Selecting a random row in Django, quickly - django

I have a view which returns data associated with a randomly-chosen row from one of my models. I'm aware of order_by('?') and its performance problems, and I want to avoid using order_by('?') in my view.
Because the data in my model changes very rarely (if at all), I'm considering the approach of caching the entire model in memory between requests. I know how many records I'm dealing with, and I'm comfortable taking the memory hit. If the model does change somehow, I could regenerate the cache at that moment.
Is my strategy reasonable? If so, how do I implement it? If not, how can I quickly select a random row from a model that changes very rarely if at all?

If you know the ids of your object, and its range you can randomize over the ids, and then query the database

A better approach might be to keep the number of objects in your cache, and simply retrieve a random one when you need it:
item_number = random.randint(MODEL_COUNT)


Django table or Dict: performance?

I have multiple small key/value tables in Django, and there value never change
ie: 1->"Active", 2->"Down", 3->"Running"....
and multiple times, I do some get by id and other time by name.
So I'm asking, if it's not more optimize to move them all as Dict (global or in models) ?
thank you
Generally django querysets are slower than dicts, so if you want to write model with one field that has these statuses (active, down, running) it's generally better to use dict until there is need for editability.
Anyway I don't understand this kind of question, the performance benefits are not really high until you got ~10k+ records in single QS, and even by then you can cast the whole model to list by using .values_list syntax. Execution will take approximately part of second.
Also if I understand, these values should be anyway in models.CharField with choices field set, rather than set up by fixture in models.ForeignKey.

Optimising API queries using JSONField()

Initial opening: I am utilising postgresql JSONFields.
I have the following attribute (field) in my User model:
class User(AbstractUser):
benefits = JSONField(default=dict())
I essentially currently serialize benefits for each User on the front end with DRF:
benefits = UserBenefit.objects.filter(user=self)
serializer = UserBenefitSerializer(benefits, many=True)
As the underlying returned benefits changes little and slowly, I thought about "caching" the JSON in the database every time there is a change to improve the performance of the UserBenefit.objects.filter(user=user) QuerySet. Instead, becoming user.benefits and hopefully lightening DB load over 100K+ users.
1st Q:
Should I do this?
2nd Q:
Is there an efficient way to write the corresponding <class 'rest_framework.utils.serializer_helpers.ReturnList'> to the JSON field?
I am currently using:
data = serializers.serialize("json", UserBenefit.objects.filter(user=self))
For your first question:
It's not a bad idea if you don't want to use caching alternatives.
If you have to query the database because of some changes or ... and you can't cache the hole request, then the idea of saving a JSON object can be a pretty good idea. This way you only retrieve the data and skip most parts of serializing and also terminate the need to query a pivot table to get the m2m data. But also note that this way, you are adding a whole bunch of extra data to your rows and unless you're going to need them most of the time, and you will get extra data that you don't really need which you can help it using values function on querysets but still it requires more coding. Basically, you're going to use more bandwidth for your first query and more storage to store the data instead of process power. Also, the pagination will be really hard to achieve on your benefits if you need it at some point.
Getting m2m relation data is usually pretty fast depending on the amount of data you have on your database but the ultimate way of getting better performance is caching the requests and reducing the database hits as much as possible.
And as you probably hear it a lot, you should test and benchmark to see which options really works for you the best depending on your requirements and limitations. It's really hard to suggest an optimization method without knowing the information about the whole scope and the current solution.
And for your second question:
I think I don't really get it. If you are storing a JSON object which is a field in User model, then why do you need data = serializers.serialize("json", UserBenefit.objects.filter(user=self)) ?
You don't need it since the serializer can just return the JSON field data.

Reducing the number of calls to MongoDB with mongoengine

I'm working to optimize a Django application that's (mainly) backed by MongoDB. It's dying under load testing. On the current problematic page, New Relic shows over 700 calls to pymongo.collection:Collection.find. Much of the code was written by junior coders and normally I would look for places to add indicies, make smarter joins and remove loops to reduce query calls, but joins aren't an option here. What I have done (after adding indicies based on EXPLAINs) is tried to reduce the cost in loops by making a general query and then filtering that smaller set in the loops*. While I've gotten the number down from 900 queries, 700 still seems insane even with the intense amount of work being done on the page. I thought perhaps find was called even when filtering an existing queryset, but the code suggests it's always a database query.
I've added some logging to mongoengine to see where the queries come from and to look at EXPLAIN statements, but I'm not having a ton of luck sifting through the wall of info. mongoengine itself seems to be part of the performance problem: I switched to mongomallard as a test and got a 50% performance improvement on the page. Unfortunately, I got errors on a bunch of other pages (as best I can tell it appears Mallard doesn't do well when filtering an existing queryset; the error complains about a call to deepcopy that's happening in a generator, which you can't do-- I hit a brick wall there). While Mallard doesn't seem like a workable replacement for us, it does suggest a lot of the proessing time is spent converting objects to and from Python in mongoengine.
What can I do to further reduce the calls? Or am I focusing on the wrong thing and should be attacking the problem somewhere else?
EDIT: providing some code/ models
The page in question displays the syllabus for a course, showing all the modules in the course, their lessons and the concepts under the lessons. For each concept, the user's progress in the concept is also shown. So there's a lot of looping to get the hierarchy teased out (and it's not stored according to any of the patterns the Mongo docs suggest).
class CourseVersion(Document):
course_instances = ListField(ReferenceField('CourseInstance'))
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('CoursewareContainer'))
class CoursewareContainer(EmbeddedDocument):
id = UUIDField(required=True, binary=False, default=uuid.uuid4)
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('self'))
teaching_element_instances = ListField(StringField())
The course's modules, lessons and concepts are stored in courseware_containers; we need to get all of the concepts so we can get the list of ids in teaching_element_instances to find the most recent one the user has worked on (if any) for that concept and then look up their progress.
* Just to be clear, I am using a profiler and looking at times and doings things The Right Way as best I know, not simply changing things and hoping for the best.
The code sample isn't bad per-sae but there are a number of areas that should be considered and may help improve performance.
class CourseVersion(Document):
course_instances = ListField(ReferenceField('CourseInstance'))
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('CoursewareContainer'))
class CoursewareContainer(EmbeddedDocument):
id = UUIDField(required=True, binary=False, default=uuid.uuid4)
courseware_containers = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField('self'))
teaching_element_instances = ListField(StringField())
Unbounded lists.
course_instances, courseware_containers, teaching_element_instances
If these fields are unbounded and continuously grow then the document will move on disk as it grows, causing disk contention on heavily loaded systems. There are two patterns to help minimise this:
a) Turn on Power of two sizes. This will cost disk space but should lower the amount of io churn as the document grows
b) Initial Padding - custom pad the document on insert so it gets put into a larger extent and then remove the padding. Really an anti pattern but it may give you some mileage.
The final barrier is the maximum document size - 16MB you can't grow your data bigger than that.
Lists of ReferenceFields - course_instances
MongoDB doesn't have joins so it costs an extra query to look up a ReferenceField - essentially they are an in app join. Which isn't bad per-sae but its important to understand the tradeoff. By default mongoengine won't automatically dereference the field only doing course_version.course_instances will it do another query and then populate the whole list of references. So it can cost you another query - if you don't need the data then exclude() it from the query to stop any leaking queries.
These fields are part of the document, so there is no cost for them, other than the wire costs of transmitting and loading the data. **As they are part of the document, you don't need select_related to get this data.
Are these a list of id's? It says its a StringField in the code sample above. Either way, if you don't need to dereference the whole list then storing the _ids as a StringField and manually dereferencing may be more efficient if coded correctly - especially if you just need the latest (last?) id.
Model complexity
The CoursewareContainer is complex. For any given CourseVersion you have n CoursewareContainers with themselves have a list of n containers and those each have n containers and on...
Finding the most recent instances
We need to get all of the concepts so we can get the list of ids in
teaching_element_instances to find the most recent one the user has
worked on (if any) for that concept and then look up their progress.
I'm unsure if there is a single instance you are after or one per Container or one per Course. Either way - the logic for querying the data should be examined. If its a single instance you are after - then that could be stored against the user so to simplify the logic of looking this up. If its per course or container then to improve performance ensure you minimise the number of queries - if possible collect all the ids and then at the end issue a single $in query, rather than doing a query per container.
Mongoengine costs
Currently, there is a performance cost to loading the data into Mongoengine classes - if you don't need the classes and are happy to work with simple dictionaries then either issue a raw pymongo query or use as_pymongo.
Schema design
The schema looks logical enough but is it suitable for the use case - in essence is it using MongoDB's strengths or is it putting a relational peg in a document database shaped hole? I can't answer than for you but I do know the way to the happy path with MongoDB is design the schema based on its use case. With relational databases schema design from the outset is simple - you normalise, with document databases how the data is used is a primary factor.
MongoDB best practices
There are many other best practices and mongodb have a guide which might be of interest: MongoDB Operations Best Practices.
Feel free to contact me via the Mongoengine mailing list to discuss further and if needs be discuss in private.

Is there an idiom for adding a database query to a Qt model?

I have a Qt QAbstractItemModel, and the underlying information is inside an sqlite database. I want to incrementally add rows from a database query to the model as they are needed. The database fetch may be slow, however. My problem is that beginInsertRows() needs to be called before the model is modified, but it needs to know how many rows will be added. I won't know that until after I do the query. This means I seem to have the following alternatives, all of which are unattractive.
Do two database queries: "SELECT COUNT(*) …" to get the number of result rows, then call beginInsertRows(), and do the real query. The downside, of course, is that a potentially expensive query has to be done twice.
Do my entire query, buffer the results, count the rows, then call beginInsertRows() and insert them into the model. The downside is all the extra buffering.
Call beginInsertRows()/endInsertRows() once for each row in the result set. This is going to cause a whole bunch of unnecessary view updates.
This seems like a general problem to me. Is there a general solution? For instance, is there a way to tell beginInsertRows() one thing and then change your mind?

Design pattern for caching dynamic user content (in django)

On my website I'm going to provide points for some activities, similarly to stackoverflow. I would like to calculate value basing on many factors so each computation for each user will take for instance 10 SQL queries.
I was thinking about caching it:
in memcache,
in user's row in database (so that wherever I need to get user from base I easly show the points)
Storing in database seems easy but on other hand it's redundant information and I decided to ask, since maybe there is easier and prettier solution which I missed.
I'd highly recommend this app for storing the calculated values in the model:
Memcache is faster than the db... but if you already have to retrieve the record from the db anyway, having the calculated values cached in the rows you're retrieving (as a 'denormalised' field) is even faster, plus it's persistent.