Which one is faster? Logistic regression or SVM with linear kernel? - python-2.7

I am doing machine learning with python (scikit-learn) using the same data but with different classifiers. When I use 500k of data, LR and SVM (linear kernel) take about the same time, SVM (with polynomial kernel) takes forever. But using 5 million data, it seems LR is faster than SVM (linear) by a lot, I wonder if this is what people normally find?

Faster is a bit of a weird question, in part because it is hard to compare apples to apples on this, and it depends on context. LR and SVM are very similar in the linear case. The TLDR for the linear case is that Logistic Regression and SVMs are both very fast and the speed difference shouldn't normally be too large, and both could be faster/slower in certain cases.
From a mathematical perspective, Logistic regression is strictly convex [its loss is also smoother] where SVMs are only convex, so that helps LR be "faster" from an optimization perspective, but that doesn't always translate to faster in terms of how long you wait.
Part of this is because, computationally, SVMs are simpler. Logistic Regression requires computing the exp function, which is a good bit more expensive than just the max function used in SVMs, but computing these doesn't make the majority of the work in most cases. SVMs also have hard zeros in the dual space, so a common optimization is to perform "shrinkage", where you assume (often correctly) that a data point's contribution to the solution won't change in the near future and stop visiting it / checking its optimality. The hard zero of the SVM loss and the C regularization term in the soft margin form allow for this, where LR has no hard zeros to exploit like that.
However, when you want something to be fast, you usually don't use an exact solver. In this case, the issues above mostly disappear, and both tend to learn just as quick as the other in this scenario.
In my own experience, I've found Dual Coordinate Descent based solvers to be the fastest for getting exact solutions to both, with Logistic Regression usually being faster in wall clock time than SVMs, but not always (and never by more than a 2x factor). However, if you try and compare different solver methods for LRs and SVMs you may get very different numbers on which is "faster", and those comparisons won't necessarily be fair. For example, the SMO solver for SVMs can be used in the linear case, but will be orders of magnitude slower because it is not exploiting the fact that you only care are Linear solutions.


Real reason for speed up in fasttext

What is the real reason for speed-up, even though the pipeline mentioned in the fasttext paper uses techniques - negative sampling and heirerchichal softmax; in earlier word2vec papers. I am not able to clearly understand the actual difference, which is making this speed up happen ?
Is there that much of a speed-up?
I don't think there are any algorithmic breakthroughs which make the word2vec-equivalent word-vector training in FastText significantly faster. (And if you're using the character-ngrams option in FastText, to allow post-training synthesis of vectors for unseen words based on substrings shared with training-words, I'd expect the training to be slower, because every word requires training of its substring vectors as well.)
Any speedups in FastText are likely just because the code is well-tuned, with the benefit of more implementation experience.
To be efficient on datasets with a very large number of categories, Fast text uses a hierarchical classifier instead of a flat structure, in which the different categories are organized in a tree (think binary tree instead of list). This reduces the time complexities of training and testing text classifiers from linear to logarithmic with respect to the number of classes. FastText also exploits the fact that classes are imbalanced (some classes appearing more often than other) by using the Huffman algorithm to build the tree used to represent categories. The depth in the tree of very frequent categories is, therefore, smaller than for infrequent ones, leading to further computational efficiency.
Reference link: https://research.fb.com/blog/2016/08/fasttext/

Support Vector Machine (SVM) vs K-NN testing efficiency

If a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model is computed, when running the model against a test set, is it more efficient that running KNN?
I'm not sure if you mean calculation time or s.th. like accuracy with "efficiency".
if you want to know about how good your classifier is i would say it depends on your data. if there where a classifier which is "best for everything", wouldn't it be the only one used?
if you want to know about calculation speed then its a yes. K-NN compares your test-datapoint with all training-datapoints to classify it. SVM only needs its supportvectors so the testing here should be significantly faster.
Like MSalters mentioned there are ways to improve the calculation speed of K-NN so the above statement might not be true for very good optimized algorithms, but for the basic concept it is.

Why does the C4.5 algorithm use pruning in order to reduce the decision tree and how does pruning affect the predicion accuracy?

I have searched on google about this issue and I can't find something that explains this algorithm in a simple yet detailed way.
For instance, I know the id3 algorithm doesn't use pruning at all, so if you have a continuous characteristic, the prediction success rates will be very low.
So the C4.5 in order to support continuous characteristics it uses pruning, but is this the only reason?
Also I can't really understand in the WEKA application, how exactly the confidence factor affects the efficiency of the predictions. The smaller the confidence factor the more pruning the algorithm will do, however what is the correlation between pruning and the prediction's accuracy? The more you prune, the better the predictions or the worse?
Pruning is a way of reducing the size of the decision tree. This will reduce the accuracy on the training data, but (in general) increase the accuracy on unseen data. It is used to mitigate overfitting, where you would achieve perfect accuracy on training data, but the model (i.e. the decision tree) you learn is so specific that it doesn't apply to anything but that training data.
In general, if you increase pruning, the accuracy on the training set will be lower. WEKA does however offer various things to estimate the accuracy better, namely training/test split or cross-validation. If you use cross-validation for example, you'll discover a "sweet spot" of the pruning confidence factor somewhere where it prunes enough to make the learned decision tree sufficiently accurate on test data, but doesn't sacrifice too much accuracy on the training data. Where this sweet spot lies however will depend on your actual problem and the only way to determine it reliably is to try.

c++ numerical analysis Accurate data structure?

Using double type I made Cubic Spline Interpolation Algorithm.
That work was success as it seems, but there was a relative error around 6% when very small values calculated.
Is double data type enough for accurate scientific numerical analysis?
Double has plenty of precision for most applications. Of course it is finite, but it's always possible to squander any amount of precision by using a bad algorithm. In fact, that should be your first suspect. Look hard at your code and see if you're doing something that lets rounding errors accumulate quicker than necessary, or risky things like subtracting values that are very close to each other.
Scientific numerical analysis is difficult to get right which is why I leave it the professionals. Have you considered using a numeric library instead of writing your own? Eigen is my current favorite here: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page
I always have close at hand the latest copy of Numerical Recipes (nr.com) which does have an excellent chapter on interpolation. NR has a restrictive license but the writers know what they are doing and provide a succinct writeup on each numerical technique. Other libraries to look at include: ATLAS and GNU Scientific Library.
To answer your question double should be more than enough for most scientific applications, I agree with the previous posters it should like an algorithm problem. Have you considered posting the code for the algorithm you are using?
If double is enough for your needs depends on the type of numbers you are working with. As Henning suggests, it is probably best to take a look at the algorithms you are using and make sure they are numerically stable.
For starters, here's a good algorithm for addition: Kahan summation algorithm.
Double precision will be mostly suitable for any problem but the cubic spline will not work well if the polynomial or function is quickly oscillating or repeating or of quite high dimension.
In this case it can be better to use Legendre Polynomials since they handle variants of exponentials.
By way of a simple example if you use, Euler, Trapezoidal or Simpson's rule for interpolating within a 3rd order polynomial you won't need a huge sample rate to get the interpolant (area under the curve). However, if you apply these to an exponential function the sample rate may need to greatly increase to avoid loosing a lot of precision. Legendre Polynomials can cater for this case much more readily.

Least Squares Regression in C/C++

How would one go about implementing least squares regression for factor analysis in C/C++?
the gold standard for this is LAPACK. you want, in particular, xGELS.
When I've had to deal with large datasets and large parameter sets for non-linear parameter fitting I used a combination of RANSAC and Levenberg-Marquardt. I'm talking thousands of parameters with tens of thousands of data-points.
RANSAC is a robust algorithm for minimizing noise due to outliers by using a reduced data set. Its not strictly Least Squares, but can be applied to many fitting methods.
Levenberg-Marquardt is an efficient way to solve non-linear least-squares numerically.
The convergence rate in most cases is between that of steepest-descent and Newton's method, without requiring the calculation of second derivatives. I've found it to be faster than Conjugate gradient in the cases I've examined.
The way I did this was to set up the RANSAC an outer loop around the LM method. This is very robust but slow. If you don't need the additional robustness you can just use LM.
Get ROOT and use TGraph::Fit() (or TGraphErrors::Fit())?
Big, heavy piece of software to install just of for the fitter, though. Works for me because I already have it installed.
Or use GSL.
If you want to implement an optimization algorithm by yourself Levenberg-Marquard seems to be quite difficult to implement. If really fast convergence is not needed, take a look at the Nelder-Mead simplex optimization algorithm. It can be implemented from scratch in at few hours.
Have a look at
They have C++ implementations for L-BFGS and Levenberg-Marquardt.
You only need to work out the first derivative of your objective function to use these two algorithms.
I've used TNT/JAMA for linear least-squares estimation. It's not very sophisticated but is fairly quick + easy.
Lets talk first about factor analysis since most of the discussion above is about regression. Most of my experience is with software like SAS, Minitab, or SPSS, that solves the factor analysis equations, so I have limited experience in solving these directly. That said, that the most common implementations do not use linear regression to solve the equations. According to this, the most common methods used are principal component analysis and principal factor analysis. In a text on Applied Multivariate Analysis (Dallas Johnson), no less that seven methods are documented each with their own pros and cons. I would strongly recommend finding an implementation that gives you factor scores rather than programming a solution from scratch.
The reason why there's different methods is that you can choose exactly what you're trying to minimize. There a pretty comprehensive discussion of the breadth of methods here.