Amazon DynamoDB Atomic Writes - amazon-web-services

I have a list of Lambda worker functions (say 1000), each running simultaneously and doing its job. To be able to figure out the end result of all workers I have come up with this idea.
Before starting the job and spawning the Lambda worker functions, I save a record in DynamoDB, for example two attributes:
jobs_completed (set initially to 0)
On finish of each Lambda worker function it will go and increment the attribute jobs_completed by one. Then read the record and check if total_number_of_jobs equals to jobs_completed and if it is, put a record in SQS.
My questions are:
Is this a good idea?
Would the updates be consistent and atomic? Could there be any race conditions?
Any better solution than this?
I would update the counter, jobs_completed, in an UpdateItem API call like this:
SET jobs_completed = jobs_completed + :incr_by where incr_by would be equal to 1.

As long as you use DynamoDB atomic counters, like your example shows, and you check the return value of the UpdateItem call instead of running a separate query, then your proposed solution should work fine.


DynamoDB ACID transaction for single record

I have a DynamoDB "My_Table" with index on "lock_status":
my_pk: string,
lock_status: string,
useful_data: string,
Is it possible for two different thread to execute the update code below on the same record?
Essentially, I want exactly one thread to have access to any given record's "useful_data". To do this, I'm "locking" the record via lockStatus while the thread is working with this item. What I am afraid is that two thread executes this code at the same time. They both find the same record based on the "ConditionExpression" and locks the same record.
const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
return await client.update({
TableName: 'My_Table',
Limit: 1,
UpdateExpression: 'set lockStatus = :status_locked',
ConditionExpression: 'lockStatus <> :status_available',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':status_locked': 'LOCKED',
':status_available': 'AVAILABLE',
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW',
This seems possible to avoid this problem if I was using TransactWriteItem, but can I get away with using simple update for my simple scenario?
Allow me to add a little context so that things make more sense. I'm building a "library" of reusable user accounts for testing. A test would "check out" and "check in" the user account. While the account is checked out, I want to prevent all other tests from using the same account.
One piece of information I neglected to mention in my original post was that I'm first getting the My_Table data by getting the next not locked item. Something like this:
const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
return await client.query({
TableName: 'My_Table',
Limit: 1,
KeyConditionExpression: 'lockStatus = :status_available',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':status_available': 'AVAILABLE' }
Then in my subsequent update call, I'm locking the row as mentioned in my original post.
As #maurice suggested, I was looking into the optimistic locking. As a matter of fact, this article perfectly describes a scenario that I'm facing.
However, there is a problem that I will likely run into under high load. The problem goes something like this:
10 threads come and asks for the next not locked record. All 10 threads get the same record. (This is a very possible since all I'm doing is Limit 1 and the dynamoDb will likely return the first record it runs across, which would be the same for all threads).
10 threads try to update the same record with a give version number. One thread succeeds in the update and the rest fail.
9 threads retry and goes back to step 1. (Worst case, more threads are added)
I'm starting to think that my design is flawed. Or perhaps dynamoDb is not the right technology. Any help with this problem would be useful.
You could use optimistic locking for this - the idea is fairly simple.
You create a version attribute for your item that's an integer which will be incremented.
pk: 123
sk: 123
version: 0
randomValue: abc
When you read the item to update it, you note the current version number. After you update the item, you also increment the version number. So if you wanted to update the random value, the item you'll write to DynamoDB would look like this:
pk: 123
sk: 123
version: 1
randomValue: newValue
You now add a condition expression to your update or putitem call, to ensure this only succeeds, when the current version of that item is still 0.
That way the call will fail, if somebody else updated the item while you were processing it and you can read it again, update it and write again.
If the call succeeds, you know there has been nobody else that messed with the item.
I also wrote a more detailed blog post about this if you're curious: link

How to query big data in DynamoDB in best practice

I have a scenario: query the list of student in school, by year, and then use that information to do some other tasks, let say printing a certificate for each student
I'm using the serverless framework to deal with that scenario with this Lambda:
const queryStudent = async (_school_id, _year) => {
var params = {
TableName: `schoolTable`,
KeyConditionExpression: 'partition_key = _school_id AND begins_with(sort_key, _year)',
try {
let _students = [];
let items;
do {
items = await dynamoClient.query(params).promise();
_students = items.Items;
params.ExclusiveStartKey = items.LastEvaluatedKey;
} while (typeof items.LastEvaluatedKey != 'undefined');
return _students;
} catch (e) {
console.log('Error: ', e);
const mainHandler = async (event, context) => {
let students = await queryStudent(body.school_id, body.year);
await printCerificate(students)
So far, it’s working well with about 5k students (just sample data)
My concern: is it a scalable solution to query large data in DynamoDB?
As I know, Lambda has limited time execution, if the number of student goes up to a million, does the above solution still work?
Any best practice approach for this scenario is very appreciated and welcome.
If you think about scaling, there are multiple potential bottlenecks here, which you could address:
Hot Partition: right now you store all students of a single school in a single item collection. That means that they will be stored on a single storage node under the hood. If you run many queries against this, you might run into throughput limitations. You can use things like read/write sharding here, e.g. add a suffix to the partition key and do scatter-gatter with the data.
Lambda: Query: If you want to query a million records, this is going to take time. Lambda might not be able to do that (and the processing) in 15 minutes and if it fails before it's completely through, you lose the information how far you've come. You could do checkpointing for this, i.e. save the LastEvaluatedKey somewhere else and check if it exists on new Lambda invocations and start from there.
Lambda: Processing: You seem to be creating a certificate for each student in a year in the same Lambda function you do the querying. This is a solution that won't scale if it's a synchronous process and you have a million students. If stuff fails, you also have to consider retries and build that logic in your code.
If you want this to scale to a million students per school, I'd probably change the architecture to something like this:
You have a Step Function that you invoke when you want to print the certificates. This step function has a single Lambda function. The Lambda function queries the table across sharded partition keys and writes each student into an SQS queue for certificate-printing tasks. If Lambda notices, it's close to the runtime limit, it returns the LastEvaluatedKey and the step function recognizes thas and starts the function again with this offset. The SQS queue can invoke Lambda functions to actually create the certificates, possibly in batches.
This way you decouple query from processing and also have built-in retry logic for failed tasks in the form of the SQS/Lambda integration. You also include the checkpointing for the query across many items.
Implementing this requires more effort, so I'd first figure out, if a million students per school per year is a realistic number :-)

It's possible to perform db operations asynchronously in django?

I'm writing a command to randomly create 5M orders in a database.
def constrained_sum_sample(
number_of_integers: int, total: Optional[int] = 5000000
) -> int:
"""Return a randomly chosen list of n positive integers summing to total.
number_of_integers (int): The number of integers;
total (Optional[int]): The total sum. Defaults to 5000000.
(int): The integers whose the sum is equals to total.
dividers = sorted(sample(range(1, total), number_of_integers - 1))
for i, j in zip(dividers + [total], [0] + dividers):
yield i - j
def create_orders():
customers = Customer.objects.all()
number_of_customers = Customer.objects.count()
for customer, number_of_orders in zip(
for _ in range(number_of_orders):
number_of_customers will be at least greater than 1k and the create_order function does at least 5 db operations (one to create the order, one to randomly get the order's store, one to create the order item (and this can go up to 30, also randomly), one to get the item's product (or higher but equals to the item) and one to create the sales note.
As you may suspect this take a LONG time to complete. I've tried, unsuccessfully, to perform these operations asynchronously. All of my attempts (dozen at least; most of them using sync_to_async) have raised the following error:
SynchronousOnlyOperation you cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async
Before I continue to break my head, I ask: is it possible to achieve what I desire? If so, how should I proceed?
Thank you very much!
Not yet supported but in development.
Django 3.1 has officially asynchronous support for views and middleware however if you try to call ORM within async function you will get SynchronousOnlyOperation.
if you need to call DB from async function they have provided helpers utils like:
async_to_sync and sync_to_async to change between threaded or coroutine mode as follows:
from asgiref.sync import sync_to_async
results = await sync_to_async(Blog.objects.get, thread_sensitive=True)(pk=123)
If you need to queue call to DB, we used to use tasks queues like celery or rabbitMQ.
By the way if you really know what you are doing you can call it but on your responsibility
just turn off the Async safety but watch out for data lost and integrity errors
The reason this is needed in Django is that many libraries, specifically database adapters, require that they are accessed in the same thread that they were created in. Also a lot of existing Django code assumes it all runs in the same thread, e.g. middleware adding things to a request for later use in views.
More fun news in the release notes:
It's possible to achieve what you desire, however you need a different perspective to solve this problem.
Try using asynchronous workers, and a simple one would be rq workers or celery.
Use one of these libraries to process async long-running tasks defined in django in different threads or processes.
you can use bulk_create() to create large number of objects , this will speed up the process , additionally put the bulk_create() under a separate thread.

How should I implement simple caches with concurrency on Redis?

I have a 2-tier web service - just my app server and an RDBMS. I want to move to a pool of identical app servers behind a load balancer. I currently cache a bunch of objects in-process. I hope to move them to a shared Redis.
I have a dozen or so caches of simple, small-sized business objects. For example, I have a set of Foos. Each Foo has a unique FooId and an OwnerId.
One "owner" may own multiple Foos.
In a traditional RDBMS this is just a table with an index on the PK FooId and one on OwnerId. I'm caching this in one process simply:
Dictionary<int,Foo> _cacheFooById;
Dictionary<int,HashSet<int>> _indexFooIdsByOwnerId;
Reads come straight from here, and writes go here and to the RDBMS.
I usually have this invariant:
"For a given group [say by OwnerId], the whole group is in cache or none of it is."
So when I cache miss on a Foo, I pull that Foo and all the owner's other Foos from the RDBMS. Updates make sure to keep the index up to date and respect the invariant. When an owner calls GetMyFoos I never have to worry that some are cached and some aren't.
What I did already
The first/simplest answer seems to be to use plain ol' SET and GET with a composite key and json value:
SET( "ServiceCache:Foo:" + theFoo.Id, JsonSerialize(theFoo));
I later decided I liked:
HSET( "ServiceCache:Foo", theFoo.FooId, JsonSerialize(theFoo));
That lets me get all the values in one cache as HVALS. It also felt right - I'm literally moving hashtables to Redis, so perhaps my top-level items should be hashes.
This works to first order. If my high-level code is like:
That translates into:
HSET ("ServiceCache:Foo", theFoo.FooId, JsonSerialize(theFoo));
var myFoos = JsonDeserialize( HGET ("ServiceCache:FooIndex", theFoo.OwnerId) );
HSET ("ServiceCache:FooIndex", theFoo.OwnerId, JsonSerialize(myFoos));
However, this is broken in two ways.
Two concurrent operations can read/modify/write at the same time. The latter "wins" the final HSET and the former's index update is lost.
Another operation could read the index in between the first and second lines. It would miss a Foo that it should find.
So how do I index properly?
I think I could use a Redis set instead of a json-encoded value for the index.
That would solve part of the problem since the "add-to-index-if-not-already-present" would be atomic.
I also read about using MULTI as a "transaction" but it doesn't seem like it does what I want. Am I right that I can't really MULTI; HGET; {update}; HSET; EXEC since it doesn't even do the HGET before I issue the EXEC?
I also read about using WATCH and MULTI for optimistic concurrency, then retrying on failure. But WATCH only works on top-level keys. So it's back to SET/GET instead of HSET/HGET. And now I need a new index-like-thing to support getting all the values in a given cache.
If I understand it right, I can combine all these things to do the job. Something like:
WATCH( "ServiceCache:Foo:" + theFoo.FooId );
WATCH( "ServiceCache:FooIndexByOwner:" + theFoo.OwnerId );
WATCH( "ServiceCache:FooIndexAll" );
SET ("ServiceCache:Foo:" + theFoo.FooId, JsonSerialize(theFoo));
SADD ("ServiceCache:FooIndexByOwner:" + theFoo.OwnerId, theFoo.FooId);
SADD ("ServiceCache:FooIndexAll", theFoo.FooId);
//TODO somehow set succeeded properly
Finally I'd have to translate this pseudocode into real code depending how my client library uses WATCH/MULTI/EXEC; it looks like they need some sort of context to hook them together.
All in all this seems like a lot of complexity for what has to be a very common case;
I can't help but think there's a better, smarter, Redis-ish way to do things that I'm just not seeing.
How do I lock properly?
Even if I had no indexes, there's still a (probably rare) race condition.
A: HGET - cache miss
B: HGET - cache miss
C: HGET - cache hit
B: HSET ** this is stale data that's clobbering C's update.
Note that C could just be a really-fast A.
Again I think WATCH, MULTI, retry would work, but... ick.
I know in some places people use special Redis keys as locks for other objects. Is that a reasonable approach here?
Should those be top-level keys like ServiceCache:FooLocks:{Id} or ServiceCache:Locks:Foo:{Id}?
Or make a separate hash for them - ServiceCache:Locks with subkeys Foo:{Id}, or ServiceCache:Locks:Foo with subkeys {Id} ?
How would I work around abandoned locks, say if a transaction (or a whole server) crashes while "holding" the lock?
For your use case, you don't need to use watch. You simply use a multi + exec block and you'd have eliminated the race condition.
In pseudo code -
SET ("ServiceCache:Foo:" + theFoo.FooId, JsonSerialize(theFoo));
SADD ("ServiceCache:FooIndexByOwner:" + theFoo.OwnerId, theFoo.FooId);
SADD ("ServiceCache:FooIndexAll", theFoo.FooId);
This is sufficient because multi makes the following promise :
"It can never happen that a request issued by another client is served in the middle of the execution of a Redis transaction"
You don't need the watch and retry mechanism because you are not reading and writing in the same transaction.

While using ConcurrentQueue, trying to dequeue while looping through in parallel

I am using the parallel data structures in my .NET 4 application and I have a ConcurrentQueue that gets added to while I am processing through it.
I want to do something like:
personqueue.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(20).ForAll(i => ... );
as I make database calls to save the data, so I am limiting the number of concurrent threads.
But, I expect that the ForAll isn't going to dequeue, and I am concerned about just doing
ForAll(i => {
as there is no guarantee that I am popping off the correct one.
So, how can I iterate through the collection and dequeue, in a parallel fashion.
Or, would it be better to use PLINQ to do this processing, in parallel?
Well I'm not 100% sure what you try to archive here. Are you trying to just dequeue all items until nothing is left? Or just dequeue lots of items in one go?
The first probably unexpected behavior starts with this statement:
For a ConcurrentQueue, you get a 'Snapshot'-Enumerator. So when you iterate over a concurrent stack, you only iterate over the snapshot, no the 'live' queue.
In general I think it's not a good idea to iterate over something you're changing during the iteration.
So another solution would look like this:
// this way it's more clear, that we only deque for theQueue.Count items
// However after this, the queue is probably not empty
// or maybe the queue is also empty earlier
Parallel.For(0, theQueue.Count,
new ParallelOptions() {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 20},
() => {
theQueue.TryDequeue(); //and stuff
This avoids manipulation something while iterating over it. However, after that statement, the queue can still contain data, which was added during the for-loop.
To get the queue empty for moment in time you probably need a little more work. Here's an really ugly solution. While the queue has still items, create new tasks. Each task start do dequeue from the queue as long as it can. At the end, we wait for all tasks to end. To limit the parallelism, we never create more than 20-tasks.
// Probably a kitty died because of this ugly code ;)
// However, this code tries to get the queue empty in a very aggressive way
Action consumeFromQueue = () =>
while (tt.TryDequeue())
; // do your stuff
var allRunningTasks = new Task[MaxParallism];
for(int i=0;i<MaxParallism && tt.Count>0;i++)
allRunningTasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(consumeFromQueue);
If you are aiming at a high throughout real site and you don't have to do immediate DB updates , you'll be much better of going for very conservative solution rather than extra layers libraries.
Make fixed size array (guestimate size - say 1000 items or N seconds worth of requests) and interlocked index so that requests just put data into slots and return. When one block gets filled (keep checking the count), make another one and spawn async delegate to process and send to SQL the block that just got filled. Depending on the structure of your data that delegate can pack all data into comma-separated arrays, maybe even a simple XML (got to test perf of that one of course) and send them to SQL sproc which should give it's best to process them record by record - never holding a big lock. It if gets heavy, you can split your block into several smaller blocks. The key thing is that you minimized the number of requests to SQL, always kept one degree of separation and didn't even have to pay the price for a thread pool - you probably won't need to use more that 2 async threads at all.
That's going to be a lot faster that fiddling with Parallel-s.