Arm toolchain and associated runtime - c++

I am attempting to port an application to an arm processor and have run into a roadblock. I don't get to change the source code and it uses a feature that is not available in the arm runtime on the arm host. I get the message on the arm host:
/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version 'CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by MyDaemon);
I ran
strings | grep CXXABI and got the list with the last element as CXXABI_1.3.6.
Can I simply replace the toolchain/runtime on the arm machine or do I have to worry about other programs that link to it and will not run any longer?
g++ --version gives (Debian 4.6.3-14) 4.6.3
so maybe I can use a 4.9 toolchain and runtime?
The issue with that answer is that when the different libstdc++ is loaded it reports.
GLIBC_2.17 not found
The problem is that the environment on the machine where the application is compiled is different from the environment where the application is run and would like to know where to read to be able to solve this problem.


Docker Centos, Cannot Execute Binary File

I have one C++ binary which is running smoothly on local centos. Recently, I started learning docker and trying to run my C++ application on centos docker.
Firstly, I pulled centos:latest from docker hub and installed my C++ application on it and it ran successfully, without any issue. Now i installed docker on raspberry-pi and pulled centos again and tried to ran the same application on it but it gave me error.
bash : cannot execute binary file
Usually, this error comes when we try to run application on different architecture then the one they are built on. I checked cat etc/centos-release on raspberry-pi and result is CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (AltArch),where as result on local centos is CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
uname -a on both devices is as follows
raspberry-pi, centos docker Linux c475f349e7c2 4.14.79-v7+ #1159 SMP Sun Nov 4 17:50:20 GMT 2018 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
centos, centos docker Linux a57f3fc2c1a6 4.15.0-46-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Wed Feb 6 09:33:07 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Also, file myapplication
TTCHAIN: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/l, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=287b501c8206893f7819f215ee0033586212b143, with debug_info, not stripped
My question is how can i ran the same native application of centos, pulled from docker on raspberry-pi model 3.
Your application has been built for x86-64. Intel x86-64 binaries CAN NOT run on an ARM processor.
You have two paths to pursue:
If you don't have source code for the application, you will need an x86-64 emulator that will run on your Raspberry Pi. Considering the Pi's lesser capabilities and Intel's proclivity to sue anyone who creates an emulator for their processors, I doubt you'll find one that's publicly available.
If you have the source code for the application, you need to rebuild it as a Raspberry Pi executable. You seem to know that it was written in C++. GCC and other toolchains are available for the Raspberry Pi (most likely a "yum install gcc" on your Pi will grab the compiler and tools for you). Building the application should be extremely similar to building it for x86_64.
You could find a cross-compiler that would let you build for the Pi from your x86_64 box, but that can get complicated.
Could be that you are trying to run a 64-bit binary on a 32-bit processor, would need more information to know for sure though.
You can check by using the file command in the shell. You may have to re-compile on the original system with the -m32 flag to gcc.
Please do a "uname -a" on both devices and post the results.
Most likely the processor or library type doesn't match.
I presume (hope) you're not trying to run an x86-compiled app on a Pi. Although Docker is available for both processor types, Docker will not run x86 binaries on Pi or vice versa.
Actually, AltArch currently means one of the following architectures... ppc64, ppc64le, i386, armhfp (arm v7 32-bit), aarch64 (arm v8 64-bit). Core suggests the mainstream x86 and x86_64 builds of CentOS.
Yep, I bet that's what it can't just transfer an x86 binary to a Raspbian and expect it to work. The application must be rebuilt for the platform.

Glibc vs GCC vs binutils compatibility

Is there a sort of official documentation about version compatibility between binutils, glibc and GCC? I found this matrix for binutils vs GCC version compatibility. It would be good to have something like this for GCC vs glibc as well.
The point I'm asking this for is that I need to know if I can build, say, cross GCC 4.9.2 with "embedded" glibc 2.2.4 to be able to support quite old targets like CentOS 5.
Thank you.
it's extremely unlikely you'll be able to build such an old version of glibc with such a new version of gcc. glibc documents the min required version of binutils & gcc in its INSTALL file.
glibc-2.23 states:
Recommended Tools for Compilation
GCC 4.7 or newer
GNU 'binutils' 2.22 or later
typically if you want to go newer than those, glibc will generally work with the version of gcc that was in development at the time of the release. e.g. glibc-2.23 was released 18 Feb 2016 and gcc-6 was under development at that time, so glibc-2.23 will work with gcc-4.7 through gcc-6.
so find the version of gcc you want, then find its release date, then look at the glibc releases from around the same time.
all that said, using an old version of glibc is a terrible idea. it will be full of known security vulnerabilities (include remotely exploitable ones). the latest glibc-2.23 release for example fixed CVE-2015-7547 which affects any application doing DNS network resolution and affects versions starting with glibc-2.9. remember: this is not the only bug lurking.
When building a cross-compiler there are at least two, and sometimes three, platform types to consider:
Platform A is used to BUILD a cross compiler HOSTED on Platform B which TARGETS binaries for embedded Platform C. I used the words BUILD, HOSTED, and TARGETS intentionally, as those are the options passed to configure when building a cross-GCC.
BUILD PLATFORM: Platform of machine which will create the cross-GCC
HOST PLATFORM: Platform of machine which will use the cross-GCC to create binaries
TARGET PLATFORM: Platform of machine which will
run the binaries created by the cross-GCC
Consider the following (Canadian Cross Config, BUILD != HOST platform):
A 32-bit x86 Windows PC running the mingw32 toolchain will be used to compile a cross-GCC. This cross-GCC will be used on 64-bit x86 Linux computers. The binaries created by the cross-GCC should run on a 32-bit PowerPC single-board-computer running LynxOS 178 RtOS (Realtime Operating System).
In the above scenario, our platforms are as follows:
BUILD: i686-w32-mingw32
HOST: x86_64-linux-gnu
TARGET: powerpc-lynx-lynxos178
However, this is not the typical configuration. Most often BUILD PLATFORM and HOST PLATFORM are the same.
A more typical scenario (Regular Cross Config, BUILD == HOST platform):
A 64-bit x86 Linux server will be used to compile a cross-GCC. This cross-GCC will also be used on 64-bit x86 Linux computers. The binaries created by the cross-GCC should run on a 32-bit PowerPC single-board-computer running LynxOS 178 RtOS (Realtime Operating System).
In the above scenario, our platforms are as follows:
BUILD: x86_64-linux-gnu
HOST: x86_64-linux-gnu
TARGET: powerpc-lynx-lynxos178
When building the cross-GCC (assuming we are building a Regular Cross Config, where BUILD == HOST Platform), native versions of GNU BinUtils, GCC, glibc, and libstdc++ (among other libraries) will be required to actually compile the cross-GCC. It is less about specific versions of each component, and more about whether each component supports the specific language features required to compile GCC-4.9.2 (note: just because GCC-4.9.2 implements language feature X, does not mean that language feature X must be supported by the version of GCC used to compile GCC-4.9.2. In the same way, just because glibc-X.X.X implements library feature Y, does not mean that the version of GCC used to compile glibc-X.X.X must have been linked against a glibc that implements feature Y.
In your case, you should simply build your cross-GCC 4.9.2 (or if you are not cross compiling, i.e. you are compiling for CentOS 5 on Linux, build native GCC 4.9.2), and then when you link your executable for CentOS 5, explicitly link glibc v2.2.4 using You also probably will need to define -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 when you compile, as I highly doubt glibc 2.2.4 supports the C 2011 standard.

Build with gcc for systems with older gcc

Hi I am trying to build an executable on Ubuntu for RedHat 6.4 - and I am struggling due to the different gcc versions.
The RedHat 6.4 machine uses gcc 4.4.7. The Ubuntu machine uses gcc 4.6.3.
Here is what I have tried:
Install g++-4.4 on the Ubuntu machine and compile with older version of gcc: failed because the code base uses features not yet available in g++-4.4
Copy the Ubuntu and over to the RedHat machine. The program sort of gets started, then segfaults.
Link the executable on Ubuntu statically with -Wl,-Bstatic as link options. Failed on a third party library with "warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking".
So I am a bit stuck now... Any advice?
Based on comments above, decided to dump RedHat (didn't have a subscription, so not easily upgradable) on the other machine and switch to Fedora, which has the latest gcc. Not a solution that scales, but what can you do.

Linux linking to any available library version

When compiling my binary (addon for node.js) on Ubuntu 13.10. then the linker takes to link.
Then I copy the binary to a Ubuntu 12.04 machine and run the binary. Then there is an error that can't be found. On Ubuntu 12.04 is installed.
I provide gcc with the param -ludev
The binary expects I checked it with this command:
$> strings bin | grep udev
$> ...
How can I tell the linker it should take any provided libudev version of the OS. So the binary would require something like*.
In the magical Linux world it is very difficult to compile and link on one machine and then copy the binary to another machine and run it there. There are a lot of variations, as you have also experienced not all aer compatible with each other, so this make the porting of binaries very difficult, if not altogether impossible. It might work with some setups, and not with others. Now you have two possibilities:
I assume, your 12.04 is a production environment so you cannot do whatever you want... So, in this case create an identical (virtual) machine to the Ubuntu 12.04 compile and link on it. Copy the executable to the 12.04 you need to run on it. Chances are that it will work without problems.
If the assumption about the production environment is not true, then install the compilers and necessary environment and compile the source on the remote machine. This way you will know it will work all the time on that machine.
In your 12.04 find out at which location is there. then make a symbolic link to that library with and see.
To make symbolic link:
ln -sf /opt/lib/ /opt/lib/

strlen runtime error on Ubuntu

I develop a CGI C++ application that I compiled under Debian. Running this app on an Ubuntu system I am getting the error:
relocation error: /lib32/ symbol strlen, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file with link time reference
What can I do now? Should I recomile on the Ubunto system? Can I replace a library?
I link my application with -static.
Running the command ldd --version on the Ubuntu system showed my that EGLIB is used there.
What this error means is that your program was compiled/linked against an older version of GNU libc, which is not supported on the system where you want to run your executable.
You have few options to solve it:
Make sure you use the same or compatible version of libc when compiling and running.
Link against a static runtime.
Install older version of libc on Ubuntu system to match the Debian's environment.