Parallelization false sharing Openmp - c++

I have a matrix of integers, for example:
1 0 1
2 1 0
1 1 1
This is a trivial example; my problem is much larger than this example (think 2000 x 2000). I have to modify the matrix following this rules: I have to do two steps: (1) If the element below a 1 in my matrix is 0, then my move should be "1", and then (2) if the element to the right of a 2 in my matrix is 0, my move should be "2".
I'm using two vectors to save the positions of ones and twos. These vectors are std::vector<triplet> where triplet is a struct made to handle the problem:
struct triplet{
int row, column, move;
So each element of vector1 contains the position of 1 (row and column) and the variable move (that is 0 or 1) to show me if I can move the associated 1.
I do the same with vector 2 separately.
void modifyvector1(vector<vector<int>>& matrix,vector<triplet>& vector1,int nrow,int ncolumn)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int scorriblu = 0; scorriblu < vector1.size(); scorriblu++) {
int i = vector1[scorriblu].row;
int j = vector1[scorriblu].column;
vector1[scorriblu].move = 0;
if(i != nrow) {
if (matrix[i+1][j] == EmptySpace) {
vector1[scorriblu].move = 1;
else {
if (matrix[0][j] == EmptySpace) {
vector1[scorriblu].move = 1;
However, this program is slower than serial. I think that the main problem is that each thread is trying to access the matrix that is stored in shared memory and this is causing a huge rallenty. But I am not sure that this is the problem, and how to fix it.
Sorry for my explanation but I'm new with C++ and OpenMP.


How to respond to a limitless possibility of outcomes?

So let's say that there is an imaginary 2 by 2 grid comprised for 4 numbers ...
1 2
3 4
You can either flip the grid horizontally or vertically down the middle by imputing either H or V respectively. You can also flip the grid as many times as you wish, with the previous choice affecting your future outcome.
For example, you could flip the grid horizontally down the middle, and then vertically.
While solving this problem, I got enough code written down so that the program works, except for the part where the "flipping" happens. Since you can enter as many H's and V's as you would like, I have some trouble writing code that would support this action.
Since the program input could contain as many horizontal or vertical flips as the user would prefer, that prevents me from manually using if-statements; in other words, I can't say "if the 1st letter is H, flip horizontally, if the 2nd letter is V, flip vertically, etc.".
This is just a short snippet of what I have figured out so far...
void flipGrid(string str, int letterPlace)
while (letterPlace < str.length())
if ( == 'H')
// flip grid horizontally
else if ( == 'V')
// flip grid vertically
letterPlace += 1;
int main()
int increment = 0;
string userInput;
cin >> userInput;
flipGrid(userInput, increment);
return 0;
As you can probably tell, I need help with the parts specified by the comments. If the code were to run as planned, it should look something like this...
Input (example 1)
3 4
1 2
Input (example 2)
Output (the two H's and the two V's cancel out, leaving us with the original)
1 2
3 4
I feel like there should be an easier way to solve this problem, or is the method I'm currently working on the right way to approach this problem? Please let me know if I'm on the right track or not. Thanks!
I would do a few things. First, I would simply count the H's and V's and, when done, modulo 2 each count. This will leave you flipCountH and flipCountV each having 0 or 1. There's no need to do multiple flips, right? Then you'll at most do each action once.
void flipCounts(string str, int &flipCountH, int &flipCountY)
for (char c: str) {
if (c == 'H')
else if (c == 'V')
Use that method, then:
flipCountH %= 2;
flipCountY %= 2;
if (flipCountH > 0) {
if (flipCountV > 0) {
Now, HOW you flip is based on how you store the data. For this very specific problem, I would store it in an int[2][2].
void performVerticalFlip() {
int[2] topLine;
topLine[0] = grid[0][0];
topLine[1] = grid[0][1];
grid[0][0] = grid[1][0];
grid[0][1] = grid[1][1];
grid[1][0] = topLine[0];
grid[1][1] = topLine[1];
Now, you can probably make use of C++ move semantics, but that's an advanced topic. You could also make a swap method that swaps two integers. That's not so advanced.
void swap(int &a, int &b) {
int tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
Then the code above is simpler:
swap(grid[0][0], grid[1][0]);
swap(grid[0][1], grid[1][1]);
Horizontal flip is similar.
From the comments:
I don't know how to flip it in each statement
So, flipping a 2x2 grid vertically is simple:
int tmp = grid[0][0];
grid[0][0] = grid[1][0];
grid[1][0] = tmp;
tmp = grid[0][1];
grid[0][1] = grid[1][1];
grid[1][1] = tmp;
If you have a grid bigger than a 2x2, this will work as well:
// for half the height of the grid
for(unsigned int i = 0;i<Height/2;i++) {
// for the width of the grid
for(unsigned int j =0; j<Width) {
// store a copy of the old value
int tmp = grid[i][j];
// put the new value in
grid[i][j] = grid[Height-1-i][j]; // note, we are flipping this vertically,
// so we want something an equal distance away
// from the other end as us
// replace the value we were grabbing from with the saved value
grid[Height-1-i][j] = tmp;
In case this is homework, I'm going to leave a horizontal flip for you to figure out (hint, it's the same thing, but with the width and height reversed).

Tallest tower with stacked boxes in the given order

Given N boxes. How can i find the tallest tower made with them in the given order ? (Given order means that the first box must be at the base of the tower and so on). All boxes must be used to make a valid tower.
It is possible to rotate the box on any axis in a way that any of its 6 faces gets parallel to the ground, however the perimeter of such face must be completely restrained inside the perimeter of the superior face of the box below it. In the case of the first box it is possible to choose any face, because the ground is big enough.
To solve this problem i've tried the following:
- Firstly the code generates the rotations for each rectangle (just a permutation of the dimensions)
- secondly constructing a dynamic programming solution for each box and each possible rotation
- finally search for the highest tower made (in the dp table)
But my algorithm is taking wrong answer in unknown test cases. What is wrong with it ? Dynamic programming is the best approach to solve this problem ?
Here is my code:
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
struct rectangle{
int coords[3];
rectangle(){ coords[0] = coords[1] = coords[2] = 0; }
rectangle(int a, int b, int c){coords[0] = a; coords[1] = b; coords[2] = c; }
bool canStack(rectangle &current_rectangle, rectangle &last_rectangle){
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if(current_rectangle.coords[i] > last_rectangle.coords[i])
return false;
return true;
//six is the number of rotations for each rectangle
int dp(std::vector< std::vector<rectangle> > &v){
int memoization[6][v.size()];
memset(memoization, -1, sizeof(memoization));
//all rotations of the first rectangle can be used
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
memoization[i][0] = v[0][i].coords[2];
//for each rectangle
for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i) {
//for each possible permutation of the current rectangle
for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
//for each permutation of the previous rectangle
for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
rectangle &prev = v[i - 1][k];
rectangle &curr = v[i][j];
//is possible to put the current rectangle with the previous rectangle ?
if( canStack(curr, prev) ) {
memoization[j][i] = std::max(memoization[j][i], curr.coords[2] + memoization[k][i-1]);
//what is the best solution ?
int ret = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
ret = std::max(memoization[i][v.size()-1], ret);
return ret;
int main ( void ) {
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
std::vector< std::vector<rectangle> > v(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
rectangle r;
scanf("%d %d %d", &r.coords[0], &r.coords[1], &r.coords[2]);
//generate all rotations with the given rectangle (all combinations of the coordinates)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
if(j != k) //micro optimization disease
for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
if(l != j && l != k)
v[i].push_back( rectangle(r.coords[j], r.coords[k], r.coords[l]) );
printf("%d\n", dp(v));
Input Description
A test case starts with an integer N, representing the number of boxes (1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5).
Following there will be N rows, each containing three integers, A, B and C, representing the dimensions of the boxes (1 ≤ A, B, C ≤ 10^4).
Output Description
Print one row containing one integer, representing the maximum height of the stack if it’s possible to pile all the N boxes, or -1 otherwise.
Sample Input
5 2 2
1 3 4
Sample Output
Sample image for the given input and output.
Usually you're given the test case that made you fail. Otherwise, finding the problem is a lot harder.
You can always approach it from a different angle! I'm going to leave out the boring parts that are easily replicated.
struct Box { unsigned int dim[3]; };
Box will store the dimensions of each... box. When it comes time to read the dimensions, it needs to be sorted so that dim[0] >= dim[1] >= dim[2].
The idea is to loop and read the next box each iteration. It then compares the second largest dimension of the new box with the second largest dimension of the last box, and same with the third largest. If in either case the newer box is larger, it adjusts the older box to compare the first largest and third largest dimension. If that fails too, then the first and second largest. This way, it always prefers using a larger dimension as the vertical one.
If it had to rotate a box, it goes to the next box down and checks that the rotation doesn't need to be adjusted there too. It continues until there are no more boxes or it didn't need to rotate the next box. If at any time, all three rotations for a box failed to make it large enough, it stops because there is no solution.
Once all the boxes are in place, it just sums up each one's vertical dimension.
int main()
unsigned int size; //num boxes
std::cin >> size;
std::vector<Box> boxes(size); //all boxes
std::vector<unsigned char> pos(size, 0); //index of vertical dimension
//gets the index of dimension that isn't vertical
//largest indicates if it should pick the larger or smaller one
auto get = [](unsigned char x, bool largest) { if (largest) return x == 0 ? 1 : 0; return x == 2 ? 1 : 2; };
//check will compare the dimensions of two boxes and return true if the smaller one is under the larger one
auto check = [&boxes, &pos, &get](unsigned int x, bool largest) { return boxes[x - 1].dim[get(pos[x - 1], largest)] < boxes[x].dim[get(pos[x], largest)]; };
unsigned int x = 0, y; //indexing variables
unsigned char change; //detects box rotation change
bool fail = false; //if it cannot be solved
for (x = 0; x < size && !fail; ++x)
//read in the next three dimensions
//make sure dim[0] >= dim[1] >= dim[2]
//simple enough to write
//mine was too ugly and I didn't want to be embarrassed
y = x;
while (y && !fail) //when y == 0, no more boxes to check
change = pos[y - 1];
while (check(y, true) || check(y, false)) //while invalid rotation
if (++pos[y - 1] == 3) //rotate, when pos == 3, no solution
fail = true;
if (change != pos[y - 1]) //if rotated box
if (fail)
std::cout << -1;
unsigned long long max = 0;
for (x = 0; x < size; ++x)
max += boxes[x].dim[pos[x]];
std::cout << max;
return 0;
It works for the test cases I've written, but given that I don't know what caused yours to fail, I can't tell you what mine does differently (assuming it also doesn't fail your test conditions).
If you are allowed, this problem might benefit from a tree data structure.
First, define the three possible cases of block:
1) Cube - there is only one possible option for orientation, since every orientation results in the same height (applied toward total height) and the same footprint (applied to the restriction that the footprint of each block is completely contained by the block below it).
2) Square Rectangle - there are three possible orientations for this rectangle with two equal dimensions (for examples, a 4x4x1 or a 4x4x7 would both fit this).
3) All Different Dimensions - there are six possible orientations for this shape, where each side is different from the rest.
For the first box, choose how many orientations its shape allows, and create corresponding nodes at the first level (a root node with zero height will allow using simple binary trees, rather than requiring a more complicated type of tree that allows multiple elements within each node). Then, for each orientation, choose how many orientations the next box allows but only create nodes for those that are valid for the given orientation of the current box. If no orientations are possible given the orientation of the current box, remove that entire unique branch of orientations (the first parent node with multiple valid orientations will have one orientation removed by this pruning, but that parent node and all of its ancestors will be preserved otherwise).
By doing this, you can check for sets of boxes that have no solution by checking whether there are any elements below the root node, since an empty tree indicates that all possible orientations have been pruned away by invalid combinations.
If the tree is not empty, then just walk the tree to find the highest sum of heights within each branch of the tree, recursively up the tree to the root - the sum value is your maximum height, such as the following pseudocode:
std::size_t maximum_height() const{
if(leftnode == nullptr || rightnode == nullptr)
return this_node_box_height;
auto leftheight = leftnode->maximum_height() + this_node_box_height;
auto rightheight = rightnode->maximum_height() + this_node_box_height;
if(leftheight >= rightheight)
return leftheight;
return rightheight;
The benefits of using a tree data structure are
1) You will greatly reduce the number of possible combinations you have to store and check, because in a tree, the invalid orientations will be eliminated at the earliest possible point - for example, using your 2x2x5 first box, with three possible orientations (as a Square Rectangle), only two orientations are possible because there is no possible way to orient it on its 2x2 end and still fit the 4x3x1 block on it. If on average only two orientations are possible for each block, you will need a much smaller number of nodes than if you compute every possible orientation and then filter them as a second step.
2) Detecting sets of blocks where there is no solution is much easier, because the data structure will only contain valid combinations.
3) Working with the finished tree will be much easier - for example, to find the sequence of orientations of the highest, rather than just the actual height, you could pass an empty std::vector to a modified highest() implementation, and let it append the actual orientation of each highest node as it walks the tree, in addition to returning the height.

multiply numbers on all paths and get a number with minimum number of zeros

I have m*n table which each entry have a value .
start position is at top left corner and I can go right or down until I reach lower right corner.
I want a path that if I multiply numbers on that path I get a number that have minimum number of zeros in it's right side .
1 2 100
5 5 4
possible paths :
1*2*5*4= 40
1*5*5*4= 100
Solution : 1*2*5*4= 40 because 40 have 1 zero but other paths have 2 zero.
easiest way is using dfs and calculate all paths. but it's not efficient.
I'm looking for an optimal substructure for solving it using dynammic programming.
After thinking for a while I came up to this equation :
T(i,j) = CountZeros(T(i-1,j)*table[i,j]) < CountZeros(T(i,j-1)*table[i,j]) ?
T(i-1,j)*table[i,j] : T(i,j-1)*table[i,j]
Code :
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
using Table = vector<vector<int>>;
const int rows = 2;
const int cols = 3;
Table memo(rows, vector<int>(cols, -1));
int CountZeros(int number)
if (number < 0)
return numeric_limits<int>::max();
int res = 0;
while (number != 0)
if (number % 10 == 0)
else break;
number /= 10;
return res;
int solve(int i, int j, const Table& table)
if (i < 0 || j < 0)
return -1;
if (memo[i][j] != -1)
return memo[i][j];
int up = solve(i - 1, j, table)*table[i][j];
int left = solve(i, j - 1, table)*table[i][j];
memo[i][j] = CountZeros(up) < CountZeros(left) ? up : left;
return memo[i][j];
int main()
Table table =
{ 1, 2, 100 },
{ 5, 5, 4 }
memo[0][0] = table[0][0];
cout << solve(1, 2, table);
(Run )
But it is not optimal (for example in above example it give 100 )
Any idea for better optimal sub-structure ? can I solve it with dynammic programming ?!
Let's reconsider the Bellman optimality equation for your task. I consider this as a systematic approach to such problems (whereas I often don't understand DP one-liners). My reference is the book of Sutton and Barto.
The state in which your system is can be described by a triple of integer numbers (i,j,r) (which is modeled as a std::array<int,3>). Here, i and j denote column and row in your rectangle M = m_{i,j}, whereas r denotes the multiplication result.
Your actions in state (i,j,r) are given by going right, with which you end in state (i, j+1, r*m_{i,j+1}) or by going down which leads to the state (i+1, j, r*m_{i+1,j}).
Then, the Bellman equation is given by
v(i,j,r) = min{ NullsIn(r*m_{i+1,j}) - NullsIn(r) + v_(i+1,j, r*m_{i+1,j})
NullsIn(r*m_{i,j+1}) - NullsIn(r) + v_(i,j+1, r*m_{i,j+1}) }
The rationale behind this equation is the following: NullsIn(r*m_{i+1,j}) - NullsIn(r) denotes the zeros you have to add when you take one of the two actions, i.e. the instant penalty. v_(i+1,j, r*m_{i+1,j}) denotes the zeros in the state you get to when you take this action. Now one wants to take the action which minimizes both contributions.
What you need further is only a function int NullsIn(int) which returns the nulls in a given integer. Here is my attempt:
int NullsIn(int r)
int ret=0;
for(int j=10; j<=r; j*=10)
if((r/j) * j == r)
return ret;
For convenience I further defined a NullsDifference function:
int NullsDifference(int r, int m)
return NullsIn(r*m) - NullsIn(r);
Now, one has to do a backwards iteration starting from the initial state in the right bottom element of the matrix.
int backwardIteration(std::array<int,3> state, std::vector<std::vector<int> > const& m)
static std::map<std::array<int,3>, int> memoization;
auto it=memoization.find(state);
return it->second;
int i=state[0];
int j=state[1];
int r=state[2];
int ret=0;
if(i>0 && j>0)
int inew=i-1;
int jnew=j-1;
ret=std::min(NullsDifference(r, m[inew][j]) + backwardIteration({inew,j,r*m[inew][j]}, m),
NullsDifference(r, m[i][jnew]) + backwardIteration({i,jnew,r*m[i][jnew]}, m));
else if(i>0)
int inew=i-1;
ret= NullsDifference(r, m[inew][j]) + backwardIteration({inew,j,r*m[inew][j]}, m);
else if(j>0)
int jnew=j-1;
ret= NullsDifference(r, m[i][jnew]) + backwardIteration({i,jnew,r*m[i][jnew]}, m);
return ret;
This routine is called via
int main()
int ncols=2;
int nrows=3;
std::vector<std::vector<int> > m={{1,2,100}, {5,5,4}};
std::array<int,3> initialState = {ncols-1, nrows -1, m[ncols-1][nrows - 1]};
std::cout<<"Minimum number of zeros: "backwardIteration(initialState, m)<<"\n"<<std::endl;
For your array, it prints out the desired 1 for the number of zeros.
Here is a live demo on Coliru.
Here is an important thing: in production, you usually don't call backwardIteration as I did because it takes an exponentially increasing number of recursive calls. Rather, you start in the top left and call it, then store the result. Next you go left and down and each time call backwardIteration where you now use the previously stored result. And so on.
In order to do this, one needs a memoization concept within the function backwardIteration, which returns the already stored result instead of invoking another recursive call.
I've added memoization in the function call above. Now you can loop through the array from left top to right bottom in any way you like -- but prefereably take small steps, such as row-by-row, column-by-column, or rectangle-for-rectangle.
In fact, this and only this is the spirit of Dynamic Programming.

How to efficiently change a contiguous portion of a matrix?

Given a matrix of M rows and N columns, and allocated as a byte array of M*N elements (these elements are initially set to zero), I would modify this matrix in according to the following rule: the elements that are found in the neighborhood of a certain element must be set to a given value. In other words, given a matrix, I should set a region of the matrix: for this purpose I should access not contiguous portion of the array.
In order to perform the above operation, I have access to the following information:
the pointer to the element that is located in the center of the neighborhood (this pointer must not be changed during the above operation); the position (row and column) of this element is also provided;
the size L*L of the neighborhood (L is always an odd number).
The code that implements this operation should be executed as fast as possible in C++: for this reason I thought of using the above pointer to access different pieces of the array. Instead, the position (row and column) of the central element of the neighborhood could allow me to check whether the specified region exceeds the dimensions of the matrix (for example, the center of the region may be located on the edge of the matrix): in this case I should set only that part of the region that is located in the matrix.
int M = ... // number of matrix rows
int N = ... // number of matrix columns
char* centerPtr = ... // pointer to the center of the region
int i = ... // position of the central element
int j = ... // of the region to be modified
char* tempPtr = centerPtr - (N+1)*L/2;
for(int k=0; k < L; k++)
tempPtr += N;
How can I improve the code?
How to handle the fact that one region may exceeds the dimensions of a matrix?
How to make the code more efficient with respect to the execution time?
Your code is probably optimal for the general case where the region does not overlap the outside of the matrix. The main efficiency problem you can cause with this kind of code is to make the outer loop over columns instead of rows. This destroys cache and paging performance. You haven't done that.
Using pointers has little or no speed advantage with most modern compilers. Optimizers will come up with very good pointer code from normal array indices. In some cases I've seen array index code run substantially faster than hand-tweaked pointer code for the same thing. So don't use pointer arithmetic if index arithmetic is clearer.
There are 8 boundary cases: north, northwest, west, ..., northeast. Each of these will need a custom version of your loop to touch the right elements. I'll show the northwest case and let you work out the rest.
The fastest possible way to handle the cases is a 3-level "if" tree:
if (j < L/2) { // northwest, west, or southwest
if (i < L/2) {
// northwest
char* tempPtr = centerPtr - (L/2 - i) * N - (L/2 - j);
for(int k = 0; k < L; k++) {
memset(tempPtr, value, L - j);
tempPtr += N;
} else if (i >= M - L/2) {
// southwest
} else {
// west
} else if (j >= N - L/2) { // symmetrical cases for east.
if (i < L/2) {
// northeast
} else if (i >= M - L/2) {
// southeast
} else {
// east
} else {
if (i < L/2) {
// north
} else if (i >= M - L/2) {
// south
} else {
// no overlap
It's tedious to do it like this, but you'll have no more than 3 comparisons per region.

Maximum matching in a graph

I have an interesting problem:
My program must to find the maximum number of 1.
But that's not all!.
If the program has "seen" 1, then it should clear the entire column and row in which the 1 is located.
The problem I have:
I can not find the maximum number of 1, I do not know how to do that.
For you I made a small example, I hope it will be clear to you. The program must work like this:
There is a matrix:
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
The program found 1 (position [0][0] I've highlighted it in black), and cleared the row and column:
After this we find the next 1, cleared the row and columnand so on:
At the end, the program should print the number of black cells.
In my example it's 4
How to do it in C++ code? Please help me! Thank you.
I prefer to do it like this (see code below): Use two "for" loops and inside the second use conditional "if" to add the third "for" loop to set to 0.
for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
for(int k=0;k<n;k++)
it's not clear how you search for the 'next' 1 in your matrix and if the matrix can only contain 0 and 1. But if there is a clear definition of what 'next' is, then you just code exactly as you have described it above. A possible code snippet looks like this (not tested, not even compiled):
bool find_next_one(int&x, int&y, matrix const&M)
// next is in (col,row) order
for(; x!=M.size(0); ++x)
for(; y!=M.size(1); ++y)
if(M(x,y)==1) return 1;
return 0;
int count_one(matrix const&M_original)
matrix M(M_original); // make copy where we can set elements to 0
int count=0;
int x=0,y=0;
while(find_next_one(x,y,M)) {
for(int i=0; i!=M.size(1); ++i) M(x,i) = 0;
for(int i=0; i!=M.size(0); ++i) M(i,y) = 0;
return count;
Noticed this looks like a matrix singularity type check - especially if 1s and 0s are the only thing to be used.
You can check the determinate of the matrix. Non zero means it is equal to the number of rows and columns (if the matrix is always square.) If det(0), then use any technique you want to bring the matrix down to reduced form to see how many 0'd columns you have - or just do the reduction first and walk down the diagonal counting.
Heck sorting the columns by their added value, will put it in diagonal form for you. That would make it pretty easy also to check for 0 columns.
I won't write all the code for you, but will suggest some things to get you on track. You should understand how to iterate over a two dimensional array (the matrix) and also how to iterate over a single row or column within that matrix.
Given a (hard coded) definition of matrix that looks like this:
struct Matrix4x4
int m[4][4];
To iterate over all elements you want to write something like this:
Matrix4x4 matrix;
for (size_t row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
for (size_t col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
// do something with 'matrix.m[row][col]'
This will iterate over your matrix from top left (0,0) to bottom right (3,3). I am assuming that this is the traversal order you have been told to use.
To process a row you want to write something like this:
void FunctionThatOperatesOnARow(Matrix4x4& matrix, size_t row)
for (size_t col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
// do something with 'matrix.m[row][col]'
To process a column you want to write something like this:
void FunctionThatOperatesOnAColumn(Matrix4x4& matrix, size_t col)
for (size_t row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
// do something with 'matrix.m[row][col]'
What you need to do now is modify the first bit of code that iterates over all elements and get it to check for a 1. You then need to call the appropriate functions to clear the current column and row (which you can base on the latter two examples).
For the final result you can simply increment a local counter variable each time you detect a 1.