foundation-apps error without angular - zurb-foundation

Is angular required to use foundation-apps? I don't want to use angular, but get an error in foundation-apps.js when i run without it.

Same as Twitter Bootstrap's Js components were built using the jQuery framework, Foundation for apps team did choose the angularJs framework to build their Js components. without it none of those should work :
- Panels
- Action-Sheet
- Off-canvas Menu
- Modal
- Notification
- Accordion
- Interchange
- Popup
- Tabs
- templates caching
- the built-in routing
- ...
If you don't want to use angular I would recommand using Foundation for Sites 6 instead as it uses jQuery, flex box, basically similar naming classes, grids and similar or even more components.


Is Django using any front end framework or library?

Is Django Admin validated their data to client side or server side ?
And when we using Django Forms then is still need to use front end framework for data validations ?
It depends, if you use Dajgno-rest-Framework and if you want the front-end Framework to have all those things, then the ideal would be Angular, from version 2 onwards:
Ajax calls: HttpModule or from version 6 HttClient.
It helps you reuse components.
It facilitates the validation of forms (With html5)
Structure code, quite clean.
Animations, if the framework covers it.
Otherwise, django's own template system offers many advantages to work, you can combine using Jquery. If you use Angular Js (Old version) you should be careful with possible conflicts, for example in the interpolation of double braces {{}}.
Yes Django using jQuery library and for custom validations we can use jQuery to validate data.
Here are some links
Add jQuery in django admin site
Adding inlines using of custom jQuery

Ionic2 web app routing configuration

I am working on ionic2 project, which is web project (i.e. runs as a website on browsers not a mobile app). Here I am facing difficulty to give specific URL for pages. How do I implement routing in my project ?
I also worked with angular2. Where we can give URL to components. But here that thing is not working.
Take a look at this website:
and read up on the nav controller here:
Some Context: While Ionic2 does use the native browser for each platform, it uses a special controller to change routes
NavController is the base class for navigation controller components like Nav and Tab. You use navigation controllers to navigate to pages in your app. At a basic level, a navigation controller is an array of pages representing a particular history (of a Tab for example). This array can be manipulated to navigate throughout an app by pushing and popping pages or inserting and removing them at arbitrary locations in history.
Before diving deeper into Ionic I suggest obtaining an understanding of this controller.
This sample ionic project will also help with the understanding of navController:

Deep Linking in Foundation For Apps

I am new to Foundation for Apps and am trying to get deep linking to work with the zf-tabs directive. Basically, I have a view with tabs and I am trying to use $state.go in my controller to navigate to the view and activate a particular tab. I have gotten the URL to write correctly with the hash but the tab doesn't activate. I see a lot of discussion on how to do this in the other foundation frameworks but there is zero info on this for Foundation For Apps.

Django multilingual app with flatpages

Which way is better to create a simple multilingual app with Django? I need just one or two flatpages and navigation. The problem is as follows:
- Content and navigation panel on the page should be able to change from an admin-panel.
- I need multi-language application.
I would like to hear your advice. This can be a ready-made solution (package or github project).

Using Zurb Foundation in Kentico CMS Portal Engine

I need to use Zurb Foundation front-end framework and Kentico CMS v7's portal engine development model. When I import the framework CSS into the CMS and apply the Foundation style sheet to a Page Template, the CMS styles and Foundation styles step on each other making the Design tab pretty much useless for the user:
No style applied:
Style applied:
I am wondering if I need to prefix styles in the Foundation CSS classes to try to prevent conflict, however my initial quick attempts didn't seem to have much affect.
Is there a way to include the Foundation CSS in a way that doesn't prevent portal engine development?
Only thing i can think of now is to add the CSS conditionally.
<%= CMS.CMSHelper.CMSContext.ViewMode != CMS.PortalEngine.ViewModeEnum.Design ? #"<link rel=""stylesheet"" href="""">" : "" %>
into a page layout. I tried to add this to layout of master page (Root document -> Master page -> Edit template properties -> Layout) and it works fine. But it will add the CSS to the . Unfortunately this code does not get resolved in head section of master page.