file zill doesn't generate ppk file - filezilla

I am using file zilla 3.14.1 which allows convert ppk file from pem. I did in past. But today it didn't do it. It didn't show any message after selecting pem file. I have uninstalled, installed more than 10 times. Got same result.

Oh at last i got the solution from my boss. He did the job by following the procedure
1. First add host in site manager by selecting SSH protocol and logontype: ask for password.
2. Give user name ubuntu
3. then select the pem file which converted to ppk
4. Go to site manager and select the site for connecting
5. It ask for password. but it remain blank
6. connected


Issue with uploading GeoLite2-City.mmdb.missing file in mautic

I have a mautic marketing automation installed on my server (I am a beginner)
However i replicated this issue when configuring GeoLite2-City IP lookup
Automatically fetching the IP lookup data failed. Download, extract if necessary, and upload to /home/ol*****/public_html/mautic4/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.
What i attempted
i FTP into the /home/ol****/public_html/mautic4/app/cache/prod/../ip_data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb. directory
uploaded the file (the original GeoLite2-City.mmdb has '0 byte', while the newly added file is about '6000 kb'
However, once i go back into mautic to implement the lookup, the newly added file reverts back to '0byte" and i still cant get the IP lookup configured.
I have also changed the file permission to 0744, but the issue still replicates.
Did you disable the cron job which looks for the file? If not, or if you clicked the button again in the dashboard, it will overwrite the file you manually placed there.
As a side note, the 2.16 release addresses this issue, please take a look at
Please ensure you take a full backup (files and database) and where possible, run the update at command line to avoid browser timeouts :)

How to disable access to an aws instance using one particular ppk file

I lost the .pem file of an AWS suse Linux instance.The ".ppk" file that was generated before the loss of .pem file is given to many people,so now I should either disable the access via that .ppk file or I must set-up a password prompt even after using that .ppk file. How can I do this?
The instance cannot be shut-down and restarted for a new .pem file so please tell me how to set a password for the instance even after using that .ppk file.
If you log on to the instance you can remove the associated public key from the authorised_keys file for the related user (such as ec2-user). Obviously if you want to be able to login to that instance yourself then you will need to add the public key of a secure private key to one of the authorised_key files.
I'd consider taking this opportunity to think about how, in the future, you can enable yourself to simply rebuild the instance with a new key and zero data loss for incidents such as this.

wso2: Encrypting ConnectionPassword property for secondary userstore

I am new to wso2 so hopefully I am not missing something obvious but we are trying to sucessfully encrypt the Connection password for a seoncary user store (\repository\deployment\server\userstores\domain.xml) and have it remain usable.
We have used the cipher tool for all our other secret information and have no issues. I have also used the to set up a refence to the secondary user store file and got the connection password encrypted running ciphertool.bat -Dconfigure.
At that point I restart the service and viewing the logs I recieve the following error and none of my secondary user store users are available.
AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code 49 - 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C0903C8, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v23f0
I have double checked that the value I am encrypting is infact correct. As soon as I change it back to clear text password it works agian.
Do I have to create a custom UserStoreManager in order to acheive this?
Please try setting the alias of the property as "UserStoreManager.Property.ConnectionPassword" both in and files.
UserStoreManager.Property.ConnectionPassword=../../deployment/server/userstores/prudential.xml//UserStoreManager/Property[#name='ConnectionPassword'], true
UserStoreManager.Property.ConnectionPassword=[your password]
Run the cipher tool again with -Dconfigure and check.
The cipher tool cannot be used to encrypt Secondary User Store connection passwords. Instead, If you are manually adding a Secondary User Store Configuration file to
directory, you can use the following steps to easily encrypt it.
Step 1 :
Create the Secondary User Store Configuration xml file and remove the “encrypted” attribute present in the relevant property for Connection Password as follows. Note that the password is in plain text.
<Property name=”ConnectionPassword”>admin</Property>
Step 2 :
Now rename the xml file to have a file extension of .enc as shown below.
If the name of the xml file is xyz_com.xml, rename it to
Step 3 :
Drop the .enc file to /repository/deployment/server/userstores directory. Remember to create the “userstores” directory if it is not present.
That is all you have to do. Now you can see that the dropped file has been renamed to an xml file automatically, and when you check the file contents, the “ConnectionPassword” property has been encrypted as shown below. Note the property encrypted=“true” added to the property automatically.
<Property name=”ConnectionPassword” encrypted=”true”>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</Property>
You don’t need to restart the server for these changes to be reflected. The file gets hot deployed.
You can find more information regarding encrypting Secondary User Store passwords from this article.

How export registered servers settings in Aqua Data Studio?

Does anyone know how to export registered servers in Aqua Data Studio? Maybe there's some tricky method to do it by copying some .ini file or registry keys?
AD Studio server registrations are in [USER_HOME]/.datastudio/connections directory. You can copy your existing connections from one machine to another.
AquaFold's documentation about copying registrations from one computer to another is here:
*** Note: make sure you take a backup of the .datastudio before replacing files.
To Export the connections please make sure you have a fresh installation of aqua data studio on the other system and you haven't set up any new connections.
1) Simply go to C:\Users[userName]\.datastudio
copy folders, files below and place in the same location of the new system:
C:\Users[userName]\.datastudio\ has the cipher key to decrypt passwords on the system.
I initially only copied the connections folder and found none of my passwords worked anymore. Then I added the file. That fixed the password problem, but when I tried to open a Query Analyzer window on any of my many MS SQL Server registered servers, I got an error: Id 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 1 Login failed for user '<username>'.
By copying the rest of the files and subfolders in the .datastudio folder (except for the history which I didn't need and the license files as I had to renew my license anyway), the error was cleared. Bottom line, copy the entire .datastudio folder to transfer your configuration to the new machine, as is documented in the aquaclusters Wiki link: "Copying this directory to a new computer copies all of your current ADS customizations and server registrations."

Installing PDO in amazon AWS

im trying to install simple app in Amazon AWS. Since im really new to servers i used Elastic Beanstalk.
Everythink ok, but when i run my app i get an error: PDO error: could not find driver.
I tried mysqli_ping the connection and got boolean true, so this is OK.
I checked for help, but all i found is here:
2.If you plan to use PDO, install the PDO drivers. For more information, go to
But i really don't know what to do with this information. Any help?
so, its quite a procedure, first you have to get ssh access to your instance:
1. Generate key value for you instance & download it in pem format.
go to: (change for your region)
click Key Pairs, Create Key pairs and create your new key par and download it to you comp.
assosiate your instance with the key, go to elastic beanstalk, select you application, select configuration, instances and select your new key from drop-down of EC2 key pair.
2. download putty for windows (installer) & install it:
3. Transform key to .pkk format using PuTTYgen:
4. Setup putty to use key:
5. run putty and find you instance public dns and add ec2-user in front of it, so it looks like this:
Then is as simple as: yum install php-pdo