Ember component libraries - ember.js

I've come across a few Ember component libraries but don't see much activity in their repositories. This is raising some doubt as to whether I should use one in a brand new project.
Are people still using component libraries in new [Ember CLI] projects?
Example component libraries I've found:
Ember Components
Ember UI
Ember Widgets
Any experience with any of these lately? Any new kids on the block?
Or are you creating your own components as required?

There's not a perfect answer to this question. However, there are some factors I weigh when deciding whether or not to use a component library and which one:
Do I need it? Ember has a number of built-in helpers (for example input helpers) that can often do what needs to be done.
How many of the components that ship with the library will I use? There's nothing to gain by unnecessarily adding page weight, it will only degrade users' experience.
How easy is each component to override/extend? In my experience, it's inevitable when using a component library that there will be something that doesn't work the way I need it to. So it's critical the components can be extended or overridden.
Does the library ship with CSS? If so, is it well written and/or optional? Libraries that ship with their own styles can be a pain because the styles will likely not match the aesthetic of your application. How well the styles are written determines how much hacking you'll have to do in order to achieve the result you want.
How active is the development and how many stars does it have on GitHub? If the library doesn't have a lot of active support, it's likely going to quickly get outdated. This can paint you into a corner if you want to upgrade ember itself and the component library is no longer compatible. It can be a significant effort to remove/replace one of these libraries.
There are probably more things to consider, but my point is the decision should be well thought out and deeply question whether or not you need a component library at all.
I have used ember-material-lite extensively. It's a good option if you want to follow Google's Material Design spec. Another nice thing about it is you can easily override both the component JS and Handlebars files for each component in your application to extend/modify their behavior.


How to face many customer specific GUI variants, searching for alternative to Qt

we're maintaining some Qt applications which are running on Linux and Windows desktops. Now, we want to make the applications more attractive by adding customized forms and reports for each customer or at least groups of customers. There may be 10 or more different versions needed.
As we come from Qt, we are wondering how to manage so many configurations and if there already is a framework/development system that would help us here. We were looking at QML/Qt Quick, WT Toolkit or even NC Reports for the reporting part.
Managing configurations and deriving different versions from a base is not a feature which is discussed or promoted.
There should be a clean distinction between Display and Application Logic (Model/View)
Nice would be a textual GUI description, which enables us to release changes in forms or reports without the need to reinstall the whole applications (like QML seems to have that)
Also nice would be a kind of report generator, that helps to create forms and reports for new customers without the need to code them (and so releases our core developers from boring work)
Has somebody experience with such kind of customer based configurations? It would be nice to have a hint what's the best way to do this in the Qt surrounding.
I know comparisons like http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtdoc/topics-ui.html#comparison, but the specific questions that I have are not mentioned.
best regards
I guess you need to differentiate applications in three aspects:
1. appearance - if the application only differs in button color, icon image and background themes, qt's style sheet is light and convenient, you can choose to deploy different qss file and load different ones without recoding. if the variance among customers concerns layouts or available widgets (some has buttons, some use combo boxes, .etc), style sheet cannot meet the requirement, QML seems promising in such case.
business logic - i'm not sure how "generating reports" differs for different customers, if the reports need to be printed, or saved as document, i don't think qt provides good toolkit (QXXXDocument is not suitable to generate / display large amount of document), html? maybe. And i agree with #hyde that loading different plugins or dynamic libraries can solve this.
What I learnt from 8 month qt:
Model/View Architecture is there, for example a tree view that we fill with voyage data. the data is gatheres from several db tables, so we have a good logical distinction.
We hadn't the time to work us into qml, so we stuck with qt designer. It's quite easy, so we're fine with that. Delivering changes in customer forms without recompile will be a feature for a bigger future rework.
Same with report generators...

Best practices and tools for a big, extendible worklight enterprise application

I'm trying to optimize my company's application.
Tha architecture at this time is composed of different folders (inside common folder) for different sections of the app (for example Managing Bills, Managing Canteen, Managing Events etc etc).
Every js and css are included in the first page of the application (login.html) because I'm using the simple page template of jQuery Mobile.
Now I'm considering to add some other components to make the app easier to mantain and maybe speed it a bit.
What do you think about:
RequireJS to divide each section in a module so i can load only the javascript of a particular module at run-time instead of loading within login.html
Inline #imports for CSS files to produce single composite CSS
uglify.js to Minimize file sizes
Handlebars.js to realize fragments of html reusable
Do you think is a good way of work for an application that will become greater by adding new sections?
Do you think of other tools?
Thank you
This is a very broad question. I think you're on the right track... I'll list some libraries that could be worth trying:
Require.js - Will give you the ability to have 'modules' and dynamically determine and load dependancies. Alternatively some people prefer patterns such as the Revealing Module Pattern, jQuery Plugin Style or Common JS style modules. For what it's worth I recommend Require.js.
Bower is a package manager, you can use it to bower install [package]. They have a lot of packages here and you can also link it to your own repo. This could be helpful for managing dependancies.
Uglify.js and Google Closure Compiler are both good for minifying your code. Remember that some minification configurations such as advance mode could break your code. Run tests against the minified version of your source code.
QUnit is good for doing JavaScript unit tests. There are many other alternatives like Jasmine, which is what the Cordova guys use.
Lodash is another (faster) implementation of underscore.js that will provide a lot of utility methods for working wit arrays, objects, functions, etc. It also includes templating support. There's a good talk by the author here.
There a MV* JavaScript frameworks that could help more than jQuery (DOM+AJAX+Animations) or jQuery Mobile (Mostly UI) such as: Dojo, AngularJS, Backbone and Ember.js.
For UI you may want to checkout Adobe's topcoat repository and website. There's also Twitter Bootstrap and Foundation which allow you do to responsive design out of the box. If you're set on jQuery Mobile I personally like this Flat theme.
JSDoc and YUIDoc are good alternatives for documenting your JavaScript code.
I have no idea how many of those tools will interact inside Worklight Applications. It should be fine, since Worklight doesn't impose a certain set of JavaScript libraries you have to use. However, I haven't personally tried most of them inside Worklight Applications.

Why is jQuery an Ember.js dependency?

I can understand needing some abstraction layer for common operations like retrieving DOM elements, attribute manipulation, etc., but jQuery is a pretty massive library that seems like a lot of overkill for Ember.
After looking through the source code, there are only about 30 or so uses of jQuery in Ember and it looks like the majority of jQuery usage is simple selector calls, some events, and some DOM traversal.
Ember.$(rootElement).off('.ember', '**').removeClass('ember-application');
elem = this.$();
Ember.$(window).on('hashchange.ember-location-'+guid, function() {
Are there any other reasons Ember requires jQuery for every application?
Could these few uses be embedded into Ember and jQuery removed as a dependency?
The question was extremely well explained by Tom Dale (Ember Core Developer).
Essentially he says:
Ember.js requires jQuery for two reasons:
We rely on it heavily in the Ember/Handlebars integration for inserting and modifying DOM elements. I personally am not interested
in dealing with cross-browser DOM manipulation bugs, but the jQuery
team excels at it.
By having a standard DOM manipulation library in jQuery, developers can move between different Ember.js apps and rely on the fact that
they have a battle-tested, cross-platform library underneath them.
If you are concerned about size, I'd recommend investigating the new
jQuery 2.0, which has the ability to do custom builds without features
such as animation.
Makes a lot of sense to me.
Recently Erik Bryn (Ember Core Developer too) wrote a very interesting comment about the framework and mentioned the state of the art of jQuery usage in Ember projects.
Pasting the comment:
It's a common misconception that Ember.js is monolithic. I can assure
you that isn't actually true. You can pick and choose the parts of
Ember that you want or need (for example, the router is totally
optional). Our build tools even support picking and choosing which
packages you want. You can use it today without jQuery (you will need
to shim and have an event delegation library, or even easier use a
super-lightweight custom jQuery build).
Only Ember's view layer depends on jQuery. It was used more heavily historically than it is now. In the future, we could as you suggest, roll functionality into Ember itself, although we do not want to maintain cross-browser compatibility in Ember that jQuery is already taking care of. Another path, with jQuery 2.0, would be a way to create trimmer build of jQuery containing just the portions that Ember uses.
If there are no-compromise ways to replace instances of jQuery usage in Ember core, you should propose the changes as issues on GitHub.

html5 d3d application menus/hud

I'm looking to use html5/css/js for the menu system and hud of a C++ d3d application. Ideally I'd like a 64bit MSVC10 library that I can statically link to.
So far I'm looking at:
Before I commit alot of time I'd like to understand the which library would be the best for my purposes (not just from the list above). Could I use WebKit directly? Or chromium?
Even though this concept seems to be catching on right now I can hardly find a single example showing how to do it or collating relevant information.
You may also look at GUI toolkits that embed/integrate/have plugins for your listed HTML renderers (MyGUI comes to mind, with Berkelium/Awesomium integration).
Berkelium or Awesomium in general are probably a good bet, they're rather widely used for embedding Webkit and will work well. Berkelium is somewhat newer, and may have a few less features, but documentation tends to be better.
Of note is the long history Awesomium's developers have of flip-flopping licenses and suddenly trying to get money out of users (they've had free licenses before, which then were retconned into a pay-when-you-release), so that should be taken into careful consideration before touching it.
I'm not familiar with chromiumembedded and Qt has gone heavily OpenGL, severely damaging its value in graphics apps in general and likely making it useless to you.

Building dashboards in django

I have a django app and I would like to display some graphical data visualization to my users. I am looking for an easy-to-use package that would allow me to add graphs and widgets.
The kind of widget I want to build is a kind of speedometer dial that is red at one end and green at the other. As a user completes their job over the day, the graphic/widget adjusts itself. The dial moves from red to green.
I also want an S-curve graphic that shows the cumulative amount of work accomplished against planned. That is kind of an x/y line plot.
My question are: How easy is this to implement? Are there any add-ins libraries or packages that do this already? I am trying to keep my entire application open-source. I've seen a couple subscription services that do this type of thing, but I can't stomach the cost.
I don't mind using ajax or jquery to implement such a thing, but I would like the most elegant and maintainable solution.
Any advice or examples on how to tackle this project?
There are lots of good javascript libraries these days, but all require some effort to learn how to use. I have not found one that really is easy to use, I guess because everyone wants something different. My general experience has been the more effort you put into learning them, the more you get out.
Google has gauges: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/gauge.html
Or really take control:
As first, see the following grid (https://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/dashboard-applications/) on djangopackages.
Not sure if that's exactly what's asked for, but you might take a look at django-dash (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-dash).
It allows each user to make his own dashboard (from plugins available). Those dashboards can be made public.
Some screenshots (http://pythonhosted.org/django-dash/#screenshots).
It's modular and plugin based, so you need to make a plugin and widgets for every specific feature (in this particular case - the speedometer plugin and widgets for it). Each plugin/widget can include own JS/CSS when being rendered.
See the following chart usage examples:
D3.js integration examples (https://github.com/barseghyanartur/django-dash/tree/master/example/example/d3_samples).
Polychart2.js integration example (https://github.com/barseghyanartur/django-dash/blob/master/example/example/bar/).
protovis is no longer under active development, but they started a new poject: http://d3js.org/
You may choose from these packages: