Having issues with Python xpath scraping - python-2.7

I'm back again with a question for the wonderful people here :)
Ive recently begun getting back into python (50% done at codcademy lol) and decided to make a quick script for web-scraping the spot price of gold in CAD. This will eventually be a part of a much bigger script... but Im VERY rusty and thought it would be a good project.
My issue:
I have been following the guide over at http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/scenarios/scrape/ to accomplish my goal, however my script always returns/prints
<Element html at 0xRANDOM>
with RANDOM being a (i assume) random hex number. This happens no matter what website I seem to use.
My Code:
#Scrape current gold spot price in CAD
from lxml import html
import requests
def scraped_price():
page = requests.get('http://goldprice.org/gold-price-canada.html')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
print "The full page is: ", tree #added for debug WHERE ERROR OCCURS
bid = tree.xpath("//span[#id='gpotickerLeftCAD_price']/text()")
print "Scraped content: ", bid
return bid
gold_scraper = scraped_price()
My research:
1) www.w3schools.com/xsl/xpath_syntax.asp
This is where I figured out to use '//span' to find all 'span' objects and then used the #id to narrow it down to the one I need.
2)Scraping web content using xpath won't work
This makes me think I simply have a bad tree.xpath setup. However I cannot seem to figure out where or why.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

<Element html at 0xRANDOM>
What you see printed is the lxml.html's Element class string representation. If you want to see the actual HTML content, use tostring():
print(html.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True))
You are also getting Scraped content: [] printed which really means that there were no elements matching the locator. And, if you would see the previously printed out HTML, there is actually no element with id="gpotickerLeftCAD_price" in the downloaded source.
The prices on this particular site are retrieved dynamically with continuous JSONP GET requests issued periodically. You can either look into simulating these requests, or stay on a higher level automating a browser via selenium. Demo (using PhantomJS headless browser):
>>> import time
>>> from selenium import webdriver
>>> driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
>>> driver.get("http://goldprice.org/gold-price-canada.html")
>>> while True:
... print(driver.find_element_by_id("gpotickerLeftCAD_price").text)
... time.sleep(1)


Cleaning up re.search output?

I have been writing a script which will recover for me CVSS3 scores when i enter a vulnerability name, i've pretty much got it working as intended except for a minor annoying detail.
π ~/Documents/Tools/Scripts ❯ python3 CVSS3-Grabber.py
Paste Vulnerability Name: PHP 7.2.x < 7.2.21 Multiple Vulnerabilities.
Base Score: None
Vector: <re.Match object; span=(27869, 27913), match='CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:H'>
Temporal Vector: <re.Match object; span=(27986, 28008), match='CVSS:3.0/E:U/RL:O/RC:C'>
As can be seen the output could be much neater, i would much prefer something like this:
π ~/Documents/Tools/Scripts ❯ python3 CVSS3-Grabber.py
Paste Vulnerability Name: PHP 7.2.x < 7.2.21 Multiple Vulnerabilities.
Base Score: None
Vector: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:H
However i have been struggling to figure out how to get the output nicer, is there an easy part of the re module that im missing that can do this for me? or perhaps putting the output into a file first would then allow me to manipulate the text to how i need it.
Here is my code, would appreciate any feedback on how to improve as i have recently gotten back into python and scripting in general.
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from googlesearch import search
def get_url():
vuln = input("Paste Vulnerability Name: ") + "tenable"
for url in search(vuln, tld='com',lang='en',num=1,start=0,stop=1,pause=2.0):
return url
def get_scores(url):
response = requests.get(url)
html = response.text
cvss3_temporal_v = re.search("CVSS:3.0/E:./RL:./RC:.",html)
cvss3_v = re.search("CVSS:3.0/AV:./AC:./PR:./UI:./S:./C:./I:./A:.",html)
cvss3_basescore = re.search("Base Score:....",html)
print("Base Score: ",cvss3_basescore)
print("Vector: ",cvss3_v)
print("Temporal Vector: ",cvss3_temporal_v)
urll = get_url()
# Include the base score in output
# Tidy up output
# Vulnerability list?
# modify to accept flags, i.e python3 CVSS3-Grabber.py -v VULNAME ???
# State whether it is a failing issue or Action point
Don't print the match object. Print the match value.
In Python the value is accessible through the .group() method. If there are no regex subgroups (or you want the entire match, like in this case), don't specify any arguments when you call it:
print("Vector: ", cvss3_v.group())

Scraper stopped scraping

I ran scraping ops this morning:
The scraper runs through list fine, but just keeps saying "skipped" as per code.
I have checked a few and confirmed the information i require is on the website.
I have pulled my code apart piece by piece but cannot find any changes - I've even gone back to a vanilla version of my code to see and still no luck.
Could someone please run this and see what I am missing as I am going insane!
Target website https://www.realestate.com.au/property/12-buckingham-dr-werribee-vic-3030
import requests
import csv
from lxml import html
text2search = '''<p class="property-value__title">
quote_page = ["https://www.realestate.com.au/property/12-buckingham-dr-werribee-vic-3030"]
with open('index333.csv', 'w') as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
for index, url in enumerate(quote_page):
page = requests.get(url)
if text2search in page.text:
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
(title,) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//title'))
(price,) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//div[#class="property-value__price"]'))
(sold,) = (x.text_content().strip() for x in tree.xpath('//p[#class="property-value__agent"]'))
writer.writerow([url, title, price, sold])
writer.writerow([url, 'skipped'])
There was a change in the HTML code that introduced an additional white space.
This stopped the text2search in page.text: from running.
Thanks to #MarcinOrlowski for pointing me in the right direction
Thanks to advice from #MT - the code has been shortened to lessen the chances of this occurring again.

Create List from path expression with Python

I'm currently working on a webscraper without any frameworks and experiencing an issue where I test an xpath xpression to, say, get the table data on a wikipedia page. However when I scrape it and print it to the console it only returns an empty list. Can anyone please advise? and perhaps suggest some useful books on xpath for webscraping? (i have safaribooks of that helps)
import requests
from lxml import html
page = requests.get('https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.A.P.D._(band)')
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
# OK
bandName = tree.xpath('//*[#id="firstHeading"]/text()')
overview = tree.xpath('//*[#id="mw-content-text"]/p[1]//text()')
#Trouble Code
yearsActive = tree.xpath('//*[#id="mw-content-text"]/table[1]/tbody/tr[6]//text()')
members = tree.xpath('//*[#id="mw-content-text"]/table[1]/tbody/tr[11]/td[1]/ul/li/a//text()')
UPDATE: While Conducting more testing I discovered that print(len(members)) returns zero which seems to indicate something is wrong with my xpath expression, yet when testing my members expression in chrome console it returns a list of band members.
Your XPath fails because the raw HTML tables don't have tbody. The tbody elements in this case are likely generated by browser (see related question below) :
>>> yearsActive = tree.xpath('//*[#id="mw-content-text"]/table[1]/tr[6]/td/text()')
>>> print yearsActive
>>> members = tree.xpath('//*[#id="mw-content-text"]/table[1]/tr[10]/td[1]//text()[normalize-space()]')
>>> print members
['James Shaffer', 'Reginald Arvizu', 'David Silveria', '\nRichard Morrill', '\nPete Capra', '\nCorey (surname unknown)', '\nDerek Campbell', '\nTroy Sandoval', '\nJason Torres', '\nKevin Guariglia']
In the future, it is often useful to inspect HTML that you actually receives from requests.get(), in case your XPath unexpectedly fails when run from codes but the same worked fine when run from browser tools.
Related : Why does my XPath query (scraping HTML tables) only work in Firebug, but not the application I'm developing?

Python lxml xpath no output

For educational purposes I am trying to scrape this page using lxml and requests in Python.
Specifically I just want to print the research areas of all the professors on the page.
This is what I have done till now
import requests
from lxml import html
for row in parsed_body.xpath('//div[#id="maincontent"]//tr[position() mod 2 = 1]'):
for column in row.xpath('//td[#class="fcardcls"]/tr[2]/td/font/text()'):
print column.strip()
But it is not printing anything. I was struggling quite a bit with xpaths and was intially using the copy xpath feature in chrome. I followed what was done in the following SO questions/answers and cleaned up my code quite a bit and got rid of ' tbody ' in the xpaths. Still the code returns a blank.
1. Empty List Returned
2. Python-lxml-xpath problem
First of all, the main content with the desired data inside is loaded from a different endpoint via an XHR request - simulate that in your code.
Here is the complete working code printing names and a list of research areas per name:
import requests
from lxml import html
response = requests.get('http://cse.iitkgp.ac.in/faculty4.php?_=1450503917634')
parsed_body = html.fromstring(response.content)
for row in parsed_body.xpath('.//td[#class="fcardcls"]'):
name = row.findtext(".//a[#href]/b")
name = ' '.join(name.split()) # getting rid of multiple spaces
research_areas = row.xpath('.//*[. = "Research Areas: "]/following-sibling::text()')[0].split(", ")
print(name, research_areas)
The idea here is use the fact that all "professor blocks" are located in td elements with class="fcardcls". For every block, get the name from the bold link text and research areas from the following string after Research Areas: bold text.

Tweepy rate limit / pagination issue.

I've put together a small twitter tool to pull relevant tweets, for later analysis in a latent semantic analysis. Ironically, that bit (the more complicated bit) works fine - it's pulling the tweets that's the problem. I'm using the code below to set it up.
This technically works, but no as expected - the .items(200) parameter I thought would pull 200 tweets per request, but it's being blocked into 15 tweet chunks (so the 200 items 'costs' me 13 requests) - I understand that this is the original/default RPP variable (now 'count' in the Twitter docs), but I've tried that in the Cursor setting (rpp=100, which is the maximum from the twitter documentation), and it makes no difference.
Tweepy/Cursor docs
The other nearest similar question isn't quite the same issue
Grateful for any thoughts! I'm sure it's a minor tweak to the settings, but I've tried various settings on page and rpp, to no avail.
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(apikey, apisecret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret_var)
from tools import read_user, read_tweet
from auth import basic
api = tweepy.API(auth)
current_results = []
from tweepy import Cursor
for tweet in Cursor(api.search,
current_user, created = read_user(tweet.author)
current_tweet, created = read_tweet(tweet, current_user)
print current_results
I worked it out in the end, with a little assistance from colleagues. Afaict, the rpp and items() calls are coming after the actual API call. The 'count' option from the Twitter documentation which was formerly RPP as mentioned above, and is still noted as rpp in Tweepy 2.3.0, seems to be at issue here.
What I ended up doing was modifying the Tweepy Code - in api.py, I added 'count' in to the search bind section (around L643 in my install, ymmv).
""" search """
search = bind_api(
path = '/search/tweets.json',
payload_type = 'search_results',
allowed_param = ['q', 'count', 'lang', 'locale', 'since_id', 'geocode', 'max_id', 'since', 'until', 'result_type', **'count**', 'include_entities', 'from', 'to', 'source']
This allowed me to tweak the code above to:
for tweet in Cursor(api.search,
Which results in two calls, not fifteen; I've double checked this with
print api.rate_limit_status()["resources"]
after each call, and it's only deprecating my remaining searches by 2 each time.