I created a gmail account and then when to Google+. On landing page, it first asked me to complete profile like Gender / Month / Date
I observed that there is no Select Tag. It is a dynamic div and it uses active-
<div class="mxa MC">
<div aria-activedescendant=":1x" aria-haspopup="true" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" style="-moz-user-select: none;" role="listbox" class="d-k-l d-y-r-c b-Qb hl">
<div aria-posinset="0" aria-setsize="4" role="option" id=":1x" class="d-k-l d-y-r-c-ha">Select</div>
<div aria-hidden="true" class="d-k-l d-y-r-c-Qa"> </div>
Am not able to understand how to click Male / Female once the dropdown list opens. The html doesn't change only the class expands further and aria-activedescendant value changes to :1q in case Male, :1r in case mouse hovers or Female
And on choosing this attribute value is set and next line "Select" text is changed to Male or Female, whichever chosen.
So how do select Gender or list items in such a situation
Flow was:
I created new Google Play Account through BlueStack, where it didn't ask for Gender / Month / Date
Then I opened browser on Desktop and opened this link
And there you get the option of Gender / Month / Date
I am trying to add icon in my Apex 21.2 cards region using SQL query. I used the following sql query:
select 1 card_primary_key,
'Users' card_title,
'Product Users' card_subtitle,
'fa-users-alt' card_icon
from dual
Then under attributes, under Icon and Badge, I set Icon Source=Icon class column and Icon Column = CARD_ICON, and Icon Position= Start
The title and subtitle are the only things showing, no icon shows up, there is just an empty space to the left of text.
I inspected the page looked at the html generated
<span class="a-CardView-icon u-color fa-users-alt" aria-hidden="true" title=""></span>
Could it be because area-hidden is set to true? If so, how do I change it? I did try changing fa-users-alt to fa fa-users-alt etc. but nothing worked
Can't figure out what is happening here. Would really appreciate some help. I am using Template Cards Container and Style A
I did a quick try on apex.oracle.com (which has been upgraded to 22.1 already, but that shouldn't make a difference) and it worked just fine.
Used query
select EMPNO,
'fa fa-users-alt' as icon
from EMP
Settings are same as yours and the icon shows up just fine. The html element is same as yours too - with aria-hidden="true":
<span class="a-CardView-icon u-color fa fa-users-alt" aria-hidden="true" title=""></span>
have a small Problem to choose a value ID in special Dropdown Box with iMacros. The Dropdown is on mrssporty.de/. It's the first Box in the main Fomular for Selecting the Club.
I have the the Value Ids like this:
<select id="clubUid" name="form66[clubUid]" class="form-control select select2 select2init">
<option value="">PLZ oder Ort eingeben *</option>
<option value="1139" >Aalen (73430, Bahnhofstraße 8)</option>
<option value="26" >Ahrensburg (22926, Grosse Strasse 2)</option>
<option value="27" >Aichach (86551, Augsburgerstr. 17)</option>
<option value="1128" >Altötting (84503, Marienstr.3)</option>
<option value="29" >Alzey (55232, Berliner Strasse 3)</option>
and want to choose one value above with iMacros like
Use these settings in Recording Options.
And record selection of drop down.
If you have multiple dropdowns and u want to do them all you can record 2 or 3. Then you can see which number inside () is changing. Then place !LOOP inside that number.
With little work u will see what I mean.
actually i solved it like that
CLICK X=646 Y=267
wait seconds=1
EVENTS TYPE=KEYPRESS SELECTOR="#s2id_autogen3_search" CHARS="12587"
EVENTS TYPE=KEYPRESS SELECTOR="#s2id_autogen3_search" KEYS="[13,13]"
But its not really smart. Anyone a better Idea?
I have a layout with an image to the left and a text on the right for medium and large views. I want to the text to be BEFORE the image on "small-12" though.
The pull/push mechanism does not seem to work with "xxx-12" columns.
These are my divs:
<div class="large-4 medium-6 small-12">Image</div>
<div class="large-8 medium-6 small-12">Text</div>
Here you go. You are missing columns. You want to order the small content first. Then push pull http://cdpn.io/xfJph
I have a page that shows a schedule of events over a period of time. Thanks to Leigh on this site, I was able to get it working the way I wanted, except for one small issue. One of the events is placed at the bottom of one of the lists that is sorted by the datetime column "eventtime". I'm baffled.
Here's my code:
<cfquery datasource="fairscheduledb" name="getfairevents">
SELECT fd.FairDayDate, fd.daycolor, fd.description, ev.eventname, ev.eventday, t.eventtype, ev.eventtime
FROM fairdays fd
LEFT OUTER JOIN events ev ON ev.eventday = fd.fairdaydate
LEFT OUTER JOIN eventtypes t ON t.eventtype = ev.eventtype
ORDER BY fd.fairDaydate, t.id, ev.eventtime
<cfoutput query="getfairevents" group="eventday">
<div class="schedulebox">
<!--- display event dates --->
<div class="schedulehead" style="clear: both; color: ###daycolor#;">#dateformat(fairdaydate,"dddd, mmmm dd")#</div>
<div class="schedulesubhead" style="clear: both; color: ##ffffff; background: ###daycolor#;">#description#</div>
<!--- event types for current date --->
<cfoutput group="eventtype">
<div class="scheduleitemtitle" style="clear: both; width: 700px; color: ###daycolor#;">#eventtype#</div>
<!--- individual events --->
<div class="scheduleitem" style="float: left; width: 75px; text-align: right;"><strong>#LCase(TimeFormat(eventtime,"h:mmtt"))#</strong></div>
<div class="scheduleitem" style="float: left; width: 550px;"> #eventname#</div><br/>
You're grouping your output on eventday and eventtype. You need to add those two columns to your ORDER BY, otherwise you can get unpredictably-ordered results.
ORDER BY fd.fairDaydate, t.id, ev.eventday, ev.eventtime, ev.eventtype
Ok. I found the problem, and it was a stupid one for me to miss. When I changed that specific entry yesterday, and typed in the correct time, it "auto inserted" the current date. In other words, I typed "8:45pm", and hit enter, and MSSQL automatically converts it to "2014-01-31 19:45:00.000", because yesterday was 01-31-2014. When the data was originally entered, it was 01-23-2014, so all of the entries reflected that date. Because the data type I used for that column was datetime.
I solved the problem by changing the data type to time(7), and viola, all is well. I feel stupid, now.
Thanks to everyone that tried to help with this.
I have an events page where I need to display the events for each day. I've gotten it to this point, so I'm making progress.
The database has 3 tables: fairdays, eventtypes, events
fairdays: id, fairdaydate (datetime), daycolor, description
eventtypes: id, eventtype <-- This table is for the input select in the "add event form"
events: id, eventname, eventtype, eventday (datetime), eventtime (datetime)
My intent is to display the day with the description, then under that is the event types, then under each of those is the corresponding events.
I haven't worked out how to display the event type sub heading, then the individual events under each of those, but here's my code so far. Any help would be hugely appreciated.
<cfquery datasource="fairscheduledb" name="getfairdays">
select * from fairdays
<cfquery datasource="fairscheduledb" name="getfairevents">
select * from events ev
inner join fairdays fd on fd.fairdaydate = ev.eventday
where ev.eventday = fd.fairdaydate
<cfloop query="getfairdays">
<div class="schedulebox">
<div class="schedulehead" style="color: ###getfairdays.daycolor#;">#dateformat(getfairdays.fairdaydate,"dddd, mmmm dd")#</div>
<div class="schedulesubhead" style="color: ##ffffff; background: ###getfairdays.daycolor#;">#getfairdays.description#</div>
<cfoutput query="getfairevents">
<div class="scheduleitem" style="float: left; width: 75px; text-align: right;">#LCase(TimeFormat(getfairevents.eventtime,"h:mmtt"))#</div>
<div class="scheduleitem" style="float: left; width: 550px;">#getfairevents.eventname#</div><br/>
Here's what the list of days and events should look like:
<div class="schedulebox">
<div class="schedulehead" style="color: #4CC417;">Friday, February 22</div>
<div class="schedulesubhead" style="color: #ffffff; background: #4CC417;">Opening Ceremony 4:30pm at Gate<br/>5:00 - 6:00pm - Free Admission & Free Rides</div>
<div class="scheduleitemtitle" style="color: #4CC417;">Strolling Acts</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">5:30pm - Scotts Magic Show</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">6:30pm - Rock-It the Robot</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">7:30pm - Scotts Magic Show</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">8:30pm - Rock-It the Robot</div>
<div class="scheduleitemtitle" style="color: #4CC417;">Acts</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">5:30pm - Sea Lion Show</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">6:00pm - Alligator Wrestling</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">6:30pm - Petting Zoo Presentation </div>
<div class="scheduleitem">8:00pm - Alligator Wrestling</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">8:30pm - Petting Zoo Presentation </div>
<div class="scheduleitem">9:00pm - Sea Lion Show</div>
<div class="scheduleitemtitle" style="color: #4CC417;">Stage Acts</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">7:00pm - Youth Royalty</div>
<div class="scheduleitemtitle" style="color: #4CC417;">Livestock Program</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">6:00pm - Beef Breeding Screening</div>
<div class="scheduleitem">7:00pm - Horse Judging Competition</div>
First, you don't need the first query.
Next, add
order by eventday
to query getfairevents. That will enable you to do this:
<cfoutput query="getfairevents" group = "eventday">
output other stuff here (individual events and times)
(This is too long for comments ...)
To expand on Dan's answer, he is suggesting a more efficient way of producing that output by using JOIN's and cfoutput's group feature (emphasis is mine):
... Eliminates adjacent duplicate rows when data is sorted. Use if you
retrieved a record set ordered on one or more a query columns. For
example, if a record set is ordered on "Customer_ID" in the cfquery
tag, you can group the output on "Customer_ID."
For your JOIN's you will need to include all three tables to grab all of the columns you need. I cannot test it right now, but something along these lines. (Notice the results are sorted the same way you wish to display them ie by event date, type and time)
SELECT ev.eventDay, t.EventType, ev.EventTime
FROM fairdays fd
INNER JOIN events ev ON ev.eventDay = fd.fairdaydate
INNER JOIN eventType t ON t.ID = ev.EventType
ORDER BY ev.eventDay, t.EventType, e.EventTime
Once you have the sorted results, use "group" generate the desired results. Be sure to group by the same columns, in the same order, as the sql query. Otherwise, it will not work correctly.
<cfoutput query="yourQuery" group="EventDay">
<!--- display event dates --->
#EventDay# <hr/>
<!--- event types for current date --->
<cfoutput group="EventType">
<!--- individual events --->
#EventTime# <br/>
Update from comments:
As discussed in the comments, if you want to retrieve all fairdays (even ones without a matching event) use outer joins instead of inner joins.
SELECT fd.fairDayDate, t.ID, ev.EventType, ev.EventTime
FROM fairdays fd
INNER JOIN events ev ON ev.eventDay = fd.fairDayDate
INNER JOIN eventType t ON t.ID = ev.EventType
ORDER BY fd.fairDayDate, t.ID, e.EventTime
Again, since the cfoutput "group" feature requires sorted query data to work properly, if you change the ORDER BY clause, be sure to update the "group" columns to match your ORDER BY clause. ie Group by fairDayDate first, then event ID:
<cfoutput query="yourQuery" group="fairDayDate">
<!--- display event dates --->
#fairDayDate# <hr/>
<!--- event types for current date --->
<cfoutput group="ID">
<!--- individual events --->
#EventTime# <br/>