Accessing defrecord methods in ClojureScript Figwheel - clojure

I have some code in cljc files which compiles to both Clojure and ClojureScript.
in protocols.cljc
(defprotocol Transformable ".."
(scale [this scalar] "" ) ...)
in pattern.cljc
(defrecord APattern [paths]
(scale [this s] (...)) ...)
in another.cljc
(defn f [pattern] (.scale pattern (/ 1 2)) )
And in core.cljs
(another/f pattern)
However, I'm getting an error on the browser console
TypeError: pattern.scale is not a function
Checking the fields of pattern object in core.cljs (using js-keys) shows me that the object has something called
which looks like my function. So am I just doing something wrong to access it in ClojureScript? Does . notation not work? Do I need to do something else?

Calls to protocol functions are just like calls to any other function. So your f function should look like:
(require 'protocols)
(defn f [pattern] (protocols/scale pattern (/ 1 2)) )


clojure get args & exprs of received function

My question is: how can I get the args list and expressions of a received function ?
I'm trying to do something like this:
(defn first-fn [[args exprs]]
(println "Args:" args)
(println "Exprs:" exprs))
(first-fn (fn [a b c] (println "something")))
So, first-fn would print:
Args: [a b c]
Exprs: (println "something")
My goal is to create a macro that can use the args list of the received function.
Thank you.
Use case:
I'm using compojure
You can define routes like this:
(GET "/:id" [id] (body_here id))
But I would like to change the syntax to be:
(defn handler-fn [id] (body_here id))
(GET "/:id" handler-fn)
So the handler (body) can be extracted from the routes, and might be reused as well.
I tried to reuse compile-route
(defmacro MY_GET [path fn-src]
(let [fn-fn (second fn-src)
arg-vec (nth fn-src 2)
forms (drop 3 fn-src)]
(compojure.core/compile-route :get path arg-vec forms)))
But when I call:
(MY_GET "/:id" handler-fn)
It says: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol
You cannot do this with functions, you directly need a macro to do this and even then it is not straight-forward. First, let's explain the difference: macros are basically evaluated at compile-time and the result of this evaluation is then evaluated at run-time. The interesting part is that the evaluation at compile-time gets the literal, unevaluated arguments to the macro as data and not, like normal functions would, the evaluated arguments at run-time. So, your approach cannot work, because at the time first-fn receives it's arguments (at run-time), they are already evaluated -- in your example, first-fn receives nil as arguments. Cf. the documentation at clojure-doc for a much better explanation.
Now, solving your request with a macro requires the macro to parse the arguments (remember: at compile time, code is data) that it receives -- i.e. in your example, it needs to parse the sequence (fn [a b c] (println "something")) that builds up the function call you hand over to it. Probably you would want to cover other cases besides the fn one (e.g. the # short-hand), that's what it makes the problem not straight-forward in the general case.
This parsing could in the end be handled by a normal function parsing, e.g. a sequence. So, try solving a different puzzle first: build a function parse-code-sequence that takes a sequence (that looks like the functions you would hand over) and returns the args and expr -- note the quote (') in front of fn.
user> (parse-code-sequence '(fn [a b c] (println "something")))
{args: [a b c], expr: (println "something")}
Some hints to this: in the example here, which is showing the most used case, the sequence just consists of three elements and you don't need the first one. But the general case is a little bit more complex, cf. the official documentation on fn.
A final remark: when you implement the macro, you need to think about what it resolves to -- just adding the print-statements is easy, but do you also want to evaluate the arguments normally (so your macro becomes something like a debugging aid) or do you want to do something else?
Update to reflect your use-case
Your MY-GET macro is not doing what you think it's doing.
Take a look at the arguments that the macro gets: why do you think it can magically retrieve the function definition of handler-fn, when all that you give as argument to MY_GET is the symbol/var handler-fn? You would need to retrieve the source, but this usually will not be possible (cf. this SO question on retrieving the source of a function definition).
You are also missing a backquote before the call to compile-route: you want the call to compile-route to happen at run-time, not at compile time. Currently, the result of the macro evaluation is the result of the call to compile-route (at compile-time). Take a look at macroexpand which would show you the result of the macro-expansion. Basically, you want the macro to return the call to compile-route.
I don't see any easy way that you could accomplish what you look for. The argument vector of a route definition is defining what needs to be handed over. Even if you extract that to a function definition, compojure still needs to know what to hand over to that function.
Here is an example of what you could do.
(ns xyz
[tupelo.core :as t]
(spyx *clojure-version*)
(defmacro dissect [ fn-src ]
(let [fn-fn (first fn-src)
arg-vec (second fn-src)
forms (drop 2 fn-src) ]
(spyx fn-fn)
(spyx arg-vec)
(spyx forms)
; Here is the return value; ie the transformed code
`(defn my-fn
(apply + ~arg-vec))))
; show the result
(fn [a b c]
(println "the answer is")
; call it for real
(fn [a b c]
(println "the answer is")
; use the generated function
(spyx (my-fn 1 2 3))
with result:
*clojure-version* => {:major 1, :minor 8, :incremental 0, :qualifier nil}
fn-fn => fn
arg-vec => [a b c]
forms => ((println "the answer is") 42)
(clojure.core/defn tst.clj.core/my-fn [a b c] (clojure.core/apply clojure.core/+ [a b c]))
fn-fn => fn
arg-vec => [a b c]
forms => ((println "the answer is") 42)
(my-fn 1 2 3) => 6
Your project.clj needs the following to make spyx work:
:dependencies [
[tupelo "0.9.11"]

How can I get the var of a multimethod?

I'm trying to use dire to add hooks to multimethods. The author says it might not work.
Here is an example with a normal function:
(ns mydire.prehook
(:require [dire.core :refer [with-pre-hook!]]))
(defn times [a b]
(* a b))
(with-pre-hook! #'times
"An optional docstring."
(fn [a b] (println "Logging something interesting.")))
(times 21 2) ; => "Logging something interesting."
As you can see, with-pre-hook! is passed (var times) (which is the same as #'times).
The problem is that when calling var for a multimethod I'm getting an exception:
clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Symbol
Is there a way to make this work?
Below is my code sample:
(defmulti get-url identity)
(defmethod get-url :stackoverflow
(with-pre-hook! (var (get-method get-url :stackoverflow))
(fn [x] (println "getting url for stackoverflow.")))
var is a macro, it does not evaluate its argument. If you give it a list, it will not evaluate the list, it will reject it, because it's a list and not a symbol.
There is no var to attach to with a specific method, because defmethod does not create a var, it modifies the dispatch of the multimethod it is attached to. The value returned by get-method is a function, not a var.
Having looked at dire, it specifically needs a var to act on, and won't work on a specific method of a multimethod without some amount of redesign. So no, you can't use with-pre-hook on a specific method, though it might work on a multimethod itself (including all of its methods).

How can I evaluate "symbol" and "(symbol 1)" with the same name?

I want to get following results when I evaluate edit-url and (edit-url 1).
edit-url --> "/articles/:id/edit"
(edit-url 1) --> "/articles/1/edit"
Is it possible to define such a Var or something?
Now, I use following function, but I don't want to write (edit-url) to get const string.
(defn edit-url
([] "/articles/:id/edit")
([id] (str "/articles/" id "/edit")))
Thanks in advance.
If those behaviors are exactly what you want, print-method and tagged literals may be used to imitate them.
(defrecord Path [path]
(invoke [this n]
(clojure.string/replace path ":id" (str n))))
(defmethod print-method Path [o ^ w]
(.write w (str "#path\"" (:path o) "\"")))
(set! *data-readers* (assoc *data-readers* 'path ->Path))
user=> (def p #path"/articles/:id/edit")
user=> p
user=> (p 1)
edit-url will either have the value of an immutable string or function. Not both.
The problem will fade when you write a function with better abstraction that takes a string and a map of keywords to replace with words. It should work like this
(generate-url "/articles/:id/edit" {:id 1})
Clojure is a "Lisp 1" which means that is has a single namespace for all symbols, including both data scalars and functions. What you have written shows the functionally of both a string and a function but for a single name, which you can do in Common Lisp but not Clojure (not that a "Lisp 2" has its own inconveniences as well).
In general this type of "problem" is a non issue if you organize your vars better. Why not just make edit-url a function with variable arity? Without arguments it returns something, with arguments it returns something else. Really the possibilities are endless, even more so when you consider making a macro instead of a function (not that I'm advocating that).

Casting DynamicLabel to Label in Clojure for Neo4j Embedded

I am trying to rewrite the neo4j sample code located here in clojure. But when I try to create a node, I get the following error
ClassCastException Cannot cast org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicLabel to [Lorg.neo4j.graphdb.Label; java.lang.Class.cast (
Here is my code:
(ns neotest.handler
(:import (org.neo4j.graphdb
(def db
(let [path "C:\\Users\\xxx\\code\\neotest\\resources\\db1"]
(. (new GraphDatabaseFactory) (newEmbeddedDatabase path))))
(defn create-node []
(try (let [tx (. db beginTx)
l (. DynamicLabel (label "User"))]
(. db (createNode l))
(. tx success))))
I have tried type-hinting of all kinds and in all places, and I still get the same error.
It's because of the varargs Label... parameter. This was a bit of Clojure/Java interop I didn't know about: you have to pass the parameter in as an array (even if there's only one), so you need to do something like:
(. db (createNode (into-array Label [l])))
to make it work. There's another afternoon I won't be getting back!
the calls to dynamicLabel in the example java code look like:
DynamicLabel.label( "User" )
which would translate to:
(DynamicLabel/label "user")
because label is a static method of the class org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicLabel which has the signature:
static Label label(String labelName)

How can I display the definition of a function in Clojure at the REPL?

I'm looking for the ability to have the REPL print the current definition of a function. Is there any way to do this?
For example, given:
(defn foo [] (if true "true"))
I'd like to say something like
(print-definition foo)
and get something along the lines of
(foo [] (if true "true"))
An alternative to source (which should be available via clojure.repl/source when starting a REPL, as of 1.2.0. If you're working with 1.1.0 or lower, source is in clojure.contrib.repl-utils.), for REPL use, instead of looking at functions defined in a .clj file:
(defmacro defsource
"Similar to clojure.core/defn, but saves the function's definition in the var's
:source meta-data."
{:arglists (:arglists (meta (var defn)))}
[fn-name & defn-stuff]
`(do (defn ~fn-name ~#defn-stuff)
(alter-meta! (var ~fn-name) assoc :source (quote ~&form))
(var ~fn-name)))
(defsource foo [a b] (+ a b))
(:source (meta #'foo))
;; => (defsource foo [a b] (+ a b))
A simple print-definition:
(defn print-definition [v]
(:source (meta v)))
(print-definition #'foo)
#' is just a reader macro, expanding from #'foo to (var foo):
(macroexpand '#'reduce)
;; => (var reduce)
You'll want to import the repl namespace, and use the source function from it:
(ns myns
(:use [clojure.repl :only (source)]))
(defn foo [] (if true "true"))
(source foo)
=> (foo [] (if true "true"))
Though this wouldn't work in the REPL, only where the function is defined in a .clj file on the classpath. Which doesn't answer your question, then: you'd need to have a defn that stores, in the metadata of the fn it defines, the source of the function. Then you'd write a function that recalls that bit of metadata. That shouldn't be terribly difficult.
Clojure doesn't have a decompiler, so that means there's no way to get at the source of an arbitrary function unless it was a defn loaded from disk. However, you can use a neat hack called serializable-fn to create a function that has its source form stored in its metadata:
The defsource answer is very similar to this, but this solution works with arbitrary fns, not just top-level defns. It also makes fns print prettily at the repl without a special printing function.
In clojure 1.2's REPL, the source function is immediately available. You can use it this way:
$ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.2.0
user=> (source slurp)
(defn slurp
"Reads the file named by f using the encoding enc into a string
and returns it."
{:added "1.0"}
([f & opts]
(let [opts (normalize-slurp-opts opts)
sb (StringBuilder.)]
(with-open [#^ r (apply jio/reader f opts)]
(loop [c (.read r)]
(if (neg? c)
(str sb)
(.append sb (char c))
(recur (.read r)))))))))
A few other functions are also automatically imported into the REPL's user namespace from the clojure.repl library. See the API doc here.
However, as pointed out in other answers here, you can't use source as is to print back functions you have defined in the REPL.
I asked exactly this question on the Clojure mailing list recently and the answers included overriding parts of the REPL to stash the input (and output) away for future reference as well as an override of defn to store the source in metadata (which you could then easily retrieve in the REPL).
Read the thread on the Clojure mailing list