Use regex to match certain number of lines that follow the line containing the occurrence of a specific string - regex

I am working in InDesign, formatting large quantities of text. Here is a sample of the text.
NEW! Certificate in Office Operations (3 parts)
Office Operations
Cyber Security for Managers
Embracing Sustainability in the Workplace
Intro to 3D Printing
Intro to Maker Tech: The New Shop Class
I need to be able to match the three lines that follow a line containing the string "(3 parts)".
My thought would be to try a positive look-behind like this:
(?<=\(3 parts\)$)^.*$
but it doesn't match anything.

The lookbehind part is correct, but the use of the symbols ^ (Begin Paragraph) and $ (End Paragraph) are restricted to matching the position only – not the actual 'Hard return' characters. That is the reason your expression fails: by default, the . "match all" character does not match returns. So that makes the first test (?<=\(3 parts\)$)^. fail: neither the $ in the lookbehind nor the ^ consumed the return, and the following . does not match it either, per this default rule.
It is possible to put GREP into Single Line mode – a funny description that may put you on the wrong foot. From the perspective of GREP, it allows . to match a return as well; and so an entire running text, hard returns and all, can be considered a "single (long) line". The code for that is (?s), and is typically put at the very front of your expression.
That in itself is not enough to make it work, because
(?s)(?<=\(3 parts\)$)^.
still expects a return between the $ and ^ (otherwise either one would be wrong!). Anyway, it's not a good way to match a certain number of paragraphs. The adjusted expression
(?s)(?<=\(3 parts\)$).^.*
works correctly in consuming the hard returns, but selects everything up to the end as well.
I propose a much simpler approach: if you want to grab a certain number of hard returns, just include them right away in your expression – their GREP code is \r.
That leads to the following:
(?<=\(3 parts\)\r)(.*\r){3}
where the lookbehind is what you already got, plus a return to end that particular line (and it's in the lookbehind because you don't want to grab that return as well), followed by three repetitions of a sequence to grab an entire line, .*\r.

You can use -A option in grep:
grep -A 3 -F '(3 parts)' file
NEW! Certificate in Office Operations (3 parts)
Office Operations
Cyber Security for Managers
Embracing Sustainability in the Workplace

Would this be something for you?
\Q(3 parts)\E\r((?:.*$\R){3})
See a demo on As #Jongware pointed out, it seems to be \r (lowercase) in Adobe InDesign.


Multiple spaces, multiple commas and multiple hypens in alphanumeric regex

I am very new to regex and regular expressions, and I am stuck in a situation where I want to apply a regex on an JSF input field.
multiple spaces
multiple dot(.)
multiple hyphen (‐)
are allowed, and Minimum limit is 1 and Maximum limit is 5.
And for multiple values - they must be separated by comma (,)
So a Single value can be:
And multiple values (must be comma separated):
By the help of stackoverflow, so far I am able to achieve only this:
(^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{5}(,[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{5})*$)
Something like
^[-.a-zA-Z0-9 ]{1,5}(,[-.a-zA-Z0-9 ]{1,5})*$
Changes made
[-.a-zA-Z0-9 ] Added - and . to the character class so that those are matched as well.
{1,5} Quantifier, ensures that it is matched minimum 1 and maximum 5 characters
Regex demo
You've done pretty good. You need to add hyphen and dot to that first character class. Note: With the hyphen, since it delegates ranges within a character class, you need to position it where contextually it cannot be specifying a range--not to say put it where it seems like it would be an invalid range, e.g., 7-., but positionally cannot be a range, i.e., first or last. So your first character class would look something like this:
[a-zA-Z 0-9.-]{1,5} or [-a-zA-Z0-9 .]{1,5}
So, we've just defined what one segment looks like. That pattern can reoccur zero or more times. Of course, there are many ways to do that, but I would favor a regex subroutine because this allows code reuse. Now if the specs change or you're testing and realize you have to tweak that segment pattern, you only need to change it in one place.
Subroutines are not supported in BRE or ERE, but most widely-used modern regex engines support them (Perl, PCRE, Ruby, Delphi, R, PHP). They are very simple to use and understand. Basically, you just need to be able to refer to it (sound familiar? refer-back? back-reference?), so this means we need to capture the regex we wish to repeat. Then it's as simple as referring back to it, but instead of \1 which refers to the captured value (data), we want to refer to it as (?1), the capturing expression. In doing so, we've logically defined a subroutine:
([a-zA-Z 0-9.-]{1,5})(,(?1))*
So, the first group basically defines our subroutine and the second group consists of a comma followed by the same segment-definition expression we used for the first group, and that is optional ('*' is the zero-or-more quantifier).
If you operate on large quantities of data where efficiency is a consideration, don't capture when you don't have to. If your sole purpose for using parenthesis is to alternate (e.g., \b[bB](asset|eagle)\b hound) or to quantify, as in our second group, use the (?: ... ) notation, which signifies to the regex engine that this is a non-capturing group. Without going into great detail, there is a lot of overhead in maintaining the match locations--not that it's complex, per se, just potentially highly repetitive. Regex engines will match, store the information, then when the match fails, they "give up" the match and try again starting with the next matching substring. Each time they match your capture group, they're storing that information again. Okay, I'm off the soapbox now. :-)
So, we're almost there. I say "almost" because I don't have all the information. But if this should be the sole occupant of the "subject" (line, field, etc.--the data sample you're evaluating), you should anchor it to "assert" that requirement. The caret '^' is beginning of subject, and the dollar '$' is end of subject, so by encapsulating our expression in ^ ... $ we are asserting that the subject matches in it's entirety, front-to-back. These assertions have zero-length; they consume no data, only assert a relative position. You can operate on them, e.g., s/^/ / would indent your entire document two spaces. You haven't really substituted the beginning of line with two spaces, but you're able to operate on that imaginary, zero-length location. (Do some research on zero-length assertions [aka zero-width assertions, or look-arounds] to uncover a powerful feature of modern regex. For example, in the previous regex if I wanted to make sure I did not insert two spaces on blank lines: s/^(?!$)/ /)
Also, you didn't say if you need to capture the results to do something with it. My impression was it's validation only, so that's not necessary. However, if it is needed, you can wrap the entire expression in capturing parenthesis: ^( ... )$.
I'm going to provide a final solution that does not assume you need to capture but does assume the entire subject should consist of this value:
^([a-zA-Z 0-9. -]{1,5})(?:,(?1))*$
I know I went on a bit, but you said you were new to regex, so wanted to provide some detail. I hope it wasn't too much detail.
By the way, an excellent resource with tutorials is regular-expressions dot info, and a wonderful regex development and testing tool is regex101 dot com. And I can never say enough about stack overflow!

Matching line without and with lower-case letters

I want to match two consecutive lines, with the first line having no lower-case letter and the second having lower-case letter(s), e.g.
("3.3.1 Paging 187" "#215")
Why would the Regex ^(?!.*[:lower:]).*$\n^(.*[:lower:]).*$ match each of the following two-line examples?
("1.3.3 Disks 24" "#52")
("1.3.4 Tapes 25" "#53")
("1.5.4 Input/Output 41" "#69")
("1.5.5 Protection 42" "#70")
("3.1 NO MEMORY ABSTRACTION 174" "#202")
("3.3.1 Paging 187" "#215")
("3.3.2 Page Tables 191" "#219")
Thanks and regards!
For a example such as:
("3.1 NO MEMORY ABSTRACTION 174" "#202")
("3.3.1 Paging 187" "#215")
("3.3.2 Page Tables 191" "#219")
How shall I match only the middle two lines not the first three lines or all the four lines?
To use a POSIX "character class" like [:lower:], you have to enclose it in another set of square brackets, like this: [[:lower:]]. (According to POSIX, the outer set of brackets form a bracket expression and [:lower:] is a character class, but to everyone else the outer brackets define a character class and the inner [:lower:] is obsolete.)
Another problem with your regex is that the first part is not required to consume any characters; everything is optional. That means your match can start on the blank line, and I don't think you want that. Changing the second .* to .+ fixes that, but it's just a quick patch.
This regex seems to match your specification:
But I'm a little puzzled, because there's nothing in your sample data that matches. Is there supposed to be?
Using Rubular, we can see what's matched by your initial expression, and then, by adding a few excess capturing groups, see why it matches.
Essentially, the negative look-ahead followed by .* will match anything. If you merely want to check that the first line has no lower-case letters, check that explicitly, e.g.
Finally, I'd assuming you want the entire second line, you can do this for the second part:
Or to match your inital version:
The reluctant qualifiers (*?) seemed to be necessary to avoid matching across lines.
The final version I ended up with, thus, is:
This can be seen in action with your test data here. It only captures the line ("3.2 A MEMORY ABSTRACTION: ADDRESS SPACES 177" "#205").
Obviously, the regex I've used might be quite specific to Ruby, so testing with your regex engine may be somewhat different. There are many easily Google-able online regex tests, I just picked on Rubular since it does a wonderful job of highlighting what is being matched.
Incidentally, if you're using Python, the Python Regex Tool is very helpful for online testing of Python regexes (and it works with the final version I gave above), though I find the output visually less helpful in trouble-shooting.
After thinking about it a little more, Alan Moore's point about [[:lower:]] is spot on, as is his point about how the data would match. Looking back at what I wrote, I got a little too involved in breaking-down the regex and missed something about the problem as described. If you modify the regex I gave above to:
It matches only the line ("3.3.1 Paging 187" "#215"), which is the only line with lowercase letters following a line with no lowercase letters, as can be seen here. Placing a capturing group in Alan's expression, yielding ^(?!.*[[:lower:]]).+\n((?=.*[[:lower:]]).*)$ likewise captures the same text, though what, exactly, is matched is different.
I still don't have a good solution for matching multiple lines.

Remove stuff, retrieve numbers, retrieve text with spaces in place of dots, remove the rest

This is my first question, so I hope I didn't mess too much with the title and the formatting.
I have a bunch of file a client of mine sent me in this form:
What I need is a regex to output just:
212 The Actual Title Of the Chapter
I'm not gonna use it with any script language in particular; it's a batch renaming of files through an app supporting regex (which already "preserves" the extension).
So far, all I was able to do was this:
/.*x(\d+)\.(.*?)\.[A-Z]{3}.*/ -->REPLACE: $1 $2
(Capture everything before a number preceded by an "x", group numbers after the "x", group everything following until a 3 digit Uppercase word is met, then capture everything that follows)
which gives me back:
212 The.Actual.Title.Of.the.Chapter
Having seen the result I thought that something like:
/.*x(\d+)\.([^.]*?)\.[A-Z]{3}.*/ -->REPLACE: $1 $2
(Changed second group to "Capture everything which is not a dot...") would have worked as expected.
Instead, the whole regex fails to match completely.
What am I missing?
.*x(\d+)\. matches Name.Of.Chapter.021x212.
\.[A-Z]{3}.* matches .DOC.NAME-Some.stuff.Here.ext
But ([^.]*?) does not match The.Actual.Title.Of.the.Chapter because this regex does not allow for any periods at all.
since you are on Mac, you could use the shell
$ s="Name.Of.Chapter.021x212.The.Actual.Title.Of.the.Chapter.DOC.NAME-Some.stuff.Here.ext"
$ echo ${s#*x}
$ t=${s#*x}
$ echo ${t%.[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z].*}
Or if you prefer sed, eg
echo $filename | sed 's|.[^x]*x||;s/\.[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z].*//'
For processing multiple files
for file in *.ext
# or
# newfile=$(echo $file | sed 's|.[^x]*x||;s/\.[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z].*//')
mv "$file" "$newfile"
To your question "How can I remove the dots in the process of matching?" the answer is "You can't." The only way to do that is by processing the result of the match in a second step, as others have said. But I think there's a more basic question that needs to be addressed, which is "What does it mean for a regex to match a given input?"
A regex is usually said to match a string when it describes any substring of that string. If you want to be sure the regex describes the whole string, you need to add the start (^) and end ($) anchors:
But in your case, you don't need to describe the whole string; if you get rid of the .* at either end, it will serve your just as well:
I recommend you not get in the habit of "padding" regexes with .* at beginning and end. The leading .* in particular can change the behavior of the regex in unexpected ways. For example, it there were two places in the input string where x(\d+)\. could match, your "real" match would have started at the second one. Also, if it's not anchored with ^ or \A, a leading .* can make the whole regex much less efficient.
I said "usually" above because some tools do automatically "anchor" the match at the beginning (Python's match()) or at both ends (Java's matches()), but that's pretty rare. Most of the shells and command-line tools available on *nix systems define a regex match in the traditional way, but it's a good idea to say what tool(s) you're using, just in case.
Finally, a word or two about vocabulary. The parentheses in (\d+) cause the matched characters to be captured, not grouped. Many regex flavors also support non-capturing parentheses in the form (?:\d+), which are used for grouping only. Any text that is included in the overall match, whether it's captured or not, is said to have been consumed (not captured). The way you used the words "capture" and "group" in your question is guaranteed to cause maximum confusion in anyone who assumes you know what you're talking about. :D
If you haven't read it yet, check out this excellent tutorial.

how to eliminate dots from filenames, except for the file extension

I have a bunch of files that look like this:
Which I want to transform via a regex into:
A File With Dots Instead Of Spaces.Extension
It has to be in one regex (because I want to use it with Total Commander's batch rename tool).
Help me, regex gurus, you're my only hope.
Several people suggested two-step solutions. Two steps really make this problem trivial, and I was really hoping to find a one-step solution that would work in TC. I did, BTW, manage to find a one-step solution that works as long as there's an even number of dots in the file name. So I'm still hoping for a silver bullet expression (or a proof/explanation of why one is strictly impossible).
It appears Total Commander's regex library does not support lookaround expressions, so you're probably going to have to replace a number of dots at a time, until there are no dots left. Replace:
$1 $2 $3.$4
(Repeat the sequence and the number of backreferences for more efficiency. You can go up to $9, which may or may not be enough.)
It doesn't appear there is any way to do it with a single, definitive expression in Total Commander, sorry.
will do it in pure regex terms. This means, replace any period that is followed by a string of characters (non-greedy) and then a period with nothing. This is a positive lookahead.
In PHP this is done as:
$output = preg_replace('/\.(?=.*?\.)/', '', $input);
Other languages vary but the principle is the same.
Here's one based on your almost-solution:
This is, roughly, "any dot stuff, minus the dot, and maybe plus another dot stuff at the end of the line." I couldn't quite tell if you wanted the dots removed or turned to spaces - if the latter, change the substitution to " \1" (minus the quotes, of course).
[Edited to change the + to a *, as Helen's below.]
Or substitute all dots with space, then substitute [space][Extension] with .[Extension]
A File With Dots Instead Of Spaces Extension
A File With Dots Instead Of Spaces.Extension
Another pattern to find all dots but the last in a (windows) filename that I've found works for me in Mass File Renamer is:
I don't know how useful that is to other users, but this page was an early search result and if that had been on here it would have saved me some time.
It excludes the result if it's followed by an uninterrupted sequence of alphanumeric characters leading to the end of the input (filename) but otherwise finds all instances of the dot character.
You can do that with Lookahead. However I don't know which kind of regex support you have.
Which roughly translates to Any dot /\./ that has something and a dot afterwards. Obviously the last dot is the only one not complying. I leave out the "optionality" of something between dots, because the data looks like something will always be in between and the "optionality" has a performance cost.

Need a regex to exclude certain strings

I'm trying to get a regex that will match:
but not match:
I tried
with no luck (it includes even the "16" record)
Some regex libraries allow lookahead:
Otherwise, you can still use multiple character classes:
or, to achieve maximum portability:
[^(16)] means: Match any character but braces, 1, and 6.
The best solution has already been mentioned:
This works, and is greedy enough to take anything coming at it on the same line. If you know, however, that you want a valid file name, I'd suggest also limiting invalid characters:
If you're working with a regex engine that does not support lookahead, you'll have to consider how to make up that !16. You can split files into two groups, those that start with 1, and aren't followed by 6, and those that start with anything else:
If you want to allow somefile_16_stuff.txt but NOT somefile_16.txt, these regexes above are not enough. You'll need to set your limit differently:
Combine this all, and you end up with two possibilities, one which blocks out the single instance (somefile_16.txt), and one which blocks out all families (somefile_16*.txt). I personally think you prefer the first one:
In the version without removing special characters so it's easier to read:
To obey strictly to your specification and be picky, you should rather use:
so that somefile_1666.txt which is {anything} can be matched ;)
but sometimes it is just more readable to use...:
ls | grep -e 'somefile_.*\.txt' | grep -v -e 'somefile_16\.txt'
(?!16) means: Assert that it is impossible to match the regex "16" starting at that position.
Sometimes it's just easier to use two regular expressions. First look for everything you want, then ignore everything you don't. I do this all the time on the command line where I pipe a regex that gets a superset into another regex that ignores stuff I don't want.
If the goal is to get the job done rather than find the perfect regex, consider that approach. It's often much easier to write and understand than a regex that makes use of exotic features.
Without using lookahead
Read it like: somefile_ followed by either:
one character.
any one character except 1 and followed by any other characters.
three or more characters.
either 10 .. 19 note that 16 has been left out.
and finally followed by .txt.