clojure.lang.Symbol cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequence in macro - clojure

I'm writing a macro to allow pass the clauses as a parameter to functions:
(defmacro parse-cmd [command & body]
(let [parts (str/split command #" ")
cmd (first parts)
args (into [] (rest parts))
clauses (partition 2 2 body)]
`(case ~cmd
~#(mapcat (fn [c] [(nth c 0) `(apply ~(nth c 1) ~args)]) clauses))))
(defn mysum [a b]
(+ (Integer. a) (Integer. b)))
(parse-cmd "SET 1 1" "SET" "GET" println)
This works well when cmd is a string, however with a var:
(def cmd "SET 1 1")
(parse-cmd cmd "SET" "GET" println)
I get ClassCastException clojure.lang.Symbol cannot be cast to java.lang.CharSequenceq clojure.string/split (string.clj:222)
I guess I should prevent the evaluation of the let too, but I can't make it work:
(defmacro parse-cmd [command & body]
`(let [parts# (str/split ~command #" ")
cmd# (first parts#)
args# (into [] (rest parts#))
clauses# (partition 2 2 ~body)]
(case cmd#
(mapcat (fn [c#] [(nth c# 0) `(apply ~(nth c# 1) args#)]) clauses#))))
With this definition I get:
ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn kvstore.replication/eval12098 (form-init7453673077215360561.clj:1)

let's macroexpand this (for your second macro)
(parse-cmd "SET 1 1" "SET" mysum "GET" println)
it expands to:
(let [parts__31433__auto__ (str/split "SET 1 1" #" ")
cmd__31434__auto__ (first parts__31433__auto__)
args__31435__auto__ (into [] (rest parts__31433__auto__))
clauses__31436__auto__ (partition
("SET" mysum "GET" println))]
(fn [c__31437__auto__] [(nth c__31437__auto__ 0)
(list 'apply)
(list (nth c__31437__auto__ 1))
(list 'args__31432__auto__)))])
there are two problems here:
1) you generate this code: ("SET" mysum "GET" println), which obviously causes your exception, because "SET" is not a function
2) you generate the wrong case expression, I see that you have forgotten to unquote-splice your mapcat
Let's try to fix this:
first of all unquote mapcat; then you can move clauses out of your generated let, because it can be totally done at compile-time:
(defmacro parse-cmd [command & body]
(let [clauses (partition 2 2 body)]
`(let [parts# (str/split ~command #" ")
cmd# (first parts#)
args# (into [] (rest parts#))]
(case cmd#
~#(mapcat (fn [c] [(nth c 0) `(apply ~(nth c 1) args#)]) clauses)))))
now let's check the expansion:
(let [parts__31653__auto__ (str/split "SET 1 1" #" ")
cmd__31654__auto__ (first parts__31653__auto__)
args__31655__auto__ (into [] (rest parts__31653__auto__))]
(apply mysum args__31652__auto__)
(apply println args__31652__auto__)))
ok. looks better. let's try to run it:
(parse-cmd "SET 1 1" "SET" mysum "GET" println)
we have another error now:
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: args__31652__auto__ in this context, compiling:(*cider-repl ttask*:2893:12)
so expansion also shows us this:
args__31655__auto__ (into [] (rest parts__31653__auto__))
(apply mysum args__31652__auto__)
so there are different symbols for args# here. That's because the scope of the generated symbol name is one syntax-quote. So inner syntax-quote with apply generates the new one. You should use gensym to fix that:
(defmacro parse-cmd [command & body]
(let [clauses (partition 2 2 body)
args-sym (gensym "args")]
`(let [parts# (str/split ~command #" ")
cmd# (first parts#)
~args-sym (into [] (rest parts#))]
(case cmd#
~#(mapcat (fn [c] [(nth c 0) `(apply ~(nth c 1) ~args-sym)]) clauses)))))
ok now it should work properly:
ttask.core> (parse-cmd "SET 1 1" "SET" mysum "GET" println)
ttask.core> (parse-cmd cmd "SET" mysum "GET" println)
I would also recommend you to use destructuring in a mapcat function and quoted let, to make it more readable:
(defmacro parse-cmd [command & body]
(let [clauses (partition 2 2 body)
args-sym (gensym "args")]
`(let [[cmd# & ~args-sym] (str/split ~command #" ")]
(case cmd#
~#(mapcat (fn [[op fun]] [op `(apply ~fun ~args-sym)]) clauses)))))
But if it's not just an exercise in writing macros, you shouldn't use the macro for that, since you pass just string and function references here, so anyway you shall evaluate everything in runtime.
(defn parse-cmd-1 [command & body]
(let [[cmd & args] (str/split command #" ")
commands-map (apply hash-map body)]
(apply (commands-map cmd) args)))


Compact way in Clojure to print a variable number of command line arguments?

I'm a newbie to Clojure. I think I'm trying to solve this procedurally and there must be a better (more functional) way to do this in Clojure...
The -main function can receive a variable number of 'args'. I would like to print them out but avoid an IndexOutOfBoundsException. I thought I could mimic Java and use a case fall-through to minimize the code involved, but that didn't work:
(defn -main [& args]
(println "There are" (str (count args)) "input arguments.")
(println "Here are args:" (str args))
(let [x (count args)]
(case x
(> x 0) (do
(print "Here is the first arg: ")
(println (nth args 0)))
(> x 1) (do
(print "Here is the 2nd arg: ")
(println (nth args 1)))
(> x 2) (do
(print "Here is the 3rd arg: ")
(println (nth args 2))))))
(doseq [[n arg] (map-indexed vector arguments)]
(println (str "Here is the argument #" (inc n) ": " (pr-str arg))))
map-indexes is like map but adds index number in the beginning.
So it goes item by item through arguments, packs index and item into a vector and by destructruing index number and item are mapped to [n arg].
Since clojure begins counting from 0, you use (inc n) to begin counting from 1. pr-str is pretty print string. The str joins all string components together.
there is also a handy formatting facility in clojure's core library: cl-format, which is the port of common lisp's format syntax. It includes a nice way to print out collections:
(require '[clojure.pprint :refer [cl-format]])
(let [args [:a :b :c :d]]
(cl-format true "~{here is the ~:r arg: ~a~%~}"
(interleave (rest (range)) args)))
;; here is the first arg: :a
;; here is the second arg: :b
;; here is the third arg: :c
;; here is the fourth arg: :d
some more information about what format can do is here

Nesting macros in Clojure

Consider this pseudo code:
(defrc name
[a :A]
[:div a])
Where defrc would be a macro, that would expand to the following
(let [a (rum/react (atom :A))]
(rum/defc name < rum/reactive []
[:div a]))
Where rum/defc is itself a macro. I came up with the code below:
(defmacro defrc
[name subj bindings & body]
(let [map-bindings# (apply array-map bindings)
keys# (keys map-bindings#)
vals# (vals map-bindings#)
atomised-vals# (atom-map vals#)]
`(let ~(vec (interleave keys# (map (fn [v] (list 'rum/react v)) (vals atomised-vals#))))
(rum/defc ~name < rum/reactive [] ~#body))))
Which almost works:
(macroexpand-all '(defrc aname
#_=> "string"
#_=> [a :A]
#_=> [:div a]))
(let* [a (rum/react #object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x727ed2e6 {:status :ready, :val nil}])] (rum/defc aname clojure.core/< rum/reactive [] [:div a]))
However when used it results in a syntax error:
ERROR: Syntax error at (clojure.core/< rum.core/reactive [] [:div a])
Is this because the inner macro is not being expanded?
Turns out the macro was working correctly but the problem occurred because < was inside the syntax quote it got expanded to clojure.core/<, and Rum simply looks for a quoted <, relevant snippet from Rum's source:
(and (empty? res) (symbol? x))
(recur {:name x} next nil)
(fn-body? xs) (assoc res :bodies (list xs))
(every? fn-body? xs) (assoc res :bodies xs)
(string? x) (recur (assoc res :doc x) next nil)
(= '< x) (recur res next :mixins)
(= mode :mixins)
(recur (update-in res [:mixins] (fnil conj []) x) next :mixins)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "Syntax error at " xs))))...

How to write a reader macro to transfer the code in Clojure?

I want to write a macro named $=> to transfer the code like:
(let [bb 11] ($=> #"aa#{bb}")) => ["aa?" 11]
which means that I want to splite all string after # with the pattern #\{.*?\}
and replace the pattern with ? and then eval the symbal of the patten.
So I write the macro like this:
(defmacro parser [clause]
(if (and (sequential? clause)
(= 2 (count clause))
(= `deref (first clause))
(string? (second clause)))
(let [s (second clause)
regx# #"#\{(.*?)\}"
m# (re-matcher regx# s)
p# (take-while #(not (nil? %)) (repeatedly #(second (re-find m#))))
ss# (clojure.string/replace s #"#\{(.*?)\}" "?" )
ps# (map symbol p#)]
`[~ss# ~#ps#])
This macro works well
user=> (let [aa 11] (parser #"AAA#{aa}" ))
["AAA?" 11]
user=> (let [aa 11] (parser #"AA{aa}" ))
But I want the macro $=> can transfer all of the pattern in the code , like:
(let [a 1 b 2 c 3]
($=> #"AAA#{a}"
(if true #"BBB#{b}")
(for [i (range 1)] #"CCC#{c}")))
and it can return
[["AAA?" 1] ["BBB?" 2] (["CCC?" 3])]
I have tried some method and all of them failed.
Now I have no idea how to solve this problem.

Setting a debug function from the command line in Clojure

I have a namespace like this:
(ns foo.core)
(def ^:dynamic *debug-fn*
"A function taking arguments [bar baz]"
(defn bar-info
[bar _]
(println bar))
(defn baz-info
[_ baz]
(println baz))
(defn do-stuff
[bar baz]
(when *debug-fn* (*debug-fn* bar baz)))
(defn -main
[& {:keys [debug-fn]}]
(binding [*debug-fn* (symbol debug-fn)] ;; THIS WON'T WORK!
(do-stuff 27 42)))
What I would like to do is allow a debug function to be specified from the command line like this: lein run bar-info or lein run baz-info.
I'm not sure how to take the string specified as a command-line argument and turn it into the namespace-qualified function to bind. Do I need a macro to do this?
Use ns-resolve, you will need to specify namespace where your function is defined though.
user=> (defn f [n] (* n n n))
user=> ((ns-resolve *ns* (symbol "f")) 10)
Use alter-var-root:
user=> (doc alter-var-root)
([v f & args])
Atomically alters the root binding of var v by applying f to its
current value plus any args
user=> (alter-var-root #'*debug-fn* (fn [v] (fn [x] (println x) x)))
#<user$eval171$fn__172$fn__173 user$eval171$fn__172$fn__173#7c93d88e>
user=> (*debug-fn* 1)
Though I've accepted Guillermo's answer above, I figured that it might also be useful to add the solution I ended up going with:
(def debug-fns
{:bar-info (fn [bar _] (println bar))
:baz-info (fn [_ baz] (println baz))
(def active-debug-fns (atom []))
(defn activate-debug-fn!
(let [f (debug-fns fn-key)]
(if f
(swap! active-debug-fns conj f)
(warn (str "Debug function " fn-key " not found! Available functions are: "
(join " " (map name (keys debug-fns))))))))
(defn debug-fn-keys
(if (args "--debug")
(split (or (args "--debug") "") #",")
(defn do-stuff
[bar baz]
(doseq [f #active-debug-fns]
(f bar baz)))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [args (apply hash-map args)]
(doseq [f (debug-fn-keys args)]
(activate-debug-fn! (keyword k)))
(do-stuff 27 42)))
So now you can say something like lein run --debug bar-info to get info on bars, or lein run --debug bar,baz to get info on both bars and bazes.
Any suggestions to make this more idiomatic will be happily accepted and edited in. :)

Strange error when using atoms inside deftype

I have the following code, defining a type that has an atom in there.
(defprotocol IDeck
(vec-* [dk] "Output to a persistent vector")
(count-* [dk] "Number of elements in the deck")
(conj1-* [dk & es] "Adding multiple elements to the deck"))
(deftype ADeck [#^clojure.lang.Atom val]
(vec-* [dk] (->> (.val dk) deref (map deref) vec))
(count-* [dk] (-> (.val dk) deref count))
(conj1-* [dk & es]
(loop [esi es]
(let [e (first esi)]
(nil? e) dk
(swap! (.val dk) #(conj % (atom e)))
(recur (rest esi))))))
(catch Throwable t (println t)))))
(defn new-*adeck
([] (ADeck. (atom [])))
([v] (ADeck. (atom (vec (map atom v))))))
(defn conj2-* [dk & es]
(loop [esi es]
(let [e (first esi)]
(nil? e) dk
(swap! (.val dk) #(conj % (atom e)))
(recur (rest esi))))))
(catch Throwable t (println t))))
;; Usage
(def a (new-*adeck [1 2 3 4]))
(count-* a)
;=> 4
(vec-* a)
;=> [1 2 3 4]
(conj1-* a 1 2) ;; The deftype case
;=> IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long
(vec-* a)
;=> [1 2 3 4]
(conj2-* a 1 2) ;; The defn case
(vec-* a)
;=> [1 2 3 4 1 2]
Even though the two conj-* methods are exactly the same, except that one is in a deftype and the other is a normal defn, the first gives an error while the second succeeds. Why is this?
This is because protocols doesn't support variable number of arguments.
What you can do is make:
(conj1-* [dk & es] "Adding multiple elements to the deck"))
(conj1-* [dk es] "Adding multiple elements to the deck"))
such that the es param will be vector and called like:
(conj1-* a [1 2])