
unsigned arity(std::function<Ret()>) { return 0; }
template <typename Ret, typename A1>
unsigned arity(std::function<Ret(A1)>) { return 1; }
template <typename Ret, typename A1, typename A2>
unsigned arity(std::function<Ret(A1, A2)>) { return 2; }
// rinse and repeat
int main()
std::function<void(int)> f = [](int i) { }; // this binds fine
// Error: no matching function for call to 'arity(main()::<lambda(int)>)'
std::cout << arity([](int i) { });
Compile time means of obtaining the arity of a function or a function object, including that of a lambda:
int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
auto f0 = []() {};
auto f1 = [](int) {};
auto f2 = [](int, void *) {};
std::cout << Arity<decltype(f0)>::value << std::endl; // 0
std::cout << Arity<decltype(f1)>::value << std::endl; // 1
std::cout << Arity<decltype(f2)>::value << std::endl; // 2
std::cout << Arity<decltype(main)>::value << std::endl; // 2
template <typename Func>
class Arity {
struct Any {
template <typename T>
operator T ();
template <typename T>
struct Id {
typedef T type;
template <size_t N>
struct Size {
enum { value = N };
template <typename F>
static Size<0> match (
F f,
decltype(f()) * = nullptr);
template <typename F>
static Size<1> match (
F f,
decltype(f(Any())) * = nullptr,
decltype(f(Any())) * = nullptr);
template <typename F>
static Size<2> match (
F f,
decltype(f(Any(), Any())) * = nullptr,
decltype(f(Any(), Any())) * = nullptr,
decltype(f(Any(), Any())) * = nullptr);
enum { value = Id<decltype(match(static_cast<Func>(Any())))>::type::value };
This way works:
template<typename F>
auto call(F f) -> decltype(f(1))
return f(1);
template<typename F>
auto call(F f, void * fake = 0) -> decltype(f(2,3))
return f(2,3);
template<typename F>
auto call(F f, void * fake = 0, void * fake2 = 0) -> decltype(f(4,5,6))
return f(4,5,6);
int main()
auto x1 = call([](int a){ return a*10; });
auto x2 = call([](int a, int b){ return a*b; });
auto x3 = call([](int a, int b, int c){ return a*b*c; });
// x1 == 1*10
// x2 == 2*3
// x3 == 4*5*6
It works for all callable types (lambdas, functors, etc)