Using google protobuf with libraries in cmake on Windows, Visual Studio 2013 - c++

I have a CMake project with several sub-directories and library modules that eventually get built into client and server libraries, and those libraries are used from executable to test them. I am trying to use Google's protobuf library inside one of those libraries. I am creating my sub-library as follows:
add_library(Client STATIC
The executable is declared as follows:
target_link_libraries(TEST_Client Client)
All these files seem to be generating properly, but when I build, I get the following error (and many just like it):
libprotobufd.lib(zero_copy_stream_impl.obj) : error LNK2038: mismatch detected for 'RuntimeLibrary': value 'MTd_StaticDebug' doesn't match value 'MDd_DynamicDebug' in client_tester.obj
I have gone back to the protobuf solution and verified that all projects are set to use /MDd in their Runtime Library setting. It was generated following the guide at
I have seen many questions and answers about protobufs, but none seem to address this problem. I don't know what could be trying to build /MTd when everything is set to /MDd inside Visual Studio.
Assuming that this process would work if I were doing it correctly, I can only assume I'm doing something wrong. What is the intended way to do something like this?
I was trying to use protobuf 3.0.0 here.

In order for find_package to identify the correct paths, you must edit the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable to search for libraries. This code allows it to find the path correctly, assuming that you have correctly set up THIRDPARTY_DIR and you downloaded the release version of protobuf (2.6.1 as of this writing):
Protobuf3 can also be used but in addition to setting the install path in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, you must also supply the CONFIG argument to find_package as follows:
find_package(Protobuf CONFIG REQUIRED)
...assuming Protobuf is required.
In my case, I configured Protobuf 3.0.0 beta 2 to install to a folder "install" within its own directory:
find_package(Protobuf CONFIG REQUIRED)
(Thanks to tamas.kenez for correcting me on this.)
Note that I had to build the release library before find_package(Protobuf) would return without errors. I originally only build the debug libraries.
I also had to be cautious of which MSVC runtime I build with. Dynamic seems to be the default for most projects, but Protobuf3 builds with the static runtime unless you configure it to do otherwise (there's a checkbox if you're using the GUI). Linking static runtime libraries to dynamic runtime executables causes all kinds of linker problems and redefinitions, so be careful of that.
Lastly, CMake GUI seems to retain some information about directory structures until you reload the project (or possibly restart the program entirely); so I hit a snag in trying to change which version of protobuf I used when CMake kept finding a directory structure I had already deleted, even after clearing the whole build directory. (Solved by clearing the build directory and relaunching CMake GUI and reloading the base project.)

You can use git-subtree or git-submodule to make google protobuf sources part of your solution and build it with your project.
Add to your top-level CMakeLists.txt
to get all protobuf targets.
Then you can add dependency to protobuf with
target_link_libraries(YourLibrary libprotobuf libprotobuf-lite libprotoc)
Hope this helps.


How to determine current build type of visual studio in CMakeList.txt

This is my build command in CMD:
cmake --build . --config Debug
This Debug can sometimes be Release, or sometimes it is the default. And I have a code in my CMakeList.txt:
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE LLUd wstp64i4)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE LLU wstp64i4)
I think its grammar is fine. But it is a great pity that Visual Studio(multi-config generators) does not recognize the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable as the document. How should I change it?
I have found a similar topic here, but it seem don't work for me.
This is all you should need:
target_link_libraries(MyTarget PRIVATE LLU::LLU)
If the above isn't working, you should ask about that error, not your attempted workaround.
The code you show is broken on several levels. First, the value of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE should never be used to check the active build type because it is not set when using a multi-config generator like Visual Studio. Every in-project use of CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is a code smell. It is meant to be set by the person building your project (maybe you, maybe not) as a cache variable from the outside.
Second, what you are actually trying to do is to pick a different physical (i.e. on disk) library for Debug mode versus Release (and other *Rel*) mode(s). But this is handled by CMake already. You shouldn't have to do what you're attempting.
I'm assuming that LLU is the Wolfram LibraryLink Utilities. If so, you should read the documentation which shows very nearly the same code I gave above. Notice that LLU::LLU is an imported target. Unless Wolfram's LLU package is broken, this will handle per-config library selection automatically. If it is broken, you should complain to the developers, loudly.
The moral of the story is, as always, to link to imported targets. If what you're linking to doesn't have :: in its name, you should be wary.
Here's a little background on why this is the case:
Imported targets that are generated by CMake's package export mechanism have the following properties set on them. These properties control CMake's view of which physical libraries should be used in which build types:
IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG> - This property names the path to the physical library that is to be used in the given configuration.
IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS - This property contains a list of the configurations that have been imported for the given target.
MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG> - This is a per-config property that maps <CONFIG>, which should not be present in IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS, to a second config that is present in IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS. The physical library from the second configuration will be used.
Regarding point (3), some packages forget to map MinSizeRel and RelWithDebInfo to Release. If you are getting an error in these configs (but not in Release) you can add the following code to your project before importing any packages:
This happens with LLVM's broken CMake packages. Most of the time, though, you don't have to worry about any of this.

How to include source of external library for IntelliSense in a CMake project?

I am working on a C++ application in Visual Studio, using the Visual Studio's CMake project template.
To build my application I only need the header and the external library and I can link it like this:
# CMakeList.txt : CMake project for myapp, include source and define project specific logic here.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
# Add source to this project's executable.
add_executable (myapp "myapp.cpp" "myapp.h")
# Add TIFF library
set(TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR "C:\\libs\\tiff\\out\\install\\x64-Debug\\include")
set(TIFF_LIBRARY "C:\\libs\\tiff\\out\\install\\x64-Debug\\lib\\tiffd.lib")
find_package(TIFF REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE TIFF::TIFF)
So far, so good. I can use the tiff library to open, read, write tiff files, etc., and IntelliSense is catching up with declarations in the header files. But, I would like IntelliSense to also be aware of the full source code of the TIFF library. For example, if I am in myapp.cpp and I ctrl+click on TIFFOpen it opens the header corresponding to TIFFOpen, but when I ctrl+click TIFFOpen in the header file, it doesn't go to the corresponding source file, which is the normal behaviour for source files in myapp. This is understandable, since I never told Visual Studio where to find the source files of the external library.
CMake doesn't need to know where the source files of the external libraries are, since it won't build the external library, therefore I guess I don't/shouldn't change anything in CMakeLists.txt
One option (I haven't tried yet, but I'm fairly sure it would work), would be to just include the entire tiff library as a sub-project of myapp. I do have some problems with this solution though:
The external library is not conceptually an integral part of the project, and I don't plan to modify the external library. This is more of a principle issue.
Simply having it as a subfolder in my project makes it a risk of changing something I didn't intend to change.
I don't want to rebuild the external library when I do a rebuild all. I know Visual Studio / CMake is smart enough to figure out that nothing changed and doesn't rebuild, but I would rather have Visual Studio / CMake not even try.
The way I see it, I have to set the directory with the source files somewhere in Visual Studio settings, but still related to the project. My best guess is that the .vs/ProjectSettings.json is the file I need to edit somehow, but honestly, I have no clue.
Alternatively, maybe I could write some command in CMakeLists.txt that doesn't do anything, but triggers the IntelliSense to look in the folder with source files. Again, I have no clue how should I go about this.
In a nutshell, I want IntelliSense to see all source files of an external library, the same way it sees the source files of myapp, without including all source files of the external library as a sub-project of myapp. How should I go about it, if even possible?
If relevant, I use Visual Studio 2019 Community and the CMake it comes with it (3.15).
Regarding your last comment, writing code in comment section is inconvenient so I'll just post it here although not an answer.
libtiff-4.pc is for pkg-config, not cmake, and find_package() can't deal with it directly on Windows and would take some work if you really want to. It might be easier to just write everything manually. Remember to set the tiff.lib and tiffd.lib according to your configuration. You can use CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE variable and if() command such as:
# set build type to release if not specified
# switch lib to link according to build type
# for release
set(TIFF_LIBRARY "<your_path_to_installed_lib>/tiff.lib")
# for debug. If you have other configs like relwithdebinfo you can add more
set(TIFF_LIBRARY "<your_path_to_installed_lib>/tiffd.lib")
Also, remove find_package() and use target_link_libraries() and target_inlude_directories():
set(TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR "<your_path_to_installed_headers>/include")
target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE ${TIFF_LIBRARY})
target_include_directories(myapp PRIVATE ${TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR})
You can also skip setting TIFF_LIBRARY and TIFF_INCLUDE_DIR and pass the string directly if you like.
I use Visual Studio a lot and it's my favorite IDE. But package management with cmake on Windows is not as smooth as Linux. Always remember to set environment variables after compiling and installing external libraries.
Normally find_package() will look for a system environment variable named <libname>_DIR (for example TIFF_DIR, which is not found in your case), which is used to store path to installed lib, then look for <libname>Config.cmake and <libname>ConfigVersion.cmake in that folder (and would fail for TIFF since it doesn't have them).
It also searches other places, check for details.
So for those libs with cmake exported files, add a variable with correct name and value. And that's only for compiling.
If you want your application to run after compiling, you also need to add the path of installed lib's binaries (usually *.dll) to system's Path variable. In your case you should find something like tiff.dll and tiffd.dll after compiling and installation, add that folder to Path and you are good to go.
Actually, showing the source in the IDE is easy enough.
Just add the source with add_library(tiff_for_ide EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ${SOURCES}) but don't link with it in the main program. You'll want to use a different target name for the library. For this you'd need the source in your project directly or as a submodule (if using Git, something else if available by you VCS).
Other options are using ExternalModule_Add; or FetchContent_MakeAvailable with the add_library as above, to avoid adding third party deps into the repository directly.
Now, just cross your fingers and hope that the IDE is not intelligent enough to restrict searching for sources that are linked against the target which compiles the current file. Or that it's intelligent enough to detect this situation but fallback to searching the whole project files anyway when it's linking against a binary.

CMake: Override libraries added by target_link_libraries

So I am running into a pretty large headache building my software with CMake.
I am building a third party library statically (dlib) which requires zlib and libpng (both also static, I prebuilt these) libraries to support PNG functionality. The CMakeFile provided by the COTS dlib library is doing a basic:
target_link_libraries( dlib ${dlib_required_libs})
This is making all of its libraries configured as "general" libraries, which end up being used for both Release and Debug builds.
This isn't an issue in Linux, but Windows has a lovely "feature" of specifying the runtime library (/MT or /MD or /MTd or /MDd). Any mismatches between these flags cause multiple symbol definition errors at link time. i.e. If libpng was built with /MT and my software is using /MTd, they will be incompatible.
To alleviate this, I have two built versions of zlib and libpng. One set using the /MT flag for Release builds and the other /MTd for Debug builds. These happily link into my own software using optimized/debug flags on target_link_libraries where they are used. HOWEVER, dlib (3rd party) is only linking the Release set of the zlib and libpng libs by the way it's CMakeFile has been written.
My main question is, is there a way I can 'override' what dlib is linking without modifying it's provided CMakeFile?
I attempted overwriting dlib_LIB_DEPENDS and forcing it into the cache out of desperation, to no avail.
FindPNG.cmake script, like many other Find*.cmake scripts used by find_package(), does not care about multiconfig builds. So it just searched single library, while multiconfig builds naturally want library-per-config.
For make searched PNG library to be per-config, one can to write own FindPNG.cmake script (and set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to point to the directory with this script).
But for concrete usage it is simpler to just rewrite output of the original script, that is set PNG_LIBRARY cache variable pointed to library-per-config:
optimized png-lib-release debug png-lib-debug
or, using generator expressions,
(instead of png-lib-release and png-lib-debug should be paths to the release and debug version of the library conrrespondingly).
Both these values are expected to be used with target_link_libraries command,
producing per-config linkage.
Dlib comes with copies of libpng and zlib in dlib/external. By default, dlib's CMakeLists.txt will build them the correct way and statically link them into your program. So the solution is to let it do that. Don't try to create a separate static library because, as you noted, that causes a lot of trouble on windows.

CMake post build step: copy multiple files dependent on visual studio configuration

I'm trying to write a CMakeLists.txt which copies as a post build event required dlls from external libraries to the folder in which the executable is located after building. The OS I'm working on is Win7 and VS2010.
There a quite a lot of external libraries, so I do not want to list them individually within the CMakeLists.txt. My current solution is to use file globbing and create a post build event for each library:
FILE(GLOB files "${LIBRARY_DIR}/lib/$(ConfigurationName)/*dll")
FOREACH(file ${files})
TARGET mylib
COMMENT "Copying dll ${file}..."
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${file} "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/$(ConfigurationName)/"
Basically, the code snipped above works file if I replace $(ConfigurationName) with Release or Debug. However, I'd like to take the libraries from the corresponding directory dependent on Release or Debug build mode. In the code snipped above, $(ConfigurationName) does not get substituted by the visual studio build mode. I guess this is due to that this is a VS2010 variable which isn't known at cmake generation time).
Does somebody have a smart idea how to resolve this issue?
ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND understands generator expressions, so you would be able to use $<CONFIG> rather than $(Configuration) or $(ConfigurationName) there. For the FILE command, however, this won't work. More importantly though, the file globbing approach isn't going to work for the first time you build your project if those DLL's are built as part of the same project, since none of the DLL's would be there when you first run CMake in such an arrangement.
You may want to look into BundleUtilities as a more robust way to solve your problem. Despite its name, it supports all platforms, not just Mac. You would need to invoke the fixup_bundle command as a post-build or install step to achieve what you describe. There are a few variations of this approach already described online (e.g. here and here).
You can also have a look at the source for the DeployQt4.cmake file which should be included in the Modules subdirectory of your CMake installation for ideas.
Lets suppose you have _TARGET_NAME filled with your your project name, and ADDITIONAL_DLL_PATH with a list of folders containing external dlls, Then the following code will copy any external dependencies found using dumpbin on windows.
get_filename_component(TARGE_DIR ${TARGET_LOCATION_${CONF_TYPE_U}} PATH)
install(CODE "
fixup_bundle(\"${TARGET_LOCATION_${CONF_TYPE_U}}\" \"\" \"${ADDITIONAL_DLL_PATH}\")
There are downsides to this solution though, Like the need to build INSTALL target whenever you need to copy those files (which might not be many times), and not detecting delay loaded dlls.

How can I use CMake to both build wxwidgets on-demand and link with it

I have the following situation:
I'm working on an application that depends on a number of third party libs, among them wxwidgets
I build the application for multiple target configurations (x86, arm, Linux, Windows) using Linux as my build host system
Due to the above mentioned multiple target configurations, I have chosen to build those third-party libs from source, using CMake's ExternalProject_Add function.
The third-party libs are built 'on-demand' at a location separate from my application's CMAKE_BINARY_DIR so that I can wipe the build tree for my application without having to rebuild the third-party libs (takes a looooong time).
The location of the third-party libs is different depending on what target configuration I build them for (obviously).
I'm quite new to CMake and the problem I currently face is this:
The source files in my application can't find the wx include files and I need to set the correct linker flags to be able to link my application against wxwidgets.
This seems to be handled by a utility 'wx-config' that provides exactly that info as output when run with either the --cppflags or --libs flag. I can not however, figure out how to catch that output and append it to the include dirs and linked libraries I setup from my CMakeLists.txt files.
So basically what I want is.
Build wxwidgets (if it doesn't exist) for the current target configuration
Run wx-config --cppflags and --libs to find out the correct include dirs and linker flags for the current target configuration
Use the info from step 2 when building targets that are my own application
So far I've tried something like this:
# Set a target-configuration-specific location
set(wxwidgetsTop ${MYPROJECT_EXTERNAL_DIR}/wxwidgets/wxwidgets_${MYPROJECT_CURRENT_TARGET_CFG})
# Build the project
ExternalProject_Add( wxWidgetsExternal
PREFIX ${wxwidgetsTop}
URL ${MYPROJECT_EXTERNAL_DIR}/tarballs/wxWidgets-3.0.2.tar.bz2
SOURCE_DIR ${wxwidgetsTop}/src/wxwidgets
CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${configure_cmdline}
INSTALL_COMMAND make install
# Create a wxwidgets target to be used as a dependency from other code
add_library(wxWidgets IMPORTED STATIC GLOBAL)
add_dependencies(wxWidgets wxWidgetsExternal)
# (non-working) attempt to get the correct include dirs and linker
# flags for wxwidgets
add_custom_command(TARGET wxWidgetsExternal
COMMAND ${INSTALL_DIR}/bin/wx-config ARGS --cppflags
COMMENT "Running wx-config"
but the above does not provide a way to actually use the result from the custom command to append the cppflags and linker options when building the targets that make up my application.
What is a good way to achieve what I want?
I see three different ways of doing this:
Method 1: use find_package
Use wxWidgets as a standalone requirement for your project, and expect the devs to install it before building your project. In your CMakeLists.txt you will need to call find_package(wxWidgets), like this:
find_package(wxWidgets COMPONENTS net gl core base)
# and for each of your dependent executable/library targets:
target_link_libraries(<YourTarget> ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES})
This has the advantage of not rebuilding the lib if you rebuild your project, however it requires some work for your user (they need to handle the installation of wxWidgets by hand) and for you (you need to setup include paths / compile definitions / ... by hand).
Method 2: embed wxWidgets
The second option is to bundle wxWidgets in your repo (svn external or git submodule) and usually (re)write the CMakeLists.txt of this lib to be target-oriented. Then, in your top-most CMakeLists.txt, you can do the following:
# for example, if you just need core and net:
target_link_librairies(my_app PUBLIC wxWidgetsCore wxWidgetsNet)
# No need to manually setup include dirs, etc...
To make a CMakeLists.txt target-oriented, you define include directories and other compilation properties for a target, not a directory. Example:
# When defining wxWidgetsCore, for example
add_library(wxWidgetsCore ...)
target_include_directories(wxWidgetsCore PUBLIC someDir)
target_compile_definitions(wxWidgetsCore PUBLIC -pedantic)
target_link_libraries(wxWidgetsCore PUBLIC someLib)
The drawback of this approach is that rebuilding your project will trigger a rebuild of wxWidgets. However, it is possible to trick this by not using "rebuild" but "clean just my app, then build". Here is some insight on how to achieve this.
Method 3: some sort of hybrid
The big drawback of method 2 leads to the third approach: don't put wxWidgets in your project, but create a CMakeLists.txt that will "import" the lib. The idea: you ask your user for the directory where wxWidgets is installed, then this script will setup everything for your project. First, put the CMakeLists.txt here:
Now, you define an imported target:
# When defining wxWidgetsCore, for example
add_library(wxWidgetsCore IMPORTED GLOBAL)
set_property(TARGET wxWidgetsCore APPEND PROPERTY
See INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES. You need your user to have build wxWidgets somewhere in his system, but from your point of view you just do target_link_libraries(your_app PUBLIC wxWidgets...), as in method 2. The advantage is that this approach is interchangeable with method 2 transparently, and you don't put the whole dependency in your project.
Setting cppflags and linker flags has to be done at CMake time, but you are trying to run wx-config at build time and you are not capturing its output anyway, so your add_custom_command() isn't doing anything useful other than printing things to the build tool's output.
Ideally, you would use the FindwxWidgets module CMake already provides. It requires wxWidgets to already be built (but see further below). Have a look at the CMake documentation for it and see if that at least sounds like what you are trying to achieve manually by using wx-config. If you can get FindwxWidgets to do the job for you, that would be a much cleaner approach.
Getting something to build at configure time so you can use it later on in your CMakeLists.txt file is a bit more tricky. ExternalProject_Add() downloads and builds things at build time, but you need wxWidgets to be built earlier at configure time. I wrote an article recently for how to do at least the downloading part at configure time and you should be able to adapt it to do the whole build at configure time instead. The article uses Google Test as its example and can be found here:
It would be trivial to make it put the wxWidgets build wherever you like, not just in the CMAKE_BINARY_DIR area. That would allow you to have different wxWidgets builds for each build configuration and to be able to wipe out your application's build tree independently of the wxWidgets builds.
Hope that points you in the right direction.
The solution I use checks for wxWidgets installation in the system using find_package, if it's not found, then the script downloads wxWidgets from github and links the program against downloaded library. The lib is installed in the build directory, so only the first build is slow - subsequent builds do not even check wxWidgets sources timestamps, so the process is as fast as building using preinstalled wxWidgets library.
Here's how my script does it:
It quietly checks for wxWidgets installation using find_package(wxWidgets QUIET),
If it's found, the script adds a dummy library wxWidgets_external,
If it's not, then it creates an ExternalProject named wxWidgets_external which downloads, builds and installs the library in the build dir, setting wxWidgets_ROOT_DIR to point to the wxWidgets installation dir,
Then we add another ExternalProject pointing to a folder with the main program's source files and CMakeLists.txt build script. This external projects depends on wxWidgets_external which is either a dummy library in case wxWidgets is preinstalled in the system, or an external project set up to download the library from github,
In the aforementioned CMakeLists.txt we again call find_package, this time with REQUIRED parameter and use the library the standard way ( Because we set up the dependencies and variables correctly, this call will use either preinstalled wxWidgets (if it's available) or the one downloaded from github.
There are more quirks to it, but that's the gist of it. The full sample code (tested on Linux, Windows and Mac) is available on github (
Also see full blog post which explains this in more detail: