How should I reload model from child controller in emberjs? - ember.js

I am having problem while trying to update the model values, when PendingActionController.updateStage method is called I need it to update the related model & reflect the updated values. If I create another method in PendingController like ShowMessage it displays the alert.
Please explain What approach should I use?
For example, following is the code:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="pending/_actions">
<div class="content-actions">
<h2>Pending Actions</h2>
{{#each pendingstages}}
{{#unless refreshingStage}}
{{render 'pendingAction' this}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="pendingAction">
<div class="actionsBox">
<div class="actionsBar">
<div {{bindAttr class=":actionStatus completed:blue:green"}} {{action updateStage this}}> </div>
<div class="clear-both"></div>
App.PendingController = App.BaseObjectController.extend(App.ActionsControllerMixin, {
needs: ['application'],
postRender: function () {
//Some code here....
pendingstages: function(){
return App.PendingStage.find({Id: this.get('')});
}.property('', 'model.#stages.completed', 'refreshStage'),
ShowMessage: function(){
alert('Inside Sohw message.');
App.PendingActionMixin = {
isEditing: false,
canDelete: true,
canEdit: true,
toggleIsEditing: function(){
App.PendingActionController = App.BaseObjectController.extend(App.PendingActionMixin, {
needs: 'pending',
postRender: function(){
//some code here...
updateStage: function(stage){
var self = this;
EDIT (1):
Followignt are the versions of Ember & ember-data:
ember-data-master.js: CURRENT_API_REVISION: 12

Problem can be solved by using store.fetch instead of store.find.
store.fetch always calls the API, whether that particular data exists in local ember-data store or not. Use it like this..
pendingstages: function(){
return App.PendingStage.fetch({Id: this.get('')});
}.property('', 'model.#stages.completed', 'refreshStage'),
See ember-data/store.js code. It is deprecated now. But you'll find new methods instead of this.


How to display post's delete button for only post's author in Ember.js

Hello I've been stuck for days how to display a post's delete button only for the post's author in Ember.js (I'm using ember-cli to build this). I don't know where to put the logic of "When hovering a post (list), if the post's author is equal to currently logged in user, then display the delete button" I am lost. Please help me.
in template app/templates/posts.hbs
<div class="eachPost">
{{#view 'posts'}}
<div class="postProfilePhoto">
{{#link-to 'users' }}
<img src="" alt="Profile Photo">
<div class="eachPostContent">
<p class="postAuthor"><strong>{{}}</strong></p>
<p class="postContent">{{body}}</p>
<span class="timePosted"><em>somtimes ago</em></span>
{{#if view.entered}}{{#if isAuthor}}
<a class="deletePost" {{action "removePost" this}}>Delete</a>
in views app/views/posts.js
var Posts = Ember.View.extend({
classNames: ['eachPostContent'],
mouseEnter: function(event){
this.set('entered', true);
this.get('controller').send('isAuthor', this.get('post').user);
mouseLeave: function(){
this.set('entered', false);
export default Posts;
in controller app/controllers/posts.js
var PostsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
isAuthor: function(user){
if(this.get('session').user !== null && user === this.get('session').user){
return true;
} else {
return false;
console.log('You are not author');
export default PostsController;
in app/templates/posts.hbs
{{#each itemController="post"}}
<div class="eachPost">
created app/controllers/post.js
var PostController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isAuthor: function(){
return this.get('user') === this.get('session').user;
export default PostController;
delete following code from app/views/posts.js
this.get('controller').send('isAuthor', this.get('post').user);
and deleted isAuthor function from app/controllers/posts.js
As mentioned above, you'll want to use an itemController
var PostsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
And then in the itemController you will create a computed property that checks the user id against the author id of the post
var PostController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isAuthor: function(){
//assuming the user property exists on an individual post model
return this.get('user') === this.get('session').user;

Ember local live list

I try to do simple application using Ember. Index controller:
App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
schools: [{name:"Old school"}],
add: function(){
var schools = this.get("schools");
schools.push({name: 'New school'});
Index template:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<button type="button" {{action "add"}}>Add school</button>
{{#each school in schools}}
When i lunch application on start i see:
Old school
and when I hit add button nothing happens, why?
You need to use pushObject in order for ember to know that a value has been added to the list. And there is no need to set it afterward.
add: function(){
var schools = this.get("schools");
schools.pushObject({name: 'New school'});

Using computed property in Ember to get model data and display extra text

In my Ember template, I want to be able to loop over each item coming from the model (an array) and if the value is 'blue', display some text next to the value.
My template looks like this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<h2>Loop over colors</h2>
{{#each color in model}}
<li>{{color}} {{#if isBlue}} - Its Blue!{{/if}} </li>
And my app.js file looks like this:
App = Ember.Application.create({}); function() {
this.resource( 'about');
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return ['red', 'yellow', 'blue'];
App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
isBlue: function() {
return this.get('content') == 'blue';
I'm using this.get('content') because I thought that was supposed to be a reference to the actual model data.
I've tried numerous variations of the code but I'm now blocked. Hope someone can help.
You are defining the isBlue property on the IndexController, which is an ArrayController, and not on each item in the content. You can instruct the {{each}} helper to use an itemController for each item in the loop. By doing that you are able to define additional computed properties, that are not present in the original objects, and make them available within the each loop:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<h2>Loop over colors</h2>
{{#each color in model itemController="color"}}
<li>{{color}} {{#if isBlue}} - Its Blue!{{/if}}</li>
App.ColorController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
isBlue: function() {
return this.get('content') === 'blue';
You can also check out JSBIN.
ArrayController means that the content property is an array, not just an object. Also, you don't want to access content directly. Controllers proxy their models, so use the controller as if it was an array. So your isBlue function is wrong in a few ways. It's probably possible to do what you want using the isBlue property, but I would use something like this:
colorItems:'#this', function(color) {
return {
color: color,
isBlue: color === 'blue'
Then, in your template:
{{#each colorItems}}
{{#if isBlue}}
- It's Blue!

Ember template doesn't update after model update
Despite using .pushObject() template doesn't update. I've noticed it DOES update, if instead this I use model or content in template;
What is this in view is referring to if not model ? Is it possible to get it working using this and not model or content ?
var App = Ember.Application.create();
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
return Ember.A();
App.ApplicationController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
update: function(){
this.get("model").pushObject( Ember.Object.create({a:"b"}) );
console.log( this.get("model") );
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<button {{action "update"}}>update</button>
{{#if this}}
array not empty
array empty
this is referring to the controller. btw, an easy way to find that out is to do {{log this}} in your template see also:
I'm not actually sure what it's checking to be truthy/falsy, but you can always just use length. I'll update once I find it.
{{#if this.length}}
array not empty
array empty

Ember.js: replacing simple linkTo helper with a view

I've got an app with basic functionality built out. I'm not going through and adding additional features. In this case I need to convert a simple button, currently using linkTo, to a View. Problem is that I'm not sure how to convert one to the other and still keep the link intact.
How do I do this conversion? Here's the code I have now:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="accountItem">
{{#each account in controller}}
{{#linkTo "account" account}}
<img {{bindAttr src="account.icon"}} />
and here's the code I'm going to have:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="accountItem">
{{#each account in controller}}
{{#view "Social.AccountButtonView"}}
<img {{bindAttr src="account.icon"}} />
Social.AccountButtonView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'a',
classNames: ['item-account'],
click: function(){
// do something
I would assume that I'd be building on top of the click handler in the View, but I'm not sure how to pass the reference to item being iterated over, nor how to reference the correct route within the View.
Assistance please?
Update 1
The first version renders an href attribute with a value of #/accounts/4 based on the Router I have set up: {
this.resource('accounts', function(){
this.resource('account', { path: ':account_id'});
When I convert the current code to a view, how do I mimic the functionality that linkTo provides?
You can define a property binding for account in your handlebars template.
This binding works like this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
{{#each item in controller}}
{{#view App.AccountView accountBinding="item"}}
<a {{bindAttr href="view.account.url"}} target="_blank">
Note that I added accountBinding, so the general rule is propertyName and Binding as a suffix. And remember that when you add a property to a view, you will not be able to access it directly, instead you will have to access it with view.propertyName as shown above.
Just keep in mind that you must have a View class when using the {{view}} helper:
window.App = Em.Application.create();
App.AccountView = Em.View.extend(); // this must exist
App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [
{id: 1, name: 'Ember.js', url: ''},
{id: 2, name: 'Toronto Ember.js', url: ''},
{id: 3, name: 'JS Fiddle', url: ''}];
Working fiddle:
In Response to Update 1:
I found myself in a similar scenario, and ended up creating a child view to mimic the {{linkTo}} helper. I don't really know/think it's the best implementation tho.
You can see my previous code here:
At that time I had created a child view within the ApplicationView:
App.ApplicationView = Em.View.extend({
templateName: 'application',
NavbarView: Em.View.extend({
init: function() {
this.set('controller', this.get('parentView.controller').controllerFor('navbar'))
selectedRouteName: 'home',
gotoRoute: function(e) {
this.set('selectedRouteName', e.routeName);
templateName: 'navbar',
MenuItemView: Em.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
classNameBindings: 'IsActive:active'.w(),
IsActive: function() {
return this.get('item.routeName') === this.get('parentView.selectedRouteName');
}.property('item', 'parentView.selectedRouteName')
and my Handlebars looks like this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="menu-item">
<a {{action gotoRoute item on="click" target="view.parentView"}}>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="navbar">
<ul class="left">
{{#each item in controller}}
{{view view.MenuItemView itemBinding="item"}}
I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer. This is what I could come up with at the time and haven't touched it ever since. Like I said, I don't think this is the way to handle it. If you are willing to take a look into the {{linkTo}} helper source code, you'll see a modular and elegant implementation that could be the base of your own implementation. I guess the part you're looking for is the href property which is being defined like so:
var LinkView = Em.View.extend({
attributeBindings: ['href', 'title'],
href: Ember.computed(function() {
var router = this.get('router');
return router.generate.apply(router, args(this, router));
So I guess, from there you can understand how it works and implement something on your own. Let me know if that helps.