Error "Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times" when unit testing with moq - unit-testing

I have the following class I want to test:
public interface ISqlServiceByModule
DataSet GetPagedAggregateData(int clientId, int moduleId, int billTypeId, PagedTable result);
public class IncidentModuleService : IIncidentModuleService
private readonly ISqlServiceByModule sqlServiceByModule;
public IncidentModuleService(ISqlServiceByModule sqlServiceByModule)
if (sqlServiceByModule == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sqlServiceByModule");
// Inject the ISqlServiceByModule dependency into the constructor
this.sqlServiceByModule = sqlServiceByModule;
public PagedTable GetData(int clientId, int moduleId, int billTypeId, Dictionary<string, string> queryStringParameters)
PagedTable result = new PagedTable(queryStringParameters);
DataSet dataSet = this.sqlServiceByModule.GetPagedAggregateData(clientId, moduleId, billTypeId, result);
// Map the DatSet to a PagedTable
if (dataSet == null || dataSet.Tables.Count == 0)
result.Listings = dataSet.Tables[0];
return result;
Specifically, I want to test the GetData method. My unit test looks like this:
public class IncidentModuleServiceUnitTest
private DataSet incidentsData;
public void SetUp()
this.incidentsData = new DataSet();
public void GetDataTestGetPagedAggregateDataIsCalled()
//-- Arrange
int billTypeId = 1;
int clientId = 1;
int moduleId = 1;
Dictionary<string, string> queryStringParameters = new Dictionary<string,string>();
PagedTable tempResult = new PagedTable(queryStringParameters);
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
dataSet.Tables.Add(new DataTable());
var mockSqlService = new Mock<ISqlServiceByModule>();
mockSqlService.Setup(r => r.GetPagedAggregateData(clientId, moduleId, billTypeId, tempResult)).Returns(this.incidentsData);
IncidentModuleService target = new IncidentModuleService(mockSqlService.Object);
//-- Act
var actual = target.GetData(clientId, moduleId, billTypeId, queryStringParameters);
//-- Assert
mockSqlService.Verify(r => r.GetPagedAggregateData(clientId, moduleId, billTypeId, tempResult), Times.Once);
The error I am getting happens on the last line:
mockSqlService.Verify(r => r.GetPagedAggregateData(clientId, moduleId, billTypeId, tempResult), Times.Once);
And the exact error message is this:
{"\r\nExpected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times: r =>
r.GetPagedAggregateData(.clientId, .moduleId, .billTypeId, .tempResult
Configured setups:\r\nr => r.GetPagedAggregateData(.clientId,
.moduleId, .billTypeId, .tempResult),
Performed invocations:\r\nISqlServiceByModule.GetPagedAggregateData(1,
1, 1, PagedTable)"}
Any idea why this is happening? It looks to me like the method in question is being called, but Moq doesn't like the parameters for some reason, even though they are the exact same ones in all three invocations, as far as I can tell.

PagedTable is a reference type not a value type. Therefore the parameters in Setup don't match what was called even though they look like they should be the same. You could use It.IsAny<PagedTable>() instead of tempResult.
See this answer for an example of how to check that the PagedTable parameter was the correct one.


JustMock Arranging a method that returns an object whose value needs to be propagated into the SUT

I feel like I have to be missing something that is obvious, or I am overcomplication what I am doing. I am attempting to test a method that contains several other methods. One method is passed an object to write data to a database, in which the ID will be updated. This ID is then set to a local variable and used in other methods and the return. I can't get my Assert.AreEqual to work because the ID out is always 0 when I expect it to be 12. I have not had a lot of experience with UnitTesting and less with JuskMock. I assume I am doing something wrong.
This simplified pseudo code demonstrates my issue.
public class MyObj: IMyObject
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name {get;set;}
public int Query(string Name)
int ID = 0;
ID = _setID.FindPerson(Name);
if(ID = 0)
IMyObject myObj = new MyObj(0, Name);
ID = myObj.ID;
return ID;
public delegate void SetIDDelegate<T1, T2>(T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
public void TestQuery_ReturnID()
IMyObject UTobj = new MyObj {
ID = 12,
msg = string.Empty
Mock.Arrange(() => _mockSetID.WritePerson(
.DoInstead(new SetIDDelegate<IMyObject, string>
((IMyObject a, string b) =>
a = UTobj;
int IDout = _objProcessObj.Query();
Assert.AreEqual(UTobj.ID, IDout);
I was able to figure out my issue with my UT. I needed to update the object in the delegate, not replace it.
.DoInstead(new SetIDDelegate<IMyObject, string>
((IMyObject a, string b) =>
a.ID = UTobj.ID;

How to use Moq to Verify that PropertyChanged is invoked with the expected object and property name?

Using NUnit and Moq, I'd like to replace the PropertyChanged handler code in the following test by Moq if it makes the test shorter and clearer. I'm currently unclear as to how to do this in Moq, verifying that PropertyChanged is invoked once for IsDirty and once for LocalDatabaseFilePath, each time with the expected object (o in the code). Can anybody advise how to do this with Moq please?
[Category("Fast Tests")]
[Category("PropertyChanged Events")]
public void FactoryResetCommand_AllPropertiesChangedInViewModel_PropertyChangedEventsFiredAsExpected()
// Arrange
string expectedLocalDatabaseFilePath = "eldfp";
string otherLocalDatabaseFilePath = "other" + expectedLocalDatabaseFilePath;
Mock<IDataStoreSettingsDataModel> stubDataModel = new Mock<IDataStoreSettingsDataModel>();
stubDataModel.Setup(x => x.LocalDatabaseFilePath).Returns(expectedLocalDatabaseFilePath);
IDataStoreSettingsViewModel sutViewModel = new DataStoreSettingsViewModel(
sutViewModel.LocalDatabaseFilePath = otherLocalDatabaseFilePath;
sutViewModel.IsDirty = false;
// I'd like to replace the following by Moq if shorter/clearer
int propertyChangedCountIsDirty = 0;
int propertyChangedCountLocalDatabaseFilePath = 0;
object? objIsDirty = null;
object? objLocalDatabaseFilePath = null;
sutViewModel.PropertyChanged += ((o, e) =>
switch (e?.PropertyName)
case nameof(DataStoreSettingsViewModel.IsDirty):
objIsDirty = o;
case nameof(DataStoreSettingsViewModel.LocalDatabaseFilePath):
objLocalDatabaseFilePath = o;
// I'd like to replace the above by Moq if shorter/clearer
// Act
if (sutViewModel.FactoryResetCommand.CanExecute(null))
// Assert
Assert.AreEqual(1, propertyChangedCountIsDirty);
Assert.AreEqual(1, propertyChangedCountLocalDatabaseFilePath);
Assert.AreSame(sutViewModel, objIsDirty);
Assert.AreSame(sutViewModel, objLocalDatabaseFilePath);
Worked it out myself.
After adding the following interface:
public interface IPropertyChangedEventHandler
void PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e);
The test using Moq looks like this:
[Category("Fast Tests")]
[Category("PropertyChanged Events")]
public void FactoryResetCommand_AllPropertiesChangedInViewModel_PropertyChangedEventsFiredAsExpected()
// Arrange
string originalLocalDatabaseFilePath = "oldfp";
string otherLocalDatabaseFilePath = "other" + originalLocalDatabaseFilePath;
Mock<IPropertyChangedEventHandler> mockPropertyChangedEventHandler = new Mock<IPropertyChangedEventHandler>();
Mock<IDataStoreSettingsDataModel> stubDataModel = new Mock<IDataStoreSettingsDataModel>();
stubDataModel.Setup(x => x.LocalDatabaseFilePath).Returns(originalLocalDatabaseFilePath);
IDataStoreSettingsViewModel sutViewModel = new DataStoreSettingsViewModel(
sutViewModel.LocalDatabaseFilePath = otherLocalDatabaseFilePath;
sutViewModel.IsDirty = false;
sutViewModel.PropertyChanged += mockPropertyChangedEventHandler.Object.PropertyChanged;
// Act
if (sutViewModel.FactoryResetCommand.CanExecute(null))
// Assert
mockPropertyChangedEventHandler.Verify(x => x.PropertyChanged(sutViewModel,
It.Is<System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs>(e => e.PropertyName == nameof(DataStoreSettingsViewModel.IsDirty))),
mockPropertyChangedEventHandler.Verify(x => x.PropertyChanged(sutViewModel,
It.Is<System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs>(e => e.PropertyName == nameof(DataStoreSettingsViewModel.LocalDatabaseFilePath))),

Accessing retrofit 2 data outside on response?

I am working on two apps, in one of my app "A" i applied retrofit 2.
This was the method i used to retrieve data.
But here in on Response the data retrieved in response body can be set to activity variables and can be used outside this method without getting null values.
public void fetch_information() {
ApiInterface = ApiClient.getApiClient().create(Api.class);
Call<List<City>> call = ApiInterface.GetCities();
call.enqueue(new Callback<List<City>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<City>> call, Response<List<City>> response) {
citylist = new ArrayList<City>();
citylist = response.body();
cities = new String[citylist.size()];
citiesid = new String[citylist.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < citylist.size(); i++) {
cities[i] = citylist.get(i).getCityName();
citiesid[i] = citylist.get(i).getCityId();
city_adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(Pay_Payment_X.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, cities);
public void onFailure(Call<List<City>> call, Throwable t) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), t.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
after applying this method and on debugging this method i will retain values of varaibles "cities" and "citiesid"out side onResponse.
But applying retrofit 2 similarly on another app "B", i did the same thing for retrieving data on different URL.
ApiUtil.getServiceClass().getAllPost().enqueue(new Callback<List<ApiObject>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<ApiObject>> call, Response<List<ApiObject>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
List<ApiObject> postList = response.body();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < postList.size(); i++) {
String Name = postList.get(i).getGamesName();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Returned count " + postList.size());
NewAdapter adapter = new NewAdapter(getApplicationContext(), postList);
public void onFailure(Call<List<ApiObject>> call, Throwable t) {
Log.d(TAG, "error loading from API");
the data is retrievable inside onResponse but outside it shows null.
So here variables are not retaining values.
Why is this happening?
the only thing came to mind is retrieving data can take time while your code lines are being read and finding null values as data has not been received yet.
Also to mention in app "A" the data retrieved is huge but in app "B" only 3 objects with string values.But still in app"A" data is retrievable.
In app 2 did this for resolving my issue.
public void doRequest( final ApiCallback callback){
ApiUtil.getServiceClass().getAllPost().enqueue(new Callback<List<ApiObject>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<List<ApiObject>> call, Response<List<ApiObject>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful()) {
List<ApiObject> postList = response.body();
// apobject =response.body();
if(response.isSuccessful()) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < postList.size(); i++) {
String Name = postList.get(i).getGamesName().toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d(TAG, "Returned count " + postList.size());
NewAdapter adapter = new NewAdapter(getApplicationContext(), postList);
public void onFailure(Call<List<ApiObject>> call, Throwable t) {
Log.d(TAG, "error loading from API");
pass an interface
public interface ApiCallback{
void onSuccess(List<ApiObject> result);
and in on Create view of activity i called this
doRequest(new ApiCallback(){
public void onSuccess(List<ApiObject> result){
//here i can set variable values
the only thing came to mind is retrieving data can take time while your code lines are being read and finding null values as data has not been received yet.
That's entirely correct. Your call is finishing after you check the values. I'm going to go on a limb here and say that it's just a coincidence that it works on one app and not in the other (if they are actually doing it the same way)
When you call callback.onSuccess(postList); doesn't seem to be right either, because you haven't checked yet for success. This means that response.body() might be null and response.errorBody() will contain the body of the error.
If you'd move callback.onSuccess inside the if this would be fixed:
if(response.isSuccessful()) {
try {
for (int i = 0; i < postList.size(); i++) {
String Name = postList.get(i).getGamesName().toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
Last but not least, inside the onSuccess method is when you can use your global variables. Maybe it's better to stop using global variables and just use the callback parameters.

Spring Data Neo4j 4 : Failed to convert from type java.util.LinkedHashSet<?> to type<?>

Having this Repository method
#Query("MATCH (i:`Interest`) WHERE not(i-[:PARENT]->()) return i")
public Page<Interest> findAllByParentIsNull(Pageable pageRequest);
It cause (it didn't respect the specification):
org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Failed to convert from type java.util.LinkedHashSet<?> to type<?> for value '[com.nearofme.model.Interest#12a4479, com.nearofme.model.Interest#15bdfb3, com.nearofme.model.Interest#1af6067, com.nearofme.model.Interest#1c17d4d, com.nearofme.model.Interest#df65f4, com.nearofme.model.Interest#3b140d, com.nearofme.model.Interest#1e24566, com.nearofme.model.Interest#da49c9]'; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type java.util.LinkedHashSet<?> to type<?>
Debugging the code shows that a conversion is needed at the GraphRepositoryQuery level :
public final Object execute(Object[] parameters) {
Class<?> returnType = graphQueryMethod.getMethod().getReturnType();
Class<?> concreteType = graphQueryMethod.resolveConcreteReturnType();
Map<String, Object> params = resolveParams(parameters);
// could be converted here
return execute(returnType, concreteType, getQueryString(), params);
The current code convert the result at GraphRepositoryImpl with the private method updatePage that should be used in the GraphRepositoryQuery
public Page<T> findAll(Pageable pageable, int depth) {
Collection<T> data = session.loadAll(clazz, convert(pageable.getSort()), new Pagination(pageable.getPageNumber(), pageable.getPageSize()), depth);
return updatePage(pageable, new ArrayList<T>(data));
So my current temporary solution is to update GraphRepositoryQuery with :
public final Object execute(Object[] parameters) {
Class<?> returnType = graphQueryMethod.getMethod().getReturnType();
Class<?> concreteType = graphQueryMethod.resolveConcreteReturnType();
Map<String, Object> params = resolveParams(parameters);
Object result = execute(returnType, concreteType, getQueryString(), params);
if (params.size()>0){
Object param = params.values().toArray()[0];
if (param instanceof Pageable){
Pageable pageable = (Pageable) param;
result = updatePage(pageable, new ArrayList((Collection) result));
return result;
private Page updatePage(Pageable pageable, List results) {
int pageSize = pageable.getPageSize();
int pageOffset = pageable.getOffset();
int total = pageOffset + results.size() + (results.size() == pageSize ? pageSize : 0);
return new PageImpl(results, pageable, total);
No more need to convert inside the GraphRepositoryImpl but it still working

Android: Alarms and IntentServices

After lots of research on implementing IntentServices and Alarms together, I've come up with this. I don't know exactly what happens with this code so I need help in knowing exactly what is going on.
public class MainActivity{
public void onNewItemAdded(String[] _entry){
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, UpdateService.class);
public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Intent startIntent = new Intent(context, UpdateService.class);
public static final String ACTION_REFRESH_ALARM = "com.a.b.ACTION_REFRESH_ALARM";
public class UpdateService extends IntentService{
public void onCreate() {
alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Intent intentToFire = new Intent(ALARM_ACTION);
alarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, intentToFire, 0);
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
Context context = getApplicationContext();
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
int updateFreq = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString(
PreferencesActivity.PREF_UPDATE_FREQ, "60"));
boolean autoUpdateChecked = prefs.getBoolean(
PreferencesActivity.PREF_AUTO_UPDATE, false);
if (autoUpdateChecked) {
int alarmType = AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP;
long timeToRefresh = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + updateFreq
* 60 * 1000;
alarmManager.setInexactRepeating(alarmType, timeToRefresh,
updateFreq * 60 * 1000, alarmIntent);
else {
My aim is to get the refreshKeywords() method to be called every minute. Also, what happens if the onNewItemAdded() method is called more than once?
Sorry if this question is stupid, I'm a beginner.
If you wish you to call refreshKeywords()method to be called every minutes why do you use AlarmManager like this,
private void ServiceRunningBackground() {
final int restartAlarmInterval = 6000;
final int resetAlarmTimer = 2*1000;
final Intent restartIntent = new Intent(this, MyService.class);
restartIntent.putExtra("ALARM_RESTART_SERVICE_DIED", true);
final AlarmManager alarmMgr = (AlarmManager)getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Handler restartServiceHandler = new Handler()
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
PendingIntent pintent = PendingIntent.getService(getApplicationContext(), 0, restartIntent, 0);
alarmMgr.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + restartAlarmInterval, pintent);
sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, resetAlarmTimer);
restartServiceHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(0, 0);
Just call this method where ever you want and set the time accordingly