For defining a second const version of a function, is it guaranteed safe to do this? It looks like it would have infinite recursion as I want to return const but the other function which I mean to call is non-const.
It works with g++ but I worry that this is unsafe.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class test {
int* doSomething(int a) {
int* someInt = new int(a);
return someInt;
const int* doSomething(int a) const {
return doSomething(a);
int main() {
test a;
cout << *a.doSomething(12345) << endl;
return 1;
Not quite: as #Pete Becker has pointed out in the comments, if you had called the const version that will recurse:
class test {
int* doSomething(int a) {
int* someInt = new int;
*someInt = a;
return someInt;
const int* doSomething(int a) const {
return doSomething(a);
int main() {
const test a;
// You're not in for a good time:
return 1;
When providing const and non-const versions of a function that requires duplicated code, it's best to implement the const version, then have the non-const version call it in a specific way.
From Scott Myers Effective C++ - Third Edition:
When const and non-const member functions have essentially identical implementation, code duplication can be avoided by having the non-const version call the const version
Scott Myers goes on to provide a safe means for doing this:
const int* doSomething(int a) const
int* someInt = new int;
*someInt = a;
return someInt;
int* doSomething(int a)
return const_cast<int*>(static_cast<const Test&>(*this).doSomething());
In the non-const version, there are two casts: the static_cast basically turns this into const this, where the const_cast casts away the const-ness of the return. This is safe to do, because to call the non-const version, you must've had a non-const this.
However, if you are just providing access to a member, it's simple and easier to read to just have the following:
class TestAccess;
class Test
TestAccess& t;
const TestAccess& getA() const { return t; }
TestAcess& getA() { return t; }
In this case the compiler is always going to pick the not const version of the function, is not even calling the const one.
Otherwise the compiler will not compile, you are braking the constenss.
For example I modified quickly the code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class test {
int* doSomething(int a) {
int* someInt = new int;
*someInt = a;
return someInt;
int ax = 10;
void somethingElse(int i)
ax = i;
const int* doSomething(int a) const {
return 0;
int main() {
test a;
cout << *a.doSomething(12345) << endl;
return 1;
This example does not compile because you are calling a const function inside a const scope. The compiler won't let you do that.
Now, I know is a test but doing this way you will never get out of the recursion, it will loop forever, and also you are leaking memory at every call by allocating on the heap, those two things together can lead to a disaster.
If you have a class Base with virtual methods and a class Implementation which implements the virtual methods, is there any way to cast std::shared_ptr < Implementation > & to std::shared < Base > &? The compiler allows this for const references, but for non const references it fails as in "Case A" in the code below. Is there an easy way to do this?
If not, how safe is my workaround "questionable_cast" in Case B?
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Base
virtual void set_value(int x) = 0;
class Implementation : public Base
Implementation() : m_value(0) { }
void set_value(int x) override
m_value = x;
int get_value() const
return m_value;
int m_value;
void do_something(std::shared_ptr<Base>& base)
/// Code like this makes the non-const argument necessary
base = std::make_shared<Implementation>();
template <class T, class U>
std::shared_ptr<T>& questionable_cast(std::shared_ptr<U>& u)
/// This code is here to assure the cast is allowed
std::shared_ptr<T> tmp = u;
return *reinterpret_cast<std::shared_ptr<T>*>(&u);
int main()
std::shared_ptr<Implementation> a = std::make_shared<Implementation>();
// The following line causes a compiler error:
// invalid initialization of reference of type ‘std::shared_ptr<Base>&’ ...
// do_something(a);
// do_something(std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Base>(a));
// This is the workaround
std::cerr << "a = " << a->get_value() << std::endl;
return 0;
Two obvious solutions to the problem as originally asked: 1. Make do_something take a const reference to a shared_ptr (or a shared_ptr by value). 2. Create a named shared_ptr and pass a reference to that: Eg
int main()
std::shared_ptr<Implementation> a = std::make_shared<Implementation>();
std::shared_ptr<Base> b = a; // This conversion works.
do_something(b); // Pass a reference to b instead.
return 0;
Your questionable_cast function is a violation of the strict aliasing rules, and invokes undefined behaviour. It's quite likely to work in initial tests, and then a new release of the compiler will crank up the optimization a notch, and it will fail during a demo.
To handle the case where do_something changes the pointer:
int main()
std::shared_ptr<Implementation> a = std::make_shared<Implementation>();
std::shared_ptr<Base> b = a; // This conversion works.
do_something(b); // Pass a reference to b instead.
const auto aa = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Implementation>(b);
if (aa)
a = aa;
; // Handle the error here
return 0;
If do_something guarantees to return a pointer of the same derived type, even if it doesn't return the same pointer, wrap it in a template function:
template <typename T>
void do_something_ex( std::shared_ptr<T>& a )
std::shared_ptr<Base> b = a;
a = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(b);
if (!a)
Let f() be a function that returns a unique_ptr<X> and let m be a member field of X. While f() can be used as an rvalue reference, f()->m cannot, forcing me to use move(f()->m).
Assuming that I can define my own unique_ptr instead of using the existing one, is there a way to make my -> operator keep the rvalue-ness? If this is not recommended, please explain why.
EDIT: To all people telling me to add a getter. I am trying to avoid adding special support in X, I want to do it through the unique_ptr only. Also, your solution can be improved by using a right reference for this as in the following example:
struct X {
SomeType m;
const SomeType &getM() const { return m; }
SomeType &&getM() && { return move(m); }
SomeType &getM() { return m; }
As long as you are accessing the value m by name, this can never be an r-value without casting. You could however add a member function which "moves" the member value out of your object.
using IntPtr = std::unique_ptr<int>;
class X {
IntPtr m;
IntPtr getM() { return std::move(m); }
Hide the move... (undeleted as I think this could be one way of solving it without having to have your own custom unique_ptr) and I guess it's in keeping with encapsulation...
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
struct foo
std::string m;
std::string m_()
{ return std::move(m); }
std::unique_ptr<foo> get_foo()
{ return std::unique_ptr<foo>(new foo{ "Bar" }); }
void bar(std::string&& r)
{ std::cout << r << std::endl; }
int main()
// bar(get_foo()->m); // this does not compile
bar(get_foo()->m_()); // this is happy...
Now you should be good to go...
So I know it is disallowed to have functions with the same parameters and names:
int a(int b) {
return b;
int a(int b) {
return b;
int main() {
int c = a(4);
This above won't compile. But then I got thinking, what if I passed one by reference, and one by value?
int a(int b) {
return b;
int a(int& b) {
return b;
int main() {
int c = a(4);
The above does compile, I guess because you can't pass 4 to by reference, so it assumes you want the first a, which means the compiler can distinguish which function you want to call. If I then change main to this:
int main() {
int c = a(4);
It will fail to compile, I assume because c can be passed to either function, so the compiler doesn't know which function to call.
But what about... THIS?
int a(const int& b) {
return b;
int a(int& b) {
return b;
int main() {
int c = a(4);
This does compile. Why? I expected it to not, because c can be passed to both the first and second a. Is there some misconception I have?
My question specifically is, how come this (code below) does not compile, and the final one does?
int a(int b) {
return b;
int a(int& b) {
return b;
int main() {
int c = a(4);
If I was the compiler, and I could choose which function to call based how close the parameters matched, for the call a(c), I could choose from both the first and second. Is there any reason that the first or second a cannot be chosen from in this example?
The process of choosing the correct function to use from a function call is called Overload Resolution. When a function is called, the compiler searches for all functions with that name (overloads) and compiles them into an overload set. Simply put, a best match is chosen by picking the functions that require the least conversions as possible from their parameters.
These are the two functions compiler chooses from a(c):
int a(const int& b);
int a( int& b);
The second overload is chosen because the first overload requires a const-qualification. The variable with which you called the function with, c, is non-const, so it is a perfect match for the second overload and can be bound to the non-const reference.
int a(const int& b) {
return b;
int a(int& b) {
return b;
int main() {
int c = a(4);
When you call it with a(4) 4 is a literal and only your version taking a const reference can bind it, so that's the one being called.
Now when you call a(c) you got c as a non-const int it will therefore prefer the function taking a non-const reference.
I suspect this is impossible, but thought I'd ask. Say I have a class with a method:
class A {
void b(int c);
I can make a pointer to that member function:
void (A::*ptr)(int) = &A::b;
I can also abuse function pointers and make a pointer that takes the A argument directly (I don't know if this is safe, but it works on my machine):
void (*ptr2)(A*, int) = (void (*)(A*, int))&A::b;
(*ptr2)(&someAInstance, 123);
What I want is to somehow curry the A argument, and create a function pointer that just takes an int, but calls the A::b method on a particular A instance I've predefined. The A instance will stay constant for that particular function pointer, but there may be several function pointers all pointing to the same A::b method, but using different A instances. For example, I could make a separate wrapper function:
A* someConstantA = new A;
void wrapper(int c) {
void (*ptr3)(int) = &wrapper;
Now I can use ptr3 without knowing which particular A it's dispatching the call to, but I had to define a special function to handle it. I need a way to make pointers for any number of A instances, so I can't hardcode it like that. Is this in any way possible?
Edit: Should've mentioned, I'm trapped in C++03 land, and also can't use Boost
Don't create a wrapper function, create a wrapper functor. This allows you to encapsulate whatever state you want to (e.g. an A*) in a callable object.
class A {
void b(int c) {}
struct wrapper {
A* pA;
void (A::*pF)(int);
void operator()(int c) { (pA->*pF)(c); }
wrapper(A* pA, void(A::*pF)(int)) : pA(pA), pF(pF) {}
int main () {
A a1;
A a2;
wrapper w1(&a1, &A::b);
wrapper w2(&a2, &A::b);
If you have a sufficiently new compiler (e.g. gcc 4.2+), it should include TR1, where you could use std::tr1::bind:
#include <cstdio>
#include <tr1/functional>
class A {
void b(int c) {
printf("%p, %d\n", (void*)this, c);
int main() {
A* a = new A;
std::tr1::function<void(int)> f =
std::tr1::bind(&A::b, a, std::tr1::placeholders::_1); // <--
delete a;
return 0;
It is also doable in pure C++03 without TR1, but also much more messier:
std::binder1st<std::mem_fun1_t<void, A, int> > f =
std::bind1st(std::mem_fun(&A::b), a);
You could also write your own function objects.
Note that, in all the above cases, you need to be very careful about the lifetime of a since that is a bare pointer. With std::tr1::bind, you could at least wrap the pointer in a std::tr1::shared_ptr, so that it can live just as long as the function object.
std::tr1::shared_ptr<A> a (new A);
std::tr1::function<void(int)> f =
std::tr1::bind(&A::b, a, std::tr1::placeholders::_1);
If you are using C++11, you might use a lambda (untested code):
template<typename T, typename A>
std::function<void(A)> curry(T& object, void (T::*ptr)(A))
return [](A a) { (object.*ptr)(std::forward<A>(a)); }
I'd be using Boost::bind for this.
class A
int myMethod(int x)
return x*x;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
A test();
auto callable = boost::bind(&A::myMethod, &A, _1);
// These two lines are equivalent:
cout << "object with 5 is: " << test.myMethod(5) << endl;
cout << "callable with 5 is: " << callable(5) << endl;
return 0;
I think that should work. I'm also using auto in here to deduce the type returned by boost::bind() at compile-time, which your compiler may or may not support. See this other question at stackoverflow for an explanation of the return type of bind.
Boost supports back to Visual Studio 2003 (I think) and this all this will work there, though you'll be using BOOST_AUTO I think. See the other question already linked for an explanation.
What you want to do is not possible.
To see why, assume that it is possible - the function pointer must point to a function somewhere in your executable or one of its libraries, so it must point to a function that knows which instance of A to call, much like your wrapper function. Because the instance of A is not known until runtime, you'd have to create those functions at runtime, which isn't possible.
What you're trying to do is possible in C++03, as long as you're happy to pass around a function object rather than a function pointer.
As others have already given solutions with C++11 lambdas, TR1 and boost (all of which are prettier than the below), but you mentioned you can't use C++11, I'll contribute one in pure C++03:
int main()
void (A::*ptr)(int) = &A::b;
A someAInstance;
std::binder1st<std::mem_fun1_t<void,A,int> > fnObj =
std::bind1st(std::mem_fun(ptr), &someAInstance);
I've worked something out with a template Delegate class.
// T is class, R is type of return value, P is type of function parameter
template <class T, class R, class P> class Delegate
typedef R (T::*DelegateFn)(P);
DelegateFn func;
Delegate(DelegateFn func)
this->func = func;
R Invoke(T * object, P v)
return ((object)->*(func))(v);
class A {
int factor;
A(int f) { factor = f; }
int B(int v) { return v * factor; }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
A * a1 = new A(2);
A * a2 = new A(3);
Delegate<A, int, int> mydelegate(&A::B);
// Invoke a1->B
printf("Result: %d\n", mydelegate.Invoke(a1, 555));
// Invoke a2->B
printf("Result: %d\n", mydelegate.Invoke(a2, 555));
delete a1;
delete a2;
return 0;
The following code
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
std::string const& at(std::vector<std::string> const& n, int i)
return n[i];
std::vector<std::string> mkvec()
std::vector<std::string> n;
return n;
int main()
std::string const& s = at(mkvec(), 0);
std::cout << s << std::endl; // D'oh!
return 0;
may lead to crash because the original vector is already destructed there. In C++ 2011 (c++0x) after rvalue-reference is introduced in, a deleted function declaration can be used to completely forbid calls to at if the vector argument is an rvalue
std::string const& at(std::vector<std::string>&&, int) = delete;
That looks good, but the following code still cause crash
int main()
std::string const& s = mkvec()[0];
std::cout << s << std::endl; // D'oh!
return 0;
because calls to member function operator [] (size_type) const of an rvalue object is still allowed. Is there any way can I forbid this kind of calls?
The examples above is not what I did in real projects. I just wonder if C++ 2011 support any member function qualifying like
class A {
void func() rvalue; // Then a call on an rvalue object goes to this overload
void func() const;
It's great, but I think C++ standard goes too far at this feature. Anyway, I have following code compiled on clang++ 2.9
#include <cstdio>
struct A {
A() {}
void func() &
void func() &&
void func() const &
int main()
A a;
A const b;
return 0;
Thanks a lot!
No, and you shouldn't. How am I to do std::cout << at(mkvec(), 0) << std::endl;, a perfectly reasonable thing, if you've banned me from using at() on temporaries?
Storing references to temporaries is just a problem C++ programmers have to deal with, unfortunately.
To answer your new question, yes, you can do this:
class A {
void func() &; // lvalues go to this one
void func() &&; // rvalues go to this one
A a;
a.func(); // first overload
A().func(); // second overload
Just an idea:
To disable copying constructor on the vector somehow.
vector ( const vector<T,Allocator>& x );
Implicit copying of arrays is not that good thing anyway. (wondering why STL authors decided to define such ctor at all)
It will fix problems like you've mentioned and as a bonus will force you to use more effective version of your function:
void mkvec(std::vector<std::string>& n)