ResponseParseException:OK - HttpBuilder - RestCLient - httpbuilder

I see the below exception when I submit my request: OK
def response = new RestClient().post([ "http://endpoint/path",
contentType: ContentType.JSON,
{"s":a, "b":"af"}
Groovy version: 2.3.10
HttpBuilder version : 0.7.1
I know that the server responds 200 :OK for this request. I tested it using Advanced Rest Client chrome app.
I referred the thread but not helpful. Please let me know how I can resolve this issue.


Django rest framework + axios: Invalid preflight http method on first request

We have a rather strange situation with a react based frontend using axios to talk to our Django rest framework based backend.
When logging in a preflight OPTIONS request is sent by axios (as expected) but the first time the backend receives it, it seems to be malformed and thus results in a 401.
However if I the retry, or even replay the exact same request using the browsers dev tool, the backend accepts the OPTIONS request and everything works as expected. We can consistently reproduce this.
The Django development server log looks like this:
First request
[23/Jan/2019 15:43:42] "{}OPTIONS /backend/api/auth/login/ HTTP/1.1" 401
Subsequent Retry
[23/Jan/2019 15:43:52] "OPTIONS /backend/api/auth/login/ HTTP/1.1" 200 0
[23/Jan/2019 15:43:52] "POST /backend/api/auth/login/ HTTP/1.1" 200 76
So as you can see, curly braces are added in the request method, which means that the request is not considered to be an OPTIONS request, and therefore a 401 is returned.
The django view
class LoginView(KnoxLoginView):
authentication_classes = [BasicAuthentication]
# (extract)
path('auth/login/', LoginView.as_view(), name='knox_login'),
The Axios request'/backend/api/auth/login/', {}, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + window.btoa(creds.username + ":" + creds.password)
}).then((response) => {
dispatch({type: 'SIGNIN_SUCCESS', response})
}).catch((err) => {
dispatch({type: 'SIGNIN_ERROR', err})
Some package version info

swift 3 alamofire - get request gives response serialization failed

I'm using devise on ruby on rails for authentication. Taking it one step at a time, I have disabled the cookie authentication in order to test retrieving results prior to authentication.
If I go to my browser and navigate to the url that Alamofire is visiting, I get results in JSON format like this :
I'm requesting the alamofire request like this:
Alamofire.request(requestPath, method: .get, parameters: [:], encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: [:]).responseJSON { (response) in
if (response.result.isFailure) {
completion(false, "")
} else {
if let result = response.result.value {
completion(true, result)
This is all inside of another method which simply provides with a completion handler as you can see inside of the completion handler of the Alamofire request.
I get an error every single time.
The error says:
responseSerializationFailed : ResponseSerializationFailureReason
What am i doing wrong?
This error indicates that your response is not a JSON formatted data(or something wrong with your API Response), try to use something like post man to check your API response and to make sure every thing is ok before requesting with to swift

Dart BrowserClient POST not including my cookies

I'm doing a BrowserClient POST across domains and don't see my cookies being included.
This the response I'm getting:
When I send another POST request, I don't see the cookies being included:
Going straight to the test page, I can see the cookies being included:
The Dart code I use to make a POST:
var client = new BrowserClient();, body: request, headers:{"Content-Type" : "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials":"true"}).then((res) {
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
var response = JSON.decode(res.body);
} else {
}).whenComplete(() {
Not sure about the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header I'm including, with or without it, nothing changes.
Am I missing headers on the server side that needs to be set on the response or is Dartium blocking cross-domain cookies?
More details on Information Security and the reasoning behind setting cookies via the server.
Update: Enhancement request logged:
Update: Enhancement implemented, one should now be able to do var client = new BrowserClient()..withCredentials=true; based on
For cookies being sent to CORS requests, you need to set withCredentials = true. The browser client in the http package doesn't support this argument. You can use the HttpRequest from dart:html instead.
See How to use dart-protobuf for an example.

How to test web service with authentication using JMeter

I'm using Apache JMeter 2.11 to test a web service with authentication. For the sample request I'm using View Results Tree as a listener and a SOAP/XML-RPC Request with the following syntax to my parameters:
What I have tried
1) Adding an HTTP Header Manager using
Name: Authorization:
Value: Basic [Base64 code encoded in ASCII, UTF-8, with or without domain in the user name] as explained here
With result: Response headers: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
2) Adding an HTTP Authorization Manager using
Base URL:
Username: [USERNAME]
Password: [PASSWORD]
Domain: [DOMAIN]
Realm: [NULL]
Mechanism: [BASIC_DIGEST/KERBEROS] as explained here
With result: Response headers: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
I also tried enabling Keep Alive in the request as suggested here
What am I doing wrong?
First you need to know the auth type, is it basic ? Digest ? Kerberos or other ?
Second, don't use SOAP/XML-RPC Request, use Http Request,
See Templates > Webservice in jmeter menu, it creates a sample test plan for Soap testing.
Add then your authentication with the correct Auth Manager using HttpClient 4 as sampler implementation and check.

REST services - testing PUT methods in the browser

I've developed REST services. I can test the GET methods by the browser, or by a Client Application. But those who have PUT methods I don't know how to consume them by the browser...
For example, I have this method that turns a lamp on, after I insert the userId:
#Produces({"application/json", "text/plain"})
public boolean turnOnLamp(#FormParam("userId") String userId) throws Exception
boolean response = new LampManager().turnOnLamp(userId);
return response;
In my client application I do this, and it works:
String webPage = "http://localhost:8080/BliveServices/webresources/services.actuators/lampon";
URL urlToRequest = new URL(webPage);
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlToRequest.openConnection();
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuth);
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "multipart/form-data");
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userId", "2"));
But how can I send the userId by the browser?
Another thing, I get this message when I build my project:
SEVERE: Resource methods utilizing #FormParam and consuming "multipart/form-data" are no longer supported. See #FormDataParam.
If you want to test the REST-Webservice with your Browser you must install an plugin.
If you use Google Chrome you can install REST Console I also use these plugin to test my Webservice.
For Firefox install these REST-Client
REST CLient is also available for Safari
For Opera you can check out the Simple REST-Client
For your second Question
please try as Consumes value 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
To issue a put-request from a browser you could use jQuery's jQuery.ajax(). (
For example:
url: "test-url",
type: "PUT",
data: {userid: 1}
Would send a put-request to test-url with the specified data.