Infrared images segmentation using OpenCV - c++

Let's say I have a series of infrared pictures and the task is to isolate human body from other objects in the picture. The problem is a noise from other relatively hot objects like lamps and their 'hot' shades.
Simple thresholding methods like binary and/or Otsu didn't give good results on difficult (noisy) pictures, so I've decided to do it manually.
Here are some samples
The results are not terrible, but I think they can be improved. Here I simple select pixels by hue value of HSV. More or less, hot pixels are located in this area: hue < 50, hue > 300. My main concern here is these pink pixels which sometimes are noise from lamps but sometimes are parts of human body, so I can't simply discard them without causing significant damage to the results: e.g. on the left picture this will 'destroy' half of the left hand and so on.
As the last resort I could use some strong filtering and erosion but I still believe there's a way somehow to told to OpenCV: hey, I don't need these pink areas unless they are part of a large hot cluster.
Any ideas, keywords, techniques, good articles? Thank in advance

FIR data is presumably monotonically proportional (if not linear) to temperature, and this should yield a grayscale image.
Your examples are colorized with a color map - the color only conveys a single channel of actual information. It would be best if you could work directly on the grayscale image (maybe remap the images to grayscale).
Then, see if you can linearize the images to an actual temperature scale such that the pixel value represents the temperature. Once you do this you can should be able to clamp your image to the temperature range that you expect a person to appear in. Check the datasheets of your camera/imager for the conversion formula.


Noise reduction OpenCV skindetection sample

I'm working on a facedetection app using segmentation of skinpixels with a predefined skinmodel in YCrCb space.
I'm loosely basing my algorithms of this report;, by Douglas Chai and King N. Ngan.
I first segment out all skin pixels (see left).
After that I perform some calculations to reduce the noise (see steps below). It results in a filtered bitmap 1/8th the size of original. Ideally this would be noise free both in face and background area, but it isn't. I have already tried to reduce it by using my density map and then checking neighbouring 3x3 area pixels and eroding/dilating pixel values depending on their neighbours. Then I resize this bitmap and apply the result as a mask on the original image (see right image for result, ignore my censorship).
My question is, what methods do you recommend for getting rid of the noise?
Also, are there any good methods to get smoother contours ? Ideally I would not like to use "find biggest contour and flood fill", preferably something more sophisticated.
There also seem to be bit of a displacement of the resized mask (it cuts of a bit too much on my right side of the face, and shows a bit too much on the left side). What can be causing this?
the easiest way to do smoother contours is to interpolate your data to a higher resolution using an interpolation scheme. You may look in openCV, that will result in smoother transitions between points.
I hope it will help a little bit. Good luck.

How to estimate exposure time for camera to take a good image from a scene

I am trying to write code to calculate the correct exposure time for a camera to capture an image in correct brightness.
what I have is a camera that supply me data in RAW (Bayer raw data) and I can control its exposure time, and I want to control its exposure so when it captured an image, the image is in correct brightness (not too dark (under exposed) or too bright (over exposed).
I think I need an algorithm similar to this:
1-capture a sample image
2-calculate image brightness.
3-calculate correct exposure.
4-capture a new image,
5-check that the image brightness is correct if not go to step 3.
6- capture final image.
My question is:
How can I calculate image brightness?
If I calculate image brightness, how can I calculate exposure? One way of doing this is to do a search (for example start from very fast exposure time increase it till you get a correct exposure, but It is a very time consuming, is there any better way of doing this?)
To do this, I may need to calibrate my camera (as the relationship between brightness and exposure time is different between different sensors), how can I do this?
I am using OpenCV and I can use algorithms which is available in OpenCV (c++)
There are multiple ways to measure the "correct" brightness of the image. A common method is to calculate the intensity histogram and make sure that the values cover the entire range of values, and there is not too much cut-off. I'm not sure if there's a single "one fit all" way for any possible scene.
A faster way than linearly increasing the exposure is to do a binary search, by measuring at low and high exposure, then measuring in the middle, and then continuing to split the sub-range in the middle, until you find the optimum.

calculate blurness and sharpness of an image [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is there a way to detect if an image is blurry?
How to calculate blurness and sharpness of a given image usig opencv? Is there any functions there in opencv to do it? If there is no functions in opencv how can I implement it? nay ideas would be great..
The input will be an image and the output should be the blurness and sharpness of the image.
I recommend you to make a frequential analysis of the image. Energy in high band will tell you that the image is quite sharpened, while energy in low band usually means that image is blurry. For computing spectrum, you can use FFTW library.
I don't know about opencv.
If I were trying to get an approximate measurement of where an imagine is on the sharp-to-blurry spectrum, I'd start from the observation that the sharpness of parts of an image is evident from the contrast between adjacent pixels - something like max(c1 * abs(r1 - r2), c2 * abs(g1 - g2), c3 * abs(b1 - b2)) where c1-3 weigh perceptual importance of each of the red, green and blue channels, and the two pixels are (r1,g1,b1) and (r2,g2,b2)).
Many tweaks possible, such as raising each colour's contribution to a power to emphasise changes at the dark (power <1)or bright (power >1) end of the brightness scale. Note that the max() approach considers sharpness for each colour channel separately: a change from say (255,255,255) to (0,255,255) is very dramatic despite only one channel changing.
You may find it better to convert from RBG to another colour representation, such as Hue/Saturation/Value (there'll be lots of sites online explaining the HSV space, and formulas for conversions).
Photographically, we're usually interested in knowing that the in-focus part of the image is sharp (foreground/background blur/bokeh due to shallow depth of field is a normal and frequently desirable quality) - the clearest indication of that is high contrast in some part of the image, suggesting you want the maximum value of adjacent-pixel contrasts. That said, some focused pixtures can still have very low local contrasts (e.g. a picture of a solid coloured surface). Further, damaged pixel elements on the sensor, dirt on the lens/sensor, and high-ISO / long-exposure noise may all manifest as spots of extremely high contrast. So the validity of your result's always going to be questionable, but it might be ball-park right a useful percentage of the time.

How best to approach a localised thresholding opengl function

I would like to take a photo of some text and make the text easier to read. The tricky part is that the initial photo may have dark regions as well as light regions and I want the opengl function to enhance the text in all these regions.
Here is an example. On top is the original image. On bottom is the processed images.
I have added in a better example picture of what is happening. I am able to enhance the text, but in areas where I have no text, this simple thresholding is creating speckled noise (image bottom left).
If I wind back the threshold, then I lose the text in the darker region (bottom right).
At the moment, the processed image only picks up some of the text, not all the text. The original algorithm I used was pretty simple:
- sample 8 pixels around the current pixel (pixels about 4-5 distant away seem to work best)
- figure out the lightest and darkest pixels from this sample
- if the current pixel is closer to the darkest threshold, then make black, and vice versa
This seemed to work very well for around text, but when it came to non-text, then it provided a very noisy image (even when I provided an initial rejection threshold)
I modified this algorithm to assume that text was always close to black. This provided the bottom image above, but once again I am not able to pull out all the text features I want.
Before implementing this as a program, you might want to take source photo and play with it in a GIMP or another editor to see what you can do.
One way to deal with shadows is to run high pass filter before thresolding.
This is how you do it in image editor (manually, without "highpass" filter plugin):
1. Convert image to grayscale and save it to "layer_A"
2. make a copy of "layer_A" into "Layer_B"
3. Invert colors in "Layer_B"
4. Gaussian blur "Layer_B" with radius that is larger than largest feature you want to preserve. (blur radius larger than letter)
5. Merge "Layer_A" with "Layer_B" where result = "Layer_A" * 0.5 + "Layer_B" * 0.5.
6. Increase contrast in resulting image.
7. Run thresold.
In opengl it'll be done in same fashion (and without multiple layers)
It won't work well with strong/crisp shadows (obviously), but it will exterminate huge smooth shadows that occurs due to page being bent, etc.
The technique (high pass filter) is frequently used for making seamless textures, and you should be able to find several such tutorials and additional info with google (GIMP seamless texture high pass or GIMP high pass).
By the way, if you want to improve "readability", then you might want to keep it grayscale (while improving contrast) instead of converting it to "black and white" (1 bit color). Sharp letter edges make text harder to read.
thanks for your help.
In the end I went for quite a basic approach.
Taking a sample of 8 nearby pixels, determining the max and min. Determined the local threshold (max - min). Then
smooth = dot(vec3(1.0/3.0), smoothstep(currentMin, currentMax, p11).rgb);
smooth = (localthreshold < threshold) ? 1.0 : smooth;
return vec4(smooth, smooth, smooth, 1);
This does not show me the text nicely in both the dark and light region, which is the ideal, but it nicely cleans up the text in the lighter region.

How to detect points which are drastically different than their neighbours

I'm doing some image processing, and am trying to keep track of points similar to those circled below, a very dark spot of a couple of pixels diameter, with all neighbouring pixels being bright. I'm sure there are algorithms and methods which are designed for this, but I just don't know what they are. I don't think edge detection would work, as I only want the small spots. I've read a little about morphological operators, could these be a suitable approach?
Loop over your each pixel in your image. When you are done considering a pixel, mark it as "used" (change it to some sentinel value, or keep this data in a separate array parallel to the image).
When you come across a dark pixel, perform a flood-fill on it, marking all those pixels as "used", and keep track of how many pixels were filled in. During the flood-fill, make sure that if the pixel you're considering isn't dark, that it's sufficiently bright.
After the flood-fill, you'll know the size of the dark area you filled in, and whether the border of the fill was exclusively bright pixels. Now, continue the original loop, skipping "used" pixels.
How about some kind of median filtering? Sample values from 3*3 grid (or some other suitable size) around the pixel and set the value of pixel to median of those 9 pixels.
Then if most of the neighbours are bright the pixel becomes bright etc.
Edit: After some thinking, I realized that this will not detect the outliers, it will remove them. So this is not the solution original poster was asking.
Are you sure that you don't want to do an edge detection-like approach? It seems like a comparing the current pixel to the average value of the neighborhood pixels would do the trick. (I would evaluate various neighborhood sizes to be sure.)
Personally I like this corner detection algorithms manual.
Also you can workout naive corner detection algorithm by exploiting idea that isolated pixel is such pixel through which intensity changes drastically in every direction. It is just a starting idea to begin from and move on further to better algorithms.
I can think of these methods that might work with some tweaking of parameters:
Adaptive thresholds
Morphological operations
Corner detection
I'm actually going to suggest simple template matching for this, if all your features are of roughly the same size.
Just copy paste the pixels of one (or a few features) to create few templates, and then use Normalized Cross Correlation or any other score that OpenCV provides in its template matching routines to find similar regions. In the result, detect all the maximal peaks of the response (OpenCV has a function for this too), and those are your feature coordinates.
Blur (3x3) a copy of your image then diff your original image. The pixels with the highest values are the ones that are most different from their neighbors. This could be used as an edge detection algorithm but points are like super-edges so set your threshold higher.
what a single off pixel looks like:
(assume surrounding pixels are all 1)
original blurred diff
1,1,1 8/9,8/9,8/9 1/9,1/9,1/9
1,0,1 8/9,8/9,8/9 1/9,8/9,1/9
1,1,1 8/9,8/9,8/9 1/9,1/9,1/9
what an edge looks like:
(assume surrounding pixels are the same as their closest neighbor)
original blurred diff
1,0,0 6/9,3/9,0/9 3/9,3/9,0/9
1,0,0 6/9,3/9,0/9 3/9,3/9,0/9
1,0,0 6/9,3/9,0/9 3/9,3/9,0/9
Its been a few years since i did any image processing. But I would probably start by converting to a binary representation. It doesn't seem like you're overly interested in the grey middle values, just the very dark/very light regions, so get rid of all the grey. At that point, various morphological operations can accentuate the points you're interested in. Opening and Closing are pretty easy to implement, and can yield pretty nice results, leaving you with a field of black everywhere except the points you're interested in.
Have you tried extracting connected components using cvContours? First thresholding the image (using Otsu's method say) and then extracting each contour. Since the spots you wish to track are (from what I see in your image) somewhat isolated from neighborhood they will some up as separate contours. Now if we compute the area of the Bounding Rectangle of each contour and filter out the larger ones we'd be left with only small dots separate from dark neighbors.
As suggested earlier a bit of Morphological tinkering before the contour separation should yield good results.