I can track my model instances updates history. I do not know how to proceed further so I can recall instances values by specific date / time.
class Room is used to create new Rooms.
class RoomLog is used to track changes. If I update Room instance then related RoomLog instance is created. It effect in creating RoomLog instances for every Room instance update.
So, I can change specific instance few times within e.g. a minute or an hour. I can do the same to other instances in the same time or for example I can just NOT change any instance or change some of the other instances and not change all of them.
I would like to recall the whole table with all latest values of the instances by specific hour /day or within specific period e.g.
If I choose a time 1:00am then Table is rendered with all instances created at this time. Let's call it Table v0.
Now I start updates and some instances are changed between 1:00am & 2:00am. So, I would like to re-call a table that displays all instances for the time 2:00am and keep in time that some instances were changed but some not. So, some of them have history of changes and some do not have.
and the same for the other hours / days. I hope you get the sense of what I want to achieve.
How to do this ?
These are my two models I use to operate on Room and related RoomLog instances.
class Room(models.Model):
room_name = models.CharField(max_length= 10)
room_value = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0)
flat = models.ForeignKey(Flat)
created_date = models.DateField(auto_now_add= True)
created_time = models.TimeField(auto_now_add= True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Room, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.value_original = self.room_value
def save(self, **kwargs):
with transaction.atomic():
response = super(Room, self).save(**kwargs)
if self.value_original != self.room_value:
room_log = RoomLog()
room_log.room = self
room_log.room_value = self.value_original
return response
class Meta:
ordering = ('room_name',)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.room_name
class RoomLog(models.Model):
room = models.ForeignKey(Room)
room_value = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=0)
update_date = models.DateField(auto_now_add= True)
update_time = models.TimeField(auto_now_add= True)
def __str__(self):
return '%s | %s | %s' % (self.room, self.update_date, self.update_time)
answer below from djq about gt & lte pointed me towards a solution. this is how I have solved it in my views:
class AllRoomsView(ListView):
template_name = 'prostats/roomsdetail.html'
queryset = Room.objects.all()
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(AllRoomsView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
timenow = tz.now()
timeperiod= timedelta(hours=1)
deltastart = timenow - timeperiod
context['rooms'] = Room.objects.all()
context['rlog'] = RoomLog.objects.all()
context['rfiltered'] = RoomLog.objects.filter(update_time__gt = deltastart)
context['rfilteredcount'] = RoomLog.objects.filter(update_time__gt = deltastart).count()
print timenow
choosestart = '22:04:30.223113'
choosend = '22:54:30.223113'
context['roomfiltertest'] = RoomLog.objects.filter(update_time__gt = choosestart, update_time__lte = choosend)
return context
You should be able to filter your model by time ranges. This might be easier with a DateTimeField. Here's an example of how to filter by time range (assuming DateTimeField, and a slightly different model structure with the fields booking_started and booking_ended)
from datetime import timedelta
from django.utils import timezone as tz
start = tz.now()
time_range = timedelta(hours=2)
end = start - time_range
Room.objects.filter(booking_started__lte=start, booking_ending__gt=end)
lte and gt are shorthands for less than or equal to or greater than
I have a django model that is "DailyReport" of the companies sale I want to find out company sale change over the previous day.
the model that i define is like that:
class DailyReport(models.Model):
company = models.CharField(max_length=50)
sale = models.IntegerField()
date = models.DateField()
How can i figure out this issue to add new column for every report that represent change rate over the previous day
Use the Lag window function to annotate each row with the previous sale amount for that company.
Then use another annotation to calculate the difference between the current and previous sale
from django.db.models import Window, F
from django.db.models.functions import Lag
expression=Lag('sale', default=0),
diff=F('sale') - F('prev_val')
Assuming you can have only one record of a company for each day, you can create a model property:
def previous_day_sale(self):
date = self.date
dr = DailyReport.objects.filter(company=self.company, date=date-timedelta(days=1)
if dr:
return dr.first().sale - self.sale
You may need to override the save method, but you will have to cover all edge cases.
class DailyReport(models.Model):
company = models.CharField(max_length=50)
sale = models.IntegerField()
date = models.DateField()
sale_over_previous_day = models.IntegerField()
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
previous_day_sale_object = DailyReport.objects.filter(company=self.company, date=date-timedelta(days=1))
if previous_day_sale_object:
previous_day_sale = previous_day_sale_object[0].sale
previous_day_sale = 0
self.sale_over_previous_day = self.sale - previous_day_sale
super(DailyReport, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
In a Django app, I keep daily scores of users in such a model:
class Score(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
score = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
I want to find out the days when a user's score has changed drastically compared to a consequent day. That is, if for example, the user scores 10 times higher than the previous day.
How can I include such a condition in a query filter using Django ORM? Is it possible with a single query using conditional expressions as described here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/ref/models/conditional-expressions/
If you change your Score class slightly to include the previous day's score (which is admittedly pretty wasteful), you can pack the query into one line using F expressions.
Your new class:
class Score(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
score = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
lastscore = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
date = models.DateField(auto_now_add=True)
Then the filter becomes:
from django.db.models import F
daily_chg = 10
big_changes = Score.objects.filter(score__gt=daily_chg*F('lastscore'))
Instead of using timedeltas to search for and set the previous day's score field, I'd look into establishing an ordering via a Meta class and calling latest() when saving the current day's score.
Using timedelta we can test for the last week's days for a given user as such:
from my_app.models import Score
import datetime
def some_view(request):
days_with_score_boost = []
today = datetime.date.today()
for each_day in xrange(0,7):
day_to_test, day_before_to_test = today - datetime.timedelta(days=each_day), today - datetime.timedelta(days=each_day + 1)
day_before_score = Score.objects.get(user=request.user,date=today - datetime.timedelta(days=each_day)).score # will need to catch the exception raised if .get return None and process appropriately
if Score.objects.filter(user=request.user,score__gte=days_before_score * 10,date=day_before_to_test).count() > 0:
days_with_score_boost will be a list of datetime.date objects where the score increased by 10 or more from the day before.
In reponse to your comment, I'd make a measure that checks at save time whether the score boost has occured. However, I would get rid of auto_now_add in favor of writing in the save method.
from django.utils import timezone
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
class Score(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
score = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
date = models.DateField(null=True,blank=True)
increased_ten_over_previous_day = models.BooleanField(null=True,blank=True)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.date = timezone.now().today()
yesterday_score = Score.objects.get(date=self.date-timezone.timedelta(days=1)).score
self.increased_ten_over_previous_day = (yesterday_score * 10) <= self.score
except ObjectDoesNotExist: # called if Score.object.get returns no object; requires you only have one score per user per date
self.increased_ten_over_previous_day = False
super(self, Score).save(*args, **kwargs)
Then you could filter objects for a date_range where increased_ten_over_previous_day is True.
This is a hard question for me to describe, but I will do my best here.
I have a model that is for a calendar event:
class Event(models.Model):
account = models.ForeignKey(Account, related_name="event_account")
location = models.ForeignKey(Location, related_name="event_location")
patient = models.ManyToManyField(Patient)
datetime_start = models.DateTimeField()
datetime_end = models.DateTimeField()
last_update = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=False, auto_now_add=False, null=True, blank=True)
event_series = models.ForeignKey(EventSeries, related_name="event_series", null=True, blank=True)
is_original_event = models.BooleanField(default=True)
When this is saved I am overriding the save() method to check and see if the event_series (recurring events) is set. If it is, then I need to iteratively create another event object for each recurring date.
The following seems to work, though it may not be the best approach:
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.pk is None:
if self.event_series is not None and self.is_original_event is True :
recurrence_rules = EventSeries.objects.get(pk=self.event_series.pk)
rr_freq = DAILY
if recurrence_rules.frequency == "DAILY":
rr_freq = DAILY
elif recurrence_rules.frequency == "WEEKLY":
rr_freq = WEEKLY
elif recurrence_rules.frequency == "MONTHLY":
rr_freq = MONTHLY
elif recurrence_rules.frequency == "YEARLY":
rr_freq = YEARLY
rlist = list(rrule(rr_freq, count=recurrence_rules.recurrences, dtstart=self.datetime_start))
for revent in rlist:
evnt = Event.objects.create(account = self.account, location = self.location, datetime_start = revent, datetime_end = revent, is_original_event = False, event_series = self.event_series)
super(Event, evnt).save(*args, **kwargs)
super(Event, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
However, the real problem I am finding is that using this methodology and saving from the Admin forms, it is creating the recurring events, but if I try to get self.patient which is a M2M field, I keep getting this error:
'Event' instance needs to have a primary key value before a many-to-many relationship can be used
My main question is about this m2m error, but also if you have any feedback on the nested saving for recurring events, that would be great as well.
Thanks much!
If the code trying to access self.patient is in the save method and happens before the instance has been saved then it's clearly the expected behaviour. Remember that Model objects are just a thin (well...) wrapper over a SQL database... Also, even if you first save your new instance then try to access self.patient from the save method you'll still have an empty queryset since the m2m won't have been saved by the admin form yet.
IOW, if you have something to do that depends on m2m being set, you'll have to put it in a distinct method and ensure that method get called when appropriate
About your code snippet:
1/ the recurrence_rules = EventSeries.objects.get(pk=self.event_series.pk) is just redundant, since you alreay have the very same object under the name self.event_series
2/ there's no need to call save on the events you create with Event.objects.create - the ModelManager.create method really create an instance (that is: save it to the database).
I have some complex business logic that I have placed in a custom ModelManager. The manager method returns a tuple of values rather than a queryset. Is this considered bad practice? if so, what is the recommended approach. I do not want the logic in the View, and Django has no Service tier. Plus, my logic needs to potentially perform multiple queries.
The logic needs to select an Event closest to the current time, plus 3 events either side. When placed in the template, it is helpful to know the closest event as this is the event initially displayed in a full-screen slider.
The current call is as follows:
closest_event, previous_events, next_events = Event.objects.closest()
The logic does currently work fine. I am about to convert my app. to render the Event data as JSON in the template so that I can bootstrap a backbone.js View on page load. I plan to use TastyPie to render a Resource server-side into the template. Before I refactor my code, it would be good to know my current approach is not considered bad practice.
This is how my app. currently works:
class ClosestEventsListView(TemplateView):
template_name = 'events/event_list.html'
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
context = self.get_context_data(**kwargs)
closest_event, previous_events, next_events = Event.objects.closest()
context['closest_event'] = closest_event
context['previous_events'] = previous_events
context['next_events'] = next_events
return self.render_to_response(context)
from datetime import timedelta
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from model_utils.models import TimeStampedModel
class ClosestEventsManager(models.Manager):
def closest(self, **kwargs):
We are looking for the closest event to now plus the 3 events either side.
First select by date range until we have a count of 7 or greater
Initial range is 1 day eithee side, then widening by another day, if required
Then compare delta for each event data and determine the closest
Return closest event plus events either side
now = timezone.now()
range_in_days = 1
size = 0
while size < 7:
start_time = now + timedelta(days=-range_in_days)
end_time = now + timedelta(days=range_in_days)
events = self.filter(date__gte=start_time, date__lte=end_time, **kwargs).select_related()
size = events.count()
range_in_days += 1
previous_delta = None
closest_event = None
previous_events = None
next_events = None
position = 0
for event in events:
delta = (event.date - now).total_seconds()
delta = delta * -1 if delta < 0 else delta
if previous_delta and previous_delta <= delta:
# we have found the closest event. Now, based on
# position get events either size
next_events = events[:position-1]
previous_events = events[position:]
previous_delta = delta
closest_event = event
position += 1
return closest_event, previous_events, next_events
class Event(TimeStampedModel):
class Meta:
ordering = ['-date']
topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic)
event_type = models.ForeignKey(EventType)
title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
slug = models.SlugField()
date = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True)
end_time = models.TimeField()
location = models.ForeignKey(Location)
twitter_hashtag = models.CharField(null=True, blank=True, max_length=100)
web_link = models.URLField(null=True, blank=True)
objects = ClosestEventsManager()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.title
I don't think it's bad practice to return a tuple. The first example in the ModelManager docs returns a list.
Saying that, if you want to build a queryset instead then you could do something like this -
def closest(self, **kwargs):
# get the events you want
return self.filter(pk__in=([event.id for event in events]))
It's fine, even Django's own get_or_create does it. Just make sure it's clear to whoever's using the function that it's not chainable (ie doesn't return a queryset).
What I want is to be able to get this weeks/this months/this years etc. hotest products. So I have a model named ProductStatistics that will log each hit and each purchase on a day-to-day basis. This is the models I have got to work with:
class Product(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=200)
slug = models.SlugField()
description = models.TextField(_("Description"))
picture = models.ImageField(upload_to=product_upload_path, blank=True)
category = models.ForeignKey(ProductCategory)
prices = models.ManyToManyField(Store, through='Pricing')
objects = ProductManager()
class Meta:
ordering = ('name', )
def __unicode__(self):
return self.name
class ProductStatistic(models.Model):
# There is only 1 `date` each day. `date` is
# set by datetime.today().date()
date = models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.now)
hits = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
purchases = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product)
class Meta:
ordering = ('product', 'date', 'purchases', 'hits', )
def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s: %s - %s hits, %s purchases' % (self.product.name, str(self.date).split(' ')[0], self.hits, self.purchases)
How would you go about sorting the Products after say (hits+(purchases*2)) the latest week?
This structure isn't set in stone either, so if you would structure the models in any other way, please tell!
first idea:
in the view you could query for today's ProductStatistic, than loop over the the queryset and add a variable ranking to every object and add that object to a list. Then just sort after ranking and pass the list to ur template.
second idea:
create a filed ranking (hidden for admin) and write the solution of ur formula each time the object is saved to the database by using a pre_save-signal. Now you can do ProductStatistic.objects.filter(date=today()).order_by('ranking')
Both ideas have pros&cons, but I like second idea more
edit as response to the comment
Use Idea 2
Write a view, where you filter like this: ProductStatistic.objects.filter(product= aProductObject, date__gte=startdate, date__lte=enddate)
loop over the queryset and do somthing like aProductObject.ranking+= qs_obj.ranking
pass a sorted list of the queryset to the template
Basically a combination of both ideas
edit to your own answer
Your solution isn't far away from what I suggested — but in sql-space.
But another solution:
Make a Hit-Model:
class Hit(models.Model):
date = models.DateTimeFiles(auto_now=True)
product = models.ForeignKey(Product)
purchased= models.BooleanField(default=False)
session = models.CharField(max_length=40)
in your view for displaying a product you check, if there is a Hit-object with the session, and object. if not, you save it
in your purchase view you get the Hit-object and set purchased=True
Now in your templates/DB-Tools you can do real statistics.
Of course it can generate a lot of DB-Objects over the time, so you should think about a good deletion-strategy (like sum the data after 3 month into another model MonthlyHitArchive)
If you think, that displaying this statistics would generate to much DB-Traffic, you should consider using some caching.
I solved this the way I didn't want to solve it. I added week_rank, month_rank and overall_rank to Product and then I just added the following to my ProductStatistic model.
def calculate_rank(self, days_ago=7, overall=False):
if overall:
return self._default_manager.all().extra(
select = {'rank': 'SUM(hits + (clicks * 2))'}
return self._default_manager.filter(
date__gte = datetime.today()-timedelta(days_ago),
date__lte = datetime.today()
select = {'rank': 'SUM(hits + (clicks * 2))'}
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ProductStatistic, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
t = Product.objects.get(pk=self.product.id)
t.week_rank = self.calculate_rank()
t.month_rank = self.calculate_rank(30)
t.overall_rank = self.calculate_rank(overall=True)
I'll leave it unsolved if there is a better solution.