I want to execution a function every 10 seconds. How to do it the simplest way? In core.async, there is a timeout function which will at MOST wait that time, and what I want is to wait at LEAST that time.
at-at is my favorite. Example below is copied from the webpage:
(use 'overtone.at-at)
(def my-pool (mk-pool))
(at (+ 1000 (now)) #(println "hello from the past!") my-pool)
If you use core.async in general, chime is great too.
Again, taken from their examples:
(:require [chime :refer [chime-ch]]
[clj-time.core :as t]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! go-loop]])
(let [chimes (chime-ch [(-> 2 t/secs t/from-now)
(-> 3 t/secs t/from-now)])]
(a/<!! (go-loop []
(when-let [msg (<! chimes)]
(prn "Chiming at:" msg)
I have created a Leiningen project for Exercise 2 from here. My code looks like this:
(ns random-quotes.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(defn word-count [s]
(frequencies (str/split (first (str/split s #"\n")) #"\s")))
(def quote-url "http://www.braveclojure.com/random-quote")
(def total-word-count (atom {}))
(defn update-word-count []
(swap! total-word-count
(partial merge-with +)
(word-count (slurp quote-url)))))
(defn quote-word-count [n]
(doseq [quote-future (doall (repeatedly n update-word-count))]
(defn -main [n]
(doseq [entry (sort-by val (quote-word-count (bigdec n)))]
(println entry)))
All pretty straightforward. When I run, e.g., (-main 5) in lein repl, it runs, prints, and returns as expected. However, when I try lein run 5 instead, it runs and prints but never exits, so I am forced to use Ctrl+C to get my terminal back.
Any idea why this happens?
Clojure has a thread pool that it keeps running for use by the agents. Because those threads are still alive, the JVM can't tell that you're program is done. It's just sitting there waiting for the agents to exit. You can make them finish by calling (shutdown-agents) at the end of your program as described here. Futures use agents.
clojure.core/future-call calls an agent like this:
(let [f (binding-conveyor-fn f)
fut (.submit clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor ^Callable f)]
which actually starts your code running. You would not be the only one to voice some criticism of this, and we all hope a more elegant solution is found.
I'm trying to load two namespaces from the library "spurious-aws-sdk-helper" (which by the way I've installed locally - this is me testing it before deploying to Clojars). And I'm loading the namespaces from inside an if statement.
Once the namespaces are loaded I call a function which is provided by one of the loaded namespaces.
The problem is that when executing the code via lein ring server I get a Java exception informing me that the namespace I'm trying to access isn't available.
But if I run lein repl and then (use 'spurious-clojure-example.routes.home) the relevant top level namespace; then (require '[spurious-aws-sdk-helper.core :as core]) the namespace - much like in the code I'll linked to in a moment demonstrates - then the namespace WILL be available and subsequently the call to the function won't error?
I'm not sure if it's one of those errors which are misleading and in fact it's not the namespace I'm trying to require that's the problem, but something inside of it that's the issue? But if that was true then why would it work when called manually by myself within lein repl?
The code I'm referring to is: https://github.com/Integralist/spurious-clojure-example/blob/baseline/src/spurious_clojure_example/routes/home.clj#L9-L10
(ns spurious-clojure-example.routes.home
(:use [amazonica.aws.s3])
(:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
[environ.core :refer [env]]
[spurious-clojure-example.views.layout :as layout]))
(if (env :debug)
(require '[spurious-aws-sdk-helper.core :as core])
(require '[spurious-aws-sdk-helper.utils :refer [endpoint cred]])
(core/configure {:s3 "test-bucket4"
:sqs "test-queue4"
:ddb (slurp "./resources/config/schema.yaml")})))
(def bucket-path "news-archive/dev/election2014-council_title")
(def content
(apply str (line-seq
(get-object (cred (endpoint :spurious-s3)) :bucket-name "shared" :key bucket-path))))))
(defn home []
(layout/common [:h1 content]))
(defroutes home-routes
(GET "/" [] (home)))
It's the (core/configure ...) call that triggers a Java exception saying "core" namespace isn't available. But running the following code from lein repl works fine...
(use 'spurious-clojure-example.routes.home)
(require '[spurious-aws-sdk-helper.core :as core])
(core/configure ...rest of code...)
Just to clarify I've updated the code as follows...
(when (env :debug)
(require '[spurious-aws-sdk-helper.core :as core])
(require '[spurious-aws-sdk-helper.utils :refer [endpoint cred]])
{:s3 "test-bucket7"
:sqs "test-queue9"
:ddb (slurp "./resources/config/schema.yaml")}))
...and when running it within the REPL it works fine.
The problem is when running it via lein ring server.
I've started reading about (ns-resolve) here: http://technomancy.us/143
But the solution it suggests: (ns-resolve 'core 'configure) didn't work; it just threw an Unable to resolve symbol: core in this context error.
I created a app with lein new compojure-app and when :debug value is truthy, require clojure.string :as str and then also printing something to shell.
The code below works via lein ring server. I tested it with :debug values true and false. I see in your example, you use environ so, I put {:debug true} or {:debug false} in .lein-env.
(ns integralist.handler
(:require [compojure.core :refer [defroutes routes]]
[ring.middleware.resource :refer [wrap-resource]]
[ring.middleware.file-info :refer [wrap-file-info]]
[hiccup.middleware :refer [wrap-base-url]]
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route]
[integralist.routes.home :refer [home-routes]]
[environ.core :refer [env]]))
(when (env :debug)
(require '[clojure.string :as str]))
(when (env :debug)
(defn it-works! []
(println "It works!:" (str/split "Clojure is Awesome" #" "))))
(defn init []
(println "integralist is starting")
(when (env :debug)
(defn destroy []
(println "integralist is shutting down"))
(defroutes app-routes
(route/resources "/")
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(def app
(-> (routes home-routes app-routes)
Tried it with:
(when true ; also tried with false
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(str/split "Clojure is awesome!" #" "))
=> No such namespace: str
I'm a tiny bit surprised as well since if and when should only evaluate the body of their expressions for the appropriate branch and not touch the other expressions. I did not expect a namespace error on false.
More surprising is I did not expect a namespace error on true as well. I'd guess it's some java compilation thing trying to resolve the namespace even before code evaluation. I don't know the specifics of why.
As for what you should do, this code is funky and I've never thought of or seen anyone doing anything similar. Unless there is some specific reason for doing this, the solution is simple: shove your requires to the very top in ns. There's no need to change anything else.
During my quest to learn Clojure I am currently facing problems with setting up websocket communitation. After many different approaches, I ended up using aleph.
What I managed to achieve:
handling of a new client connecting
handling a client disconnection
talking from the server to clients at will
What I lack is means to trigger a handler function whenever one of the connected clients sends something via the websocket.
My code so far:
(ns wonders7.core.handler
(:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
[compojure.route :as route]
[ring.middleware.defaults :refer [wrap-defaults site-defaults]]
[aleph.http :as http]
[manifold.stream :as stream]
[clojure.tools.logging :refer [info]]))
(defn uuid [] (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(def clients (atom {}))
(defn ws-create-handler [req]
(let [ws #(http/websocket-connection req)]
(info "ws-create-handler")
(stream/on-closed ws #(swap! clients dissoc ws))
(swap! clients assoc ws (uuid))))
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/ws" [] ws-create-handler)
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(def app
(wrap-defaults app-routes site-defaults))
(defn msg-to-client [[client-stream uuid]]
(stream/put! client-stream "The server side says hello!"))
(defn msg-broadcast []
(map #(msg-to-client %) #clients))
;(stream/take! (first (first #clients)))
;(http/start-server app {:port 8080})
I start the Netty server with the commented out http/start-server aleph call. I also managed to fetch messages from the client via manual stream/take! call (also commented out). What I need to figure out is how to trigger this taking automatically when something comes in.
Thanks in advance for any help!
The function you're looking for is (manifold.stream/consume callback stream), which will invoke the callback for each message that comes off the stream.
in This example the author uses recieve-all and siphon from aleph to accomplish a very similar task which I'll roughly paraphrase as:
(let [chat (named-channel room (receive-all ch #(println "message: " %)))]
(siphon chat ch)
I'm learning about Hystrix and Clojure and don't understand how to (properly) set a timeout on a Hystrix command in Clojure.
I searched StackOverflow and the web more generally. I looked at Hystrix's Clojure wrapper source code (https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/blob/master/hystrix-contrib/hystrix-clj/src/main/clojure/com/netflix/hystrix/core.clj). There is a init-fn function parameter that looked promising, but the comments seem to suggest that this won't be a sustainable solution. But would this be a simple start?
I have a ridiculously simple Hystrix command running in Clojure and would appreciate help in extending this to set, say, a 200ms timeout:
(ns hystrix-timeout.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(:require [com.netflix.hystrix.core :as hystrix])
(defn my-primary [a]
(if (= a true) (throw (Exception. "Primary failed")) (str "primary: " a)))
(defn my-fallback [a]
(str "fallback: " a))
(hystrix/defcommand my-command
{:hystrix/fallback-fn my-fallback}
(my-primary a))
(defn -main
"Executes a simple Hystrix command. Will use a timeout when I know how to do this in Clojure."
[& args]
(println (my-command false))
(println (my-command true))
(System/exit 0) ; Exit explicitly as Hystrix threads are still running.
I've put my lein project up at https://github.com/oliverbaier/learning/tree/master/hystrix-timeout in case this makes answering easier.
Thanks a lot,
The simplest route is to just use System properties. You can set either a global default:
(System/setProperty "hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds" "200")
or a command specific value:
(System/setProperty "hystrix.command.my-command.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds" "200")
You can perform this in your -main method. If you are running a real web-app sans -main, you can add a ring init in project.clj :ring {:handler your-handler :init your-config-method} your-config-method will be invoked on startup.
The following program, when run from an überjar, exits at the end only when using the in-memory Datomic database; when connecting to the Datomic server, it hangs indefinitely rather than exiting the JVM:
(ns myns.example
(:use [datomic.api :only [db q] :as d])
;; WORKS: (def uri "datomic:mem://testdb")
(def uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/testdb2")
(defn -main []
(println 1)
(when (d/create-database uri)
(d/connect uri))
(println 2))
Run as:
lein uberjar && java -cp target/myns-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar myns.example
and hangs. It only hangs if the DB doesn't exist when the program starts.
Anyone know why, or how to fix? This is with both datomic-free-0.8.4020.26 and datomic-free-0.8.3941.
UPDATE -- the above program does actually terminate, but it takes a very long time (> 1 minute). I'd like to know why.
shutdown-agents takes up to one minute to complete (assuming no agents are running an action).
This is due to the way java.util.concurrent cached thread pools work.
Use datomic.api/shutdown
Usage: (shutdown shutdown-clojure)
Shut down all peer
resources. This method should be called as part of clean shutdown of
a JVM process. Will release all Connections, and, if shutdown-clojure
is true, will release Clojure resources. Programs written in Clojure
can set shutdown-clojure to false if they manage Clojure resources
(e.g. agents) outside of Datomic; programs written in other JVM
languages should typically set shutdown-clojure to true.
Added in Datomic Clojure version 0.8.3861
(ns myns.example
(:require [datomic.api :as d])
(def uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/testdb2")
(defn -main []
(d/create-database uri)
(let [conn (d/connect uri)]
;; do something
(finally (d/shutdown true)))