Devise lockable and custom strategy - ruby-on-rails-4

I am developing a custom strategy for LDAP authentication, and I have implemented the valid? and authenticate! methods as per and this Devise wiki. My custom strategy works by itself.
I also want to use the Lockable module (and other Devise modules), but they seem to work only when Database_Authenticatable is also present. I have been reading the Devise source code, but I do not understand how Lockable is able to find the user (resource) in order to increment the :failed_attempts count. How do I pass the user record or resource to Lockable using my custom strategy?
My custom strategy is below. I am using Devise 3.5 and Rails 4.2
require 'net/ldap'
require 'devise/strategies/authenticatable'
module Devise
module Strategies
class LdapAuthenticatable < Authenticatable
def valid?
params[:user] && login.present? && password.present?
def authenticate!
resource = params[:user][:email])
if params[:user]
ldap =
ldap.auth(my_ldap_service, my_ldap_service_password)
ldap.base = "base_here" = my_ldap_host
ldap.port = "636"
result_attrs = ["employeenumber", "givenname", "sn", "mail", "department"]
result = ldap.bind_as(base: "base_here", filter: "(mail=#{login})", attributes: result_attrs, password: password, time: 3)
if result
#valid ldap credentials
user = get_user_from_database(result)
if user
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error e.message
def login
def password

Active Directory should take care of a lockable feature. By using LDAP in your custom strategy, you move responsibility for the feature from your application to LDAP/Active Directory. Lockable should prevent a villain from brute-forcing access to your application. If Active Directory had no restrictions on this, he could simply run his attack directly against it and in case of success use the credentials in your application.
You should however enable your application to display error messages returned by the remote server like "Too many retries, try again in 5 minutes".

I ended up using devise_custom_authenticatable in combination with the resources posted on the original question. For lockable to work, database_authenticable must be present. Toni's answer above should work if you have control over LDAP, which I did not when I posed the question.

You are missing to call the validate method which is part of Authenticatable class you inherit from. The validate method calls the valid_for_authentication? method from the lockable module which then takes care of incrementing the attempts and lock the account.
In database_authenticatable this is solved here by using valid_password? which returns a boolean. In your case you would need to add a validate(resource) { false } in the case bind_as doesn't return a result.
The fixed full authenticate! method would look like the following
def authenticate!
resource = params[:user][:email])
if params[:user]
ldap =
ldap.auth(my_ldap_service, my_ldap_service_password)
ldap.base = "base_here" = my_ldap_host
ldap.port = "636"
result_attrs = ["employeenumber", "givenname", "sn", "mail", "department"]
result = ldap.bind_as(base: "base_here", filter: "(mail=#{login})", attributes: result_attrs, password: password, time: 3)
if result
#valid ldap credentials
user = get_user_from_database(result)
if user
# no result -> wrong password
validate(resource) { false }
rescue => e
Rails.logger.error e.message


Redirecting a request in a routing constraint

I have Sidekiq mounted in my routes file to the /sidekiq endpoint.
I use a constraints option to have it call an external class for validation as a way of preventing non-privelaged users from accessing that endpoint.
# config/routes.rb
mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq", constraints:
# lib/sidekiq/admin_constraint.rb
module Sidekiq
class AdminConstraint
def matches?(request)
return false unless request.session[:user_id]
user = User.find_by_id(request.session[:user_id])
user &&, :sidekiq)
This setup works great. However, it only lets me return true / false on whether the request should go through or not. It does not let me -
Set a flash message (e.g. "You are not permitted to access that page") and
Redirect to some arbitrary page
In that sense, I'm looking for it to behave more like a controller's before_filter.
Is there a way I can modify the request object that's passed in to implement that redirect?
I don't have idea directly set the flash messages, But we can use in different way.
Use the following solution
In your routes.rb, add the following line in the end of the file
match "*path", :to => "application#error_404"
This basically means, any path that is not defined in your route will end up going to error_404 in application_controller. Its very important to put this at the end of your file
And in your ApplicationController, add
def error_404
redirect_to root_path

In Rails4, using Trailblazer, how do I access the current_user

We are building a Rails4 app using Trailblazer. I have never worked with Trailblazer before and I am confused about how to do things.
We are building an auction site. I was previously using a traditional controller, and this route endpoint was working fine:
def bill
#profile = Profile.find_by user_id: current_user_id
#current_order = Order.order(created_at: :desc).find_by(user_id: current_user_id)
#batch = #current_order.batch
if #batch.nil?
puts "There was no batch linked to the current order of #{}"
flash[:error] = "We are sorry, but we could not determine which batch your order belongs to."
#price_shown_to_customer = #batch.price + ENV["FUELBID_FEE_PER_GALLON"].to_f
#amount = #current_order.quantity * #price_shown_to_customer
But now I'm suppose to create this as a Trailblazer api, using a Representer class.
So in routes.rb I added something for "charges":
namespace :api do
get '/price' => 'info#info'
post '/order' => 'orders#create'
get '/charges' => 'charges#bill'
I created this Api but copying-and-pasting another:
module Api
class ChargesController < ApiApplicationController
respond_to :json
def bill
I tested the above with a simple Representer and it all worked fine, so everything is good up to this point. If I return simple data from the Representer, then I can see it fine here:
But I need to get the current_user. How is this done? Right now, this does not work:
module ChargesRepresenter
include Roar::JSON
collection :price_shown_to_customer
def price_shown_to_customer
current_order = Order.order(created_at: :desc).find_by(user_id: current_user_id)
puts "current_order"
batch = current_order.batch
batch.price + ENV["FUELBID_FEE_PER_GALLON"].to_f
current_user_id exists in my traditional controllers because we set up Devise and so my traditional controllers inherit it:
class ChargesController < SecuredController
But is there any way to get it in a Trailblazer Representer?
Hope this answer is not too late.
If you can switch to Decorator pattern instead of a Module.
Representer really doesn't need to know and doesn't care if it is called from controller or console or test. All it needs is a hash to build your json object from. So you can just pass another attribute called current_user_id to your Representer and then use it inside r presenter like you do.
If you need a more immediate response you can also copy your question to . There are usually several people hanging out there. But it's also good to post a question here for posterity.

How to test Devise Async with Sidekiq?

Thanks in advance!
Sidekiq is working just fine, but I cannot manage to test it with Devise Async, or should I say that I cannot test the latter?
According to Sidekiq's documentation, when test mode is set to fake!, any job given to a worker is pushed to an array named jobs of that same worker. So it is trivial to test the increase of this array.
But, with Devise Async, it is not so trivial, although its backend includes Sidekiq::Worker. Here's a small list of things that I tried to test:
None of these testing subjects points an increase in size. Since Devise sends its emails as models callbacks, I tried testing both in a model and in a controller spec. Using Factory Girl and Database Cleaner, I also tried both modes: transaction and truncation. Needless to say that I also tried both modes of Sidekiq: fake! and inline!.
What am I missing?
As mentioned in the documentation, you can check the queue size as
Was working on this issue, chanced upon a beautiful implementation done by gitlab which I thought might be helpful in testing devise-async or email that are push via the sidekiq queue.
By adding these lines in spec_helper.rb
# An inline mode that runs the job immediately instead of enqueuing it
require 'sidekiq/testing/inline'
# Requires supporting ruby files with custom matchers and macros, etc,
# in spec/support/ and its subdirectories.
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include EmailHelpers
# other configurations line
And adding /spec/support/email_helpers.rb
module EmailHelpers
def sent_to_user?(user) == 1
def should_email(user)
expect(sent_to_user?(user)).to be_truthy
def should_not_email(user)
expect(sent_to_user?(user)).to be_falsey
To run the test for example testing your forgot password, I am assuming you know rspec, factorygirl, capybara
require 'rails_helper'
feature 'Password reset', js: true do
describe 'sending' do
it 'reset instructions' do
#FactoryGirl create
user = create(:user)
expect(current_path).to eq(root_path)
expect(page).to have_content('You will receive an email in a few minutes')
def forgot_password(user)
visit '/user/login'
click_on 'Forgot password?'
fill_in 'user[email]', with:
click_on 'Reset my password'
You would notice that in this test implementation
will cause sidekiq to run the job instead of enqueuing it,
The user model email attribute must be called email or you can just replace the code above. == 1 check to see ActionMailer::Base.deliveries is delivering to

Generating a unique URL with tokens in Rails 4 for an external form response

I have a 'Feedback' model whereby a user should be able to request feedback on his/her job performance. I have written basic actions for creating a new feedback request, and the mailer for sending the request to the provider (person who will respond with feedback).
I would like advice from the community on implementing the following:
Once a new feedback request is created, the email that is sent should contain a link to a form where the provider can input his feedback on the users performance.
The feedback provider should not be required to log-in or sign-up in any way (i.e. completely external to the application).
Once submitted, feedback from the provider should be captured in the
Now, I have the following ideas to implement it, but am not sure if this is the best way to proceed:
Generate a unique token upon the creation of a new feedback request. Something like this: Best way to create unique token in Rails?.
The token should then be entered into 'feedbacks' table.
Mailer should then generate variable (e.g. #url) which generates link to another controller (let's say 'external_feedback' and action which does not require log-in (e.g. no before_filter :authenticate_user! from Devise).
That URL should contain a parameter with the token for the specific feedback request.
The action should be to update the 'feedback' request and a form generated with simple_form.
The whole thing is similar to responding to a questionnaire or survey (like Survey Monkey).
After some research I believe the Friendly ID gem may be useful here. I was also reading Section 8 of and perhaps I need to implement an authenticity_token in the formal sense. What I am really looking for is:
Is the above approach the generally correct way to go about doing this?
If so, any specifics on how you would implement it (with or without Friendly ID)?
Do you know of any gems that exist for generating such URLs/tokens?
Thank you in advance. I am now including the current state of model and controller details:
# == Schema Information
# Table name: feedbacks
# id :integer not null, primary key
# user_id :integer
# p_first_name :string(255)
# p_last_name :string(255)
# p_email :string(255)
# goal_id :integer
# u_comment :text
# p_comment :text
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
class Feedback < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :goal
has_many :feedback_attributes
validates_presence_of :p_first_name, :p_last_name, :p_email, :goal_id
And this is my mailer:
class FeedbackMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def feedback_request(user, feedback)
#user = user
#feedback = feedback
#url = 'http://thisistheexampleurlforfeedback'
mail(to: #feedback.p_email, subject: "#{#user.first_name} #{#user.last_name} has requested your feedback", from:
Add a token field to the feedback model with an index and add a callback to populate it on create e.g.
before_create :add_token
def add_token
self.token = SecureRandom.hex[0,10].upcase
end while self.class.exists?(token: token)
now add a new route for the providers feedback
resources :feedbacks do
get 'provider'
put 'provider_update' # you might not need this one, if you are happy to use update
In your controller make sure they don't get rejected by devise
before_filter :authenticate_user!, except: [:provider, :provider_update]
def provider
#feedback = Feedback.find_by token: params[:token]
then in the app/views/feedback/provider.html.haml you can use url in simple_form to send it to the correct update location and only provide the input that they should see.
f.inputs :p_comment
Now update your mailer.
#url = provider_feedback_url(#feedback, token: #feedback.token)
You could do something similar to this using friendly id but you would still need to create some sort of unique slug and then use Feedback.friendly.find instead. I think you would want to combine it with a token to ensure it's still the provider giving the feedback - so the only benefit would really be hiding the true id/count. I think you should update p_* fields to provider_* so that the next dev knows what's in it - it's not the 90s!

How would I change this to prevent numerous queries against the database to check the user role?

Last Updated: 29 Aug 2013 18:54 EST
I have the following module defined and then included into my model. I am using the rolify gem to give my users roles.
module Permissions::Offer
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
# `user` is a context of security
protect do |user, offer|
# Admins can retrieve anything
if user.has_role? :administrator
scope { all }
# ... and view, create, update, or destroy anything
can :view
can :create
can :update
can :destroy
elsif user.present?
# Allow to read any field
can :view
can :create
# Checks offered_by_id keeping possible nil in mind
# Allow sellers to modify/delete their own offers
if offer.try(:offered_by_id) ==
can :update
can :destroy
# Guests can't read the text
cannot :view
What I am experiencing is that when I do the following...
respond_with Offer.restrict!(current_user)
It queries the roles table for every offer that is returned. Is there anyway to have it not make this request repeatedly when requesting a list of offers? I'm sure I could cache the response to avoid the database hit, but I'd rather it not hit the cache either.
If I open a rails console and do the following I get the same result:
current_user = User.first
I have installed the bullet gem to see if it considers it an N+1 query, and it doesn't not detect it. I believe because the included gets called every time a new instance of offer gets created it fires off this call to verify permissions. That coupled with the fact that rolify does not cache it's user role checks for any length of time makes this less than ideal. I suppose rolify does this to allow for the changing of roles on the fly without having to deal with clearing the cache. As of now the only way I can see to solve this is to implement caching of my own.
I opened an issue with rolify to see if they are interested in creating a more permanent solution. For anyone else that encounters this, here's what I did int eh meantime.
def has_role?(role)
roles = Rails.cache.fetch(roles_for: { object_id: self.object_id }, expires_in: 10.seconds, race_condition_ttl: 2.seconds) { }
This doesn't do everything the real method does.. but it suits my purposes.
Here is a link to the source for anyone that wishes to implement something like this on all the methods.