How to use regular expressions properly on a SQL files? - regex

I have a lot of undocumented and uncommented SQL queries. I would like to extract some information within the SQL-statements. Particularly, I'm interested in DB-names, table names and if possible column names. The queries have usually the following syntax.
FROM mydb.table1 m
LEFT JOIN mydb.sometable o ON =
LEFT JOIN mydb.sometable t ON
LEFT JOIN otherdb.sometable s ON s.column='test'
Usually, the statements involes several DBs and Tables. I would like only extract DBs and Tables with any other information. I thought if whether it is possible to extract first the information which begins after FROM & JOIN & LEFT JOIN. Here its usually db.table letters such as o t s correspond already to referenced tables. I suppose they are difficult to capture. What I tried without any success is to use something like:
gsub(".*FROM \\s*|WHERE|ORDER|GROUP.*", "", vec)
Assuming that each statement ends with WHERE/where or ORDER/order or GROUP... But that doesnt work out as expected.

You haven't indicated which database system you are using but virtually all such systems have introspection facilities that would allow you to get this information a lot more easily and reliably than attempting to parse SQL statements. The following code which supposes SQLite can likely be adapted to your situation by getting a list of your databases and then looping over the databases and using dbConnect to connect to each one in turn running code such as this:
con <- dbConnect(SQLite()) # use in memory database for testing
# create two tables for purposes of this test
dbWriteTable(con, "BOD", BOD, row.names = FALSE)
dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris, row.names = FALSE)
# get all table names and columns
tabinfo <- Map(function(tab) names(fn$dbGetQuery(con, "select * from $tab limit 0")),
giving an R list whose names are the table names and whose entries are the column names:
> tabinfo
[1] "Time" "demand"
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width" "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Species"
or perhaps long form output is preferred:
setNames(stack(tabinfo), c("column", "table"))
column table
1 Time BOD
2 demand BOD
3 Sepal.Length iris
4 Sepal.Width iris
5 Petal.Length iris
6 Petal.Width iris
7 Species iris

You could use the stringi package for this.
# Your string vector
myString <- "SELECT *
FROM mydb.table1 m
LEFT JOIN mydb.sometable o ON =
LEFT JOIN mydb.sometable t ON
LEFT JOIN otherdb.sometable s ON s.column='test'"
# Three stringi functions used
# stringi_extract_all_regex will extract the strings which have FROM or JOIN followed by some text till the next space
# string_replace_all_regex will replace all the FROM or JOIN followed by space with null string
# stringi_unique will extract all unique strings
t <- stri_unique(stri_replace_all_regex(stri_extract_all_regex(myString, "((FROM|JOIN) [^\\s]+)", simplify = TRUE),
"(FROM|JOIN) ", ""))
> t
[1] "mydb.table1" "mydb.sometable" "otherdb.sometable"


How to know if a variation (f.e. abbreviation) of a string in a list does match agains another list if the original does not?

I currently searching for a method in R which let's me match/merge two data frames. Helas both of these data frames contain non optimal data. They can have certain abbreviations of even typo's in them. Therefore I would like to define a list for each abbreviation and if a string contains one of those elements. If the original entries don't match, R should check if any of the other options of the abbreviation has a match. To illustrate: the name of a company could end with "Limited" but also with "Ltd." of "Ltd" etc.
The Original "Address" file contains:
Company name Address
Deloitte Ltd. New York
Coca-Cola New York
Tesla ltd California
Microsoft Limited Washington
Would have to be merged with "EnterpriseNrList"
Company name EnterpriseNumber
Deloitte Ltd. 221
Coca-Cola 334
Tesla ltd 725
Microsoft Limited 127
So the abbreviations should work in "both directions". That's why I said, if R recognises any of the abbreviations, R should try to match all of them.
All of the matches should be reported as the return.
Therefore I would make up a list "Abbreviations" for each possible abbreviation
1) Would this be a good method, or would there be a more efficient way?
2) How can I check a list against a list of possible abbreviations (step 1, see below), sort of a containsx from excel?
3) How could I make up a list that replaces for the entries that do not match the abbreviation with all other abbreviatinos (step 2, see below)?
Thoughts for solution
Step 1
As I am still very new to this kind of work, I was thinking the following: use a regex expression to filter out wether a string contains any of the abbreviation options and create a list which will then contain either -1 if no match could be found and >0 if match is found. The no pattern matching can already be matched against the "Address" list. With the other entries I continue to step 2.
In this step I don't really know how to check against a list of options ("Abbreviations" list).
Step 2
Next I would create a list with the matches from step 1 and rbind together all options. In this step I don't really know to I could create a list that combines f.e. Coca-Cola with all it's possible abbreviations.
Coca-Cola Limited
Coca-Cola Ltd.
Coca-Cola Ltd
Step 3
Lastly I would match/merge this more complete list of companies again with the original "Data" list. With the introduction of step 2 I thought It might be a bit easier on the required computing power, as the original list is about 8000 rows.
I would go in a different approach, fixing the tables first before the merge.
To fix with abreviations, I would use a regex, case insensitive, the final dot being optionnal, I start with a list of 'Normal word' = vector of abbreviations.
abbrevs <- list('Limited'=c('Limited','Ltd'),'Incorporated'=c('Incorporated','Inc'))
The I build the corresponding regex (alternations with an optional dot at end, the case will be ignored by parameter in gsub and agrep later):
regexes <- lapply(abbrevs,function(x) { paste0("(",paste0(x,collapse='|'),")[.]?") })
Which gives:
[1] "(Limited|Ltd)[.]?"
[1] "(Incorporated|Inc)[.]?"
Now we have to apply each regex to the column of each df:
for (i in seq_along(regexes)) {
Address$ <- gsub(regexes[[i]], names(regexes[i]), Address$,
Enterprise$ <- gsub(regexes[[i]], names(regexes[i]), Enterprise$,
This does not take into account typos. Here you'll need to work on with agrepor adist to manage it.
Result for Address example data set:
> Address Address
1 Deloitte Limited New York
2 Coca-Cola New York
3 Tesla Limited California
4 Microsoft Limited Washington
Input data used:
Address <- structure(list( = c("Deloitte Ltd.", "Coca-Cola",
"Tesla ltd", "Microsoft Limited"), Address = c("New York", "New York",
"California", "Washington")), .Names = c("", "Address"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
Enterprise <- structure(list( = c("Deloitte Ltd.", "Coca-Cola",
"Tesla ltd", "Microsoft Limited"), EnterpriseNumber = c(221L,
334L, 725L, 127L)), .Names = c("", "EnterpriseNumber"
), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
I would say that the answer depends on whether you have a list of abbreviations or not.
If you have one, you could just look which element of your list contains an abbreviation with grep or greplfunctions. (grep return all indexes that have a matching pattern whereas grepl returns a logical vector).
Also, use the TRUE parameter of these function, so you don't have to try all capitalized/lowercase possibilities.
If you don't have such a list, my first guest would be to extract the first "word" of each company (I would guess that there is a single "Deloitte" company, and that it is "Deloitte Ltd"). You can do so with:
unlist(strsplit(CompanyNames,split = " "))
If you wanted to also correct for typos, this is more a question of string distance.
Hope that it helped!

Split one column into two columns and retaining the seperator

I have a very large data array:
'data.frame': 40525992 obs. of 14 variables:
$ INSTNM : Factor w/ 7050 levels "A W Healthcare Educators"
$ Total : Factor w/ 3212 levels "1","10","100",
$ Crime_Type : Factor w/ 72 levels "MURD11","NEG_M11",
$ Count : num 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
The Crime_Type column contains the type of Crime and the Year, so "MURD11" is Murder in 2011. These are college campus crime statistics my kid is analyzing for her school project, I am helping when she is stuck. I am currently stuck at creating a clean data file she can analyze
Once i converted the wide file (all crime types '9' in columns) to a long file using 'gather' the file size is going from 300MB to 8 GB. The file I am working on is 8GB. do you that is the problem. How do i convert it to a data.table for faster processing?
What I want to do is to split this 'Crime_Type' column into two columns 'Crime_Type' and 'Year'. The data contains alphanumeric and numbers. There are also some special characters like NEG_M which is 'Negligent Manslaughter'.
We will replace the full names later but can some one suggest on how I separate
MURD11 --> MURD and 11 (in two columns)
NEG_M10 --> NEG_M and 10 (in two columns)
I have tried using,
df <- separate(totallong, Crime_Type, into = c("Crime", "Year"), sep = "[:digit:]", extra = "merge")
df <- separate(totallong, Crime_Type, into = c("Year", "Temp"), sep = "[:alpha:]", extra = "merge")
The first one separates the Crime as it looks for numbers. The second one does not work at all.
I also tried
df$Crime_Type<- apply (strsplit(as.character(df$Crime_Type), split="[:digit:]"))
That does not work at all. I have gone through many posts on stack-overflow and thats where I got these commands but I am now truly stuck and would appreciate your help.
Since you're using tidyr already (as evidenced by separate), try the extract function, which, given a regex, puts each captured group into a new column. The 'Crime_Type' is all the non-numeric stuff, and the 'Year' is the numeric stuff. Adjust the regex accordingly.
extract(df, 'Crime_Type', into=c('Crime', 'Year'), regex='^([^0-9]+)([0-9]+)$')
In base R, one option would be to create a unique delimiter between the non-numeric and numeric part. We can capture as a group the non-numeric ([^0-9]+) and numeric ([0-9]+) characters by wrapping it inside the parentheses ((..)) and in the replacement we use \\1 for the first capture group, followed by a , and the second group (\\2). This can be used as input vector to read.table with sep=',' to read as two columns.
df1 <- read.table(text=gsub('([^0-9]+)([0-9]+)', '\\1,\\2',
totallong$Crime_Type),sep=",", col.names=c('Crime', 'Year'))
# Crime Year
#1 MURD 11
#2 NEG_M 11
If we need, we can cbind with the original dataset
cbind(totallong, df1)
Or in base R, we can use strsplit with split specifying the boundary between non-number ((?<=[^0-9])) and a number ((?=[0-9])). Here we use lookarounds to match the boundary. The output will be a list, we can rbind the list elements with and convert it to data.frame, strsplit(as.character(totallong$Crime_Type),
split="(?<=[^0-9])(?=[0-9])", perl=TRUE)))
# V1 V2
#1 MURD 11
#2 NEG_M 11
Or another option is tstrsplit from the devel version of data.table ie. v1.9.5. Here also, we use the same regex. In addition, there is option to convert the output columns into different class.
setDT(totallong)[, c('Crime', 'Year') := tstrsplit(Crime_Type,
"(?<=[^0-9])(?=[0-9])", perl=TRUE, type.convert=TRUE)]
# Crime_Type Crime Year
#1: MURD11 MURD 11
#2: NEG_M11 NEG_M 11
If we don't need the 'Crime_Type' column in the output, it can be assigned to NULL
totallong[, Crime_Type:= NULL]
NOTE: Instructions to install the devel version are here
Or a faster option would be stri_extract_all from library(stringi) after collapsing the rows to a single string ('v2'). The alternate elements in 'v3' can be extracted by indexing with seq to create new data.frame
v2 <- paste(totallong$Crime_Type, collapse='')
v3 <- stri_extract_all(v2, regex='\\d+|\\D+')[[1]]
ind1 <- seq(1, length(v3), by=2)
ind2 <- seq(2, length(v3), by=2)
d1 <- data.frame(Crime=v3[ind1], Year= v3[ind2])
v1 <-, c(expand.grid(c('MURD', 'NEG_M'), 11:15), sep=''))
test <- data.frame(v1= sample(v1, 40525992, replace=TRUE ))
v2 <- paste(test$v1, collapse='')
v3 <- stri_extract_all(v2, regex='\\d+|\\D+')[[1]]
ind1 <- seq(1, length(v3), by=2)
ind2 <- seq(2, length(v3), by=2)
d1 <- data.frame(Crime=v3[ind1], Year= v3[ind2])
#user system elapsed
#56.019 1.709 57.838
totallong <- data.frame(Crime_Type= c('MURD11', 'NEG_M11'))

data.table setnames combined with regex

I would like to rename each column in a data table based on a regex in an appropriate way.
DT <- data.table("a_foo" = 1:2, "bar_b" = 1:2)
a_foo bar_b
1: 1 1
2: 2 2
I would like to cut the "_foo" and "bar_" from the names. This classic line does the trick, but it also copies the whole table.
names(DT) <- gsub("_foo|bar_", "", names(DT))
How can I do the same using setnames()? I have a lots of variables, so just writing out all of the names is not an option.
You could try
setnames(DT, names(DT), gsub("_foo|bar_", "", names(DT)))
based on the usage in ?setnames i.e. setnames(x,old,new)
Or as #eddi commented
setnames(DT, gsub("_foo|bar_", "", names(DT)))

How to rename a column of a data frame with part of the data frame identifier in R?

I've got a number of files that contain gene expression data. In each file, the gene name is kept in a column "Gene_symbol" and the expression measure (a real number) is kept in a column "RPKM". The file name consists of an identifier followed by _ and the rest of the name (ends with "expression.txt"). I would like to load all of these files into R as data frames, for each data frame rename the column "RPKM" with the identifier of the original file and then join the data frames by "Gene_symbol" into one large data frame with one column "Gene_symbol" followed by all the columns with the expression measures from the individual files, each labeled with the original identifier.
I've managed to transfer the identifier of the original files to the names of the individual data frames as follows.
files <- list.files(pattern = "expression.txt$")
for (i in files) {var_name = paste("Data", strsplit(i, "_")[[1]][1], sep = "_"); assign(var_name, read.table(i, header=TRUE)[,c("Gene_symbol", "RPKM")])}
So now I'm at a stage where I have dataframes as follows:
Data_id0001 <- data.frame(Gene_symbol=c("geneA","geneB","geneC"),RPKM=c(2.43,5.24,6.53))
Data_id0002 <- data.frame(Gene_symbol=c("geneA","geneB","geneC"),RPKM=c(4.53,1.07,2.44))
But then I don't seem to be able to rename the RPKM column with the id000x bit. (That is in a fully automated way of course, looping through all the data frames I will generate in the real scenario.)
I've tried to store the identifier bit as a comment with the data frames but seem to be unable to assign the comment from within a loop.
Any help would be appreciated,
You should never work this way in R. You should always try keeping all your data frames in a list and operate over them using function such as lapply etc. Thus, instead of using assign, just create an empty list of length of your files list and fill it with the for loop
For your current situation, we can fixed it using ls and mget combination in order to pull this data frames from the global environment into a list and then change the columns of interest.
temp <- mget(ls(pattern = "Data_id\\d+$"))
lapply(names(temp), function(x) names(temp[[x]])[2] <<- gsub("Data_", "", x))
# Gene_symbol id0001
# 1 geneA 2.43
# 2 geneB 5.24
# 3 geneC 6.53
# $Data_id0002
# Gene_symbol id0002
# 1 geneA 4.53
# 2 geneB 1.07
# 3 geneC 2.44
You could eventually use list2env in order to get them back to the global environment, but you should use with caution
thanks a lot for your suggestions! I think I get the point. The way I'm doing it now (see below) is hopefully a lot more R-like and works fine!!!
files <- list.files(pattern = "expression.txt$")
temp <- list()
for (i in 1:length(files)) {temp[[i]]=read.table(files[i], header=TRUE)[,c("Gene_symbol", "RPKM")]}
for (i in 1:length(temp)) {temp[[i]]=rename(temp[[i]], c("RPKM"=strsplit(files[i], "_")[[1]][1]))}
combined_expression <- join_all(temp, by="Gene_symbol", type="full")

read table with spaces in one column

I am attempting to extract tables from very large text files (computer logs). Dickoa provided very helpful advice to an earlier question on this topic here: extracting table from text file
I modified his suggestion to fit my specific problem and posted my code at the link above.
Unfortunately I have encountered a complication. One column in the table contains spaces. These spaces are generating an error when I try to run the code at the link above. Is there a way to modify that code, or specifically the read.table function to recognize the second column below as a column?
Here is a dummy table in a dummy log:
> collect.models(, adjust = FALSE)
model npar AICc DeltaAICc weight Deviance
5 AA(~region + state + county + city)BB(~region + state + county + city)CC(~1) 17 11111.11 0.0000000 5.621299e-01 22222.22
4 AA(~region + state + county)BB(~region + state + county)CC(~1) 14 22222.22 0.0000000 5.621299e-01 77777.77
12 AA(~region + state)BB(~region + state)CC(~1) 13 33333.33 0.0000000 5.621299e-01 44444.44
12 AA(~region)BB(~region)CC(~1) 6 44444.44 0.0000000 5.621299e-01 55555.55
> # the three lines below count the number of errors in the code above
Here is the R code I am trying to use. This code works if there are no spaces in the second column, the model column: <- readLines('c:/users/mmiller21/simple R programs/dummy.log')
top <- '> collect.models\\(, adjust = FALSE)'
bottom <- '> # the three lines below count the number of errors in the code above' <-[grep(top,,]
x <- read.table(, comment.char = ">")
I believe I must use the variables top and bottom to locate the table in the log because the log is huge, variable and complex. Also, not every table contains the same number of models.
Perhaps a regex expression could be used somehow taking advantage of the AA and the CC(~1) present in every model name, but I do not know how to begin. Thank you for any help and sorry for the follow-up question. I should have used a more realistic example table in my initial question. I have a large number of logs. Otherwise I could just extract and edit the tables by hand. The table itself is an odd object which I have only ever been able to export directly with capture.output, which would probably still leave me with the same problem as above.
All spaces seem to come right before and right after a plus sign. Perhaps that information can be used here to fill the spaces or remove them.
try inserting$model <- gsub(" *\\+ *", "+",$model) before read.table <-[grep(top,,]$model <- gsub(" *\\+ *", "+",$model)
x <- read.table(, comment.char = ">")