'future' has been explicitly marked deleted here - c++

I am trying to build a Async application to allow processing of large lists in parallel, and after two days of learning C++ through googling I have come up with the title error, from the following code:
// main.cpp
// ThreadedLearning
// Created by Andy Kirk on 19/01/2016.
// Copyright © 2016 Andy Kirk. All rights reserved.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
typedef struct {
long mailing_id;
char emailAddress[100];
} emailStruct ;
typedef struct {
long mailing_id = 0;
int result = 0;
} returnValues;
returnValues work(emailStruct eMail) {
returnValues result;
result.mailing_id = eMail.mailing_id;
return result;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
std::vector<emailStruct> Emails;
emailStruct eMail;
// Create a Dummy Structure Vector
for (int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++i) {
eMail.mailing_id = i;
std::vector<std::future<returnValues>> workers;
int worker_count = 0;
int max_workers = 11;
for ( ; worker_count < Emails.size(); worker_count += max_workers ){
for (int inner_count = 0 ; inner_count < max_workers ; ++inner_count) {
int entry = worker_count + inner_count;
if(entry < Emails.size()) {
emailStruct workItem = Emails[entry];
auto fut = std::async(&work, workItem);
std::for_each(workers.begin(), workers.end(), [](std::future<returnValues> & res) {
return 0;
Really not sure what I am doing wrong, and have found limited answers searching. Its on OSX 10 if that is relevant, and XCode 7.

The future class has its copy constructor deleted, because you really don't want to have multiple copies of it.
To add it to the vector, you have to move it instead of copying it:

This error can also be raised if you are passing a future object (within a thread) to a function which expects a pass by value.
For example, this would raise an error when you pass the future:
void multiplyForever(int x, int y, std::future<void> exit_future);
multiplyForever(3, 5, fut);
You can fix it by passing the future by reference:
void multiplyForever(int x, int y, std::future<void>& exit_future);
multiplyForever(3, 5, fut);


How do I access elements of multiset within a vector in the format "vector<multiset<char> vp;"?

I am creating a program that receives a value in multiset in the form of vector<multisetvp; and stores it in multiset inside the vector when the number of it becomes five. If you store values from 1 to 10, when you print out vector,
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
I want it to come out like this.
However, it is difficult to output the value stored in multiset inside the vector. Ask for help in how to solve this problem.
I also tried to output the value of 'sp' using overlapping 'range-based for statements', but it ended up outputting only one multiset of vector. I want to store and output multisets with up to five elements in the vector.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
class MyCharector {
vector<multiset<char>> vp;
vector<multiset<char>>::iterator vit;
multiset<char>* sp;
multiset<char>::iterator sit;
~MyCharector() { }
void ininven(multiset<char> s) {
void getItem(char* item) {
sp = new multiset<char>;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (sp->size() == 5) {
delete sp;
void dropItem() { // is not use
vit = vp.begin();
vit = vp.erase(vit);
void showItem() {
for (vit = vp.begin(); vit != vp.end(); vit++) {
// problems.....
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
MyCharector my;
array<char,10> item = { 'a','a','e','d','g','f','c','c','h','b' };
return 0;
Of course you can make it work with iterators but what's wrong with simple range based loops?
for (const auto& ms : vp)
for (char c : ms)
cout << c;
Also why use new and delete in getItem? And why declare class variables when you should use local variables?
void getItem(char* item) {
multiset<char> sp;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (sp.size() == 5) {
sp doesn't need to be a pointer, and it should be a local variable.
Also I think getItem has a bug. I'm guessing that you want a new multiset every five character, but that's not what the code does. Maybe this is what you want
void getItem(char* item) {
multiset<char> sp;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (sp.size() == 5) {
sp.clear(); // start again

Vector processing issues in multi threading

I'm implement about the data process in multi thread.
I want to process data in class DataProcess and merge the data in class DataStorage.
My problem is when the data is add to the vector sometimes occurs the exception error.
In my opinions, there have a different address class
Is it a problem to create a new data handling class and process each data?
Here is my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
using namespace::std;
static std::mutex m;
class DataStorage
private :
std::vector<long long> vecData;
void SetDataVectorSize(int size)
void DataInsertLoop(void* Data, int start, int end)
std::vector<long long> const * _v1 = static_cast<std::vector<long long> const *>(Data);
long long num = 0;
for (int idx = start; idx < _v1->size(); ++idx)
vecData[idx] = _v1->at(idx);
class DataProcess
int m_index;
long long m_startIndex;
long long m_endIndex;
int m_coreNum;
long long num;
DataStorage* m_mainStorage;
std::vector<long long> m_vecData;
public :
DataProcess(int pindex, long long startindex, long long endindex)
: m_index(pindex), m_startIndex(startindex), m_endIndex(endindex),
m_coreNum(0),m_mainStorage(NULL), num(0)
void SetMainAdrr(DataStorage* const mainstorage)
m_mainStorage = mainstorage;
void SetCoreInCPU(int num)
m_coreNum = num;
void DataRun()
for (long long idx = m_startIndex; idx < m_endIndex; ++idx)
num += rand();
m_vecData.push_back(num); //<- exception error position
m_mainStorage->DataInsertLoop(&m_vecData, m_startIndex, m_endIndex);
int main()
//auto beginTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
clock_t beginTime, endTime;
DataStorage* main = new DataStorage();
beginTime = clock();
long long totalcount = 200000000;
long long halfdata = totalcount / 2;
std::thread t1,t2;
for (int t = 0; t < 2; ++t)
DataProcess* clsDP = new DataProcess(1, 0, halfdata);
if (t == 0)
t1 = std::thread([&]() {clsDP->DataRun(); });
t2 = std::thread([&]() {clsDP->DataRun(); });
t1.join(); t2.join();
endTime = clock();
double resultTime = (double)(endTime - beginTime);
std::cout << "Multi Thread " << resultTime / 1000 << " sec" << std::endl;
int value = getchar();
Interestingly, if none of your threads accesses portions of vecData accessed by another thread, DataInsertLoop::DataInsertLoop should not need to be synchonized at all. That should make processsing much faster. That is, after all bugs are fixed... This also means, you should not need a mutex at all.
There are other issues with your code... The most easily spotted is a memory leak.
In main:
DataStorage* main = new DataStorage(); // you call new, but never call delete...
// that's a memory leak. Avoid caling
// new() directly.
// Also: 'main' is kind of a reserved
// name, don't use it except for the
// program entry point.
// How about this, instead ?
DataStorage dataSrc; // DataSrc has a very small footprint (a few pointers).
// ...
std::thread t1,t2; // why not use an array ?
// as in:
std::vector<std::tread> thrds;
// ...
// You forgot to set the size of your data set before starting, by calling:
for (int t = 0; t < 2; ++t)
// ...
// Calling new again, and not delete... Use a smart pointer type
DataProcess* clsDP = new DataProcess(1, 0, halfdata);
// Also, fix the start and en indices (NOTE: code below works for t < 2, but
// probably not for t < 3)
auto clsDP = std::make_unique<DataProcess>(t, t * halfdata, (t + 1) * halfdata);
// You need to keep a reference to these pointers
// Either by storing them in an array, or by passing them to
// the threads. As in, for example:
thrds.emplace_back([dp = std::move(clsDP)]() {clsDP->DataRun(); });
std::for_each(thrds.begin(), thrds.end(), [](auto& t) { t.join(); });
You create a mutex on your very first line of executable code. That's good... somewhat...
static std::mutex m; // a one letter name is a terrible choice for a variable with
// file scope.
Apart form the name, it's not in the right scope... If you want to use a mutex to protect DataStorage::vecData, this mutex should be declared in the same scope as DataStorage::vecData.
One last thing. Have you considered using iterators (aka pointers) as arguments to DataProcess::DataProcess() ? This would simplify the code quite a bit, and it would very likely run faster.

C++: Issues with Circular Buffer

I'm having some trouble writing a circular buffer in C++. Here is my code base at the moment:
#ifndef __CIRC_BUF_H__
#define __CIRC_BUF_H__
#define MAX_DATA (25) // Arbitrary size limit
// The Circular Buffer itself
struct circ_buf {
int s; // Index of oldest reading
int e; // Index of most recent reading
int data[MAX_DATA]; // The data
/*** Function Declarations ***/
void empty(circ_buf*);
bool is_empty(circ_buf*);
bool is_full(circ_buf*);
void read(circ_buf*, int);
int overwrite(circ_buf*);
#endif // __CIRC_BUF_H__
#include "circ_buf.h"
/*** Function Definitions ***/
// Empty the buffer
void empty(circ_buf* cb) {
cb->s = 0; cb->e = 0;
// Is the buffer empty?
bool is_empty(circ_buf* cb) {
// By common convention, if the start index is equal to the end
// index, our buffer is considered empty.
return cb->s == cb->e;
// Is the buffer full?
bool is_full(circ_buf* cb) {
// By common convention, if the start index is one greater than
// the end index, our buffer is considered full.
// REMEMBER: we still need to account for wrapping around!
return cb->s == ((cb->e + 1) % MAX_DATA);
// Read data into the buffer
void read(circ_buf* cb, int k) {
int i = cb->e;
cb->data[i] = k;
cb->e = (i + 1) % MAX_DATA;
// Overwrite data in the buffer
int overwrite(circ_buf* cb) {
int i = cb->s;
int k = cb->data[i];
cb->s = (i + 1) % MAX_DATA;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "circ_buf.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Our data source
std::string file = "million_numbers.txt";
std::fstream in(file, std::ios_base::in);
// The buffer
circ_buf buffer = { .s = 0, .e = 0, .data = {} };
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DATA; ++i) {
int k = 0; in >> k; // Get next int from in
read(&buffer, k);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DATA; ++i)
std::cout << overwrite(&buffer) << std::endl;
The main issue I'm having is getting the buffer to write integers to its array. When I compile and run the main program (circ_buf_test), it just prints the same number 25 times, instead of what I expect it to print (the numbers 1 through 25 - "million_numbers.txt" is literally just the numbers 1 through 1000000). The number is 2292656, in case this may be important.
Does anyone have an idea about what might be going wrong here?
Your function overwrite(circ_buf* cb) returns nothing (there are no return in it's body). So the code for printing of values can print anything (see "undefined behavior"):
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DATA; ++i)
std::cout << overwrite(&buffer) << std::endl;
I expect you can find the reason of this "main issue" in the compilation log (see lines started with "Warning"). You can fix it this way:
int overwrite(circ_buf* cb) {
int i = cb->s;
int k = cb->data[i];
cb->s = (i + 1) % MAX_DATA;
return k;

Circular List Traversal Engine

I want to traverse a circular linked list (v1->v2->v3) in a given input order, lets say like
I wrote the below program as test for 3 nodes and would like to scale incrementally for 8, 64, 512, 4096, etc. nodes.
My idea of implementation requires the below program to run solely on an Abstract State Machine which only accepts the below functions as input for processing. I basically want to minimise the loop count of engine_spin_at_gear() while traversing. I may be on a non-blocking mode for using such an insane abstraction to mimic/virtualize process-execution as an engine-spin with unit of measurement as rpm, but I would really like suggestions on debugging the engine_spin_at_gear() function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MILES 15
struct package
// ... other members data ...
struct package *next;
}*v1, *v2, *v3;
int input_arr[MILES] = {1,3,2,2,1,3,2,1,1,3,2,2,1,2,3};
struct package *base(struct package *_vN)
if (_vN)
return _vN;
return NULL;
struct package *deliver(struct package *_vNP)
if (_vNP)
return base(_vNP->next);
return NULL;
void shift_gear(struct package *_feed)
_feed->next = NULL;
struct package *engine_spin_at_gear(struct package *_init_cycle0, int countSession)
while (countSession--) {
return deliver(base(_init_cycle0));
return NULL;
struct package *journey(struct package *_current_frame, int _start, int _end)
int rpm = (_end > _start)?_end-_start:_start-_end;
if (rpm)
return engine_spin_at_gear(_current_frame, rpm);
return v1;
struct package *ignition_phase(int _batteryS, int _chargedL)
return journey(v1, _batteryS, _chargedL);
void transmit_in_order(int*input_arr)
struct package *v6;
int i;
for (i=0; i<MILES-1; i++) {
v6 = ignition_phase(input_arr[i], input_arr[i+1]);
printf("%p\n", v6);
int main()
v1 = malloc(sizeof(struct package));
v2 = malloc(sizeof(struct package));
v3 = malloc(sizeof(struct package));
v1->next = v2;
v2->next = v3;
v3->next = v1;
printf("v1=%p\tv2=%p\tv3=%p\n", v1, v2, v3);
return 0;
I am getting the following output when I ran my program's GCC executable on Linux.
v1=0x918b008 v2=0x918b018 v3=0x918b028
Or, do I need to change shift_gear() function? Can I optimise it more while keeping the scalability-factor intact? Thanks in advance. If I want to put all these functions in C++ as Class Engine and Class Gearbox, can you show me a prototype?
You mention scaling to larger number of items, here is some parts that scale to 100,
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct package_s
// ... other members data ...
struct package_s* next;
} package; //being lazy, I avoid typing struct everywhere...
#define HOWMANY (100)
package* v[HOWMANY];
#define MILES 15
int input_arr[MILES] = {1,3,2,2,1,3,2,1,1,3,2,2,1,2,3};
journey(package* _current_frame, int _start, int _end)
int rpm = (_end > _start) ? (_end-_start) : (_start-_end);
if (rpm)
return engine_spin_at_gear(_current_frame, rpm);
return v[0];
ignition_phase(int _batteryS, int _chargedL)
return journey(v[0], _batteryS, _chargedL);
And this fixes the addressing off the end of input_arr (maybe you want to wrap back to zero?)
package *v6;
int i;
for (i=0; i<MILES-2; i++) {
v6 = ignition_phase(input_arr[i], input_arr[i+1]);
printf("%p\n", v6);
And the main for configurable number of v[n],
int main()
int ndx;
for(ndx=0; ndx<HOWMANY; ++ndx)
v[ndx] = malloc(sizeof(package));
for(ndx=0; ndx<HOWMANY; ++ndx)
v[ndx]->next = v[(ndx+1)%HOWMANY];
printf("v[%d]=%p\t", ndx, v[ndx]);
printf("\n", ndx, v[ndx]);
return 0;
Optimization aside, you have a problem with input_arr:
int input_arr[MILES] = {1,3,2,2,1,3,2,1,1,3,2,2,1,2,3}; //has 15 elements
While following loop requires 16:
for (i=0; i<MILES-1; i++) { //[edited] so i goes from 0 to 13
v6 = ignition_phase(input_arr[i], input_arr[i+1]); //otherwise, i goes to 14, +1 == 15 - 1 too big
printf("%p\n", v6);
Either create a bigger array, or stop the loop 1 increment earlier.
Regarding this code:
struct package *engine_spin_at_gear(struct package *_init_cycle0, int countSession)
while (countSession--) {
shift_gear(_init_cycle0); // }
return deliver(base(_init_cycle0));
return NULL;
} //move this one to after shift_gear(_init_cycle0);
Should the closing while loop } be moved to where indicated at comment? (per your's and Charlie's observation) If you keep the return statement in there , you will never make it past the first loop.
Output changes according to minor changes to code:
After changing for for (i=0; i<MILES; i++) { to for (i=0; i<MILES-1; i++) {
After changing
while (countSession--) {
return deliver(base(_init_cycle0));
while (countSession--) {
return deliver(base(_init_cycle0));
// }
So, it appears there is some effect, but I am not sure how to interpret this output. i.e. what significance these changes mean.

Throttling C++ threads

I am trying to translate some C# code which creates N threads at a time and runs a function in each thread.
I have two problems:
-How do I limit N threads at a time?
-My linker doesnt appear to be recognising the static ints FastestMemory and SlowestMemory when I refer to them in my main method (when I print the values out at the end).
Could somebody please help?
So far I have:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class Test{
static unsigned int FastestMemory;
static unsigned int SlowestMemory;
Test(unsigned a, unsigned b){
FastestMemory = a;
SlowestMemory = b;
struct thread_data
int m_id;
thread_data(int id) : m_id(id) {}
static DWORD WINAPI thread_func(LPVOID lpParameter)
thread_data *td = (thread_data*)lpParameter;
int RepetitionNumber = td->m_id;
printf("thread with id = " + RepetitionNumber + '\n');
unsigned int start = clock();
vector<byte> list1;
vector<byte> list2;
vector<byte> list3;
for(int i=0; i<10000000; i++){
for (int i = 0; i < 20000000; i=i+2)
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
byte temp = list1[i];
byte temp2 = list2[i];
list2[i] = temp;
list1[i] = temp2;
unsigned int timetaken = clock()-start;
printf(RepetitionNumber + " Time taken in millisecs: " + timetaken);
if(timetaken < FastestMemory){
FastestMemory = timetaken;
if(timetaken > SlowestMemory){
SlowestMemory = timetaken;
return 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Test* t = new Test(2000000,0);
for (int i=0; i< 10; i++)
CreateThread(NULL, 0, Test::thread_func, new Test::thread_data(i) , 0, 0);
printf("Fastest iteration:" + Test::FastestMemory + '\n'); //Linker not recognising
printf("Slowest iteration:" + Test::SlowestMemory + '\n'); //Linker not recognising
int a;
cin >> a;
I'm not sure what you mean about "limit N threads at a time". Do you mean you want (for example) to only use, say, 5 threads to execute the 10 tasks in your question?
If so, you might want to use a thread pool of some sort. Windows has something like three separate thread pool APIs, along with I/O completion ports, which can also act as thread pools. It's also pretty easy to write a thread pool of your own if you find them lacking -- but the structure is quite a bit different from what you've posted.
The static unsigned int FastestMemory; declares but does not define the variable. You need to define it outside of the class definition:
class Test {
static unsigned int FastestMemory;
static unsigned int SlowestMemory;
// ...
unsigned int Test::FastestMemory = 0;
unsigned int Test::SlowestMemory = 0;
You are declaring but not defining your static ints.
class Test{
static unsigned int FastestMemory;
static unsigned int SlowestMemory;
// ...
unsigned int Test::FastestMemory = 0;
unsigned int Test::SlowestMemory = 0;
As for defining N threads, looking at what you have so far, try using CreateThread to create individual threads and scale up as needed. Of course just doing this will give you a very basic and probably not very useful threading model. I suggest reading up on thread pools.