I need your help regarding IIS request handling.
Does IIS process request per web page or operation inside the page ?
How IIS assign work order for different web page having multiple operation inside ? Does it will complete one page request before handling the other ? or it will process simultaneously ?
IIS architecture is documented in details here,
while the ASP.NET lifecycle is here,
Combining the two you can see that IIS does not care whether the request is to a page or inside the page. It simply passes the request to ASP.NET modules/handlers.
In the same sense, IIS does not assign work order either. First come first serve.
Is it possible to block just part of a request using ModSecurity, Azure WAF or similar? For example could you block a cookie because it contains invalid characters while allowing the rest through
I'm trying to trace an issue where sometimes a cookie is lost
ModSecurity or the web server could possibly be used to drop cookies, the easiest way to troubleshoot will be to use an application proxy like BurpSuite and see what's going on with the cookie, often the browser is the one taking the decision to use or not the cookie.
We would like to add a maintenance page to our front-end which should appear when the back-end is currently unavailable (e.g. stopped or deploying). When the application is not running, the following message is displayed together with a 404 status code:
404 Not Found: Requested route ('name.scapp.io') does not exist.
Additionally, there is header present, when the application is stopped (and only then):
X-Cf-Routererror: unknown_route
Is this header reliably added if the application is not running? If this is the case, I can use this flag to display a maintenance page.
By the way: Wouldn't it make more sense to provide a 5xx status code if the application is not started/crashed, i.e. differ between stopped applications and wrong request routes? Catching a 503 error would be much easier, as it does not interfere with our business logic (404 is used inside the application).
Another option is to use a wildcard route.
An application mapped to a wildcard route acts as a fallback app for route requests if the requested route does not exist.
Thus you can map a wildcard route to a static app that displays a maintenance page. Then if your app mapped to a specific route is down or unavailable the maintenance page will get displayed instead of the 404.
In regards to your question...
By the way: Wouldn't it make more sense to provide a 5xx status code if the application is not started/crashed, i.e. differ between stopped applications and wrong request routes? Catching a 503 error would be much easier, as it does not interfere with our business logic (404 is used inside the application).
The GoRouter maintains a list of routes for mapping incoming requests to applications. If your application is down then there is no route in the routing table, that's why you end up with a 404. If you think about it from the perspective of the GoRouter, it makes sense. There's no route, so it returns a 404 Not Found. For a 503 to make sense, the GoRouter would have to know about the app and know it's down or not responding.
I suppose you might be able to achieve that behavior if you used a wildcard route above, but instead of displaying a maintenance page just have it return an HTTP 503.
Hope that helps!
The 404 Error you see is generated by CloudFoundrys routing tier and is maintained upstream.
Generally if you don't want to get such error messages you can use blue-green deployments. Here is a detailed description of it in the CF docs: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/blue-green.html
An other option is to add a routing service that implements this functionality for you. Have a look at the CF docs for this: https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/services/route-services.html
I've been looking on the web regarding CORS, and I wanted to confirm if whatever I made of it is, what it actually is.
Mentioned below is a totally fictional scenario.
I'll take an example of a normal website. Say my html page has a form that takes a text field name. On submitting it, it sends the form data to myPage.php. Now, what happens internally is that, the server sends the request to www.mydomain.com/mydirectory/myPage.php along with the text fields. Now, the server sees that the request was fired off from the same domain/port/protocol
(Question 1. How does server know about all these details. Where does it extract all these details froms?)
Nonetheless, since the request is originated from same domain, it server the php script and returns whatever is required off it.
Now, for the sake of argument, let's say I don't want to manually fill the data in text field, but instead I want to do it programmatically. What I do is, I create a html page with javascript and fire off a POST request along with the parameters (i.e. values of textField). Now since my request is not from any domain as such, the server disregards the service to my request. and I get cross domain error?
Similarly, I could have written a Java program also, that makes use of HTTPClient/Post request and do the same thing.
Question 2 : Is this what the problem is?
Now, what CORS provide us is, that the server will say that 'anyone can access myPage.php'.
From enable cors.org it says that
For simple CORS requests, the server only needs to add the following header to its response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Now, what exactly is the client going to do with this header. As in, the client anyway wanted to make call to the resources on server right? It should be upto server to just configure itself with whether it wants to accept or not, and act accordingly.
Question 3 : What's the use of sending a header back to client (who has already made a request to the server)?
And finally, what I don't get is that, say I am building some RESTful services for my android app. Now, say I have one POST service www.mydomain.com/rest/services/myPost. I've got my Tomcat server hosting these services on my local machine.
In my android app, I just call this service, and get the result back (if any). Where exactly did I use CORS in this case. Does this fall under a different category of server calls? If yes, then how exactly.
Furthermore, I checked Enable Cors for Tomcat and it says that I can add a filter in my web.xml of my dynamic web project, and then it will start accepting it.
Question 4 : Is that what is enabling the calls from my android device to my webservices?
First of all, the cross domain check is performed by the browser, not the server. When the JavaScript makes an XmlHttpRequest to a server other than its origin, if the browser supports CORS it will initialize a CORS process. Or else, the request will result in an error (unless user has deliberately reduced browser security)
When the server encounters Origin HTTP header, server will decide if it is in the list of allowed domains. If it is not in the list, the request will fail (i.e. server will send an error response).
For number 3 and 4, I think you should ask separate questions. Otherwise this question will become too broad. And I think it will quickly get close if you do not remove it.
For an explanation of CORS, please see this answer from programmers: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/253043/139479
NOTE: CORS is more of a convention. It does not guarantee security. You can write a malicious browser that disregards the same domain policy. And it will execute JavaScript fetched from any site. You can also create HTTP headers with arbitrary Origin headers, and get information from any third party server that implements CORS. CORS only works if you trust your browser.
For question 3, you need to understand the relationship between the two sites and the client's browser. As Krumia alluded to in their answer, it's more of a convention between the three participants in the request.
I recently posted an article which goes into a bit more detail about how CORS handshakes are designed to work.
Well I am not a security expert but I hope, I can answer this question in one line.
If CORS is enabled then server will just ask browser if you are calling the request from [xyz.com]? If browser say yes it will show the result and if browser says no it is from [abc.com] it will throw error.
So CORS is dependent on browser. And that's why browsers send a preflight request before actual request.
In my case I just added
.authorizeRequests().antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()
to my WebSecurityConfiguration file issue is resolved
I want to know when I'm using IE8 open a website (like www.yahoo.com), which API will be called by IE8? so I can hook these API to capture which website that IE8 opening currently.
When you enter a URL into the browser, the browser (usually) makes an HTTP request to the server identified by the URL. To make the request, the IP address of the server is required, which is obtained by a DNS lookup of the host (domain) name.
Once the response -- usually containing HTML markup -- is received, the browser renders it to display the webpage.
More details available here: what happens when you type in a URL in browser
So, in the general case, no "API" request as such is made. (Technically speaking, you can think of the original HTTP request to the server as an API request). The sort of "API" request you presumably mean, however, is not made in this general case just described. Those requests happens when the JavaScript executing on the page makes an Ajax HTTP request (XmlHttpRequest) to the web server to carry out some operation.
I am not sure about IE8, but the "developer tools" feature of most modern browsers (including IE9 and IE10), would let you see the Ajax HTTP requests that the webpage made as it carried out different operations.
Hope this helps.
IE uses Microsoft's WinSock library API to interact with web servers.
You may want to look for a network monitoring/sniffing API, which you could use to examine HTTP requests, and determine the URLs the browser is using.
I am wanting to expose a restful web service for posting and retrieving data, this may be consumed by mobile devices or a web site.
Now the actual creation of the service isn't a problem, what does seem to be a problem is communicating from a different domain.
I have made a simple example service deployed on the ASP.NET development server, which just exposes a simple POST action to send a request with JSON content. Then I have created a simple web page using jquery ajax to send some dummy data over, yet I believe I am getting stung with the same origin policy.
Is this a common thing, and how do you get around it? Some places have mentioned having a proxy on the domain that you always request a get to, but then you cannot use it in a restful manner...
So is this a common issue with a simple fix? As there seem to be plenty of restful services out there that allow 3rd parties to use their service...
How exactly are you "getting stung with the same origin policy"? From your description, I don't see how it could be relevant. If yourdomain.com/some-path/defined-request.json returns a certain JSON response, then it will return that response regardless of what is requesting the file, unless you have specifically defined required credentials that are not satisfied.
Here is an example of such a web service. It will return the same JSON object regardless of from where the request is made: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA&sensor=true
Unless I am misunderstanding you (in which case you should clarify your actual problem), the same origin policy doesn't really seem to apply here.
Update Re: Comment
"I make a simple HTML page and load it as file://myhtmlfilelocation/myhtmlfile.html and try to make an ajax request"
The cause of your problem is that you are using the file:// URL scheme, instead of the http:// protocol scheme. You can find information about this scheme in Section 3.10 of RFC 1738. Here is an excerpt:
The file URL scheme is used to designate files accessible on a particular host computer. This scheme, unlike most other URL schemes, does not designate a resource that is universally accessible over the Internet.
You should be able to resolve your issue by using the http:// scheme instead of the file:// scheme when you make your asynchronous HTTP request.