wxPython Toolbook/Toolbar, blank space between toolbar and frame - python-2.7

The screenshot is a snip of the left side of my main frame. This frame has a toolbook at the top. I've set the background color of both the toolbar in the toolbook and the frame to 0,0,0 but, as you can see, there is a small blank line between the two. How do I get that line gone or how do I make it black, as well?
As a quick side question -- is there a way to change the color of the "selected" halo on the toolbar to something a bit more contrasted for black? You can see the very faint blue halo around that first icon, I'd like that to be a much lighter blue, if possible.
EDIT: Code added --
il = wx.ImageList(128, 128)
for tab in self.package.vars["tabs"]:
il.Add(wx.Image(self.package.vars["iconPath"].format(tab), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG).ConvertToBitmap())
imageIdGenerator = self.getNextImageID(il.GetImageCount())
pages = [(wx.Panel(parent = self.parent, id = wx.ID_ANY), name.capitalize()) for name in self.package.vars["tabs"]]
imID = 0
toolbar = self.GetToolBar()
for page, label in pages:
self.AddPage(page, label, imageId=imageIdGenerator.next())
imID += 1

pages = [(wx.Panel(parent = self.parent, id = wx.ID_ANY), name.capitalize()) for name in self.package.vars["tabs"]]
maybe this wx.Panel in the list comprehension still has the default color. what happens if you apply SetBackgroundColour to these panels as well?
How about removing that boarder space by
self here is Toolbook class. It seems to work on wxPython Demo Toolbook example.


Position title Aspose slide chart

Is it possible to position the title of a Aspose powerpoint slide chart?
I have tried following:
chart.ChartTitle.X = 100;
chart.ChartTitle.Y = 100;
With different values but title is not moved.
Since it is not possible to move the chart title I simply created a title just above the chart using a regular autoshape, something like this:
IAutoShape autoshape = slide.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 20, 0, 600, 50);
autoshape.UseBackgroundFill = true;
autoshape.LineFormat.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.NoFill;
autoshape.AddTextFrame(" ");
ITextFrame txtFrame = autoshape.TextFrame;
IParagraph para = txtFrame.Paragraphs[0];
IPortion portion = para.Portions[0];
portion.Text = title;
portion.PortionFormat.FillFormat.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.Black;
portion.PortionFormat.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.Solid;
I have observed the code shared by you and it is Ok despite the values set for it. Inside the chart area the value is between 0-1. (0,0)(X,Y) being the bottom left and (1,1)(X,Y) being top right corner of chart. But still this feature is not working and there seems to be issue in API. You can contact Aspose.Slides support team over following link to log request for your issue.
Yes, you are right. This is an alternate approach that you may try on your end to super impose an auto shape containing the chart title as overlay on the chart. However, in this approach you need to identify the appropriate position of auto shape over the chart to serve as title.
Yes this is one of the alternates that you can use on your end.

Changing canvas scroll region on Python turtle canvas

Can I change the scrollregion on a Python turtle canvas? I want the drawing to move with it, not just the coordinates to shift. The appearance I'm going for is side-scroller like, where the screen's display region moves to center the turtle onscreen.
I've tried using turtle.setworldcoordinates(llx, lly, urx, ury), but, from the documentation, "This performs a screen.reset()". I've also looked at this SO question , but this involves scroll bars, will not center the turtle easily, and has a limited canvas space. What I'm looking for is something that:
Moves the display region to center the turtle
Also moves the drawing
Has an infinite scroll region
does not display scroll bars
can be called quickly with a function
My best guess would be to be able to have an infinite scrolled canvas somehow, then hide the scroll bars and set them according to turtle position.
Is this possible in Python 2.7? I don't mind if it uses tkinter as well.
EDIT: 6-3-15
I found the canvas.xview and canvas.yview functions, but they don't seem to work once I define screen = turtle.TurtleScreen(canvas), and TurtleScreen has no xview or yview functions. I can't seem to make this work.
Then I found turtle.ScrolledCanvas(). This seems ideal except it has no methods for setting scroll manually from the program. Can I set the scroll manually on a turtle.ScrolledCanvas()???
The position of a canvas can be changed without a reset using canvas.place() method. It will move the turtle and the drawings too, so the turtle needs to be relocated after every move.
The next code moves the canvas with Left and Right arrows and draws a circle with Space, while keeping the turtle in the center. No ScrolledCanvas needed, just a very large standard canvas:
import turtle
import Tkinter as tk
def keypress(event):
global xx, canvas, t, speed
ev = event.keysym
if ev == 'Left':
xx += speed
xx -= speed
t.setposition((-canvas.winfo_width() / 4) - (xx + 250), 0)
return None
def drawCircle(_):
global t
t.fillcolor(0, 0, 1.0)
t.fillcolor(0, 1, 0)
# Set the main window
window = tk.Tk()
window.resizable(False, False)
# Create the canvas. Width is larger than window
canvas = turtle.Canvas(window, width=2000, height=500)
xx = -500
canvas.place(x=xx, y=0)
# Bring the turtle
t = turtle.RawTurtle(canvas)
t.shape('turtle') # nicer look
t.setposition((-canvas.winfo_width() / 4) - (xx + 250), 0)
# key binding
window.bind('<KeyPress-Left>', keypress)
window.bind('<KeyPress-Right>', keypress)
window.bind('<KeyPress-space>', drawCircle)
speed = 3 # scrolling speed
Having a real infinite scrolling would require to redraw every item in the canvas every time with the required offset, instead of actually moving or scrolling the canvas. Functions like create_image() can give the illusion of movement with static backgrounds, but it resets the drawings.

Huge "Grid" of PushButtons lags awfully, buttons can't be enabled

In my project, I have 256 tiny PushButtons in one 16x16 grid layout. (Yeah that took forever.) Editing and running my program now is very laggy. Also, for some strange reason, Qt will not let me enable any of the buttons, but other buttons to the side work just fine?
Is there any easy way to determine which square of the grid was clicked without having a bunch of buttons? (Like following the cursor over an image maybe?)
Also, when each "square" of the grid is clicked, it becomes the "selection" and it needs to be the only "square" selected. (Think about it like a huge chess board)
Here is a pic: http://gyazo.com/988cdbb59b3d1f1873c41bf91b1408fd
Later on, I will need to do this again for a 54x54 size grid (2916 buttons) and I REALLY don't want to do it button by button.
Thanks for your time, I hope you understand my question :)
You can do this easy way, I've explained almost everything in code, but if you have any questions about it feel free to ask, and please, accept this answer if it solved your problem :)
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
class DrawImage(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(QMainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
self.setWindowTitle('Select Window')
#you can set grid size here ... 8x8, 16x16 , for bigger numbers (54x54) be sure your image is big enough, because QWidget can't be smaller then ~20 pixels
self.gridSize = 16
mainWidget = QWidget()
self.scene = QGraphicsScene()
view = QGraphicsView(self.scene)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
self.image = QImage('image.JPG')# put your image name here, image (suppose to be grid) must be at the same folder or put full path
pixmapItem = QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap(self.image), None, self.scene)
pixmapItem.mousePressEvent = self.pixelSelect
def pixelSelect( self, event ):
#add whatever you want to this widget,any functionality or you can add image for example, I've simply colored it
wdg = QWidget()
layout = QVBoxLayout()
palette = QPalette(wdg.palette())
palette.setBrush(QPalette.Background, QColor(200,255,255))
#calculate size and position for added widget
imageSize = self.image.size()
width = imageSize.width()
height = imageSize.height()
wgWidth = float(width)/self.gridSize
wgHeight = float(height)/self.gridSize
wgXpos = int(event.pos().x()/wgWidth) * wgWidth
wgYpos = int(event.pos().y()/wgHeight) * wgHeight
wdg.move(wgXpos, wgYpos)
#which square is clicked?
print "square at row ", int(event.pos().y()/wgHeight)+1,", column ",int(event.pos().x()/wgWidth)+1, "is clicked"
def main():
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
form = DrawImage()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Also, if you want to display simple square image over your grid image, look at question/solution I had: QGraphicsPixmapItem won't show over the other QGraphicsPixmapItem
If you don't really need the appearance of buttons, I would create a QWidget subclass that implements a custom paintEvent and renders a grid of needed size (taking the widget size into account). Then, in the mouse events (up,down,move etc.) you can calculate which grid item was clicked with a simple formula. You can render cells with different colors to indicate selection or highlighting.
P.S.:I would really like to post some code from my implementations (i have done this two or three times) but the source codes are at my old company :)
You just create your own QGridLayout in order to be able to add the buttons easily.
I posted an answer to another question, showing you how to fill a custom made QGridLayout with a bunch of widgets sequentially. The buttons are added according to the maximum count of columns you specified. (Note: It's just a very rough example but enough to start from)
In your example you would create the custom grid layout with 16 columns and simply add your buttons.
To find out which button has been pressed (and to make connecting easier) you can use QSignalMapper.
For investigating the lag you could check the amount of (GDI-/User-) handles of your application (using ProcessExplorer for example). The handle count shouldn't be above 10.000.
I don't know why you can't enable the push buttons.

Different color for table of contents entry and page numbers

I am generating a clickable (=with links) table of contents. In order to emphasize the 'clickability' of the entries I want them colored as links (i.e. blue color and underline).
I have this code for setting the style:
toc = TableOfContents()
toc.levelStyles[0].fontName = 'Arial Bold'
toc.levelStyles[0].fontSize = 12
toc.levelStyles[0].textColor = '#0000cc'
and use this code to add each entry:
toc.addEntry(0, '<u>' + entrytext + '</u>', pageNum, str(id(page)))
It works ok, the problem is that page numbers turn out blue as well. I tried to look around SO and the user guide for ways to put a different style for each - but was unsuccessful. Any ideas?

MSChart HowTo Create a Second CursorX to have multiple Cursor by a second Transparant ChartArea?

I am try to introduce a Second CursorX at AxisX Primary if this is possible some how?
I did try to activate a second CursorX at Secondary but that one did not work as expected,
I also readed about Line Annotation and Vertical Line Annotation and created some kind of line but a Second set of CursorX CursorY would be far nicer
I did try to create and as much as empty as possible and Transparant Second ChartArea which i try to overlay on top of the ChartArea1, i noticed InnerPlotPosition and Postion of both ChartArea should stay in track to get a full aligned Overlay, and next the CursorX of second ChartArea should be displayed on top of ChartArea1
This is what i think how it could be done but don't have a clue if it sounda for a good way to create a second CursorX maybe Line Annotation is an easier road to rome
Any help suggestion are welcome
Thanks in advance
Suppose your chart contains multiple chart areas aligned vertically, below code allows you set CursorX in each chart area:
Dim c1 As New Chart
'...here code block to build each chart area ...
'...then use below sample code to align each chart area vertically:
'c1.ChartAreas(i).AlignmentOrientation = AreaAlignmentOrientations.Vertical
'c1.ChartAreas(i).AlignWithChartArea = c1.ChartAreas(0).Name
'below set horizontal cursor (it is a gold vertical bar in each chart area):
For Each area As ChartArea In c1.ChartAreas
area.CursorX.LineColor = Color.Gold
area.CursorX.LineWidth = 3
area.CursorX.IsUserEnabled = True
area.CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = True
area.CursorX.SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.PaleGoldenrod