Creating BMP in pure C++ - c++

Thank you for help. This is the final version.
Working version
BMPHead.bfReserved1 = 0;
BMPHead.bfReserved1 = 0;
BMPHead.biWidth=CSVHead.depth_pxsize ;
BMPHead.biCompression = 0;
BMPHead.biSizeImage = ((CSVHead.lateral_pxsize * CSVHead.depth_pxsize)*4);
BMPHead.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
BMPHead.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
BMPHead.biClrUsed = 0;
BMPHead.biClrImportant =0;
void zamiana_danych(int &EndOfHead, float line[], csvh &CSVHead, bmph BMPHead, float &max, float &min)
{ unsigned char bit_empty=0;
float tmp[500];
ifstream obraz;
fstream bitmapa("POP_OCT.bmp");"POP_OCT.csv", ios::binary);
obraz.seekg(EndOfHead, ios_base::beg);
bitmapa.seekg(BMPHead.bfOffBits, ios_base::beg); // this part was missing
for( int numb=0; numb < CSVHead.depth_pxsize; numb++ )
//wczytanie jednego wiersza dancyh
for(int i=0; i<CSVHead.lateral_pxsize; i++)
{ //wczytanie komorki danych
obraz.seekg(+1, ios_base::cur);
tmp[i]=((max-min) / 255) * line[i] - min;
unsigned char pixel[4]={tmp[i],tmp[i],tmp[i],0};
bitmapa.write((char*)&pixel, sizeof(pixel));
I need to create BMP in C++ without using nonstandard libraries, but I still have some errors. I know there are some similiar topics, but it's still not clear for me how to make this thing working.
File is created, but when I try to open it, photo browser says:
"Windows Image Viewer can not open the image, because the file is too big or broken".
I'm not sure if the problem is in header or in pixel writing.
That's the code:
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
struct bmph{
unsigned short int bfType; // instead of this I use znak1 and znak2
unsigned long int bfSize;
unsigned short int bfReserved1;
unsigned short int bfReserved2;
unsigned long int bfOffBits;
unsigned long int biSize;
unsigned long int biWidth;
unsigned long int biHeight;
unsigned short int biPlanes;
unsigned short int biBitCount;
unsigned long int biCompression;
unsigned long int biSizeImage;
unsigned long int biXPelsPerMeter;
unsigned long int biYPelsPerMeter;
unsigned long int biClrUsed;
unsigned long int biClrImportant;
int main()
unsigned char pixel[4]={255,255,255,0};
char znak1='B';
char znak2='M';
bmph bmpheader;
ofstream moje_bmp("tworzBMP.bmp");
bmpheader.bfSize=40 + (500*999)*4;
bmpheader.bfReserved1 = 0;
bmpheader.bfReserved1 = 0;
bmpheader.biCompression = 0;
bmpheader.biSizeImage = (500*999)*4;
bmpheader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmpheader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmpheader.biClrUsed = 0;
bmpheader.biClrImportant =0;
moje_bmp << znak1 <<znak2;
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.bfSize, sizeof(bmpheader.bfSize));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.bfReserved1, sizeof(bmpheader.bfReserved1));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.bfReserved1, sizeof(bmpheader.bfReserved1));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.bfOffBits, sizeof(bmpheader.bfOffBits));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.bfSize, sizeof(bmpheader.bfSize));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biWidth, sizeof(bmpheader.biWidth));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biHeight, sizeof(bmpheader.biHeight));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biPlanes, sizeof(bmpheader.biPlanes));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biBitCount, sizeof(bmpheader.biBitCount));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biCompression, sizeof(bmpheader.biCompression));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biSizeImage, sizeof(bmpheader.biSizeImage));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biXPelsPerMeter, sizeof(bmpheader.biXPelsPerMeter));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biYPelsPerMeter, sizeof(bmpheader.biYPelsPerMeter));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biClrUsed, sizeof(bmpheader.biClrUsed));
moje_bmp.write((char*)&bmpheader.biClrImportant, sizeof(bmpheader.biClrImportant));
for(int tx=0; tx<500;tx++)
for(int ty=0; ty<999;ty++)
moje_bmp.write((char*)&pixel, sizeof(pixel));
return 0;
As all of it worked in the example above, in my main project it does not. Here are the functions from main project and the same result:
"Windows Image Viewer can not open the image, because the file is too big or broken".
void glowa_bmp(bmph &BMPHead, csvh &CSVHead)
ofstream bitmapa("bitmapa.bmp", ios::binary);
//przypisanie wartosci naglowka
BMPHead.bfReserved1 = 0;
BMPHead.bfReserved1 = 0;
BMPHead.biWidth=CSVHead.depth_pxsize ;
BMPHead.biCompression = 0;
BMPHead.biSizeImage = ((CSVHead.lateral_pxsize * CSVHead.depth_pxsize)*4);
BMPHead.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
BMPHead.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
BMPHead.biClrUsed = 0;
BMPHead.biClrImportant =0;
//zapisanie naglowka w pliku
bitmapa << BMPHead.znak1 << BMPHead.znak2;
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.bfSize, sizeof(BMPHead.bfSize));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.bfReserved1, sizeof(BMPHead.bfReserved1));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.bfReserved1, sizeof(BMPHead.bfReserved1));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.bfOffBits, sizeof(BMPHead.bfOffBits));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.bfSize, sizeof(BMPHead.bfSize));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biWidth, sizeof(BMPHead.biWidth));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biHeight, sizeof(BMPHead.biHeight));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biPlanes, sizeof(BMPHead.biPlanes));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biBitCount, sizeof(BMPHead.biBitCount));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biCompression, sizeof(BMPHead.biCompression));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biSizeImage, sizeof(BMPHead.biSizeImage));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biXPelsPerMeter, sizeof(BMPHead.biXPelsPerMeter));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biYPelsPerMeter, sizeof(BMPHead.biYPelsPerMeter));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biClrUsed, sizeof(BMPHead.biClrUsed));
bitmapa.write((char*)&BMPHead.biClrImportant, sizeof(BMPHead.biClrImportant));
void zamiana_danych(int &EndOfHead, float line[], csvh &CSVHead, float &max, float &min)
{ unsigned char bit_empty=0;
float tmp[500];
ifstream obraz;
ofstream bitmapa("bitmapa.bmp", ios::binary);"POP_OCT.csv", ios::binary);
obraz.seekg(EndOfHead, ios_base::beg);
for( int numb=0; numb < CSVHead.depth_pxsize; numb++ )
//wczytanie jednego wiersza dancyh
for(int i=0; i<CSVHead.lateral_pxsize; i++)
{ //wczytanie komorki danych
obraz.seekg(+1, ios_base::cur);
tmp[i]=((max-min) / 255) * line[i] - min;
unsigned char pixel[4]={tmp[i],tmp[i],tmp[i],0};
bitmapa.write((char*)&pixel, sizeof(pixel));

bmpheader.bfSize=40 + (500*999)*4;
You need to add 54 instead of 40:
Which you both combined in struct bmph.
Thus: 54 + (500*999)*4;, being the total size of the resulting file.
bmpheader.biBitCount should be 32 (24 for RGB and 32 for RGBA).
Also, if you can make sure the padding of struct bmph is ok (i.e. no padding - not sure about the setting for Linux, it's #pragma pack in Windows for example), then you could write the whole struct in one go.
And as #fleebness already suggested, make sure to use fixed types in your struct, so they won't change depending on the system you are compiling for.

Have you tried this correction:
ofstream moje_bmp("tworzBMP.bmp", std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
I believe std::ofstream expects text output instead of binary, so you have to override it.
Also, you might refer to this:
and instead of using 'unsigned short int' and such, try things like std::uint16_t for 2 byte values, or std::uint32_t for four byte values, etc.


What does<char*>(&variableName), sizeof(variablename)) do in c++ for reading images?

Suppose we want to blur an image, and the first step is to read the image, what is the purpose of using, sizeof(variablename)) ?
struct BitmapInfo {
short signature;
int fileSize;
int reserved;
int offsetToBits;
int headerSize;
int width;
int height;
} __attribute__((packed));
int main() {
fstream file("BLUE SHARD.bmp");
auto bmpInfo = BitmapInfo();<char*>(&bmpInfo), sizeof(bmpInfo));
auto additionalData = vector<char>(bmpInfo.offsetToBits - sizeof(bmpInfo));<char*>(&additionalData[0]), bmpInfo.offsetToBits - sizeof(bmpInfo));
auto pixels = vector<vector<rgba>>(bmpInfo.height);
for (int i=0; i<bmpInfo.height; i=i+1) {
pixels[i] = std::vector<rgba>(bmpInfo.width);<char*>(&pixels[i][0]), bmpInfo.width * sizeof(rgba));
What does<char*>(&variableName), sizeof(variablename)) do in c++ for reading images?
It reads sizeof(variablename) bytes from a file handled by file stream to the storage of variableName object (memory, where it resides).
In simpler words, it loads some value from a file into a variable.

u-law compression returns invalid file c++

I'm trying to apply the u-law algorithm to a wav file file.wav, and then create a new file file2.wav.
file.wav has 16 bits/sample, and I want to obtain a file2.wav that has 8 bits/sample.
This is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
using std::string;
using std::fstream;
typedef struct WAV_HEADER {
char RIFF[4];
unsigned long ChunkSize;
char WAVE[4];
char fmt[4];
unsigned long Subchunk1Size;
unsigned short AudioFormat;
unsigned short NumOfChan;
unsigned long SamplesPerSec;
unsigned long bytesPerSec;
unsigned short blockAlign;
unsigned short bitsPerSample;
char Subchunk2ID[4];
unsigned long Subchunk2Size;
} wav_hdr;
int headerSize = 0;
string path = "file.wav";
wav_hdr wavHeader;
FILE* openFile() {
const char* filePath;
FILE *wavFile;
headerSize = sizeof(wav_hdr);
filePath = path.c_str();
wavFile = fopen(filePath, "rb");
if (wavFile == NULL) {
fread(&wavHeader, headerSize, 1, wavFile);
return wavFile;
int8_t MuLaw_Encode(int16_t number)
const uint16_t MULAW_MAX = 0x1FFF;
const uint16_t MULAW_BIAS = 33;
uint16_t mask = 0x1000;
uint8_t sign = 0;
uint8_t position = 12;
uint8_t lsb = 0;
if (number < 0)
number = -number;
sign = 0x80;
number += MULAW_BIAS;
if (number > MULAW_MAX)
number = MULAW_MAX;
for (; ((number & mask) != mask && position >= 5); mask >>= 1, position--)
lsb = (number >> (position - 4)) & 0x0f;
return (~(sign | ((position - 5) << 4) | lsb));
int fileSize(FILE *file) {
int fileSize = 0;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
fileSize = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
return fileSize;
double bitsPerSample() {
double bitsPerE;
bitsPerE = wavHeader.bitsPerSample;
return bitsPerE;
int main() {
FILE *wavFile;
wavFile = openFile();
FILE* fptr2;
fptr2 = fopen("file2.wav", "wb");
int samples_count = fileSize(wavFile) / bitsPerSample();
short int *value = new short int[samples_count];
for (int16_t i = 0; i < samples_count; i++)
fread(&value[i], samples_count, 1, wavFile);
cout << value[i] << " "; // the output is in the attached picture
fwrite(value, sizeof(char), samples_count, fptr2);
return 0;
I took the u-law algorithm from here (2.1. µ-Law Compression (Encoding) Algorithm)
Am I doing something wrong? Because I obtain a corrupt file.
No header is ever written to the result file, so the first part of the data would get interpreted as a header, and it would be wrong. You can see in the file that it does not start with RIFFþR�WAVEfmt or something sufficiently similar.
The data written to the result file is value, the original data read from the input file, not the µ-law encoded data (which is only cout'ed and not saved).
The loop that reads the samples reads some wrong samples, because the computation of samples_count puts the current position back at the start, where the header is.

Corrupted heap while display a BMP image on console

I have a exercise. It says, that the C program should be able to read the information of a bitmap file and after that it should display the picture on console.
I have already written a code but when it does not work correctly.
When I debugged the code it looks like the heap is corrupted. I thinks I have a known glitch/mistake in ScanPixelline function.
I don't know how to fix it. Can someone help me to check it?
I am relatively new to C programming.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stdint.h"
#include "windows.h"
#pragma pack(1)
struct BMP
char Type[2]; //File type. Set to "BM".
int32_t Size; //Size in BYTES of the file.
int16_t Reserved1; //Reserved. Set to zero.
int16_t Reserved2; //Reserved. Set to zero.
int32_t OffSet; //Offset to the data.
int32_t headsize; //Size of rest of header. Set to 40.
int32_t Width; //Width of bitmap in pixels.
int32_t Height; // Height of bitmap in pixels.
int16_t Planes; //Number of Planes. Set to 1.
int16_t BitsPerPixel; //Number of Bits per pixels.
int32_t Compression; //Compression. Usually set to 0.
int32_t SizeImage; //Size in bytes of the bitmap.
int32_t XPixelsPreMeter; //Horizontal pixels per meter.
int32_t YPixelsPreMeter; //Vertical pixels per meter.
int32_t ColorsUsed; //Number of colors used.
int32_t ColorsImportant; //Number of "important" colors.
struct Color
unsigned char B;
unsigned char G;
unsigned char R;
struct ColorTable
Color *colors;
unsigned long length;
struct PixelArray
Color **pixels;
unsigned long rowCount;
unsigned long columnCount;
void readBMP(char *File_Name, BMP &a)
FILE *p = fopen(File_Name, "rb");
if (p == NULL)
printf("Can't open file!");
fread(&a, sizeof(BMP), 1, p);
void Get_Inf(BMP a)
if (a.Type[0] != 'B' || a.Type[1] != 'M')
printf("This is not a BMP file");
printf("This is a BMP file\n");
printf("The size of this file is %lu bytes\n", a.Size);
printf("The witdth of this image is %lu pixels\n", a.Width);
printf("The height of this image is %lu pixels\n", a.Height);
printf("The number of bits per pixels in this image is %u\n", a.BitsPerPixel);
void scanBmpPixelLine(Color *&line, unsigned long length)
FILE *pointer_ = fopen("test.bmp", "rb");
line = new Color[length];
fread(line, sizeof(Color), sizeof(Color)*length, pointer_);
// *)line, length * sizeof(Color));
void skipBmpPadding(char count)
FILE *pointer__ = fopen("test.bmp", "rb");
if (count == 0)
char padding[3];
fread(&padding, sizeof(char), count, pointer__);
// *)&padding, count);
void ReadPixelArray(BMP a, PixelArray &data)
FILE *pointer = fopen("test.bmp", "rb");
data.rowCount = a.Height;
data.columnCount = a.Width;
data.pixels = new Color*[data.rowCount];
char paddingCount = (4 - (a.Width * (a.BitsPerPixel / 8) % 4)) % 4;
fseek(pointer, 54, SEEK_SET);
for (int i = 0; i < data.rowCount; i++)
scanBmpPixelLine(data.pixels[data.rowCount - i - 1], a.Width);
void drawBmp(BMP a, PixelArray data)
HWND console = GetConsoleWindow();
HDC hdc = GetDC(console);
for (int i = 0; i < a.Height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < a.Width; j++)
Color pixel = data.pixels[i][j];
SetPixel(hdc, j, i, RGB(pixel.R, pixel.G, pixel.B));
ReleaseDC(console, hdc);
void releaseBmpPixelArray(PixelArray data)
for (int i = 0; i < data.rowCount; i++)
int main()
char file_name[] = "test.bmp";
BMP a;
PixelArray data;
readBMP(file_name, a);
ReadPixelArray(a, data);
drawBmp(a, data);
This function:
void scanBmpPixelLine(Color *&line, unsigned long length)
FILE *pointer_ = fopen("test.bmp", "rb");
line = new Color[length];
fread(line, sizeof(Color), sizeof(Color)*length, pointer_);
// *)line, length * sizeof(Color));
For starters, the intent of the function appears to be to read one line of pixel data from the file. But instead, it's re-opening the file and reading from the beginning (where the header bytes are). I'm not sure if you are aware of that...
But the crash is a result of this line:
fread(line, sizeof(Color), sizeof(Color)*length, pointer_);
The second parameter, sizeof(Color), is the size of each element. The third parameter is the number of elements to read. The total bytes read from the file will be the multiplication of the second parameter by the third parameter. So you've redundantly multiplied by sizeof(Color) one too many times. The result is that it will overwrite the line buffer.
To fix, it should be:
fread(line, sizeof(Color), length, pointer_);
You probably want to pass the FILE* pointer obtained from your ReadPixelArray function into this function instead of re-opening the file for every line.
Another code review comment. You should just read the entire file into memory instead of redundantly opening and closing the file for each operation. Then parse the header and set a pointer to the first "line" after the header.

Reading BMP file - Getting data out C/C++

Here's my first post, and first question.
Why shouldn't I*)(&bmpImageData),bmpImageDataSize); to read data block from BMP file, and how should I do this properly (I know about BGR triplets, but as for now I do not really care about them existing) EDIT: Maybe I should clarify something - as the code is right now it compiles pretty well, but stops working on the line provided higher.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mybmp.h"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
filebuf bmpBuff;
ifstream bmpFile("test.bmp", ios::binary);"test_zapis.bmp", ios::binary | ios::out);
ostream bmpSaved(&bmpBuff);
unsigned long bmpSizeBuffer;
bmpFile.seekg(2, ios::beg); // Missing BMP, DIB identification for good byte adjustment
mybmp bmpHeader;*)(&bmpHeader),sizeof(mybmp));
unsigned long bmpImageDataSize = bmpHeader.FReadFileSize()-bmpHeader.FReadOffset(); // Reading ImageData size
char* bmpImageData = new char[bmpImageDataSize];
bmpFile.seekg(bmpHeader.FReadOffset(),ios::beg); // Positioning pointer to ImageData start point*)(&bmpImageData),bmpImageDataSize); // This breaks down // Reading ImageData to bmpImageData buffer
// Fun with buffer //
for(int i = 0; i < bmpImageDataSize; i++)
// Saving (...) //
cout << "Plik nie zostal wczytany"<<endl;
return 0;
My mybmp.h header:
#pragma pack(push,1)
class mybmp
unsigned long fileSize; // BMP overall filesize in bytes
unsigned long reserved; // filled with 0
unsigned long fileOffset; // Offset before Raster Data
unsigned long size; // Size of InfoHeader = 40
unsigned long width; // overall image width
unsigned long height; // overall image height;
unsigned short planes; // = 1;
unsigned short bitCounts; // Bits per Pixel
unsigned long compression; // Type of compression
unsigned long typeOfImage; // compressed size of Image. 0 if compression parameter = 0;
unsigned long xPixelsPerM; // horizontal resolution - Pixels/Meter
unsigned long yPixelsPerM; // vertical resolution - Pixels/Meter
unsigned long colorsUsed; // Number of colors actually used
unsigned long colorsImportant; // Number of important colors, 0 if all
unsigned long FReadFileSize();
void FPrintObject();
unsigned long FReadOffset();
#pragma pack(pop)
The line*)(&bmpImageData),bmpImageDataSize); looks wrong, the bmpImageData is already a char *. Taking the address gives you a char ** (which will probably be on the stack), which you then write to, corrupting your stack.
Change your problem line to this (bmpImageData, bmpImageDataSize); does that help?

Read binary file with C++ and translate some contents in it

I am trying to learn more about binary files, so I started with HexEdit, and I manually wrote a file and created a template for it. Here is my work:
Now, I started working on a console application in C++ Win32 to read the contents in that file and make them look friendly. Here is part my code:
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
long getFileSize(FILE *file)
long lCurPos, lEndPos;
lCurPos = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, 2);
lEndPos = ftell(file);
fseek(file, lCurPos, 0);
return lEndPos;
int main()
const char *filePath = "D:\\Applications\\ColorTableApplication\\file.clt";
BYTE *fileBuf; // Pointer to our buffered data
FILE *file = NULL; // File pointer
if ((file = fopen(filePath, "rb")) == NULL)
printf_s("Could not open specified file\n");
else {
printf_s("File opened successfully\n");
printf_s("Path: %s\n", filePath);
printf_s("Size: %d bytes\n\n", getFileSize(file));
long fileSize = getFileSize(file);
fileBuf = new BYTE[fileSize];
fread(fileBuf, fileSize, 1, file);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
printf("%X ", fileBuf[i]);
fclose(file); // Almost forgot this
return 0;
(I provided that much code because I want to be clear, to help you get the idea about what I am trying to do)
First of all, I need to get the first 14 bytes and write them in the console as text, and then, in a for I need to write something like this for each color:
black col_id = 1; R = 00; G = 00; B = 00;
red col_id = 2; R = FF; G = 00; B = 00;
How can I read and translate these bytes?
It is correct as you have it to write out the 14 bytes.
a technique is to create a struct with the layout of your records, then cast e.g. (C-style)
typedef struct
char name[10];
long col_id;
unsigned char R;
unsigned char G;
unsigned char B;
} rec;
rec* Record = (rec*)(fileBuf + StartOffsetOfRecords);
now you can get the contents of the first record
Record->name, ...
getting next record is just a matter of moving Record forward
You could also have a struct for the header to make it more convenient to pickout the number of records, it is good to use stdint.h in order to get well defined sizes. also to pack structures on byte boundary to make sure no padding is done by the compiler i.e. #pragma pack(1) at the top of your source.
typedef struct
char signature[14];
uint32_t tableaddress;
uint32_t records;
} header;
typedef struct
char name[10];
uint32_t col_id;
unsigned char R;
unsigned char B;
unsigned char G;
} rec;
so instead when you read you could do like this
header Header;
rec* Record;
Record = (rec*)(fileBuf); // first record can be accessed through Record