Let's say I have a string "N4NSD3MKF34MKMKFM53" and i want to multiply the string * 2 to get
N8NSD6MKF68MKMKFM106 How would I go about doing this?
Ok, I might as well give you the Regex solution as long as I'm here. But I caution you not to use it unless you understand what it's doing. It's never a good idea to just copy and paste code that you don't fully understand.
Dim input As String = "N4NSD3MKF34MKMKFM53"
Dim output As String = Regex.Replace(
Function(x) (Integer.Parse(x.Value) * 2).ToString())
You can try the following code:
Public Class Program
Public Shared Sub Main(args As String())
Const expression As String = "N4NSD3MKF34MKMKFM53"
Dim result = MultiplyExpression.Calculate(expression)
End Sub
End Class
Class MultiplyExpression
Public Shared Function Calculate(expression As String) As String
Dim result = String.Empty
For Each c In expression
Dim num As Integer
If Int32.TryParse(c.ToString(), num) Then
result += (num * 2).ToString()
result += c
End If
Return result
End Function
End Class
Output: N8NSD6MKF68MKMKFM106
Do you have an idea of what is wrong in this code please? It should extract all caps and the pattern "1WO" if available.
For example in "User:399595:Account:ETH:balance", i should have "UAETH" and in "User:197755:Account:1WO:balance" i should have "UA1WO"
Thank you
Option Explicit
Function ExtractCap(Txt As String) As String
Dim xRegEx As Object
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("VBSCRIPT.REGEXP")
If xRegEx.Pattern = "[^A-Z]" Then
xRegEx.Global = True
xRegEx.MultiLine = False
ExtractCap = xRegEx.Replace(Txt, "")
Set xRegEx = Nothing
Else: xRegEx.Pattern = "1WO"
ExtractCap = xRegEx.Execute(Txt)
End If
End Function
I'm not a "RegEx" expert, so you may want to try an alternative:
Function ExtractCap(Txt As String) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To Len(Txt)
Select Case Asc(Mid(Txt, i, 1))
Case 65 To 90
ExtractCap = ExtractCap & Mid(Txt, i, 1)
End Select
End Function
while, should the pattern of your data strictly be as you showed, you could also consider:
Function ExtractCap(Txt As String) As String
ExtractCap = "UA" & Split(Txt, ":")(3)
End Function
Your RegEx works like this:
Function ExtractCap(Txt As String) As String
Dim xRegEx As Object
Set xRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With xRegEx
.Pattern = "[^A-Z]"
.Global = True
.MultiLine = False
ExtractCap = .Replace(Txt, vbNullString)
End With
If Txt = ExtractCap Then ExtractCap = "1WO"
End Function
Public Sub TestMe()
Debug.Print ExtractCap("User:399595:Account:ETH:balance")
End Sub
In your code, there were 2 errors, which stopped the execution:
xRegEx was set to Nothing and then it was asked to provide a value;
the check If xRegEx.Pattern = "[^A-Z]" does not actually mean a lot to VBA. E.g., you are setting a Pattern and making a condition out of it. If you want to know whether a pattern exists in a RegEx, you should compare the two strings - before and after the execution of the pattern.
Your problem can be easily solved.
Firstly, I assumed that 1WO can appears at most once in your string.
Based on that assumption, logic is as follows:
Define function, which extracts all capital letters from strings.
Now, in the main function, you split your string first using 1WO as delimeter. Now, pass every string (after splitting) to function, get all the caps from those strings and concatenate them again with 1WO in its place.
Option Explicit
Public Function Extract(str As String) As String
Dim s As Variant
For Each s In Split(str, "1WO")
'append extracted caps with 1WO at the end
Extract = Extract & ExtractCaps(s) & "1WO"
'delete lest 1WO from result
Extract = Left(Extract, Len(Extract) - 3)
End Function
Function ExtractCaps(str As Variant) As String
Dim i As Long, char As String
For i = 1 To Len(str)
char = Mid(str, i, 1)
If Asc(char) > 64 And Asc(char) < 91 And char = UCase(char) Then
ExtractCaps = ExtractCaps & char
End If
End Function
If you put this code in inserted Module, you can use it in a worksheet in formula: =Extract(A1).
I have a string as below, which needs to be split to an array, using VB.NET
10,"Test, t1",10.1,,,"123"
The result array must have 6 rows as below
Test, t1
1. quotes around strings must be removed
2. comma can be inside strings, and will remain there (row 2 in result array)
3. can have empty fields (comma after comma in source string, with nothing in between)
Don't use String.Split(): it's slow, and doesn't account for a number of possible edge cases.
Don't use RegEx. RegEx can be shoe-horned to do this accurately, but to correctly account for all the cases the expression tends to be very complicated, hard to maintain, and at this point isn't much faster than the .Split() option.
Do use a dedicated CSV parser. Options include the Microsoft.VisualBasic.TextFieldParser type, FastCSV, linq-to-csv, and a parser I wrote for another answer.
You can write a function yourself. This should do the trick:
Dim values as New List(Of String)
Dim currentValueIsString as Boolean
Dim valueSeparator as Char = ","c
Dim currentValue as String = String.Empty
For Each c as Char in inputString
If c = """"c Then
If currentValueIsString Then
currentValueIsString = False
currentValueIsString = True
End If
End If
If c = valueSeparator Andalso not currentValueIsString Then
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentValue) Then currentValue = "(empty)"
currentValue = String.Empty
End If
currentValue += c
Here's another simple way that loops by the delimiter instead of by character:
Public Function Parser(ByVal ParseString As String) As List(Of String)
Dim Trimmer() As Char = {Chr(34), Chr(44)}
Parser = New List(Of String)
While ParseString.Length > 1
Dim TempString As String = ""
If ParseString.StartsWith(Trimmer(0)) Then
ParseString = ParseString.TrimStart(Trimmer)
Parser.Add(ParseString.Substring(0, ParseString.IndexOf(Trimmer(0))))
ParseString = ParseString.Substring(Parser.Last.Length)
ParseString = ParseString.TrimStart(Trimmer)
ElseIf ParseString.StartsWith(Trimmer(1)) Then
ParseString = ParseString.Substring(1)
Parser.Add(ParseString.Substring(0, ParseString.IndexOf(Trimmer(1))))
ParseString = ParseString.Substring(ParseString.IndexOf(Trimmer(1)) + 1)
End If
End While
End Function
This returns a list. If you must have an array just use the ToArray method when you call the function
Why not just use the split method?
Dim s as String = "10,\"Test, t1\",10.1,,,\"123\""
s = s.Replace("\"","")
Dim arr as String[] = s.Split(',')
My VB is rusty so consider this pseudo-code
I have the following string which I wish to extract parts from:
In this particular case, I wish to extract the numbers 201,2, and 340, which I will later use to concatenate to form another string:
I have a solution, but it is not easily readable, and it seems rather clunky. It involves using the mid function. Here it is:
intTitle = CInt(Mid(strFontTag,
InStr(strFontTag, ">") + 1,
(InStr(strFontTag, "KAR") - InStr(strFontTag, ">"))
- 3))
I would like to know if perhaps there is a better way to approach this task. I realize I could make some descriptive variable names, like intPosOfEndOfOpeningFontTag to describe what the first InStr function does, but it still feels clunky to me.
Should I be using some sort of split function, or regex, or some more elegant way that I have not come across yet? I have been manipulating strings in this fashion for years, and I just feel there must be a better way. Thanks.
The class
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Imports System.Linq
Public Class clsTester
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Function GetTitleUsingRegEx(ByVal fpath$) As XElement
'use this function if your input string is not a well-formed
Dim result As New XElement(<result/>)
Dim q = Regex.Matches(File.ReadAllText(fpath), Me.titPattern1, RegexOptions.None)
For Each mt As Match In q
Dim t As New XElement(<title/>)
t.Add(New XAttribute("name", mt.Groups("name").Value))
t.Add(New XAttribute("num1", mt.Groups("id_1").Value))
t.Add(New XAttribute("num2", mt.Groups("id_2").Value))
t.Add(New XAttribute("num3", mt.Groups("id_3").Value))
Next mt
Return result
Catch ex As Exception
result.Add(<error><%= ex.ToString %></error>)
Return result
End Try
End Function
Public Function GetTitleUsingXDocument(ByVal fpath$) As XElement
'use this function if your input string is well-formed
Dim result As New XElement(<result/>)
Dim q = XElement.Load(fpath).Descendants().Where(Function(c) Regex.IsMatch(c.Name.LocalName, "(?is)^font$")).Where(Function(c) Regex.IsMatch(c.Value, Me.titPattern2, RegexOptions.None))
For Each nd As XElement In q
Dim s = Regex.Match(nd.Value, Me.titPattern2, RegexOptions.None)
Dim t As New XElement(<title/>)
t.Add(New XAttribute("name", s.Groups("name").Value))
t.Add(New XAttribute("num1", s.Groups("id_1").Value))
t.Add(New XAttribute("num2", s.Groups("id_2").Value))
t.Add(New XAttribute("num3", s.Groups("id_3").Value))
Next nd
Return result
Catch ex As Exception
result.Add(<error><%= ex.ToString %></error>)
Return result
End Try
End Function
Private titPattern1$ = "(?is)(?<=<font[^<>]*>)(?<id_1>\d+)\s+(?<name>[a-z]+)\s+(?<id_2>\d+):(?<id_3>\d+)(?=\.?</font>)"
Private titPattern2$ = "(?is)^(?<id_1>\d+)\s+(?<name>[a-z]+)\s+(?<id_2>\d+):(?<id_3>\d+)\.?$"
End Class
The usage
Sub Main()
Dim y = New clsTester().GetTitleUsingRegEx("C:\test.htm")
If y.<error>.Count = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Result from GetTitleUsingRegEx:{0}{1}", vbCrLf, y.ToString))
End If
Dim z = New clsTester().GetTitleUsingXDocument("C:\test.htm")
If z.<error>.Count = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Result from GetTitleUsingXDocument:{0}{1}", vbCrLf, z.ToString))
End If
End Sub
Hope this helps.
regex pattern: <FONT[^>]*>.*?(\d+).*?(\d+).*?(\d+).*?<\/FONT>
I think #Jean-François Corbett has it right.
Hide it away in a function and never look back
Change your code to this:
intTitle = GetCodesFromColorTag("<FONT COLOR="GREEN">201 KAR 2:340.</FONT>")
Create a new function:
Public Function GetCodesFromColorTag(FontTag as String) as Integer
Return CInt(Mid(FontTag, InStr(FontTag, ">") + 1,
(InStr(FontTag, "KAR") - InStr(FontTag, ">"))
- 3))
End Function
In VB.NET, I would like to increment a number in a string and have it zeroed filled.
Here is the sample string with the 5 digit number:
What I would like returned after incrementing it by one:
No need for PadLeft:
Dim result = String.Format("R{0:D5}", number)
The D5 part in the formatter will format the number as a decimal number, using a fixed number of five digits, and filling the redundant digits with zeros.
More information can be found on the MSDN article about the decimal format specifier.
If the strings have been validated and are in the form specified then this should work
Private Function add1ToStringNoChecking(theString As String) As String
'assumes many things about the input instring
Return String.Format("{0}{1:d5}", _
"R", _
CInt(theString.Substring(theString.Length - 5, 5)) + 1)
End Function
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim testS As String = "R00009"
End Sub
Assuming (with the regex tag) that you want to strip the number out first, and the input will always be in the form of letters followed by numeric then:
Function Increment(ByVal prefixedNumber As String) As String
Dim result As String = String.Empty
Dim numericRegex As New Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^(\D*)(\d*)")
Dim numericMatch As Text.RegularExpressions.Match = numericRegex.Match(prefixedNumber)
If numericMatch.Success Then
Dim number As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(numericMatch.Groups(2).Value, number) Then
result = String.Format("{0}{1:D5}", numericMatch.Groups(1).Value, number + 1)
' throw a non parse exception.
End If
' throw a non match exception.
End If
Return result
End Function
Have a look at the Regex and Integer.TryParse documentation
Here is a handy function to accomplish the OP requirement:
Public Function Counter(ByVal StartingNumber As Int32, ByVal IncrementValue As Int32, ByVal TotalNumberLength As Int32, ByVal Prefix As String) As String
Dim Temp As Int32 = StartingNumber + IncrementValue
Dim Temp2 As String = CStr(Temp)
If Temp2.Length < TotalNumberLength Then
Temp2 = "0" & Temp2
GoTo Line50
ElseIf Temp2.Length = TotalNumberLength Then
'do nothing
'means error
Throw New System.Exception()
End If
Return Prefix & Temp2
End Function
Example of using the function:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'now test the function
MessageBox.Show(Counter(99, 1, 5, "R"))
'it will show R00100
End Sub
NOTE: This solution has been tested OK with Visual Studio 2010.
I am trying to separate numbers from a string which includes %,/,etc for eg (%2459348?:, or :2434545/%). How can I separate it, in VB.net
you want only the numbers right?
then you could do it like this
Dim theString As String = "/79465*44498%464"
Dim ret = Regex.Replace(theString, "[^0-9]", String.Empty)
or do you want to split by all non number chars?
then it would go like this
Dim ret = Regex.Split(theString, "[^0-9]")
You could loop through each character of the string and check the .IsNumber() on it.
This should do:
Dim test As String = "%2459348?:"
Dim match As Match = Regex.Match(test, "\d+")
If match.Success Then
Dim result As String = match.Value
' Do something with result
End If
Result = 2459348
Here's a function which will extract all of the numbers out of a string.
Public Function GetNumbers(ByVal str as String) As String
Dim builder As New StringBuilder()
For Each c in str
If Char.IsNumber(c) Then
End If
return builder.ToString()
End Function