Regex - Private subtags RFC5646 - regex

Can someone please help me with a regex to pull out subtags from a RFC5646?
Example strings
en-us-x-test-test1 = test,test1
en-gb-x-test-test2 = test,test2
fr-x-test-test3 = test,test3
I'm using a QRegExp
Thanks for any assistance

You don't need a regex here. Split your input by - then take the last two string and add a coma in between:
QString str = "en-us-x-test-test1";
QStringList list = str.split('-');
QString output = + "," +;
Of course, you have to check for list length to avoid index error.


Split the string at the particular occurrence of special character (+) using regex in Java

I want to split the following string around +, but I couldn't succeed in getting the correct regex for this.
String input = "SOP3a'+bEOP3'+SOP3b'+aEOP3'";
I want to have a result like this
[SOP3a'+bEOP3', SOP3b'+aEOP3']
In some cases I may have the following string
which should be split as
[c, SOP2SOP3a'+bEOP3'+SOP3b'+aEOP3'EOP2]
I have tried the following regex but it doesn't work.
Any help or suggestions are appreciated.
You can use the following regex to match the string and by replacing it using captured group you can get the expected result :
see demo / explanation
Following is the code in Java that would work for you:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "SOP3a'+bEOP3'+SOP3b'+aEOP3'";
String pattern = "(?m)(.*?)\\+(SOP.*?$)";
Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(pattern);
Matcher m = regex.matcher(input);
if (m.find()) {
System.out.println("Found value: " +;
System.out.println("Found value: " +;
System.out.println("Found value: " +;
} else {
System.out.println("NO MATCH");
The and are the values that you are looking for.
Do you really need to use split method?
And what are the rules? They are unclear to me.
Anyway, considering the regex you provided, I've only removed some unnecessary groups and I've found what you are looking for, however, instead of split, I just joined the matches as splitting it would generate some empty elements.
const str = "SOP1a+bEOP1+SOP2SOP3a'+bEOP3'+SOP3b'+aEOP3'EOP2";
const regex = RegExp(/(SOP[0-9].*EOP[0-9])*\+(SOP[0-9].*EOP[0-9])*/)
const matches = str.match(regex);
console.log('Matches ', matches);

Regex to find substring from a string

I have strings like:
str1 = eval(sum(feat(57),feat(57),feat(66))/feat(57));
str2 = eval(sum(feat(47),feat(55),feat(86)));
str3 = eval(feat(47)/sum(feat(51),feat(52),feat(53)));
str4 = eval(feat(63)/sum(feat(57):feat(66)));
I want to write a regex to get out as:
str1_output = (feat(57),feat(57),feat(66))
str2_output = (feat(47),feat(55),feat(86))
str3_output = (feat(51),feat(52),feat(53))
str4_output = (feat(57):feat(66))
I tried in the following way:
output = re.findall(re.compile(r"sum.*"),str_name)
This is giving correct output except str1.
Please suggest me a way to find out the desired output.
I guess you could try
It matches sum and the following matching pair of parentheses, and whatever are between them.
Example at regex101.

Verify and cut a string using regexp in matlab

I have the following string:
I would like to verify the format of the string that the word 'variable' is the second word and i would like to retrive the string after the last '/' in the 3rd string (In this example 'D_foo').
how could i verify this and retrive the sting i search?
I tried the following:
without success
The string to analysis is not splited after the komma, it is only due to length of the string.
my string is:
and not a cell, which could be understood. I added the sybol ' at the start and end of the string to symbolizied that it is a string.
I realise that you mention using regexp in the question, but I'm not sure if this is a requirement? If other solutions are acceptable you could try this:
parts1=textscan( str, '%s','delimiter',{',','{','}'},'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
parts2=textscan( parts1{1}{3}, '%s','delimiter',{'/',''''},'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1);
To answer the first part of your question, you can write this:
str = {'output',{'variable','VGRG_Pos_Var1/Parameters/D_foo'},'date',734704.60904050921};
temp = str(2); %this holds the cell containing the two strings
if cmpstr(temp{1}(1), 'variable')
%do stuff
For the second part you can do this:
str = {'output',{'variable','VGRG_Pos_Var1/Parameters/D_foo'},'date',734704.60904050921};
temp = str(2); %like before, this contains the cell
temp = temp{1}(2); %this picks out the second string in the cell
temp = char(temp); %turns the item from a cell to a string
res = strsplit(temp, '/'); %splits the string where '/' are found, res is an array of strings
string = res(3); %assuming there will always be just 2 '/'s.

Recursive tricks with regexp in Matlab

I tried to use regexprep to solve a problem - I'm given a string, that represents a function; it contains a patterns like these: 'sin(arcsin(f))' where f - any substring; and I need to replace it with simple 'f_2'. I successfully used regexprep unless I face with such string:
str = 'sin(arcsin(sin(arcsin(f_2))))*x^2';
str = regexprep(str, 'sin\(arcsin\((\w*)\)\)','$1');
it returns
str =
But I want it to be
str =
Is there any way to solve it (except obvious solution with for-loops).
I was not able to test this, but I thinkg I found an expression that you can call multiple times to do what you asked for; each time it will "strip" one sin(arcsin()) pair out of your equation. Once it stops changing, you're done.
Here is some Matlab code that shows how this might work:
str = 'sin(arcsin(sin(arcsin(f_2))))*x^2';
regex = (.*)sin\(arcsin\((.*(\(.*?\))*)(\)\).*$);
oldlength = 0
newlength = length(str)
while (newlength != oldlength)
oldlength = newlength;
str = regexprep(str, regex,'$1$2');
newlength = length(str);
As I said - I could not test this. Let me know if you have any problems with this.
Demo of the regular expression:
Change your pattern to search for 1 or more (+) nested sin(arcsin( occurrences:
str = 'sin(arcsin(sin(arcsin(f_2))))*x^2';
str2 = regexprep(str, '(sin\(arcsin\()+(\w*)(\)\))+','$2')
str2 =

VB.Net help selecting first index of string with regex

I was wondering if there was a way I could start a selection from the Regex string i have in the below example
The below example works exactly how I want it too however if there is text that matches before it on another line it is choosing the wrong text and highlighting it.
What im wondering is if there is a way to get the start index of the regex string?
If Regex.IsMatch(Me.TextBox1.Text, "\b" + Regex.Escape("is") + "\b") Then
Me.TextBox1.SelectionStart = Me.TextBox1.Text.IndexOf("is")
Dim linenumber As Integer = Me.TextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(Me.TextBox1.Text.IndexOf("is"))
Me.TextBox1.SelectionLength = Me.TextBox1.Lines(linenumber).Length
Me.TextBox1.SelectedText = "is " & Me.TextBox2.Text
The System.Text.RegularExpression.Match object has a property which should help you here: Match.Index. Match.Index will tell you where the capture starts, and Match.Length tells you how long it is. Using those you could change your code to look like this:
If Regex.IsMatch(Me.TextBox1.Text, "\b" + Regex.Escape("is") + "\b") Then
Dim m as Match
m = Regex.Match(Me.TextBox1.Text, "\b" + Regex.Escape("is") + "\b")
Me.TextBox1.SelectionStart = m.Index
Dim linenumber As Integer = Me.TextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(m.Index)
Me.TextBox1.SelectionLength = Me.TextBox1.Lines(linenumber).Length
Me.TextBox1.SelectedText = "is " & Me.TextBox2.Text