Gradle task not ran when subproject task ran - c++

I have a gradle c/cpp project where it has rootProject/project/subProject
In my root build.gradle I have
ext.libFolder = rootDir.toString + '/lib/'
subprojects {
build.doLast {
copy {
from fileTree ( buildDir.getCanonicalPath() ).files
into rootProject.ext.libFolder
include '*.so'
include '*.a'
This works perfectly when I do: gradle build but if I do gradle :project:subProject:build it does not work... What do I need to change to make this work no matter how I call the build task?
On a side note we are trying to make all subProject build.gradle files as bare minimal as possible, simple as possible, and structurally the same as possible, as we have over 780 of them.
edit: I have added in a clean task as shown below this way gradle will know the files have been cleaned. This however does not seem to effect the core issue where the build task when called any way other than gradle build does not run the doLast task.
clean {
delete rootProject.ext.includesFolder
delete rootProject.ext.libfolder

Stick the build.doLast{} in an afterEvaluate{} block.
subprojects {
build.doLast {
from fileTree ( buildDir.getCanonicalPath() ).files
into rootProject.ext.libFolder
include '*.so'
include '*.a'
Because you want to add the doLast functionality after the subproject build task is available.


Gradle native c++ non source files resources or assets folder location?

Context: I am primarily a Java developer and I use gradle for all my builds. As a hobby I've been playing around with C/C++ and found that gradle has the ability to build these as well. So instead of learning cmake/make just for some small hobby projects I thought I'd use gradle since I am familiar with it.
Question: How do I define locations for non-source files?
With Java there is a resources folder that you can put things like images, text files, etc... in and gradle will put these in the jar so in your code you can load them with relative paths pretty easily.
src > main > java for source files.
src > main > resources for assets.
Is there an equivalent way to do this for c++ projects?
Also if there is a default folder that would be good to know, but also how to define it in the build.gradle file to a different location would also be appreciated.
For reference here is my simple build file right now:
apply plugin: "cpp"
model {
components {
main(NativeExecutableSpec) {
sources {
cpp {
source {
srcDir "src"
In my code I'd like to be able to load an image, for example, with something like:
While having a simple structure like:
If there is no way to currently do this, is there a workaround or a more standard way people do this in C/C++?
As mentioned in the comments, unlike jars in java, c/c++ does not seem to have a standard way of including assets in the executable. There do seem to be platform specific ways and gradle does seem to have support for Windows resource files, so if that is what you are looking for see the gradle docs.
I prefer not to do any platform specific things though so I thought I'd answer this with what I decided to do in case someone else finds this question with a similar need. If another, better, answer pops up and I notice I will change the selection.
In the end the executable will look for paths relative to where it is executed (from what I can tell at least.) So I just made a copy task to put the assets in a parallel folder.
task copyAssets {
copy {
from "."
into "build/exe/main"
include "images/**" // This will take the whole images folder from project root
build.dependsOn copyAssets
So when I gradle build now it will copy my images folder to the same folder that it builds my 'main' cpp source executable. And in my code I can access those images with:
You could of course get more fancy with your task and zip it up or compress your images and decompress on loading in your code.

calling gradle "build" task in another project

I am only a couple of days into using gradle
In my current build.gradle script I have a task which I would like to call the build task in another project (ie. defined in a different build.gradle somewhere else) after each time it is executed
My question is how do I call a task from another project?
I guess I want to do something like but it doesn't seem to work. I tried this:
commandLine "${rootDir}\\gradle", 'build', 'eclipse'
it at least executed the build and eclipse for my current project just not the master project. Hope my question is clear
Adjust the buildFile path, etc.:
task buildSomethingElse(type: GradleBuild) {
buildFile = '../someOtherDirectory/build.gradle'
tasks = ['build']
Reference: Gradle organizing build logic guide, paragraph 59.5.
You can apply this to another ant project as well, by adding a one line build.gradle file in your ant project that just calls ant, like so:
ant.importBuild 'build.xml'
First read this:
If you have a multi-project build
You need a root project that contains settings.gradle file with something like:
include 'myproject1'
include 'myproject2'
Then you can just make a dependency from one project to another like this:
task someOtherTask() << {
println 'Hello'
task sometask(dependsOn: ':myproject1:someOtherTask') << {
//do something here
Or if you want to call a task:
Notice: You have to apply java plugin to make build task available.

Gradle: how do I configure the jar location to be in the parent directory of the project?

I'm trying to build a Gradle JAR project that is a subproject of another and would like the output JAR file to be in a parent directory (to be specific in the "lib" directory of the parent, or sibling). How do I configure Gradle for this and where is this documented?
In build.gradle, add:
libsDirName = '../../lib'
The config settings are shown in the official Gradle docs for the java plugin.
BTW, I fully agree with the intent behind the comments and answers given by Peter and Hiery, but sometimes the simplest solution is the best one.
Agreed with the comment Peter typed. However I think you want to express that the parent project depends on the output of the submodule. Expressing that and ensuring that the parent copies the output of the submodule to its 'lib' directory makes more sense.
task assembleSubModules(type: Copy) {
destinationDir = file("lib")
into("lib") {
project.subprojects.each { p ->

aggregating gradle multiproject test results using TestReport

I have a project structure that looks like the below. I want to use the TestReport functionality in Gradle to aggregate all the test results to a single directory.
Then I can access all the test results through a single index.html file for ALL subprojects.
How can I accomplish this?
|--index.html (testresults)
|--index.html (testresults)
From Example 4. Creating a unit test report for subprojects in the Gradle User Guide:
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
// Disable the test report for the individual test task
test {
reports.html.enabled = false
task testReport(type: TestReport) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests")
// Include the results from the `test` task in all subprojects
reportOn subprojects*.test
Fully working sample is available from samples/testing/testReport in the full Gradle distribution.
In addition to the subprojects block and testReport task suggested by #peter-niederwieser above, I would add another line to the build below those:
That way if you run gradle test (or even gradle build), the testReport task will run after the subproject tests complete. Note that you have to use tasks('test') rather than just test.finalizedBy(...) because the test task doesn't exist in the root project.
If using kotlin Gradle DSL
val testReport = tasks.register<TestReport>("testReport") {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/tests/test")
reportOn( { it.tasks.findByPath("test") })
subprojects {
tasks.withType<Test> {
ignoreFailures = true
testLogging {
events("passed", "skipped", "failed")
And execute gradle testReport. Source How to generate an aggregated test report for all Gradle subprojects
I am posting updated answer on this topic. I am using Gradle 7.5.1.
TestReport task
In short I'm using following script to set up test aggregation form subprojects (based on #Peter's answer):
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
task testReport(type: TestReport) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests")
// Include the results from the `test` task in all subprojects
testResults.from = subprojects*.test
Note that reportOn method is "deprecated" or will be soon and replaced with testResults, while at the same time testResults is still incubating as of 7.5.1.
I got following warning in IDE
The TestReport.reportOn(Object...) method has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 8.0.
Hint: subproject*.test is example of star dot notation in groovy that invokes test task on a list of subprojects. Equally would be invocation of subprojects.collect{it.test}
TestReport#reportOn (Gradle API documentation)
TestReport#testResults (Gradle API documentation)
reportOn replacement for gradle 8 (Gradle Forum)
test-report-aggregation plugin
There is also alternative option for aggregating tests (Since Gradle 7.4). One can apply test-report-aggregation plugin.
If your projects already apply java plugin, this means they will come with jvm-test-suite, all you have to do is apply the plugin.
plugins {
id 'test-report-aggregation'
Then you will be able to invoke test reports through testSuiteAggregateTestReport task. Personally didn't use the plugin, but I think it makes sense to use it if you have multiple test suites configured with jvm-test-suite.
Example project can be found in
For 'connectedAndroidTest's there is a approach published by google.( (Multi-module reports section))
Add the 'android-reporting' Plugin to your projects build.gradle.
apply plugin: 'android-reporting'
Execute the android tests with additional 'mergeAndroidReports' argument. It will merge all test results of the project modules into one report.
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest mergeAndroidReports
FYI, I've solved this problem using the following subprojects config in my root project build.gradle file. This way no extra tasks are needed.
Note: this places each module's output in its own reports/<module_name> folder, so subproject builds don't overwrite each other's results.
subprojects {
// Combine all build results
java {
reporting.baseDir = "${rootProject.buildDir.path}/reports/${}"
For a default Gradle project, this would result in a folder structure like

How can I not include a build task when I include a project in my settings.gradle file?

My settings.gradle file looks like:
include "serverTest", "shared"
And the serverTest build.gradle file looks like:
group = 'gradle'
version = '1.0'
defaultTasks 'build'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_6
compile project(':shared')
The directory structure is: The top level holds the settings.gradle file and it has folders shared and serverTest in it. Then in the serverTest directory there is the build.gradle file.
When I run gradle at the top level it outputs:
:shared:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:shared:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:shared:classes UP-TO-DATE
:shared:jar UP-TO-DATE
:serverTest:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:serverTest:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:serverTest:classes UP-TO-DATE
:serverTest:jar UP-TO-DATE
:serverTest:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:serverTest:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
I don't want it to execute the task :serverTest:test though. I tried changing my defaultTasks to just compileJava but that didn't work, does anyone else have any ideas?
Well this question has been asked in different ways , the main theme of the question is;
How to exclude sub tasks of build task?
1 . gradle build -x test
The above instruction is helpful while executing gradle build command from CLI; this exludes test task, but we want to exclude test task programmatically in build.gradle file. Look below the answer for the respective question.
2 . check.dependsOn -= test
Copy this small script in your build.gradle file.
Now when you execute gradle build from CLI, your tests won't run at all.
Cheers !
You could try to disable the task only if a build task is present... Something like:
project(":serverTest").test.onlyIf { !gradle.taskGraph.hasTask(":shared:build") }