Escape jekyll liquid tags - templates

This sounds very easy, however I couldn't find it anywhere in the docs. How can I write #site in a post code in jekyll, without it being processed by the engine?
It is being converted to' class='user-mention'>' class='user-mention'>#site

Try wrapping it in {%raw%} and {%endraw%}.


easiest way to parse html from soapui http request

I created a http request step in soapui which is an html page from which I need to extract one single value from
<span class="result">12345<span>
I'm thinking about using groovy,is it the best way ? If yes I'm beginner in both soapui and groovy, any snippet code to get started (how to get html Content from http request step, how to parse in groovy) thanks.
If you feel more comfortable with Groovy, then go for it!
SoapUI internally represents almost everything as XML. Therefore the easiest way to manipulate things in SoapUI is using XPath. In your case, you could probably use a Property Transfer step to extract //span[#class="result"].
Siking answer worked setting the source 'property' to ResponseAsXml along with XPath expresions, as for common HTML XPath expressions there's a resource online at

Realtime URI-translation of HTML content in C/C++

For the development of a custom reverse proxy (written in C++) I want to do a realtime translation of URIs in HTML content. For example if I want to access a ressource on http://myserver/ using http://my-reverse-proxy/myserver, all absolute and toplevel links like http://myserver/somecontent1.ext or /somecontent2.ext need to be modified.
An HTML tag
<img src="/sample.png">
would therefore be translated to
<img src="/myserver/sample.png">
From my point of view there are to approaches:
1) Using regular expressions and string replacement to find all related HTML tags and their paths using capture groups and do some string replacement.
2) Parse entire HTML content, do some transformation on the parse tree and pretty-print the result back to a valid HTML ressource.
And this is what this question is all about: Do you have any experiences what solution might be faster and maybe even more reasonable? Do you know a framework I might use to not reinvent the wheel? As this process should be used later for CSS and XML-based ressources as well, it should not be a HTML-depend solution.
Thanks in advance!
Proxy servers generally work by being servers. They handle all HTTP requests, modify the requested URLs, and then pass the modified request on to the server on the other side.
You should stick to this paradigm. It is far easier and more efficient than mucking around with the files themselves. Anything that is being done real-time can be done at the point of the request.
Also, it should probably be asked: why a custom reverse proxy? Such things exist already.

Secured Markdown in Django

Does anybody know is there any django app/lib which give secured Markdown or other markup language? Or there is no any way to give users to use Markdown in secured for my server way?
An also great solution that isn't mentionned in the link indicated in the comments, is the use of markdown2.
If you like using markdown2 ;)
And it has also a secure mode in order to avoid html/js/css execution, so it would fit your needs! :)
return Markdown(safe_mode="replace/escape/Boolean").convert(text)
You can use :
replace : will replace the html by an horrible text :p
escape : Will escape the html text (what I prefer)
Boolean: if set to True, will use replace. Boolean is here for retro-compatibility

Parse exported bookmarks file with ColdFusion

I need to parse a list of bookmarks exported from a browser like Chrome, Firefox and IE. Maybe even google etc.
I played around and did something like this reMatchNoCase("(<h3)(.*?)(</dl>)",myfile1) loop. Then I use reMatchNoCase("(<dt[>])(.*?)(</a>)",i) within the h3/dl
tags, and then a lot of cleanup, but its really not reliable.
The thing is that they have categories using h3 tags surrounded by dl tags and then the bookmarks in that. I can't just parse all URLs since I want to get the categories as in the browser.
if it is XHTML, use XPath
if it is not, it wouldn't be easy. Search
can you consider using a hybrid approach, parse with jQuery on client side first and post to CF?

How do I encode html leaving out the safe html

My data coming from the database might contain some html. If I use
string dataFromDb = "Some text<br />some more <br><ul><li>item 1</li></ul>";
Then everything gets encoded and I see the safe Html on the screen.
However, I want to be able to execute the safe html as noted in the dataFromDb above.
I think I am trying to create white list to check against.
How do I go about doing this?
Is there some Regex already out there that can do this?
Check out this article the AntiXSS library is also worth a look
You should use the Microsoft AntiXSS library. I believe the latest version is available here. Specifically, you'll want to use the GetSafeHtmlFragment method.