I'm writing a game that has info that is communicated from client to server and from server to client. One specific (non-playing) client is the monitor, which only displays the game board and players. This works fine, the only thing that doesn't work is the quit button on the GUI. A minor thing, but I would like it to work. :) Plus I think that there might be something pretty wrong with the code, even though it works.
I tried all kind of different commands (sys.exit, quit...) and nothing fixed it.
There's no error message, nothing happens with the button at all. No mouse over effect, nothing if I click it. Relevant code (I removed matrix and server logic because I think it's irrelevant - if it isn't I'll post it):
class Main():
def __init__(self, master):
self.frame = Frame(master)
# Has to be counted up by server class
rounds = 0
# Has to be communicated by server class. If numberwin == numberrobots,
# game is won
numberwin = 0
numberrobots = 2
def draw(self):
if hasattr(self, 'info'):
if hasattr(self, 'quit'):
print "Main should draw this matrix %s" % self.matrix
[...] lots of matrix stuff [...]
# Pop-Up if game was won
# TODO: Make GUI quittable
if self.numberwin == self.numberrobots:
self.top = Toplevel()
self.msg = Message(self.top, text="This game was won!")
self.quittop = Button(
self.top, text="Yay", command=self.frame.destroy)
# TODO: Quit GUI
self.quit = Button(self.frame, text="Quit", command=self.frame.destroy)
# Information on the game
self.info = Label(
self.frame, text="Rounds played: {}, Numbers of robots in win condition: {}".format(self.rounds, self.numberwin))
def canvasCreator(self, numberrows, numbercolumns):
# Game board
self.canvas = Canvas(
self.frame, width=numbercolumns * 100 + 10, height=numberrows * 100 + 10)
class Agent(Protocol, basic.LineReceiver):
master = Tk()
main = Main(master)
# So first matrix is treated differently from later matrixes
flagFirstMatrix = 1
def connectionMade(self):
msg = dumps({"type": "monitor"})
print "Sent message:", msg
def dataReceived(self, data):
# Decode the json dump
print "Data received: %s" % data
data = loads(data)
self.main.matrix = np.matrix(data["positions"])
self.main.goals = np.matrix(data["goals"])
self.main.next_move_by_agent = data["next_move"]
self.main.rounds = data["rounds"]
self.main.numberwin = data["win_states"]
if self.flagFirstMatrix == 1:
self.main.numberrows, self.main.numbercolumns = self.main.matrix.shape
self.main.numberrows, self.main.numbercolumns)
self.flagFirstMatrix = 0
First there is no indentation for class Agent, second for the quit button's "call back" self.frame.destroy is never defined so it doesn't do anything. If you meant tkinter destroy method try self.frame.destroy() or try explicitly defining it. You can also try calling either fram.pack_forget() or fram.grid_forget()
Add master.mainloop() to your last line in terms of the entire lines of code
I am trying to use the Python Tkinter .config() method to update some message text. I can't get it to work. What might I be doing wrong (see the update_message method):
import alsaaudio as aa
import audioop
import Tkinter as tk
import tkFont
import threading
import Queue
# styles
TYPEFACE = 'Unit-Bold'
TEXT_COLOR = '#777777'
# text
TITLE = 'listen closely'
SCORE_MESSAGE = 'your score:\n '
END_MESSAGE = 'too loud!\ntry again'
# configuration
DEVICE = 'hw:1' # hardware sound card index
SAMPLE_RATE = 8000 # Hz // 44100
PERIOD = 256 # Frames // 256
FORMAT = aa.PCM_FORMAT_S8 # Sound format
class Display(object):
def __init__(self, parent, queue):
self.parent = parent
self.queue = queue
self._geom = '200x200+0+0'
parent.winfo_screenwidth(), parent.winfo_screenheight()))
parent.displayFont = tkFont.Font(family=TYPEFACE, size=FONT_SIZE)
def process_queue(self):
score = self.queue.get(0)
except Queue.Empty:
self.parent.after(100, self.update_queue)
def update_queue(self):
score = self.queue.get(0)
except Queue.Empty:
self.parent.after(100, self.update_queue)
def print_message(self, messageString):
print 'message', messageString
displayString = SCORE_MESSAGE + str(messageString)
self.message = tk.Message(
self.parent, text=displayString, bg=BACKROUND_COLOR,
font=self.parent.displayFont, fg=TEXT_COLOR, width=TEXTBOX_WIDTH, justify="c")
self.message.place(relx=.5, rely=.5, anchor="c")
def update_message(self, messageString):
print 'message', messageString
displayString = SCORE_MESSAGE + str(messageString)
def setup_audio(queue, stop_event):
data_in = aa.PCM(aa.PCM_CAPTURE, aa.PCM_NONBLOCK, 'hw:1')
while not stop_event.is_set():
# Read data from device
l, data = data_in.read()
if l:
# catch frame error
max_vol = audioop.rms(data, 2)
scaled_vol = max_vol // 4680
print scaled_vol
if scaled_vol <= 3:
# Too quiet, ignore
except audioop.error, e:
if e.message != "not a whole number of frames":
raise e
def main():
root = tk.Tk()
queue = Queue.Queue()
window = Display(root, queue)
stop_event = threading.Event()
audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=setup_audio,
args=[queue, stop_event])
if __name__ == '__main__':
I don't want to be laying down a new message every time I update. If the .config() doesn't work, is there another method to update the text configuration of the message?
I would use string variables, first create your string variable then set it to want you want it to display at the start next make your object and in text put the sting variable then when you want to change the text in the object change the string variable.
self.messaget = StringVar()
self.message = tk.Message(
self.parent, textvariable=self.messaget, bg=BACKROUND_COLOR,
font=self.parent.displayFont, fg=TEXT_COLOR,
width=TEXTBOX_WIDTH, justify="c").grid()
#note renember to palce the object after you have created it either using
#.grid(row = , column =) or .pack()
#note that it is textvariable instead of text if you put text instead it will run but
#but will show PY_Var instead of the value of the variable
to change the text without recreating the object you do the name of the string variable you have used and .set
I'm trying to open a second window beside my mainwindow on a button click and display a tablewidget on it with some data. When I open the window it raises
AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute 'openTable'
The mainwindow was created with Qt Designer and converted the ui file with pyuic4. How do I do this correctly correct so that the error is not raised?
The button calls function:
def showCliplist(self):
data = self.metadata_list
luts = self.lutlist
selected_lut = self.LUTBox.currentIndex()
openTable = ClipListViewer(data,luts,selected_lut)
New window class:
class ClipListViewer(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, data, luts, selected_lut, parent = None):
self.metadata = data
self.curentluts = luts
self.choosenlut = selected_lut
y_count = len(self.metadata)
self.table = QtGui.QTableWidget(y_count,6)
self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['Clip', 'Videocodec', 'FPS', 'Audiocodec', 'Start Timecode', 'LUT'])
x = y = 0
for items in self.metadata:
for entry in items:
#print entry
self.table.setItem(y, x, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(entry))
x += 1
self.comb = QtGui.QComboBox()
for lutname in self.curentluts:
self.table.setCellWidget(y, 5, self.comb)
self.table.setColumnWidth(5, 230)
y += 1
x = 0
layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
def closeEvent(self, event): #check if window was closed
print "Cliplist Window was closed! "
I reviews your code completed, OK, let's me explain.
AttributeError: 'Ui_MainWindow' object has no attribute 'openTable'
This error says, "I not have self.openTable in class Ui_MainWindow (That true because your have create own method)".
Why ? : Because a problem is in line this;
def showCliplist(self):
data = self.metadata_list
luts = self.lutlist
selected_lut = self.LUTBox.currentIndex()
openTable = ClipListViewer(data,luts,selected_lut) # <- (1) THIS LINE
self.openTable.show() # <- (2) THIS LINE
In (1), your create your second widget in to openTable (Not self.openTable).
This line we have this object in openTable (Not self.openTable).
Then (2), your call QtGui.QWidget.show(self) to show widget of self.openTable (Not openTable). It's should be error because we don't have variable self.openTable. To fix it your should use same name variable, Like this;
def showCliplist(self):
data = self.metadata_list
luts = self.lutlist
selected_lut = self.LUTBox.currentIndex()
self.openTable = ClipListViewer(data,luts,selected_lut) # <- FIX THIS LINE !
self.openTable.show() # <- (2) THIS LINE
Why second widget is show before I call self.openTable.show()?
Answer : Your can see in second widget initiate in last line of code your see QtGui.QWidget.show(self) has be call before end of initiate;
class ClipListViewer(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self, data, luts, selected_lut, parent = None):
self.show() # <- THIS LINE
I am again asking a question on this progressbar project; although this should just be a clarification question.
My code causes for a progressbar to be created to track the creation of a file. The user selects the type of file they want to create and then hits "go" which causes for the file to begin changing and for the progressbar to appear. Progressbar works great. File writing/manipulation works great.
Problem: When the user selects several files to manipulate, despite the progressbars being created correctly, they do NOT update correctly. At first I thought that clicking on a button multiple times causes for tkinter to forget the root.after() function it was doing previously but after playing with a (much simpler) sample code I realized that this is not the case.
Question: How do I make sure tkinter doesn't stop implementing the first function even when the same function is restarted with different parameters?
Below are parts of my code to describe what I am doing.
progbarlock = False # start with the prograssbar marked as not occupied
class guibuild:
def __init__(self):
self.root = root
guibuild.progbarlock = False
global theframe
theframe = Frame(root)
job_name = e.get()
label = Label(theframe,text = job_name).pack(side=LEFT,padx =2)
self.progbar = Meter(theframe) #makes the progressbar object
self.progbar.set(0.0) #sets the initial value to 0
self.counter = 0
self.i = float(0) #i is the value set to the progressbar
def stop_progbar(self):
def begin(self):
def interval(self):
if guibuild.progbarlock == False:
guibuild.progbarlock = True
def update(self):
the_file = open('running_file.json')
data = json.load(the_file)
curr = data["current_line"]
total = data["total_lines"]
if self.i == 1.0:
rint "100% - process is done"
elif curr == self.counter:
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
elif curr == self.counter+1:
self.i += 1.0/total
self.progbar.set(self.i) #apply the new value of i to the progressbar
self.counter += 1
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
elif curr > self.counter+1:
self.i += 1.0/total*(curr-self.counter)
self.progbar.set(self.i) #apply the new value of i to the progressbar
self.counter = curr
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
print "something is wrong - running.json is not available"
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
guibuild.progbarlock = False
def start_process():
makeRequest() #this is defined much earlier in the code and includes all the file creation and manipulation
button4 = Button(root,text="GO", command = start_process).pack()
NOTE:makeRequest() depends entirely on user input and the user input changes each time "go" is pressed.
I wish to have real-time midi input, in order to control some wx.Sliders. I have been able to achieve this, however it prevents interaction with the sliders via the mouse or keyboard and causes the application to crash.
This is the code I have at the moment.
import wx, pygame, pygame.midi
class windowClass(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(windowClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def basicGUI(self):
panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.slider = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 2, 0, 128, pos=(10,25), size=(250,-1), style=wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_LABELS)
sliderText = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Slider 1 ', (8,8))
self.slider2 = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 2, 0, 128, pos=(10,110), size=(250,-1), style=wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_LABELS)
sliderText = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Slider 2', (8,88))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.sliderUpdate)
self.SetTitle('Sliders Window!')
inp = pygame.midi.Input(1)
running = True
while running:
if inp.poll():
dataset = inp.read(1)
control = dataset[0][0][1]
if control > 8:
if control == 1:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
if control == 2:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
def sliderUpdate(self, event):
value1 = self.slider1.GetValue()
value2 = self.slider2.GetValue()
print value1, value2
def main():
app = wx.App()
What is causing pygame.midi to take all resources? I have a feeling it is regarding while running = True, however my attempts at trying to close the instance don't seem to work.
How can I have the sliders being controlled by the midi and the mouse calling sliderUpdate? Thanks for any help.
You have a loop that never exits, so your program never reaches the parts that deal with anything except the midi input
I would move the code that is currently in that loop into a function, remove the loop, and add a timer to the panel, e.g.
def basicGUI(self):
... panel stuff
timer = wx.Timer(self, -1)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
timer.Start(10, False)
def OnTimer(self, event):
inp = pygame.midi.Input(1)
if inp.poll():
dataset = inp.read(1)
control = dataset[0][0][1]
if control > 8:
if control == 1:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
if control == 2:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
I am using Tkinter to create a GUI for a program I am writing that will adjust some Zigbee controlled LED lights that I have. I am using a loop to create multiple copies of a Scale that I'm going to use as a brightness slider. I manage to create the sliders properly, but I am having difficulties actually adjust the sliders correctly. Here's my code:
import simplejson as json
import requests # submits http requests
from Tkinter import *
from ttk import Frame, Button, Label, Style, Notebook
# MD5 hash from http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/md5.php
myhash = "d9ffaca46d5990ec39501bcdf22ee7a1"
appname = "dddd" # name content isnt relevant
num_lights = int(3)
class hueApp(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.parent = parent
def initUI(self, *args, **kwds):
# title the app window
self.parent.title("Hue controller")
self.style = Style()
# create grid layout
self.columnconfigure(0, pad=3)
self.columnconfigure(1, pad=3)
self.columnconfigure(2, pad=3)
self.rowconfigure(0, pad=3)
for i in range(num_lights):
print 'i=', i, type(i)
print 'val=', self.val, type(self.val)
self.scale.append(Scale(self, from_=255, to_=0, command=lambda i=self.val: self.brightness_adj(i,light_id=i)))
print self.scale[i]
print 'i = ', i, type(i), '\n\n'
self.scale[i].grid(row=1, column=i)
if i == 2:
print '\n', self.scale, '\n'
print self.val, '\n'
def brightness_adj(self,light_val, light_id):
#global bri_val
print 'light_id:', light_id, type(light_id)
print 'light_val:', light_val, type(light_val)
print self.val[int(light_id)]
#print int(light_id)
bri_val = self.scale[light_id-1].get()
print bri_val
light = light_id
global huehub
huehub = ""+ myhash + "/lights/" + str(light)
reply = requests.get(huehub)
#print bri_val
payload = json.dumps({"bri":bri_val})
sethuehub = huehub + "/state"
reply = requests.put(sethuehub, data=payload)
def centerWindow(self):
w = 250
h = 150
sw = self.parent.winfo_screenwidth()
sh = self.parent.winfo_screenheight()
x = (sw-w)/2
y = (sh-h)/2
self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))
def main():
root=Tk() #the root window is created
app=hueApp(root) #create an instance of the application class
if __name__ == '__main__':
I realize that this code probably gives an error when you try to run it. Basically my problem is that the command for each scale is only send brightness_adj the value of the scale, but I can't get it to pass through the id of the light. I was trying to do this by sending through the index of the self.scale list that it is appended into when it is created. I need to know which light is being adjusted so that I can send a new brightness to the corresponding light bulb. I hope I was clear enough. Thanks in advance!
I'm a little confused about what you're trying to do with the line that assigns callback functions to the scale widgets:
self.scale.append(Scale(self, from_=255, to_=0, command=lambda i=self.val: self.brightness_adj(i,light_id=i)))
since self.val is a list, and you're sending it as both the light_val and the light_id arguments, which I would think should be integers.
Possible fix:
I'm guessing that you want each callback to send a different ID to the brightness_adj function depending on which scale it's assigned to. Here's how I would fix this up:
Add this function to your hueApp class namespace:
def brightnessCallbackFactory(self, id):
return lambda light_val:self.brightness_adj(light_val, id)
Then change the callback assignment line from the above to this:
self.scale.append(Scale(self, from_=255, to_=0, command=self.brightnessCallbackFactory(i)))
That should create callback functions that retain the ID value in their internal namespace and assign them to the corresponding scale widget.