Meteor share sessions data between client and server - cookies

I'm building a restricted signup. I want user with a specific code passed in a url to be able to signup and not others. I'm using the accounts package.
I can prevent account creation in the Accounts.onCreateUser method. I'm looking for a way to tell the server if the client had an authorised signup code. With a classic form (email+password) I can just add an extra hidden field. How can I achieve the same result if the user signs up with let's say Facebook?
Since Meteor doesn't use cookies, I can't store this info in a cookie that the server would access. Session variable are not accessible server side. And since I'm not controlling what got send with the account-facebook creation, I can't use a Session variable on the client side that I'd pass along when the user presses sign up.
Any idea"?

Just add the special token to the user object being passed to Accounts.createUser():
var user = {
email: email,
password: password,
profile: {
token: token
Accounts.createUser(user, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
On the server side you can access this in the Accounts.onCreateUser():
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
I think it's in the options variable that you will find your token, so it would be options.profile.token.

for me, the best option here was passing in custom parameters to loginbuttons.
see the package docs:
Where it outlines the below:
accountsUIBootstrap3.setCustomSignupOptions = function() {
return {
mxpDistinctId: Session.get('mxpdid'),
leadSource: Session.get('leadSource')


What is "cognitoUser.getAttributeVerificationCode"?

I'm convinced that Amazon goes out of its way to make understanding their platform as difficult as is possible.
I've read over the documentation regarding "cognitoUser.getAttributeVerificationCode" at Amazon only to have it make me even more confused!
Verify an Attribute
The following example verifies user attributes for an authenticated user.
cognitoUser.getAttributeVerificationCode('email', {
onSuccess: function (result) {
console.log('call result: ' + result);
onFailure: function(err) {
inputVerificationCode: function() {
var verificationCode = prompt('Please input verification code: ' ,'');
cognitoUser.verifyAttribute('email', verificationCode, this);
Can anyone help me understand what this is (cognitoUser.getAttributeVerificationCode) and/or how I would use it? I don't understand why I would verify an email attribute w/a verification code.
The verification code is sent to the users email. The user has to properly receive that email to retrieve the code and enter it in a UI so that the email is set to verified in Cognito. That user can then reset their password using that email.
What if the user had entered an incorrect email? Or their email system didn't allow them to receive the code sent by AWS?
By sending out a verification code, and having the user send it back, Cognito verifies that the email was entered correctly and belongs to that user. This can seem like a pain but is standard on many web platforms now days...The same process is needed with phone numbers for users in your Cognito user pool.

Facebook Matching API - Returns empty data for any other user

I have a problem when I use the Facebook Checkbox Plugin in order to connect my users to a Facebook chatbot. When they click and the checkbox is checked, I get their user reference, and sending him/her a message, I get the user page-scoped id.
Using this user page-scoped id, I should be able to get the user app-scoped id, that I need to get more information from this user.
In order to to this, I use the facebook Matching API, and it works great for my administrator user, but as soon as I login using any other user, even if it is registered as a developer, the data that I get from the matching API is empty.
Anybody has an idea about what could be happening here? My app is live (not approved), and I believe the permissions and tokens are right... If there is a problem, it should be about tokens, but I'm not sure about this.
Here, some of my code:
const accessToken = config.facebook.unlimitedPageAccessToken;
const clientSecret = config.facebook.clientSecret;
const appsecretProof = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(accessToken, clientSecret).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);
url: ''+ recipientId +'/ids_for_apps',
qs: { access_token: accessToken, appsecret_proof: appsecretProof }
}, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
console.log("data --> " + JSON.stringify(body, null, 4));
const userAppId =[0].id;
return userAppId;
} else {
console.error("Error trying to translate ID's.");
As I said, when I log in with any other user than the administrator, I get this:
"data": []
For every Facebook page, a user has a different psid. So until you get that page scoped id, you won't be able to send them a message. So may be what you can do is link the users to the page first to initialize the conversation.

Setting user's email on Facebook signup with

I'm using and trying to set up user sign up with Facebook.
Upon authentication with Facebook for the first time a beforeSave is called on _User to fetch additional user details:
function UserBeforeSave(request, response){
var user = request.object,
auth = user.get('authData');
// check if user is newly registered
if (!user.existed()) {
// Check if a user signs up with facebook
if (Parse.FacebookUtils.isLinked(request.object)) {
// Query Graph API for user details
url:'' + auth.facebook.access_token,
// Map facebook data to user object
if ( request.object.set('first_name',;
if ( request.object.set('last_name',;
if ( request.object.set('email',;
} else {
} else {
Problem is that that email line is actually breaking the operation with error:
Can't modify email in the before save trigger
I tried moving this code to the afterSave but the authdata is not available there making it difficult to call the FB API. The email is therefore left blank at the moment.
I'm assuming this is a very common use case of integrating Parse with the Facebook API, am I missing something in the integration process that automatically fetches the email?
I just do the graph query client-side and set email there. This works fine.
Is there a reason you want to do it in the before/afterSave on the User?

Loopback angular sdk unable to login

I'm trying to use loopback angular SDK to login but instead I'm getting back a 401 unauthorized response.
User.login({ rememberMe: true }, {email: $, password: $scope.user.password})
.then(function() {
var next = $location.nextAfterLogin || '/';
$location.nextAfterLogin = null;
.catch(function(x) {
$scope.authError = 'Wrong Credentials';
Also i can see the user with the given credentials in the datasource that I've defined for the User model.
So basically, I have a boot script that creates a default user
username: 'admin',
email: '',
password: 'admin'
}], on_usersCreated);
And I also have created a custom User model that extends the built-in User model.
Why am I getting a 401 unauthorized response when trying to login? I have even tried to login via the explorer, but with no success.
I debugged the build-in User model and the login method; and it seems that it cannot find the user with the given email. I can see it though in the mongodb database.
Inspect the ACL records of User model, starting you app in debug mode and viewing console: DEBUG=loopback:security:acl slc run.
I don't see anything wrong with your code. Are you sure the values you're passing into the function are correct? Try logging $ and $scope.user.password before calling User.login.
See my new example here:
The tutorial part is not complete, you can look around the source code to get an idea of what you're doing different.

Rest Replay Attacks / Security

let me describe a simple scenario:
There is a rest resource represented by this URI: /api/messages/{userid}. After the user is logged in, a request is dispatched passing to this URI "userid" (logged user). This way, as soon as the user logs in, he gets his own messages based on his ID.
If user is not logged yet, the URI is not visible (there is a authentication filter).
The problem is: if a already logged user discover this uri, he can submit a request passing another ID what will lead to a security problem because he will be able to get messages from another user (simply passing any random ID).
Can you propose any security model to prevent this security flaw ? (what I believe its more likely a cross-cutting concern).
Thanks, in advance!
Just off the top of my head, have the endpoint either (a) only return those messages visible by the logged-in user, or (b) only return messages if the logged-in user is the same as the userId in the URI. Which one depends on your business rules.
In the endpoint you can check for the user and then see if that user id matches the pathparam
finding the userid from the user name is as easy as selecting the id using the user name from a database
import ... blablabla;
public Response getMessages( #PathParam("userid") int userId, #Context SecurityContext context ) {
String username = context.getUserPrincipal().getName();
int id = getIdFromName(username); // define this yourself
if(userId==id) {
// output the message list
List<Message> msgs = getDemMessagesGURL(); // define this yourself
return Response.ok(new GenericEntity<List<T>>(msgs) {}).build();
} else {
// output Forbidden(403)
return Response.status(403).build();
and with oauth you can use a servlet filter to set the user principal based on the oauth signiture