Does Boost have support for Windows EnterCriticalSection API? - c++

I know Boost has support for mutexes and lock_guard, which can be used to implement critical sections.
But Windows has a special API for critical sections (see EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection) which is a LOT faster than a mutex (for rarely contended, short sections of code).
Hence my question - it is possible in Boost to take advantage of this API, and fallback to spinlock/mutex/futex-based implementation on other platforms?

The simple answer is no.
Here's some relevant background from an old mailing list thread:
BTW. I am agree that mutex is more universal solution from a
performance point of view. But to be fair - CS are faster in simple
design. I believe that possibility to support them should be at
taken in account.
This was the article that someone pointed me to. The conclusion was
that CS are only faster if:
There are less than 8 threads total in the process.
You weren't running in the background.
You weren't on an dual processor machine.
To me this means that simple testing yields good CS performance
results, but any real world program is better off with a full blown
I'm not adverse to supporting a CS implementation. However, I
originally chose not to for the following reasons:
You get either construction and destruction hits from using a PIMPL
idiom or you must include Windows.h in the Boost.Threads headers,
which I simply don't want to do. (This can be worked around by
emulating a CS ala OPTEX from the MSDN.)
According to this research paper most programs won't benefit from
a CS design.
It's trivial to code a (non-portable) critical_section class that
follows the Mutex model if you truly can make use of this.
For now I think I've made the right choice, though down the road we
may change the implementation to use a critical section or OPTEX.
Bill Kempf

Speaking as someone who helps out maintaining Boost.Thread, and as someone who failed to get an event object into Boost.Thread, I don't think critical sections have ever been added nor would be added to Boost for these reasons:
A Win32 critical section is trivially easy to build using a boost::atomic and a boost::condition_variable, so much so it isn't really worth having an official one. Here is probably the most complex one you could imagine, but extremely configurable including being constexpr ready (don't ask!):
You can build your own simply by matching (Basic)Lockable concept and using atomic compare_exchange (non-x86/x64) or atomic exchange (x86/x64) and then grab it using a lock_guard around the critical section.
Some may object that a win32 critical section is not this. I am afraid it is: it simply spins on an atomic for a spin count, and then lazily tries to allocate a win32 event object which it then waits upon. Nothing special.
As much as you might think critical sections (really user mode mutexes) are better/faster/whatever, they probably are not as great as you might think. boost::mutex is a big vast heavyweight thing on Windows internally using a win32 semaphore as the kernel wait object because of the need to emulate thread cancellation and to behave well in a general purpose use context. It's easy to write a concurrency structure which is faster than another for some single use case, but it is very very hard to write a concurrency structure which is all of:
Faster than a standard implementation in the uncontended case.
Faster than a standard implementation in the lightly contended case.
Faster than a standard implementation in the heavily contended case.
Even if you manage all three of the above, that still isn't enough: you also need some guarantees on worst case progression ordering, so whether certain patterns of locks, waits and unlocks produce predictable outcomes. This is why threading facilities can appear to look slow in narrow use case scenarios, so Boost.Thread much as the STL can appear to be much slower than hand rolled locking code in say an uncontended use case.
Boost.Thread already does substantial work in user mode to avoid going to kernel sleep on Windows. On POSIX any of the major pthreads implementations also does substantial work to avoid kernel sleeps and hence Boost.Thread doesn't replicate that work. In other words, critical sections don't gain you anything in terms of scaling to load behaviours, though inevitably Boost.Thread v4 especially on Windows does a ton load of work a naive implementation does not (the planned rewrite of Boost.Thread is vastly more efficient on Windows as it can assume Windows Vista or above).

So, it looks like the default Boost mutex doesn't support it, but asio::detail::mutex does.
So I ended up using that:
#include <boost/asio/detail/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
using boost::asio::detail::mutex;
using boost::lock_guard;
int myFunc()
static mutex mtx;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mtx);
. . .


Is C++ std::atomic compatible with pthreads?

I have 2 pthread threads where one is writing a bool value and another is reading it.
I dont care for portability. Its x86 architecture. The only which concerns me is writing thread sets bool to true and starts doing its own work (which happens once a day at midnight) closing a file. And the other thread had read the bool as false and proceeds with its work (writing to a file) at the same time. Its very difficult to reproduce this scenario so I better get best possible theoretical solution.
Can I use std::atomic in case of pthreads?
Can I use std::atomic in case of pthreads?
Yes, that's what std::atomic is for.
It works with std::thread, POSIX threads, and any other kind of threads. Behind the scenes it uses "magical" compiler annotations to prevent certain thread-incompatible optimizations, and processor-specific locking instructions to guarantee that thread-safe code is generated1.
It makes (almost) no sense to use std::atomic without threads (you could use std::atomic instead of volatile for signal handlers, but there is no advantage in doing so).
The only which concerns me ...
The rest of your question makes no sense to me.
1 When used correctly, which is often non-trivial thing to do, and which is why you generally should try not to use std::atomic unless you are an expert.

Deduce if a program is going to use threads

Thread-safe or thread-compatible code is good.
However there are cases in which one could implement things differently (more simply or more efficiently) if one knows that the program will not be using threads.
For example, I once heard that things like std::shared_ptr could use different implementations to optimize the non-threaded case (but I can't find a reference).
I think historically std::string in some implementation could use Copy-on-write in non-threaded code.
I am not in favor or against these techniques but I would like to know if that there is a way, (at least a nominal way) to determine at compile time if the code is being compiled with the intention of using threads.
The closest I could get is to realize that threaded code is usually (?) compiled with the -pthreads (not -lpthreads) compiler option.
(Not sure if it is a hard requirement or just recommended.)
In turn -pthreads defines some macros, like _REENTRANT or _THREAD_SAFE, at least in gcc and clang.
In some some answers in SO, I also read that they are obsolete.
Are these macros the right way to determine if the program is intended to be used with threads? (e.g. threads launched from that same program). Are there other mechanism to detect this at compile time? How confident would the detection method be?
EDIT: since the question can be applied to many contexts apparently, let me give a concrete case:
I am writing a header only library that uses another 3rd party library inside. I would like to know if I should initialize that library to be thread-safe (or at least give a certain level of thread support). If I assume the maximum level of thread support but the user of the library will not be using threads then there will be cost paid for nothing. Since the 3rd library is an implementation detail I though I could make a decision about the level of thread safety requested based on a guess.
EDIT2 (2021): By chance I found this historical (but influential) library Blitz++ which in the documentation says (emphasis mine)
8.1 Blitz++ and thread safety
To enable thread-safety in Blitz++, you need to do one of these
Compile with gcc -pthread, or CC -mt under Solaris. (These options define_REENTRANT,which tells Blitz++ to generate thread-safe code).
Compile with -DBZ_THREADSAFE, or #define BZ_THREADSAFE before including any Blitz++ headers.
In threadsafe mode, Blitz++ array reference counts are safeguarded by
a mutex. By default, pthread mutexes are used. If you would prefer a
different mutex implementation, add the appropriate BZ_MUTEX macros to
<blitz/blitz.h> and send them for
incorporation. Blitz++ does not do locking for every array element
access; this would result in terrible performance. It is the job of
the library user to ensure that appropriate synchronization is used.
So it seems that at some point _REENTRANT was used as a clue for the need of multi-threading code.
Maybe it is a very old reference to take seriously.
I support the other answer in that thread-safety decision ideally should not be done on whole program basis, rather they should be for specific areas.
Note that boost::shared_ptr has thread-unsafe version called boost::local_shared_ptr. boost::intrusive_ptr has safe and unsafe counter implementation.
Some libraries use "null mutex" pattern, that is a mutex, which does nothing on lock / unlock. See boost or Intel TBB null_mutex, or ATL CComFakeCriticalSection. This is specifically to substitute real mutex for threqad-safe code, and a fake one for thread-unsafe.
Even more, sometimes it may make sense to use the same objects in thread-safe and thread-unsafe way, depending on current phase of execution. There's also atomic_ref which serves the purpose of providing thread-safe access to underlying type, but still letting work with it in thread unsafe.
I know a good example of runtime switches between thread-safe and thread-unsafe. See HeapCreate with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, and HeapAlloc with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE.
I know also a questionable example of the same. Delphi recommends calling its BeginThread wrapper instead of CreateThread API function. The wrapper sets a global variable telling that from now on Delphi Memory Manager should be thread-safe. Not sure if this behavior is still in place, but it was there for Delphi 7.
Fun fact: in Windows 10, there are virtually no single-threaded programs. Before the first statement in main is executed, static DLL dependencies are loaded. Current Windows version makes this DLL loading paralleled where possible by using thread pool. Once program is loaded, thread pool threads are waiting for other tasks that could be issued by using of Windows API calls or std::async. Sure if program by itself will not use threads and TLS, it will not notice, but technically it is multi-threaded from the OS perspective.
How confident would the detection method be?
Not really. Even if you can unambiguously detect if code is compiled to be used with multiple threads, not everything must be thread safe.
Making everything thread-safe by default, even though it is only ever used only by a single thread would defeat the purpose of your approach. You need more fine grainded control to turn on/off thread safety if you do not want to pay for what you do not use.
If you have class that has a thread-safe and a non-thread-safe version then you could use a template parameter
class <bool isThreadSafe> Foo;
and let the user decide on a case for case basis.

Pitfalls on using MFC Synchronization Objects

I have employed MFC Synchronization objects in my projects without any issues. But recently I came across an article, which explains MFC synchronization is completely wrong. I'm not sure which version of MFC he's talking about but I seriously believe that MFC has matured in the recent versions. I'm using MFC library which comes along with Visual Studio 2008 Installation. Is it safe to use MFC libraries of this version especially for synchronization?
On mutex timeouts, there is a school of design for concurrent software that says you should not use timeouts for normal operation. Your design would then involve mutexes or other locks that do not time out ever, and timeout is effectively a mechanism for dealing with deadlocks: you try to design your system not to exhibit deadlocks, but in case they do happen, you would rather have it fail more or less gracefully, than stay dealocked forever.
If you use your locks in this way, it may well not matter much why trying to acquire a mutex failed.
On the other hand it does seem maybe not fundamentally broken, but at least somewhat deficient that this information is lost for no good reason and there are better frameworks out there that provide OO wrappers for mutexes, so regardless of this avoiding MFC in this case seems like a good idea.
The author's assertions are not appropriate for every condition, but for specific set of conditions. Lock returns BOOL, and you mostly would not care if it failed because of some reason. Most of the time you would call to get the lock or wait. In other cases, FALSE would mean failure. And if you need to check timeout, you can use native API (which is rare).
Recursive CSingleLock is absurd. You don't use same object to relock. You can safely use multipe CSinlgeLock objects to gain recursive access.
CEvent, CMutex and other named-object classes can be used accross process. I have used it!
I don't use Semaphores. May be some other can comment.

pthread-win32 extension sem_post_multiple

I am currently building a thin C++ wrapper around pthreads for in-house use. Windows as well as QNX are targeted and fortunately the pthreads-win32 ports seems to work very well, while QNX is conformant to POSIX for our practical purposes.
Now, while implementing semaphores, I hit the function
sem_post_multiple(sem_t*, int)
which is apparently only available on pthreads-win32 but is missing from QNX. As the name suggests the function is supposed to increment the semaphore by the count given as second argument. As far as I can tell the function is not part of neither POSIX 1b nor POSIX 1c.
Although there is currently no requirement for said function I am still wondering why pthreads-win32 provides the function and whether it might be of use. I could try to mimic it for QNX using similar to the following:
sem_post_multiple_qnx(sem_t* sem, int count)
for(;count > 0; --count)
What I am asking for are suggestion/advice on how to proceed. If consensus suggests to do implement the function for QNX I would also appreciate comments on whether the suggested code snipped is a viable solution.
Thanks in advance.
PS: I deliberately left out my fancy C++ class for clarity. For all folks suggesting boost to the rescue: it is not an option in my current project due to management reasons.
In any case semaphores are an optional extension in POSIX. E.g OS X doesn't seem to implement them fully. So if you are concerned with portability, you'd have to provide wrappers of the functionalities you need, anyhow.
Your approach to emulate an atomic increment by iterated sem_post has certainly downsides.
It might be performing badly,
where usually sem_t are used in
performance critical contexts.
This operation would not be
atomic. So confusing things might
happen before you finish the loop.
I would stick to the just necessary, strictly POSIX conforming. Beware that sem_timedwait is yet another optional part of the semaphore option.
Your proposed implementation of sem_post_multiple doesn't play nicely with sem_getvalue, since sem_post_multiple is an atomic increase and therefore it's not possible for a "simultaneous" call to sem_getvalue to return any of the intermediate values.
Personally I'd want to leave them both out: trying to add fundamental synchronization operations to a system which lacks them is a mug's game, and your wrapper might soon cease to be "thin". So don't get into it unless you have code that uses sem_post_multiple, that you absolutely have to port.
sem_post_multiple() is a non-standard helper function introduced by the win32-pthreads maintainers. Your implementation isn't the same as theirs because the multiple decrements aren't atomic. Whether or not this is a problem depends on the intended use. (Personally, I wouldn't try to implement this function unless/until the need arises.)
This is an interesting question. +1.
I agree with the current prevailing consensus here that it is probably not a good idea to implement that function. While your proposed implementation would probably be work just fine in most situations, there are definitely conditions in which the results could be dramatically different due to the non-atomicity. The following is one (extremely) contrived situation:
Start thread A which calls sem_post_multiple( s, 10 )
Thread B waiting on s is released. Thread B kills thread A.
In the above unfriendly scenario, the atomic version would have incremented the semaphore by 10. With non-atomic version, it may only be incremented once. This example is certainly not likely in the real world. For example, the killing of a thread is almost always a bad idea not to mention the fact that it could leave the semaphore object in an invalid state. The Win32 implementation could leave a mutex lock on the semaphore - see this for why.

Why do libraries implement their own basic locks on windows?

Windows provides a number of objects useful for synchronising threads, such as event (with SetEvent and WaitForSingleObject), mutexes and critical sections.
Personally I have always used them, especially critical sections since I'm pretty certain they incur very little overhead unless already locked. However, looking at a number of libraries, such as boost, people then to go to a lot of trouble to implement their own locks using the interlocked methods on Windows.
I can understand why people would write lock-less queues and such, since thats a specialised case, but is there any reason why people choose to implement their own versions of the basic synchronisation objects?
Libraries aren't implementing their own locks. That is pretty much impossible to do without OS support.
What they are doing is simply wrapping the OS-provided locking mechanisms.
Boost does it for a couple of reasons:
They're able to provide a much better designed locking API, taking advantage of C++ features. The Windows API is C only, and not very well-designed C, at that.
They are able to offer a degree of portability. the same Boost API can be used if you run your application on a Linux machine or on Mac. Windows' own API is obviously Windows-specific.
The Windows-provided mechanisms have a glaring disadvantage: They require you to include windows.h, which you may want to avoid for a large number of reasons, not least its extreme macro abuse polluting the global namespace.
One particular reason I can think of is portability. Windows locks are just fine on their own but they are not portable to other platforms. A library which wishes to be portable must implement their own lock to guarantee the same semantics across platforms.
In many libraries (aka Boost) you need to write corss platform code. So, using WaitForSingleObject and SetEvent are no-go. Also, there common idioms, like Monitors, Conditions that Win32 API misses, (but it can be implemented using these basic primitives)
Some lock-free data structures like atomic counter are very useful; for example: boost::shared_ptr uses them in order to make it thread safe without overhead of critical section, most compilers (not msvc) use atomic counters in order to implement thread safe copy-on-write std::string.
Some things like queues, can be implemented very efficiently in thread safe way without locks at all that may give significant perfomance boost in certain applications.
There may occasionally be good reasons for implementing your own locks that don't use the Windows OS synchronization objects. But doing so is a "sharp stick." It's easy to poke yourself in the foot.
Here's an example: If you know that you are running the same number of threads as there are hardware contexts, and if the latency of waking up one of those threads which is waiting for a lock is very important to you, you might choose a spin lock implemented completely in user space. If the waiting thread is the only thread spinning on the lock, the latency of transferring the lock from the thread that owns it to the waiting thread is just the latency of moving the cache line to the owner thread and back to the waiting thread -- orders of magnitude faster than the latency of signaling a thread with an OS lock under the same circumstances.
But the scenarios where you want to do this is pretty narrow. As soon as you start having more software threads than hardware threads, you'll likely regret it. In that scenario, you could spend entire OS scheduling quanta doing nothing but spinning on your spin lock. And, if you care about power, spinlocks are bad because they prevent the processor from going into a low-power state.
I'm not sure I buy the portability argument. Portable libraries often have an OS portability layer that abstracts the different OS APIs for synchronization. If you're dealing with locks, a pthread_mutex can be made semantically the same as a Windows Mutex or Critical Section under an abstraction layer. There's some exceptions here, but for most people this is true. If you're dealing with Windows Events or POSIX condition variables, well, those are tougher to abstract. (Vista did introduce POSIX-style condition variables, but not many Windows software developers are in a position to require Vista...)
Writing locking code for a library is useful if that library is meant to be cross platform. Users of the library can use the library's locking functionality and not have to care about the underlying platform implementation. Assuming the library has versions for all the platforms being targetted it's one less bit of code that has to be ported.