Understanding WSO2 Process Center - wso2

How to integrate WSO2 Process center with other WSO2 applications?
Is there any way to do so? Kindly share the documentation regarding this if available.

WSO2 Process Center is a new product which will be released in 2016 Q2. So at the moment there are no official documentation. WSO2 PC will be a center for business process and it will tightly integrate WSO2 Business Process Server (WSO2 BPS) and WSO2 Rules Server (WSO2 BRS). On the hand Process Related Stats can be integrated to WSO2 Data Analytic Server (WSO2 DAS) where as sparks queries will be deployed in the WSO2 DAS.
You can download a milestone pack from WSO2 official web site [1]
[1] http://wso2.com/products/process-center/

WSO2 Process Center provides a complete, end-to-end solution for business process management. WSO2 PC forms the central component of WSO2’s BPM platform by providing centralized storage, governance, process monitoring/analytics, and process improvement support.
It enables users to discover relevant processes and initiate automated processes, domain experts to design processes using different formats as an example define processes in text, pdf, document, etc.
And also provide process owners to monitor existing processes, analyze process history, and identify possibilities of optimization utilizing Data Analytics Server. WSO2 PC offers a Process Explorer app as well as a Process Designer app to add/create new processes.
Please see this videos during recent WSO2Cons


Getting started with WSO2 Enterprise Integrator

Our company(Enterprise) have planned to use WSO2(EI/ESB) products for our systems that connects with each other by P2P.
So we needed integration solution and chose WSO2.
I am asking that Is it good to use WSO2 for huge systems (Middlewares, Web services, Gateway etc).
Is WSO2 OK if there are a tons of request to handle?
Is there any WSO2 Training Course (On-Site and Online)
Yes, you could use WSO2 EI to achieve your need. Currently all WSO2 products are proven to build large scale platforms. You can visit [1] and find out large scale users and their stories.
Is WSO2 OK if there are a tons of request to handle?
Yes, EI (ESB profile) capable of handling huge request load and it is proven for example in ebay "WSO2 ESB to Process More Than 1 Billion Transactions Per Day" and many more.
Is there any WSO2 Training Course (On-Site and Online)
Of cource, WSO2 provide online certification, onsite/online product training and self learning materials. Please find more information at [2]
[1] https://wso2.com/about/customers/
[2] https://wso2.com/training

Application Development on WSO2

Can I Have any sample Application or full design or Solution blueprint, which is build upon Wso2 with different server (Product) like ESB, DSS, AS, BPS, API Manager, Identity Server and User Interface etc.
So that I can understand how to use all the product to build any application.
Thanks in advance.
You can start with reading case studies in wso2 website. For example first two are small and useful. Here is the link of the wso2 case studies.

WSO2 Stratos Live Services / APIs

currently I´m evaluating WSO2 Stratos LIVE as a public PaaS. I did much research but there are still some questions:
1.) Does WSO2 Stratos Live offer a "multi-tenancy-api" to make Java web applications multi-tenant-aware (something like the Google App Engine Namespace API)?
2.) Is the cartridge-based architecture available (like in WSO2 Stratos 2)?
3.) Are there official API documentations / code samples for all the cloud services? I just found blog posts and webinars. But an official api documentation and code samples would be very great (for example how to unse Identity Server for authentication in Java web applications).
4.) Based on WSO2 API Manager deployment on Stratos, I assume that the API manager is not available as cloud-service?
5.) Do I have hosting options on Stratos Live (e.g. Java Version, the country / Data Center where my app will be hosted)?
6.) Does exist a logs-api to access application logs from my application?
7.) Are there apis for data handling (for example Map Reduce, execution of cron jobs, CDN)?
8.) Do I have a local test environment? I know that there are IDE plugins for an easy deployment. But is it possible to test my app with all WSO2 Stratos Live cloud services local on my machine without connecting to the real services?
I know this is a lot but it would be more than helpful if the WSO2 professionals would help me to answer those questions. As I said, I did much research but those 8 questions are still open.
Thanks a lot and best regards
See the answers in-line.
1.) Does WSO2 Stratos Live offer a "multi-tenancy-api" to make Java web applications multi-tenant-aware (something like the Google App Engine Namespace API)?
Yes. Your web app can be multi-tenanted.
2.) Is the cartridge-based architecture available (like in WSO2 Stratos 2)?
Not yet. But our plan is to make Stratos2.0 as the foundation of StratosLive. This will be done after the GA release of Stratos2.0 (it is now in beta stage)
3.) Are there official API documentations / code samples for all the cloud services? I just found blog posts and webinars. But an official api documentation and code samples would be very great (for example how to unse Identity Server for authentication in Java web applications).
All the documents and samples available for WSO2 products are valid for StratosLive. Reason is, we have deployed the very same product in the cloud. We are in the process of filling the documentation gap with regards to StratosLive at the moment.
4.) Based on WSO2 API Manager deployment on Stratos, I assume that the API manager is not available as cloud-service?
Not yet. It will be available in the future.
5.) Do I have hosting options on Stratos Live (e.g. Java Version, the country / Data Center where my app will be hosted)?
No. StratosLive uses shared instances to achieve multi-tenantcy (not like some other PaaSes which uses a JVM per tenant). Therefore, hosting options are not available.
6.) Does exist a logs-api to access application logs from my application?
Yes. We allow the tenants to view system logs and application logs. Unfortunately the API for log viewing is not documented yet.
7.) Are there apis for data handling (for example Map Reduce, execution of cron jobs, CDN)?
Map reduce related tasks can be handled using toolboxes which can be deployed in WSO2 BAM (monitor.stratoslive.wso2.com). Please check the WSO2 BAM2 documentation for more info.
8.) Do I have a local test environment? I know that there are IDE plugins for an easy deployment. But is it possible to test my app with all WSO2 Stratos Live cloud services local on my machine without connecting to the real services?
You can download and use the Stratos local setup which can be found at http://wso2.com/cloud/stratos

JMS, Message Queing Service, ESB related question

Assume there are 2 web services A and B setup in SOA infrastructure.
Web services A depends on information that is available from the locally installed Desktop application (its a legacy application based on C++ programming and provides C++ API to give the information needed by web service A).
The scenario is this: Human actor (which can be considered as Consumer of web service B)logs into a website and clicks a button which requests the service provided by web service B. As part of this request, his ID is sent. Web service B sends request to web service A with this ID. Web service A uses this ID to somehow determine a way to talk to locally installed desktop application of the human actor who originated the request.
The main problem how can web service A connect to desktop application and get the information in a reliable way using SOA infrastructure.
Assume that everything in this SOA is Java based except the desktop application.
The desktop application is basically like a CRM application with its own internal database and not traditional database like MySQL. It provides just basic textual information about the human actor and about the customer(s) of that human actor in his installed CRM desktop application.
I do want to use SOA related technologies even though it may be more complicated.
Given above details:
How can I use JMS to solve this problem?
If JMS is not the right solution, what about ESB and how can I use ESB to solve this problem?
The communication with the desktop application will greatly be determined by what different methods the application is capable of performing. If the application has a database backend, an ESB can facilitate communication with predefined adapters for the specific database being used. If the application has an api that can be tapped programmatically, that is a method as well. I am not sure JMS would be the appropriate solution since given your use case you would want a synchronous reply. Putting JMS in the middle (somehow) will break that reply and rather return an asynchronous response.
I would recommend looking more into the functionality available in the desktop application and with your findings start with evaluating ESB functionality. An ESB may be overkill for this use case but if you plan to do more operations like this it may become valuable.
I think the problem boils down to a Java Web Service A, having a requirement to talk to a C++ desktop application to get user details.
If the Desktop application is able to use JMS using Stomp etc, ActiveMQ or HornetQ maybe used. This also allows you to scale A into multiple instances across many machines, and use JMS to request user information from the Desktop application.
Another option is to expose a simple API (REST, TCP etc) on the Desktop application and make the Web Service A talk to the Desktop application using that. Again, you could distribute the A into multiple instances for scalability.
You can use an ESB to convert a REST call to TCP, or a SOAP to JMS etc. Basically any-to-any conversion. The Free and Open Source ESB UltraESB [http://adroitlogic.org] contains many examples, and is lightweight (~35MB) so the 'overkill' will be minimal compared to > 300MB+ resource hungry ESBs

Is it possible to design Business Processes with Intalio Designer or others and deploy them with WSO2 BPS?

I'm a newcomer in BPM world. The docs and articles in Internet show that WSO2 BPS 2.x is supposed to execute processes complying WS-BPEL, WS-Human Tasks & BPEL4People. BPMN 2.0 seems to fill the gap to translate between notation and executable languages defining how notations have to be translated.
Intalio BPM Server and WSO2 BPS are both based on Apache ODE. So my question is:
Is it feasible to design processes (human & business) with Intalio Designer and execute them using WSO2 BPS? Is anyone using this config? What are the cons?
Yes, both Intalio BPM Server and WSO2 BPS are based on Apache ODE.
So you can design with Intalio designer and deploy them to WSO2 BPS.
As long as the outcome of the designer is standard BPEL, and because of the fact that Apache ODE is in execution, there is little room for any major problems. So there are no cons, per say!
The pros is that, Intalio designer is easy to use and state of the art. So the designing task can be done easily with the designer. WSO2 Carbon Studio is an alternative, and I hope it will be as easy to use as the Intalio designer in the near future.
Why do you want do that ? You can directly execute the process in Intalio BPMS itself.
WSO2 Carbon Studio 1.0.4 has complete BPEL editing support. You can use Carbon Studio plugin with Eclipse Galileo for BPEL process modeling for WSO2 Business Process Server.You can find video on BPEL process modeling at http://wso2.org/premium/webinars/developing-bpel-processes-using-wso2-carbon-studio.