Difficulty creating reverse "R" in powerpoint, i.e. as in
These directions aren't working, https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Rotate-or-flip-a-picture-shape-text-box-or-WordArt-47e482be-dce5-40ba-815f-c0aea4fb7ea7
This is what I tried:
I'm using a Dutch office version. Menu names may not be exactly correct, but they should be able to direct you where you need to be.
Go to format
Go to Text effects
Select 3D rotation
Select Options for 3D rotation
Change the X axis to 180
This actually rotates the text, rather than the text box.
You cannot flip horizontally a character, in powerpoint, however, you can flip a shape/vector drawing.
So you need to convert your wordart character to a shape.
In order to do that, you can play with the merge/union/combine/fragment functions :
draw a box on top of your wordart
put it behind
select both the R wordart and the box
menu Format -> merge, then try options like intersect
That will create a shape from your wordart and the box, that you can flip horizontally.
If you need just reverse version of 'R' maybe you can use cyrillic letter 'Я' (U+042F). In unicode it's called 'CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA'
I need to implement a sort of "select box" on this vertical menu:
In short I like to add the possibility to navigate the vertical menu via arrow keys.
I have already hook the game, but this part I need to do manually.
I thing the best way is use directdraw API but I don't have experience about it.
Theoretically I can follow 2 ways:
Change and resume the backgroud color of the selected item by position and color.
Add and remove a rounded box outside the selected item by position (this is not best but seem more easy to do).
I ask what are the directdraw (or other) API that do it.
Any tips are much appreciated.
Best Regards
I want the outline of text with the standard Windows font "Bahnschrift". I tried to convert it with "Path->Object to Path" and then setting fill to X and stroke to black, but looks like the font is constructed with separate polygons for each letter. See this example:
Top is Bahnschrift, and bottom is Arial which works fine.
Is it possible to calculate somehow automatically the outline of the top text, without intersections, and without doing it all manually for all the letters? And including the right outline for letters with holes, like the "e"?
Some letters are even kind of twisted internally, looks pretty bad:
So I guess an algorithm to detect if it is a real hole, or if it is a hole from such twists and to ignore it, could be difficult.
Select the complete character in question. Then select from the drop down menu:
Path intersection followed by path union. This fixes the character font outline problem where the outline crosses into the body of the character.
I've got this sfml window that displays a text and now I want to make it markable so that you can copy the text.
Any ideas how to do that?
If you just want to copy everything then just use
If you want more features, here are some I implemented when I programmed a Code Editor in SFML.
I stored two indexes, the first is where the selection begins, and the second is where the section ends.
So in the string Hello World!, if you wanted to select World you would set the begin index to 6, and the end index to 10 or 11 (depending on whether you include the final character or not).
I render this using an sf::RectangleShape, since my editor supported multiple line selection boxes the code is more complicated, but for your example you would want to get the position of each character. I used my own text renderer, but SFML's sf::Text::findCharacterPos() should be able to help with that.
Next the copy part, this is just
where getSelected() is
return std::string::substr(selection_begin, selection_end - selection_begin);
If you want pasting as well then it is also simple:
Which are both simple string operations as well (std::string::erase and reset the selection indexes, and std::string::insert).
Finally, to let the user change what is selected, either holding shift and pressing the arrow keys or clicking and dragging are both common ways, the former being easier than the latter.
For the former, check if shift is held and then if left or right is pressed update the indexes.
For the latter, you will need to handle mouse events and dragging. When dragging begins, set one of the indexes, whilst the mouse is moving and is dragging set the other index.
I'm trying to draw some block diagrams in inkscape using predefined paths that I adjust in length/height, but my paths are moving as soon as I adjust them using the "select and transform"-tool (F1).
Here is an example:
I snap my path to the correct position
I then adjust its size by dragging the bottem-left corner of the selection
My path has changed its position
I'm not sure why exactly this is happening, so I'd like to know how to keep it in place when changing its size.
First, enable Geometric bounding box in Preferences -> Tools -> Bounding box to use.
This ensures that the bounding box of a selection ends at the nodes and not at the visual limits of the selection (which includes half trace width, arrows, etc.). This way, when you scale your selection dragging from one side, nodes on the other side of the bounding box stay where they are.
Check here for documentation on transformations.
You should also uncheck the tool control icons for scaling line width and rounded corners (also explained in the link above), so that when you scale a selection, line widths remain fixed.
I often use a TPanel or TGroupBox to group my form controls.
Now I need to draw just a straight line like the border of a Panel or GroupBox.
How do I do this on LAZARUS?
Thanks in advance!
Note: The technique must work on both Linux and Windows
As an optical line separator you should use either the TBevel component with Shape property set to one of the following values bsTopLine, bsBottomLine, bsLeftLine or bsRightLine depending on which line you currently need and resize it to a smaller size (in your case you can use bsTopLine or bsBottomLine and resize the bevel vertically):
Or you can use a special component called TDividerBevel which except the single line adds to this optical divider also a caption:
Here's what I've finally done but I'm not sure if this is the RIGHT way so I won't accept my answer. If there's someone else who can point out any issues with this, please let me know. I found this pretty straightforward as well :)
Place a TGroupBox on the form.
Leave the Caption property blank. Now it should look like a panel with only borders.
Use the mouse and drag the bottom border towards the top. Now it looks like a line.
Well, I personally think this method is NOT efficient as it would take up more memory space than just a real straight line. Anyway, so far it seems to work for me :)
Here's the screenshot - look towards the bottom (just above the last text box). The only issues is that on the sides of the line, it shows the lines bending. I think I should set the properties correctly than dragging with the mouse.