C++ char* relative file path? (Qt) - c++

I am trying to play a .mod audio file in an executable. I am using the 3rd party BASSMOD .dll. I can get the audio file to play when I provide the full path to the file, but I cannot get it to play when providing a relative path. Here are some snippets.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "bassmod.h"
// define file location
const char* file = "C:/Users/Downloads/test4/console/music.mod";
void startMusic() {
BASSMOD_Init(-1, 44100, 0);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
return a.exec();
bassmod.h (relevant snippet)
BOOL BASSDEF(BASSMOD_MusicLoad)(BOOL mem, void* file, DWORD offset, DWORD length, DWORD flags);
The function I'm concerned about is BASSMOD_MusicLoad. As this project stands, the .mod file will play no problem. However, when I try to change the absolute path of the .mod file to a relative path ("music.mod"), the file fails to play. Why is that? I have the .mod file in the same directory as the executable as well as in the directory containing the .pro file -- that didn't seem to be the issue.
Also, maybe I'm missing something related to how files are opened in C++. It looks like the MusicLoad function requires that the second parameter be of type void*. I'm sure there are many different things I could be doing better here. Ideally, I'd like to be able to have file store the relative path to the .mod file and have it play that way so I don't have to hard code an absolute path. In a perfect world, I would like to supply file with a path to the .mod file in my resources.qrc, but then I would have to use QFile, I believe, which won't work because I need the type to be void*.
Any help for a beginner would be much appreciated.
EDIT 01: Thank you all for your help! I got it to work (using relative file path, at least). There are two ways to do this. Here's what I did and how I tested it:
The first case makes the assumption that BASSMOD (or whatever external dll you're using) does not handle relative paths.
const char* file = "C:/debug/music.mod"; // same dir as .exe
QFileInfo info("music.mod");
QString path = info.absoluteFilePath();
const string& tmp = path.toStdString();
const char* raw = tmp.data();
Those are the test items I set up. When I run BASSMOD_MusicLoad(FALSE,(void*)file,0,0,BASS_MUSIC_RAMPS);, it works as expected. That's when I hard-code the full absolute path.
When I ran BASSMOD_MusicLoad(FALSE,(void*)raw,0,0,BASS_MUSIC_RAMPS);, it didn't work. So I decided to print out the values for everything to see where it's messing up:
cout << "Qstring path: ";
qDebug() << path;
cout << "string& tmp: ";
cout << tmp << endl;
cout << "raw: ";
cout << raw << endl;
cout << "full char* file: ";
cout << file;
...returns this:
Qstring path:
string& tmp:
full char* file:
Note the difference? When I hard-code the full path to the file, I found that (thanks to #FrankOsterfeld and #JasonC) the current working directory was actually not where the .exe (/debug) or .pro files were located. It was actually in the same directory as the Makefile.
So I just changed it to this: QFileInfo info("./debug/x.m"); and it worked.
Even though the problem wound up being me not knowing where the current working directory was, the solutions by #Radek, #SaZ, and #JasonC helped to find another way to solve this (plus it showed me how to get the working dirs and convert between types). This is a good reference for people who would want to use QFileInfo to determine where you actually are in the filesystem. I would have used this solution if the dll I was using did not handle relative paths well. However...
I wondered if I could apply the same solution to my original code (without using QFileInfo and converting types, etc). I assumed that BASSMOD did not handle relative paths out of the box. I was wrong. I changed the file variable to const char* file = "./debug/x.m"; It worked!
Thanks for the help, everyone!
However, I would still like to get this to work using music.mod from a Qt resources file. Based on the replies, though, it doesn't look like that's possible unless the 3rd party library you're using supports the Qt resource system.

I have the .mod file in the same directory as the executable.
In Qt Creator the default initial working directory is the directory that the .pro file is in, not the directory that the .exe ends up in.
Either put your file in that directory (the one that probably has all the source files and such in it as well, if you used the typical setup), or change the startup directory to the directory the .exe file is in (in the Run Settings area).
Although, based on your new comment below, I guess the problem is deeper than that... I can't really tell you why BASS doesn't like relative filenames but you can convert a relative path to an absolute one before passing it to BASS. There's a lot of ways to do that; using Qt's API you could:
#include <QFileInfo>
const char* file = "music.mod"; // Your relative path.
In a perfect world, I would like to supply file with a path to the .mod file in my resources.qrc
You won't be able to do that because loading resources from .qrc files is a Qt thing and BASS presumably does not use Qt internally (just like e.g. you could not open a resource with fopen), and doesn't understand how to load resources embedded by Qt. I am not familiar with BASS but a cursory glance at this documentation shows that it also has the ability to play data from an in-memory buffer. So one approach would be to use Qt to load the resource into accessible memory and pass that buffer instead.

In a perfect world, I would like to supply file with a path to the .mod file in my resources.qrc, but then I would have to use QFile, I believe, which won't work because I need the type to be void*.
Why do you only belive? Read Qt Doc. It will work. Don't use class QFile but QFileInfo.
QFileInfo info(:/resourcePrefix/name);
QString path = info.absoluteFilePath();
void* rawPtr = (void*)path.toStdString().c_str();


How to properly navigate directory paths in C++

I'm working on a solution within Visual Studio. It currently has two projects.
I will represent Directories or folders with capitals letters, and filenames will be all lower case. My solution structure is as follows:
source files
shader files
source files
app.exe // debug build
app.exe // release build
Within ProjectLib I have a function to open and read my Shader files. Here is what my function looks like:
std::vector<char> VRXShader::readFile(std::string_view shadername) {
std::string filename = std::string("Shaders/");
std::ifstream file(filename.data(), std::ios::ate | std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to open file!");
size_t fileSize = static_cast<size_t>(file.tellg());
std::vector<char> buffer(fileSize);
file.read(buffer.data(), fileSize);
return buffer;
This function is being called within my VRXDevices::createPipeline function and here is the relevant code:
void VRXDevices::createPipeline(
VkDevice device, VkExtent2D swapChainExtent, VkRenderPass renderPass,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& shaderNames,
VkPipelineLayout& pipelineLayout, VkPipeline& pipeline
) {
std::vector<std::vector<char>> shaderCodes;
for (auto& name : shaderNames) {
auto shaderCode = VRXShader::readFile(name.data());
// .... more code
The names are being created and passed to this function from my VRXEngine::initVulkan function which can be seen here:
void VRXEngine::initVulkan(
std::string_view app_name, std::string_view engine_name,
glm::ivec3 app_version, glm::ivec3 engine_version
) {
//... code
std::vector<std::string_view> shaderFilenames{ "vert.spv", "frag.spv" };
VRXDevices::createPipeline(device_, swapChainExtent_, renderPass_, shaderFilenames, pipelineLayout_, graphicsPipeline_);
I'm using just the name of the shader files such as vert.spv, frag.spv, geom.spv etc. I'm not including the paths here because these will be used as the key to a std::map<string_view, object>. So I'm passing a vector of these names from my ::initVulkan function into ::createPipeline().
Within ::createPipeline() is where ::readFile() is being called passing in the string_view.
Now as for my question... within ::readFile() I'm creating a local string and trying to initialize it with the appropriate path... then append to it the string_view for the shader's filename as can be seen from these two lines...
std::string filename = std::string("Shaders/");
I'm trying to figure out the appropriate string to initialize filename with... Shaders/ will be a part of the name, but it's not finding the file and I'm not sure what the appropriate prefix should be...
My working directories within both projects are as follows:
ProjectApp -> $(SolutionDir)x64/Release AND $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug
ProjectLib -> $(SolutionDir)x64/Release AND $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug
So I need to go back 2 directories then into VRX Engine/Shader...
What is the correct string value for navigating back directories?
Would I initialize filename with "../../VRX Engine/Shaders/" or is it "././" also, should I have quotes around VRX Engine since there is a space in the folder name? What do I need to initialize filename with before I append the shader name to it?
How to properly navigate directory paths in C++
It depends on which C++ standard your implementation claims to be compliant with.
Or else which additional libraries can you use.
C++ is useful on computers without directories (e.g. inside some operating system kernel coded in C++ and compiled with GCC, see OSDEV for examples).
Look on en.cppreference.com for details.
Licensing constraints could matter when using extra open source libraries.
If your implementation is C++17 compliant (in a "hosted" not "freestanding" way), use the std::filesystem part of the standard library.
If your operating system supports the Qt or POCO frameworks and you are allowed to use them (e.g. on C++11), you could use appropriate APIs. So QDir and related classes with Qt, Poco::Path and related classes with POCO.
Perhaps you want to code just for the WinAPI. Then read its documentation (I never coded on Windows myself, just on POSIX or Unix -e.g. Linux- and MSDOS....).
I was originally initializing my local temp string properly with "../../VRX Engine/Shaders/" before appending the string_view to it to be able to open the file. This was actually correct, but because it didn't initially work, I was assuming that it was wrong.
The correct string value for going back one directory should be "../" at least on Windows, I'm not sure about Linux, Mac, Android, etc...
My problem wasn't with the string at all, it pertained to settings within my projects. Within my project that builds into an executable, I had its working directory set to $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug and $(SolutionDir)x64/Release respectively which is correct for my solutions structure.
The issue was within my Engine project that is being built as a static library. Within its settings for its working directory, I had forgotten to modify both of the Debug and Release build options... These were still set to the default values of Visual Studio which I believe is (ProjectDir). Once I changed these to $(SolutionDir)x64/Debug and $(SolutionDir)x64/Release to match that of my ApplicationProject, I was able to open and read the contents of the files.

Xcode c++ cant access file through code

I have added an image "padimage.png" to my resources folder and set add to target and make copy if needed checked. Then in my c++ code I have the following code to check if it can reach the file
std::ifstream my_file("padimage.png");
if (my_file.good())
std::cout << "could read file \n";
} else {
std::cout << "could not read file \n";
This fails meaning I can't reach the file. I have checked in the debug build folder and the image is there under the resources folder, I have also tried alternative paths to the file like "resources/padimage.png" || Resources/padimage.png || ../Resources/padimage.png etc. etc.
I am fairly new to c++ still so I don't quite understand how it is suppose to find files or what path it searches relative to. Also I am sure this is quite an easy problem but I somehow can't solve it.
All help is much appreciated.
Just for your own sanity, do the following before anything else.
char wd[1024];
std::cout << getcwd(wd, sizeof(wd)) << std::endl;
You may be surprised at where you are, and thus why you can't open your file. When running from the IDE you can specify the location of your working directory under the Product/Edit Schemes... area of Xcode (among other places).
Thanks to a suggestion from WhozCraig I have managed to get it working by using the root of the project and then creating a standalone file next to the application like so:
however this is not ideal. This means I would have resources outside of the project.
But after some trial and error I managed to navigate into the programs package contents by using .app to the package name;

How do you create a folder in C++ with no path name just the name of the folder you want to create? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Creating a directory In C or C++
I want to make a folder that is titled "BobtheBuilder". And then I want to create a text file inside of it. I want to do this without being aware of my path. I don't want to have to type in:
ofstream out("C:/MyComputer/User/Jeff/etc/BobtheBuilder/NewFile.txt");
I want it just to be local to this area where my executable is contained like this:
ofstream out("/BobtheBuilder/NewFile.txt");
is this possible? Do I have to know the whole path name in order to do file management? I feel like this is possible because you can create or open a file that is in the same directory as the program like:
ifstream inf("NewFile.txt");
Or is there a special keyword that fills in the previous path like this:
ifstream inf("FILLIN/BobtheBuilder/NewFile.txt");
You can absolutely specify a relative path like "BobtheBuilder/NewFile.txt" without specifying the whole path.
You would however need to create the folder first before the file.
Since creating folders is platform specific and since you're on Windows, you would need to call the CreateDirectory function with "BobtheBuilder" as its parameter.
The folder would then be created in the default working directory of the program which is the same folder where the executable resides.
You can change this working directory using the SetCurrentDirectory function before creating the folder and file.
For creating a directory you can use the C function:
int mkdir(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
If you can use Boost, then it really becomes easier and more C++ friendly:
bool create_directories(const path& p);
// usage example
As you mention in your question , you can use both absolute and relative paths. It just depends on what is your intention. In your case, you could just do:
ofstream out("./BobtheBuilder/NewFile.txt");
not needing to specify the absolute path at all.
If you often need to manage paths, Boost provides many useful tools for path management. Just as an example, consider the problem you mention in your question: you want to get the full path to the current directory and then append a relative path. You could do this very easily:
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
fs::path curr_abs_path = fs::current_path();
fs::path rel_path = "foo/bar";
fs::path combined = (curr_abs_path /= rel_path);
cout << combined << endl;
Assuming the current directory is /tmp/ the previous code snippet would print:
operator/= is responsible for appending two paths and returning the combined result.

Write a file in a specific path in C++

I have this code that writes successfully a file:
ofstream outfile (path);
buffer and size are ok in the rest of code.
How is possible put the file in a specific path?
Specify the full path in the constructor of the stream, this can be an absolute path or a relative path. (relative to where the program is run from)
The streams destructor closes the file for you at the end of the function where the object was created(since ofstream is a class).
Explicit closes are a good practice when you want to reuse the same file descriptor for another file. If this is not needed, you can let the destructor do it's job.
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
const char *path="/home/user/file.txt";
std::ofstream file(path); //open in constructor
std::string data("data to write to file");
file << data;
}//file destructor
Note you can use std::string in the file constructor in C++11 and is preferred to a const char* in most cases.
Rationale for posting another answer
I'm posting because none of the other answers cover the problem space.
The answer to your question depends on how you get the path. If you are building the path entirely within your application then see the answer from #James Kanze. However, if you are reading the path or components of the path from the environment in which your program is running (e.g. environment variable, command-line, config files etc..) then the solution is different. In order to understand why, we need to define what a path is.
Quick overview of paths
On the operating systems (that I am aware of), a path is a string which conforms to a mini-language specified by the operating-system and file-system (system for short). Paths can be supplied to IO functions on a given system in order to access some resource. For example here are some paths that you might encounter on Windows:
Solving the problem via path manipulation
Imagine the following scenario: your program supports a command line argument, --output-path=<path>, which allows users to supply a path into which your program should create output files. A solution for creating files in the specified directory would be:
Parse the user specified path based on the mini-language for the system you are operating in.
Build a new path in the mini-language which specifies the correct location to write the file using the filename and the information you parsed in step 1.
Open the file using the path generated in step 2.
An example of doing this:
On Linux, say the user has specified --output-path=/dir1/dir2
Parse this mini-language:
--> "/" root
--> "dir1" directory under root
--> "/" path seperator
--> "dir2" directory under dir1
Then when we want to output a file in the specified directory we build a new path. For example, if we want to output a file called bob.txt, we can build the following path:
--> "/" root
--> "dir1" directory under root
--> "/" path separator
--> "dir2" directory under dir1
--> "/" path seperator
--> "bob.txt" file in directory dir2
We can then use this new path to create the file.
In general it is impossible to implement this solution fully. Even if you could write code that could successfully decode all path mini-languages in existence and correctly represent the information about each system so that a new path could be built correctly - in the future your program may be built or run on new systems which have new path mini-languages that your program cannot handle. Therefore, we need to use a careful strategy for managing paths.
Path handling strategies
1. Avoid path manipulation entirely
Do not attempt to manipulate paths that are input to your program. You should pass these strings directly to api functions that can handle them correctly. This means that you need to use OS specific api's directly avoiding the C++ file IO abstractions (or you need to be absolutely sure how these abstractions are implemented on each OS). Make sure to design the interface to your program carefully to avoid a situation where you might be forced into manipulating paths. Try to implement the algorithms for your program to similarly avoid the need to manipulate paths. Document the api functions that your program uses on each OS to the user - this is because OS api functions themselves become deprecated over time so in future your program might not be compatible with all possible paths even if you are careful to avoid path manipulation.
2. Document the functions your program uses to manipulate paths
Document to the user exactly how paths will be manipulated. Then make it clear that it is the users responsibility to specify paths that will work correctly with the documented program behavior.
3. Only support a restricted set of paths
Restrict the path mini-languages your program will accept until you are confident that you can correctly manipulate the subset of paths that meet this set of restrictions. Document this to the user. Error if paths are input that do not conform.
4. Ignore the issues
Do some basic path manipulation without worrying too much. Accept that your program will exhibit undefined behavior for some paths that are input. You could document to the user that the program may or may not work when they input paths to it, and that it is the users responsibly to ensure that the program has handled the input paths correctly. However, you could also not document anything. Users will commonly expect that your program will not handle some paths correctly (many don't) and therefore will cope well even without documentation.
Closing thoughts
It is important to decide on an effective strategy for working with paths early on in the life-cycle of your program. If you have to change how paths are handled later it may be difficult to avoid a change in behaviour that might break the your program for existing users.
Try this:
ofstream outfile;
string createFile = "";
string path="/FULL_PATH";
createFile = path.as<string>() + "/" + "SAMPLE_FILENAME" + ".txt";
//It works like a charm.
That needs to be done when you open the file, see std::ofstream constructor or open() member.
It's not too clear what you're asking; if I understand correctly, you're
given a filename, and you want to create the file in a specific
directory. If that's the case, all that's necessary is to specify the
complet path to the constructor of ofstream. You can use string
concatenation to build up this path, but I'd strongly recommend
boost::filesystem::path. It has all of the functions to do this
portably, and a lot more; otherwise, you'll not be portable (without a
lot of effort), and even simple operations on the filename will require
considerable thought.
I was stuck on this for a while and have since figured it out. The path is based off where your executable is and varies a little. For this example assume you do a ls while in your executable directory and see:
myprogram.out Saves
Where Saves is a folder and myprogram.out is the program you are running.
In your code, if you are converting chars to a c_str() in a manner like this:
string file;
getline(cin, file, '\n');
ifstream thefile;
thefile.open( ("Saves/" + file + ".txt").c_str() );
and the user types in savefile, it would be
which will work to get to to get to savefile.txt in your Saves folder. Notice there is no pre-slashes and you just start with the folder name.
However if you are using a string literal like
ifstream thefile;
it would be like this to get to the same folder:
Notice you start with a ./ in front of the foldername.
If you are using linux, try execl(), with the command mv.

How to use fstream objects with relative path?

Do I always have to specify absolute path for objects instantiated from std::fstream class? In other words, is there a way to specify just relative path to them such as project path?
You can use relative paths as well. But they are relative to the environment you call your executable from.
This is OS dependent but all the major systems behave more or less the same AFAIK.
Windows example:
// File structure:
// Calling command from folder
c:\folder > myprogram.exe
In the above example you could access myfile.txt with "c:/myfile.txt" or "../myfile.txt". If myprogram.exe was called from the root c:\ only the absolute path would work, but instead "myfile.txt" would work.
As Rob Kennedy said in the comments there's really nothing special about paths regarding fstream. But here is a code example using a relative path:
#include <fstream>
int main() {
std::ifstream ifs("../myfile.txt");
... // Do something sensible with the file
If you have an .exe file running from C:\Users\Me
and you want to write a file to C:\Users\Me\You\text.txt,
then all what you need to do is to add the current path operator ., so:
std::ifstream ifs(".\\you\\myfile.txt");
will work
You can use relative paths. They're treated the same as relative paths for any other file operations, like fopen; there's nothing special about fstream in that regard.
Exactly how they're treated is implementation-defined; they'll usually be interpretted relative to your process's current working directory, which is not necessarily the same as the directory your program's executable file lives in. Some operating systems might also provide a single working directory shared by all threads, so you might get unexpected results if a thread changes the working directory at the same time another thread tries to use a relative path.
Say you have a src folder directly under your project directory and the src folder contains another tmp_folder folder which contains a txt file named readMe.txt. So the txt file can be read in this way
std::ifstream fin("../src/tmp_folder/readMe.txt");
The behaviour is OS specific. Therefore, the best way to handle this IMHO is to make it somebody else's problem. Read the path to the file to open as a string from the user (e.g: command line argument, config file, env variable etc..) then pass that string directly to the constructor of fstream. Document that this is how your program behaves.
I wrote more about path manipulation here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40980510/2345997
You can specify a path relative to current directory. On Windows you may call GetCurrentDirectory to retrieve current directory or call SetCurrentDirectory to set current directory. There are also some CRT functions available.
On linux also:
// main.cpp
int main() {
ifstream myFile("../Folder/readme.txt");
// ...
Assuming the folder structure is something like this:
What I ended up using was a relative path as identified on How to open a file with relative path in C++? which ended up being:
myFile.open("../Release/frequency.dat", ios::in);
*changing myFile to whatever your variable is.